So.. ticket rolls.




I know this has been asked a million times but I took along hiatus in i16 and I didn't use AE before.

I searched the market forums, saw the giant wiki they put together on which recipe is on which range, but there are too many in each.

I also saw discussions that most like to roll bronze rolls (although it's annoying to delete so many and/or check the market to see if some recipe has any value) and silver are garbage.

In-game, players like silver. My problem is, in the market discussions I saw nobody mentioned the level they roll bronze and ingame I get all kinds of responses (silver 25-29, silver 30-34, silver 35-39, etc)

So... Please don't flame me because I've seen people asking this a lot when I left with no unanimity ever but I just want to ask you guys, what do you guys use to roll with your AE tickets?




I'm not sure what others choose to roll but I typically slide my level bar to 30 then roll Bronze level 14-19 (or 15-19 I forget). I usually get a good amount of Steadfasts and Reactive Armor, but yes a majority of it is garbage.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



It's 15-19. Yeah that's actually th only level I saw one forumite saying she only rolled these but the others didn't mention levels. And oh well even Kismets are kinda cheap, steadfasts are okay but it's the only thing I recall getting and selling for a good price in this range, reactives are too low at 15-19 and don't sell for so much.



Bronze under 30 for KB prots, +6% Acc (Kismet), and the Steadfast Prot +Res/Def (global unique).

Silver 30-34 Kinetic Combat (sell for loads). (Chance of three parts dropping).
Gold at same level for the Kinetic Combat Triple (One part dropping, the 5th part chance for knockdown drops from bronze @ same level and is fairly worthless).

I tend to roll silver and bronze, only roll gold if my recipes are nearly full and still have 3k+ tickets left.



The market is always changing so its hard to nail the correct recipes. It depends on how much you want to make. If you only have 3000 tickets than sale 26 to 40 arcane and tech salvage. On my low level toons I'll sale unique rare salvage till they can score better bronze since they can't hold much for recipes.



<- Tagging for interest, nothing informative to add.

Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)



I don't know if it's the best place to roll, but I generally run an AE farm until I get around 9000 tickets (I know the cap is 9999, but I like the round number.) and then go up to the ticket claim guy and roll 10-14 bronze. I get around 150 rolls out of that and anywhere from 5 to 15 recipes I consider worth selling. Unless I can move it for at least four million in a day or so, I just delete and move on unless I know the payday is huge. I roughly base that on how much I expect to pay in salvage, since I dislike farming up a pile of recipes and then waiting a day or two for the salvage to come in and consequently go for buy it now prices. Average earnings (Not profits; it's too fiddly for me to note down every piece of salvage I buy and at what price but I do subtract out the transaction fees.) hover around 180 million per 9000 tickets. One really good run got me about 300 million. Subtracting likely salvage costs probably drains away 10-20 million each time, depending just how impatient I am and what I'm crafting.

But sometimes prices do fall or particular recipes experience a major glut in supply. One of mine has been glutted for the past few days and I've thus got about 10 market slots stuck with it for the time being.

@Exabecquerel | 50s:
1 corr (fire/kin), 1 widow (tuna), 3 MM (bots/ff, demons/dark, demons/traps), 2 brutes (ss/wp, kin/sr)
1 def (kin/dp), 2 trollers (fire/rad, earth/storm), 2 scrappers (spines/dark, kat/sr)



I have been rolling 35-39 bronze. There's great stuff in there, as already stated. LotG Def and Def/End are particularly valuable. The Kin Combats are great. Kinetic Crash sucks but mostly because I always see "kinetic" and get my hopes up.

The 15-20 Bronze are good for getting Rectified Reticule which is also pretty valuable.



I roll 35-39 bronze and silvers depending on my mood. Kinetic Combats, Obliterates, Luck of the Gamblers, some Numina's. Sometimes I rock sub 30 bronze for the procs.



Originally Posted by Neogumbercules View Post
The Kin Combats are great. Kinetic Crash sucks but mostly because I always see "kinetic" and get my hopes up.
Hehe, I have the exact same reaction!

Kinetic crash actually sell well, but I refuse to sell them because they piss me off so I vendor them.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Hehe, I have the exact same reaction!

Kinetic crash actually sell well, but I refuse to sell them because they piss me off so I vendor them.
Well not really, I put a set in Punch in my agricultural Brute (I said I'm going for a cheapo permahasten just to farm) and I paid like 555-50k per recipe.

