Victory Badges 2009 Retired




Huh? Didn't get it from Transformers...



Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
I refrained from commenting until now. I support Hamster's right to close the channel as he sees fit(I wouldn't have, but I support his right to), however, I too was irked with the implementation.

Prior to the silencing, there was very often more conversation in VB09 then in VB.
That's not quite accurate. There were tons of people who could not get into the original VB who joined VB09.

I have found that VB09 had a lighter feel to it than VB did (when both were active) the conversations were often very different in each channel.
That does not actualy refute MY observation.

Victory is actually not as "low population" as you think. We are not Freedom/Virtue, but we have more people than a lot of other servers. That being said, there are TONS of private global channels on Victory (some for friends, some for SGs, some for cult rituals... lol.
Well define "low population". Not to pick a fight or anything. I'm genuinely curious as to what our server pop is. 100? 1000? 10000? Any one know?

As far as PUBLIC global channels, since VB 09 is gone, there are 3 active ones: Victory Forum, Victory Badges, Victory Limitless.

I suppose if we were to close all of these channels and make a new one (Victory Chat or Victory Teaming or something) it could work... however the Victory server is a server of very opinionated people who purposefully and kindly stay away from those they don't get along with.
While I agree that your discription of our population is accuate re:strong oppinion, it seems to me that all the old rivalries have died off/left, at the very least died down. IMHO.

For example:
Victory Forum- made largely up of forum regulars. People who post on the forums tend to have shall we say... strong opinions about things. Not everyone wants to be around people like that. Also certain personalities in VF are very "love them or hate them" type.

Victory Badges- things have gotten a bit more relaxed in this channel, but I know I have seen a few dozen times: "Badges! Keep on topic" when someone talked about something RL or non badge related or whatever. (note- I am NOT saying this is a bad thing, I am just saying that it is specifically a BADGE channel and more of a GAME related channel than a chatting channel)

Victory Limitless- the new kid (full thread here). There have been many times when builds were being discussed in VF and VB and people were told to "take it to tells." Or when someone had an awesome TF time and posted it and was later called a braggart. Victory Limitless is for speed runs, power gaming chat, hard core challenges, build chat, mentoring, helping those who want to get better, and a place to be able to boast your latest accomplishment without feeling judged. (in a lot of ways, I think some of these things are the purpose of many private channels, but I felt we needed a public channel for it)
Don't know anything about Limitless but I haven't seen any modding in forever. I know. Doesn't meen it doesn't exist. It does however seem to be few and far between.

So as you can see... all three channels are very different.
No. I really don't. YMMV.

I would not be surprised if everyone reading this belonged to 2 or all 3 channels...
To reach the most people possible for what ever. Imagine how much easier it would be with fewer, or one, channels. I'm not saying it has to happen. If every one's happy in their little fiefdom, cool. It just seems silly to me since every one's always looking for team et. al. to have multiple channels for essentially the same thing.

Something witty and profound



Well on the topic of Victory's population, the most technically accurate answer is that the NCsoft folks that know aren't saying anything publicly as a matter of policy.

Now if we want to speculate, however wildly or mildly, first we would have to approach agreement on what actually constitutes server population. For instance, how active must a player be in order to be counted? Is considering Victory your home server enough? As you can see, we get into slippery slopes pretty quickly from what seems a straightforward question.

As a whole, I seem to recall that subscriptions are projected to be between 100-150 thousand. (I'm certain someone will come along with more accurate data if I'm either to off or they feel like it.) If we take the lower number of 100,000 and assume every one of those folks declares a home server and weight it by Victory's tendency to be lower on the server population login list, then I would project it to be around 2000-3000. This is highly speculative and debatable, but that's my sense of it.

If the population were only 100, we would never be able to field a full BAF, and starting a Lambda would be a real chore.

It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.



Originally Posted by ImpulseKing View Post
As a whole, I seem to recall that subscriptions are projected to be between 100-150 thousand.
I believe that figure is a few years old. I think we're sub-100k now, but I couldn't find any data to back this up. In the City Life thread people pore over the the NCSoft quarterly reports trying to figure out where we are currently, but it's hard to tell.

Based on the numbers I see I'd say we have a few hundred regulars, or we wouldn't be able to get the amount of raids together that we do. I'm curious if Freedom will bring any Freeps to our server. My guess is they are going to cluster (naturally) on Freedom, if only because of the name of the F2P model.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by ImpulseKing View Post active must a player be in order to be counted? Is considering Victory your home server enough? As you can see, we get into slippery slopes pretty quickly from what seems a straightforward question.
I don't find that to be slippery at all. Minimum once a week for two hrs. Done.

If the population were only 100, we would never be able to field a full BAF, and starting a Lambda would be a real chore.
When I said 100 I was being facetious. Pointing out that we really don't know, or at least I didn't know what the population is.

