MA DPS rerworked chain?
The best MA chain is storm -> cobra -> storm -> CAK. Well, you can use either cobra or crane in there, but only use one of them! Your main goal is to maximize usage of storm kick, and the second best attack in the set is CAK. Therefore either cobra or crane, which are now identical apart from their secondary effect, is ideal to fill in the final gap. Storm -> cobra -> storm -> crane would also work, and it would be fine, but it requires about the same recharge as the CAK chain and the CAK chain is superior for DPS, while also accepting an achilles heel proc.
You have storm kick and dragon's tail slotted optimally. Skip eagle's claw unless you just love the animation or the critical bonus effect. It is not part of anything resembling MA's optimal chain and between hasten and recharge bonuses you oughtn't need it.
I just today got my MA/DA scrapper respecced fully into the storm -> cobra -> storm -> CAK chain and I can tell you that it is as sexy as you'd hope.
The best MA chain is storm -> cobra -> storm -> CAK. Well, you can use either cobra or crane in there, but only use one of them! Your main goal is to maximize usage of storm kick, and the second best attack in the set is CAK. Therefore either cobra or crane, which are now identical apart from their secondary effect, is ideal to fill in the final gap. Storm -> cobra -> storm -> crane would also work, and it would be fine, but it requires about the same recharge as the CAK chain and the CAK chain is superior for DPS, while also accepting an achilles heel proc.
You have storm kick and dragon's tail slotted optimally. Skip eagle's claw unless you just love the animation or the critical bonus effect. It is not part of anything resembling MA's optimal chain and between hasten and recharge bonuses you oughtn't need it. I just today got my MA/DA scrapper respecced fully into the storm -> cobra -> storm -> CAK chain and I can tell you that it is as sexy as you'd hope. |

And... Yes I just like the Animation of EC for Fun, playing against normal stuff. When I have to hit up an AV or EB then yeah I'd go to optimal chain. EC just looks so freaking sweet though, wish they'd make the DMG so HIGH, that it could be worked into an optimal DPS chain despite the cool (albiet Loonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng) animation.
That's strange I didn't know CAK has can't pick achilles heel to go into the Set in Mids...but you can in game?
Wait a minute...CAK accepts the the -Resist Proc now?
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I fixed my Mids to accept it; however, I don't know if it'd be worth the 20% to do -Resist 10.3 sec...vs the 20% Lethal Dmg for 71.8. Although the 20% would stack nicely with my Debuff proc from Incarnate. If I really wanted to get the most out of -Resist I could throw the Fury of Gladiator into Shield charge or Dragon's Tail.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
MA/SD. Runs SK-CS-SK-CAK. Kills stuff dead. With tasty AOE. Eats blues.
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1425;686;1372;HEX;| |78DA65935B53525114C7F78683260282774344C80B8222A8E564B7A9AC99CA5314D| |54365CC09B7708A410678A89E7AE92B6433D54B6597CFD267E9F25E468BFFDA220D| |67607E7BFFF75E6BFDF7DAE7984FD73D42BC3827A4EF62C9AAD572D97CD5AA5454D| |5655A053B2FBA8510C1032D67AA925249D3AAD66DAB943B5FADD7C2ADB575B5ADCA| |3595CC166D55DA3A9806AE948BAAAACAF5E4C1C09BD9D929252FDB8562DD2E173C9| |86D28AB42135E32D5969DB7CBCA8D59B6A2D456FFA58A9D4F5E2859CF55CEB46A75| |557D364AC6E2F47FD57488A7E112330E21D2C21163CC01469C9100FC4F44136E2F4| |1EAA821D9943C830C3FE05B012229602A0DEC76EB208A92F708B3A2EB0170E43E63| |13703F64E4000FD572EA5ACE9B125177916FFE16230B2CDC66DC017A29CAC5514E1| |73BF4B143FF2A89069D9E9D4A32C53D6888EE063DC24BA13D1CEAE859237439C5B0| |E6E8AA9E53482FEF91BD9C7E94D33B69C5CB2B8697BB105F622CB3416EC622B7C64| |7C5FAA41BE5FB2268EE1BCA10D06D0A6C43EA2F308AC0A0CD780C0CF395F451A201| |AE2B06F609216150A2217D902136196193113E7B88368CE8B38F0491E62D4963BAF| |8D849DCF9D135C66960FC14E30C30F1120853545047056F20F74486710D983419D7| |195CCB4F9643DA7288FD452951585B0E27B06BE63F042826AA2B451B287E4C3881D| |F3CFB034CED33FE02AF29EDB48E9AFE0869660F98FDC4F8CCF802CC7D05DE53AD98| |6E4FAC047F1F484A6829F10E8EF6484AB264249710B8B8CC5801D2C71927807EDA9| |EE2ED3235229BF7945EC201C68DD6A748BFE69B18365A9F5923DEB19AEA50D21DCA| |7287B2D2A16C742819A3F5A10A09A5C72F9A5D8693EFF4B64A7D6D72013DF879284| |97916879ABF8A4FF547FBE61836FF3A941C7212D29CC62E5A9471C30A8A6DB68DAD| |B6F1A3B6F1B740338AC7FF004A27E386| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
Just checked the game and CAK does have a -7.50 coponent to it.