I don't find it worthy holding on to anything less than 1 mil. Actually less than 5 but sometimes I get a lot of crap.

And I'm liking the 30-34 bronze and silver, got me KCs and they were level 35, maybe because I'm 50 now. I'll try the 35-39 range next. I'm appreciating the feedback very much, I was afraid I'd be shunned because I remember so many people asked about in i14/i15 but I didn't do AE and left in i16. Also I couldn't find decent answers as I said - I searched a lot, so I figured instead of studying large tables in the wiki the market people made - like, bronze rolls have 400 recipes in some categories - I'd better just ask here what people with experience are doing.



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Well not really, I put a set in Punch in my agricultural Brute (I said I'm going for a cheapo permahasten just to farm) and I paid like 555-50k per recipe.
Might I also recommend the Mocking Beratement taunt set for brute attacks if you're using them as mules on a fire farm toon. You get some +total end, the same recharge as kinetic crash, and a nice chunk of fire defense as well. It also has some smash/lethal defense, although not as useful in a fire farm. If you don't farm fire maps, then ignore this



Originally Posted by SevereCalamity View Post
Might I also recommend the Mocking Beratement taunt set for brute attacks if you're using them as mules on a fire farm toon. You get some +total end, the same recharge as kinetic crash, and a nice chunk of fire defense as well. It also has some smash/lethal defense, although not as useful in a fire farm. If you don't farm fire maps, then ignore this
Oh yeah I have one in Haymaker and one in Taunt - they're great, with my 9% of fire defense now (CJ too) I can already use 3 small purps when farming instead of 4 all the time, this has helped me a lot. The final build will make me use only 1 or 2, or 1 medium, not rare when youre farming +4/x8.

I just need to do the TFs so I can farm even 'lazier' and get cardiac so that I don't have to click on blue insps sometimes (admittedly my fireball has no endred and is the biggest offender, I'm still halfway thru the Mu patron arc) so that I can use only my binds for reds and purp insps - the build will be permahasten so I don't need Spiritual. And the extra Res from cardiac will be useful when I run tips and trials and whatnot. With Cardiac, a fast recharging Aoe chain and KO Blow I think he'll be good enough to be used on trials since we get defense buffs all the time there. I'm already running tips at +2/x3 with bossses with no problem.



I got two lotg 7.5% from gold.
Haven't rolled since, considering my luck I'd probably get some Dark Watcher's DESPAIR or something.

I've read that, as a general rule, 35-39 silver and 25-29 bronze, aka 555 silver and 65 bronze, are the bests for maximizing costs, chance to get good stuff and all that. So I roll them quite often and I get some good stuff.

Other than that, my personal advice is; if you can afford the time spent deleting/vendoring recipes, then bronze is probably the best way to go.

I haven't spent a lot of time reading up on what's what and everything, but from what I understand, you can get most, if not all, of the good stuff that's in silver from bronze. And for about 1/10 the cost. There's obviously a lot more crap in bronze, but as I mentioned, if you have the time for it, you might end up with the good stuff you'd get from silver plus some leftover tickets that can be spend on moar bronze rolls.



If I do ticket rolls (as I usually pick up rare salvage nowadays, since I craft a lot for so many characters), its almost always 35-39 Bronze. There is a bunch of junk sure, but its got the best overall chances for useful stuff also, and that is what I like about it. I sell a lot of things, but there is plenty that I keep, knowing that I could use it shortly down the road.
I will usually do a Gold roll in the same range every so often, but after getting a few Perfect Zinger Rech/Acc or Pacing of the Turtles, I stop lol.

Don't I know you???



Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
I'm not sure what others choose to roll but I typically slide my level bar to 30 then roll Bronze level 14-19 (or 15-19 I forget). I usually get a good amount of Steadfasts and Reactive Armor, but yes a majority of it is garbage.
Adjusting the slider does nothing for rolls: Random Rolls are always at your level, or as close as possible for things with a limited level range. The slider affects the levels of direct purchases only. I believe it's olny useful at the vendor if you're buying TO/DO/SOs or common IO recipes.

To the OP: I roll Bronze or Gold 10-14. I don't have a lot of choice though - My farmer is level locked at 10 and farms Neogumbercules' lowbie farm map.