Something witty and profound



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
Based on the numbers I see I'd say we have a few hundred regulars, or we wouldn't be able to get the amount of raids together that we do. I'm curious if Freedom will bring any Freeps to our server. My guess is they are going to cluster (naturally) on Freedom, if only because of the name of the F2P model.
I would suspect that when Freedom kicks off Freedom (the sever) will get the bulk of the players for two reasons. The 1st, as Mental suggests, will be due to the name. The 2nd will be because it all ready has a high population. A week or so after a lot of playes will no longer be playing as they, incorrectly, assume that the rest of the servers are like Freedom. A few will move to other servers.

Perhaps we should place representitives in the tutorial and Atlas to tell them the IQ is higher and lag less on other servers?

Something witty and profound



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
Perhaps we should place representitives in the tutorial and Atlas to tell them the IQ is higher and lag less on other servers?
I'm hoping Paragon will put in a "server suggester" that will recommend a less populated server for Freeps to start on.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
I believe that figure is a few years old. I think we're sub-100k now, but I couldn't find any data to back this up. In the City Life thread people pore over the the NCSoft quarterly reports trying to figure out where we are currently, but it's hard to tell.

Based on the numbers I see I'd say we have a few hundred regulars, or we wouldn't be able to get the amount of raids together that we do. I'm curious if Freedom will bring any Freeps to our server. My guess is they are going to cluster (naturally) on Freedom, if only because of the name of the F2P model.
I am fairly certain CoH is over 100,000 subscribers, question is how active are they. While I'd agree the "most active" Victory players would likely be in ~100 range, keep in mind there are many players who chose not to be vocal. At least 2-3 times a month I run into players who've been around for years but knew nothing of our main global channels. I've brought some into the channels, yet others prefer to send me a tell rather than speak in a global channel. There is even a larger contingent that is aware of the channels but chose not to participate or speak up in them. I believe it's estimated only 1-5% of the player base posts on the forums? If we expand the definition of "active" players to anyone that logs in once a week for 2 hours, we'd easily be in the ~2000 range.

As to the bad blood, feuds, and/or rivalries; they never went away. I would argue that multiple global channels imply facilitates a better "you go your way, I'll go my way" attitude. We are here to have fun. I have days (lots lately) when I don't want to deal with many Victory personalities, many of these long standing friends. On such days, I restrict myself to certain channels, or not say anything publicly at all.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
I'm hoping Paragon will put in a "server suggester" that will recommend a less populated server for Freeps to start on.
They kinda sorta do that by the way the servers are ordered. With the addition of the Euro servers, the busiest server (currently Virtue) doesn't even show up on my screen - I need to scroll down to see it. A good portion of the F2P players may just choose the server at the top of the list - but that doesn't help Victory much as Victory is usually somewhere in the middle (currently 6th on the list).



Originally Posted by MedievalPower View Post
They kinda sorta do that by the way the servers are ordered. With the addition of the Euro servers, the busiest server (currently Virtue) doesn't even show up on my screen - I need to scroll down to see it. A good portion of the F2P players may just choose the server at the top of the list - but that doesn't help Victory much as Victory is usually somewhere in the middle (currently 6th on the list).
I thought they fixed it so you wouldn't have to scroll to see the entire sever list or is that something that's coming with 21?

Something witty and profound



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
I thought they fixed it so you wouldn't have to scroll to see the entire sever list or is that something that's coming with 21?
Still have to scroll. Virtue is the only server you can't see initially (on 1920x1080 resolution, anyway, not sure if that matters).

I know Werner (one of the well known Scrapper-forumites) played on Victory for a very long time, but was an extreme soloist. After incarnate trials came out, and the Que didn't work for him (or anyone else), he decided to pack up and leave (to virtue I think?) because of his inability to get a team (even standing around in PD didn't help). Obviously, he did it wrong by not being in the channels. Did he know about them, however? Probably not. Besides, how would be know how to look? I'm sure most of us got introduced to it via word of mouth of through the forums. I know I never used that "tab" button to search for channels before.

I wish there was a way for us to like... email all new comers to our server and let them know about our global channels. Otherwise they might just show up, run around, not see anyone anywhere, and leave to try another more populated server.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Very excellent point Elegost. While my experiences don't hold true for others, these are just some of the things that I have noticed:

-I've stood around in PD for long periods of time waiting for the hopes of catching a BAF or Lambda starting. More times than not, PD is mostly empty due to either a BAF just left, or not enough interest in any trial.

-Rarely can the server support more than 1 trial at a time, and only then at the peak hours there MIGHT be 2 or 3 trials at most running, and many times not at the same time. It seems like it's either a BAF, or a Lambda.

-I've been on under-manned BAF's that have taken up at least 60% of the entire search-list of players logged on (obviously I can't see who is in hiding). I've done searches to try and form a trial, and end up with only 38 players on the entire search list to choose from, and out of those playing, only lvl 50's can join.

-I understand that there are peak times on the server, yet over on Virtue and Freedom, on a monday or wednesday night at midnight there are still 3 rwz because of the population/trials forming.