That could allow for some pretty nice DPS values by taking advantage of the -res proc..
I don't think you can put the -res proc into it in game, Mids or not.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
I don't think you can put the -res proc into it in game, Mids or not.
So either people are thinking it will accept it and are wrong OR they changed it since the MA buffs, and I didn't know of it.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Aw, my mistake then. I was thinking it should clearly accept the achilles proc since hey, every other comparable attack does. I wasn't going to worry about it until I finished sorting out the rest of my IOs but now I guess I don't get to worry about it at all.
Even without the proc, I think that chain can be best described as furiously gnarly.
Aw, my mistake then. I was thinking it should clearly accept the achilles proc since hey, every other comparable attack does. I wasn't going to worry about it until I finished sorting out the rest of my IOs but now I guess I don't get to worry about it at all.
Even without the proc, I think that chain can be best described as furiously gnarly. |
Seems a trifle dull, three attacks over and over....
Does that assume procs or something?
It takes something like 170% recharge in all three powers, a little less for cobra strike iirc.
Base DPS is 91. This is ignoring enhancements, storm kick's enhanced crit chance, the procs you'll be sticking into all of these powers, and reactive, because those would be a big pain in my rear to calculate as I am not used to doing so.
It is a little dull, animation-wise, but it gets results! At least the animations being repeated are highly dramatic and not just glowy-fisted punches.
Out of curiosity, what is the recharge required and what dps does that chain generate?
Seems a trifle dull, three attacks over and over.... Does that assume procs or something? |
3.96-DPS Recharge-153% Crane Kick/Cobra Strike (which ever you prefer)
1.848-DPS R-225% Storm Kick
3.96-DPS R-103% CAK
This Generates around 216 DPS
As far as the dull goes...Make diffrent costumes with diffrent animations and change costumes after each AV or something.
All this is taken from Werner's DPS sheet, I do not take credit for these numbers.
Just went in game and tried, it IS NOT possible. It SHOULD be, but it's not.
Last time I brought up the topic, Arcanaville said that it was a deliberate decision by the devs to not let us put the -res proc into CAK:
see here
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
I did an analysis of various attack chains when the changes to MA first came out. Sadly my post was in the beta section. The result was that while SK-CS-SK-CAK is the best attack chain, there are a variety of attack chains, including chains with Eagle's Claw, that come very close. IIRC I could make several chains within 3-5 DPS.
If you really like Eagle's Claw, a chain with EC followed by CAK was something like 5 DPS behind the best attack chain. In addition, EC followed by Dragon's Tail is really nice and probably makes up the DPS difference.
I'll see if I can dig up the original post or my notes on it.
50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD
First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563
A copy of my old post:
Wow, okay so Crippling Axe Kick now hits like a truck. Well maybe not a truck, more like an Econoline Van.
At level 50 it now hits for a base of 132.63. Let's look at the current test numbers to see where it stands:
Counting boss crits and Arcanatime, the new DPA numbers:
Thunder Kick 54.79
Storm Kick 89.95
Cobra Strike 72.98
Crane Kick 72.96
Crippling Axe Kick 78.95
Eagle's Claw 59.16 (plus additional crit on next attack)
Some random attack chains and their DPS:
(Note in chains that have one of CS or CK you can freely replace one with the other.)
SK - CAK - SK - CS: 81.05
SK - CAK - CS - CK: 77.36
EC - CAK - CS: 75.53 (adds 33 EC crit to CAK)
EC - CAK - CS - SK: 77.15 (adds 33 EC crit to CAK)
CAK - CS - CK: 74.97
SK - CAK - CS: 79.07
So it looks like the old best attack chain is still best, though you can substitute CK for CS to avoid knock back.
50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD
First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563
I don't get how you get 81 DPS for the chain. Is using arcanatime instead of the listed animation time that big of a difference? Hrm, given how short storm kick's animation is, I guess it isn't that hard to believe.
its less that I think anyone thinks its bad to be slottable, and more that I think no one is sure its ok. -Arcanaville
I was more of the latter half of this sentence in aggrement with Arc.
So, how does MA's 'new' DPS stack up against, say, dark melee, or claws?
See, both of those get MUCH better damage adders than Martial Arts.....
50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD
First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563
So, how does MA's 'new' DPS stack up against, say, dark melee, or claws? See, both of those get MUCH better damage adders than Martial Arts..... |
Kat 242 DPS
DB 237 DPS
Claws/DM 217 DPS
MA 216 DPS
BS 212 DPS
KM nothing listed, but if you look through Rikti Pylon thread you should find a KM on there.
These results are all with SR secondary. If you throw SD in there with AAO saturated, it skews DPS as Dark can achieve around 255 dps with AAO sat.
