Dev Chat Highlights, July 13: First Ward




Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
I have another dumb question...if magic can block the security and Seers... how does Cole know I use magic?
More importantly, if the Seers can't read you...why doesn't Cole just boot you "overseas"? Seems like he wouldn't be interested in keeping such a risky individual around.



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
It is pretty evident that Cole does not want strong magics in Praetoria aside from his own.
But do we? I know there was a lot of speculation about what happened to all the magic in Praetoria but I don't remember seeing anything that stated magic was 'suppressed' in some way. I'm being genuine, I think I've read all there is to read about Praetoria and I can't find anything that says magic was treated differently to the other origins.

The only tiny indication I can think of were some of the comments made by the CoT in the Halloween tip mission.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
More importantly, if the Seers can't read you...why doesn't Cole just boot you "overseas"? Seems like he wouldn't be interested in keeping such a risky individual around.
I just think the devs meant that only he can be the strongest magic user. You can definitely make a magic origin user, they can be read since the seers do aggro to you and attack your "Naughty Thoughts" but once you gain more power than him... its time to neuter the dog!



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
I have another dumb question...if magic can block the security and Seers... how does Cole know I use magic?
He doesn't - that's why any magic people you played in the 1-20 content are fine

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
He doesn't - that's why any magic people you played in the 1-20 content are fine

I think I can be read but not as a mage. The Seers still come after me like a diabetic goes to the Snackwells.

Only a few mages can block the securities like Vanessa DeVore



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
That's 21 levels of a magic hero/villain I shouldn't have been able to make.
Presumably, you are in Powers Division, which puts you firmly in Cole's grasp (at least, at level 1).

If you join the Resistance at the end of the tutorial, presumably they shield you the same way they shield everyone else.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
You know, without wanting to sound too negative, but did it ever occur to the Devs to actually tell us this when Going Rogue was released?

We had loads of conversations about where all the magic was in Praetoria and for almost a year we've been rolling magic characters in Praetoria with no indication of how it was treated there. This kind of information is useful when writing character bios and thinking up RP plots. Revealing it this late is a bit... frustrating to be honest.
Well, having already knew this, my two magic characters that were in Praetoria worked around this easily enough, but they werent magic casters (one had a symbiote made of demons/ not really a threat as the character didn't really go throwing around spells the like of Azuria/Numina/Dr Strange).

That said, it wouldn't have mattered to the majority of players (even RPers) imo. You know magic is not wanted for one reason or another, and I've yet to not see a major magic user type in Praetoria.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Wut u have intrests that arent MY intrests?? lolz stick to <my preferences and playstyles and personal interests> duh!!!


someone posts a valid concern/critique (not the end of the world) and some people respond as though their concern means nothing.

You like making houses of cards? Houses of cards are pointless!!
So what if I knocked it all down... I gave you the cards... You can build another one, duh!!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
You know, without wanting to sound too negative, but did it ever occur to the Devs to actually tell us this when Going Rogue was released?

We had loads of conversations about where all the magic was in Praetoria and for almost a year we've been rolling magic characters in Praetoria with no indication of how it was treated there. This kind of information is useful when writing character bios and thinking up RP plots. Revealing it this late is a bit... frustrating to be honest.
Did it occur to you they're still fleshing out the story internally?



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Well, having already knew this...
But how did you know this? Where exactly is it written in any of the Going Rogue literature that magic is suppressed or controlled by the Cole regime?

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Did it occur to you they're still fleshing out the story internally?
If they're making it up as they go along, that should give them time to think about the contradictions they'll create.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Did it occur to you they're still fleshing out the story internally?
Of course. It's the timing that bugs me though. If one origin was treated differently to the others, then it would have been handy to know that beforehand. And as I've said, I can't see anything that indicated that at GR launch.

I'm all for fleshing out story but this seems a bit of an oversight.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Well, having already knew this, my two magic characters that were in Praetoria worked around this easily enough, but they werent magic casters (one had a symbiote made of demons/ not really a threat as the character didn't really go throwing around spells the like of Azuria/Numina/Dr Strange).

That said, it wouldn't have mattered to the majority of players (even RPers) imo. You know magic is not wanted for one reason or another, and I've yet to not see a major magic user type in Praetoria.
Transmuter was a main magic user until his amulet was broken.
( ) Another example of my definition of how Cole has a stronghold on the magic in praetoria, no one can be stronger than him...and he doesn't mind having them around. Vanessa DeVore is also a major magic user.

So far, there are only three main magic users I know in Praetoria: Marcus Cole, Transmuter and Vanessa Devore. Issue 21 introduces Serene Sorceress, who happens to be seriously pissed at Cole?!

Dominatrix can also be considered magic because of the Sword of Hercules and the Girdle of Hera



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
You know, without wanting to sound too negative, but did it ever occur to the Devs to actually tell us this when Going Rogue was released?

We had loads of conversations about where all the magic was in Praetoria and for almost a year we've been rolling magic characters in Praetoria with no indication of how it was treated there. This kind of information is useful when writing character bios and thinking up RP plots. Revealing it this late is a bit... frustrating to be honest.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Retcons.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



I'd always assumed that Powers Division had enough influence to either convince people to look the other way with certain recruits or convince Cole that they could better keep a watchful eye on magic users if they had an official role than if they were outlawed outright.

AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
Transmuter was a main magic user until his amulet was broken.
( ) Another example of my definition of how Cole has a stronghold on the magic in praetoria, no one can be stronger than him...and he doesn't mind having them around.
I've sometimes wondered if Cole didn't arrange for Reese to break Transmuter's amulet. That's one less potentially dangerous magic user, after all...

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



As I recall, the CoT in the Halloween tip mission comment how Magic is much harder in Pretoria for some reason. As if something was suppressing it or something like that.

It always seemed to me that the only origins that are Cole Approved™ are Natural/Science/Tech. All the big heroes on display are primarily people who worked their way up from nothing and overcame obstacles to become what they are. Tech and Sci are the main theme of the city, for sure. Everything is pretty and ordered.

The big exceptions are Mother Mercy and Marcus Cole. Cole would obviously make an exception for himself. As for Mother Mercy, well... it seems that Psychic powers are treated as a separate origin in Pretoria. They don't call the Seers "mutants" they're just... psychic. Same with Mother Mercy. Psionic exemption from the mutant origin, apparently.

It seems Cole believes, likely because of his lieutenants telling him so, that SCIENCE! can solve all the problems of the world. Because of this Science and Technology are readily available and in some respects easier to control. Natural characters are also easy enough to control. They tend to take time to train and practice to become powerful and even then, their powers are rarely of the kind that could disrupt anything important.

Magic and Mutations on the other hand...

Magic is powerful and unpredictable. It can do things outside of the tech/sci bubble that Cole has created. Allowing a single individual the ability to block Seers or control Clockwork or even risk the sonic barrier. All without generating an anti-matter signature or emitting EM radiation. No signal to trace. No electronic to track. Nothing that Pretoria is set up to handle.

Mutations are even more unpredictable. And ugly. Mutations are a PR nightmare. It's not a person valiantly rising up onto their own two feet and fighting against an unfair world... It's Nature giving an unfair advantage to some random dude. And we all know how awesome Nature has been to Pretoria so far. You don't want things like that reminding people of what waits outside the walls, especially if you want to keep them docile. Heck, they went out of their way to make genetically pure shrubs they're that paranoid.

Of course, there's also the possibility that it's the Hamidon...

There's far too many Psionic beings in Pretoria. In a world where the population was culled so violently, why are there so many psychics? It's like 1 in 10 people has mind powers. That seems wrong... Unless someone had seeded the population. Or more insidiously, intentionally allowed Potentials to survive the slaughter so they could develop their powers...

And seeing how the Hamidon has basically become the Earth itself, why wouldn't it tap into Magic as a source of power. Maybe it's redirecting the laylines on the planet into itself for power, which weakens the Magic origin as a whole. *shrug*




Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
I've sometimes wondered if Cole didn't arrange for Reese to break Transmuter's amulet. That's one less potentially dangerous magic user, after all...
Which to me says Cole was weary of Transmuter same way he might be weary of Serene Sorceress...



Protean said today that the events in First Ward affect the entire multiverse, not just Praetoria - which might mean that Sorceress Serene and the Talons of Vengeance and their connectiion of some kind to the Well of the Furies is also linked to the Coming Storm in some way.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by SDragon View Post
As I recall, the CoT in the Halloween tip mission comment how Magic is much harder in Pretoria for some reason. As if something was suppressing it or something like that.


One of the lowbie CoT does say that it takes longer to acess their magic. Since the CoT are primals, I want to say that a different dimension yields different results. and since the praetorian CoT magic is most likely long gone.

But now that the Malleus Mundi and more importantly, the Circle of Thorns came to Praetoria, what stops the CoT from setting up a home base in Praetoria...for that matter what stops up any magic based group from going to praetoria and starting some funky mojo?!

Then we get to the topic of Infernal and Diabolique. Infernal is either a refugee from another dinmension in praetoria or he is from praetoria. His Mother Lilitu
( might also be praetorian or a refugee altogether.

When it comes to Diabolique, we don't know her timeline at all. We don't know when she came to be, when she first used her powers. There are a few holes, which I am sure they will retcon as the praetorian story moves along.

Nothing to get bent out of shape over.



Originally Posted by SDragon View Post
There's far too many Psionic beings in Pretoria. In a world where the population was culled so violently, why are there so many psychics? It's like 1 in 10 people has mind powers. That seems wrong... Unless someone had seeded the population. Or more insidiously, intentionally allowed Potentials to survive the slaughter so they could develop their powers...
Ummm... maybe they all saw the danger coming... you know... 'cause they're psychic...

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Protean said today that the events in First Ward affect the entire multiverse, not just Praetoria - which might mean that Sorceress Serene and the Talons of Vengeance and their connectiion of some kind to the Well of the Furies is also linked to the Coming Storm in some way.
Something is brewing...I hate the wait though!

Just for ***** and giggles:

It seems that shivans are going to get a level 1-20 facelift in that they could even use Fire and earth powers?! Since they fell in graveyards... they have that weird jello bag of bones look but now its more like a protoplasm of fire and debris.




Thanks for the info.
I hope if we get to see Diabolique in First Ward, she gets a makeover.