Been reading through the RPT and see that Dark/SD broke the 300 dps barrier, FA/SD hit around 260+ dps, and another Fire/SD did 279 dps. Dark/SD and Fire/SD seems to be stoopid DPS.
First of all, you guys in the Scrapper forums are super awesome, way better, nicer, and helpful than in the Brute section, so thanks all.

Has anyone reworked the MA chain since the improvemtent to Cobra Strike? Not sure when they bumped the damage, but it's close in damage to the Crane Kick with same activation time.
So has anyone developed a DPS chain working it in?
(Looking at you Werner)
Here is a build I did, if y'all care to comment or make improvements, especially to the DPS out put I can achieve feel free to play. I have almost capped Defense and I plan on taking Ageless for shoring up End issues and the +recharge. The recharge will get me to the low end reactivation times needed for a good DPS chain. I also plan on taking +75 proc dmg, +25 -Resist, and the Alpha will be Musculature 45% Dmg increase. I have them selected so all you have to do is turn Incanate on to see.
I wish I could get to HP cap or close, but it's just not feasible for sacraficing DPS as far as I can tell. Yes I could take Rebirth for it; however, then I have no +recharge and a nightmare for end issues, thanks. Also, tried to work in some more Resistance; however, not sure if I like it.
MA/SD Scrapper:
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.942
Click this DataLink to open the build!
Level 50 Magic Scrapper
Primary Power Set: Martial Arts
Secondary Power Set: Shield Defense
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Leaping
Ancillary Pool: Body Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Storm Kick -- Hectmb-Dmg(A), Hectmb-Dmg/Rchg(3), Hectmb-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(3), Hectmb-Dmg/EndRdx(5), Hectmb-Dam%(5), Mako-Dam%(7)
Level 1: Deflection -- SW-Def(A), SW-Def/EndRdx(7), SW-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(9), ResDam-I(9), GA-3defTpProc(11)
Level 2: Battle Agility -- SW-Def(A), SW-Def/EndRdx(11), SW-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(13), LkGmblr-Rchg+(13)
Level 4: True Grit -- Numna-Heal(A), Numna-Heal/EndRdx(15), Numna-Heal/Rchg(17), Heal-I(17)
Level 6: Focus Chi -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(15)
Level 8: Crane Kick -- Mako-Acc/Dmg(A), Mako-Dmg/EndRdx(39), Mako-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(39), Mako-Dam%(40), HO:Nucle(40), ExStrk-Dam%(40)
Level 10: Active Defense -- HO:Membr(A), HO:Membr(43)
Level 12: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(45), RechRdx-I(45)
Level 14: Cobra Strike -- Mako-Acc/Dmg(A), Mako-Dmg/EndRdx(50), Mako-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50), Mako-Dam%(50)
Level 16: Against All Odds -- EndRdx-I(A)
Level 18: Crippling Axe Kick -- Mako-Acc/Dmg(A), Mako-Dmg/EndRdx(19), Mako-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(19), Mako-Dam%(23), HO:Nucle(25), TotHntr-Dam%(25)
Level 20: Phalanx Fighting -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A)
Level 22: Assault -- EndRdx-I(A)
Level 24: Boxing -- Empty(A)
Level 26: Dragon's Tail -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(27), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(27), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(29), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(29), Oblit-%Dam(31)
Level 28: Tough -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(A), HO:Ribo(48)
Level 30: Weave -- LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(A), LkGmblr-Def(34), LkGmblr-Rchg+(46)
Level 32: Eagles Claw -- Mako-Acc/Dmg(A), Mako-Dmg/EndRdx(33), Mako-Dmg/Rchg(33), Mako-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(33), Mako-Dam%(34), Mako-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(34)
Level 35: Shield Charge -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(36), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(36), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(36), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(37), Oblit-%Dam(37)
Level 38: One with the Shield -- ResDam-I(A)
Level 41: Focused Accuracy -- GSFC-ToHit(A), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg(42), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(42), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx(42), GSFC-ToHit/EndRdx(43), GSFC-Build%(43)
Level 44: Combat Jumping -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A)
Level 47: Physical Perfection -- Mrcl-Rcvry+(A), Mrcl-Heal(48), Mrcl-Heal/EndRdx(48)
Level 49: Grant Cover -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A)
Level 0: Freedom Phalanx Reserve
Level 0: Portal Jockey
Level 0: Task Force Commander
Level 0: The Atlas Medallion
Level 50: Musculature Core Paragon
Level 50: Ageless Core Epiphany
Level 50: Reactive Radial Flawless Interface
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Critical Hit
Level 6: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Health -- Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(A), Numna-Heal(21), Numna-Heal/EndRdx(21), Numna-EndRdx/Rchg(23), Numna-Heal/Rchg(31), Numna-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg(31)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- P'Shift-End%(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(37), P'Shift-EndMod(39), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(45), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(46), P'Shift-Acc/Rchg(46)
Just noticed if I turn on all the Accolades, I'm pretty close to CAP on HP. What is it like 2200? I'm at like 2156 so that's pretty close, so yeah have fun playing w/spec.