-Of course, I've only observed these things on my lvl 50 while trying to form or join trials because I need the merits. I'm not even considering what a lvl 45, lvl 25, or new lvl 5 player might be going through, with them trying to join/form teams or tf's.

With my observations being said, I think you've hit a very valid point Elegost.



Yeah, the chat channel thing would be nice for a new player to reference (it's why I made that Welcome to Victory Thread). I honestly don't know what the solution is, other than to tell players that seem to be new about them. Channels are player run, so I'm guessing some kind of notice about them might not be wanted from the devs.

But I dunno... are there any help messages on the loading screens that mention channels? I can't recall. Most servers have a welcome thread that mentions the main channels, so it would be good if they did.

And I'm fine with there being three main channels (I posted in all four with VB2009). VB being consolidated makes sense, but the three are different enough that it's worth keeping that way. Different people, different purposes, etc. It's all good.


Ele, when did Werner try to look for trials? The first few weeks of them, there were three trials at a time constantly in the peak hours, so that seems weird.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
Victory Forum- made largely up of forum regulars. People who post on the forums tend to have shall we say... strong opinions about things. Not everyone wants to be around people like that. Also certain personalities in VF are very "love them or hate them" type.

I guess I'm a "hate them" type

I bounce between Champion and Victory and have been on Victory almost exclusively since BAF and Lambda came out. There is a definite difference in population between Virture/Freedom and Justice which is consistently in 3rd, and Champion and Victory, which are both around the upper middle slots now. Even at a lower populations I still haven't found much difficulty in finding PD teams except for the past few days, which I attribute to summer and the holiday.

But teaming would not be a problem if the global channel issue were better broadcast. That is what I find is the main difference between Champion and Victory, is on teams they tell players about the channels and how to join. More players on the channel, more players listening, easier to form teams.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Originally Posted by Peterbilt View Post
I guess I'm a "hate them" type

I bounce between Champion and Victory and have been on Victory almost exclusively since BAF and Lambda came out. There is a definite difference in population between Virture/Freedom and Justice which is consistently in 3rd, and Champion and Victory, which are both around the upper middle slots now. Even at a lower populations I still haven't found much difficulty in finding PD teams except for the past few days, which I attribute to summer and the holiday.

But teaming would not be a problem if the global channel issue were better broadcast. That is what I find is the main difference between Champion and Victory, is on teams they tell players about the channels and how to join. More players on the channel, more players listening, easier to form teams.
Wait... so you hang out with us because you hate us? Interesting, and here I always thought you liked us!

I'll try to do better with announcing about global channels... I had a few people I found in search on my Striga Task Force Spectacular, and they might not have been on channels. I should be sure to let people know after this.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post

Ele, when did Werner try to look for trials? The first few weeks of them, there were three trials at a time constantly in the peak hours, so that seems weird.
I honestly couldn't tell you. It was made as a sort of off-hand comment in the scrapper forums a few weeks (months?) ago about how unfriendly the system is to soloists (like himself). I can't be sure what time zone he's in, although I did fairly frequently run into him in Talos at strangely late (0300+) east coast times... Maybe he's in Hawaii with Arcana

A few days ago, (Saturday I think?) I worked a super early AM shift, and didn't wanna sleep when I got home at 11am, so I decided to run a Lambda instead (early in the day, Lambda doesn't require many bodies, not difficult, etc etc). If anyone on here joined that run (I know Bold Garlic was the first one to join), they can be a witness to how freakin long it took just to get enough bodies to even start the thing. I almost ragequit once or twice in the forming process. (Also, I think some other guy was forming a Keyes at the same time... that took 1-4 bodies from us).

Luckily, we finally got enough to run it though, and shortly after, a surge of people came on and we instantly had enough for a BaF and Keyes right after. (and then followed by 3 more BaFs thanks to Mark, star-thief).

So yeah, playing at non-high-tide times is kinda hard, for forming Trials, anyway. Maybe we should get used to something like Tips in the morning, TFs in the afternoon, Trials in the evening, PvP all night!
Or some similar philosophy.
Or maybe I just like to ramble late at night...

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Reading this thread, sure sounds like Victory has a lot of deeply quiet, yet burning animosity with the intensity of dozens of bic lighters. Bubbling. Seeping through the cracks. Looking for an outlet to burst through and engulf the virtual population. I can't say I agree with this because I enjoy everyone's company thoroughly.

I use the globals I want here because you all give me a heart on each and every time I log in. <3

Flash of brillaince? Search is a joke being so limited. With the new League channel, Request channel is kind of useless for raiding purposes and not really ever used otherwise, so it should be changed to server-wide, and useable/accessible even while in missions/TFs, etc. Would have the person's local name and (I guess) zone they are using it from. Or they can input that themselves. If too much chatter for you, hide it. But will give the server some visible life for those that don't use/know about Globals, is server-specific, and isn't limited to empty zones while others are running doors.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Doesn't the Help channel do all of that?

It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.



People form teams in the Help channel?

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Interesting, and here I always thought you liked us!

"You really do like me!"
Well, at least Grey Pilgrim likes me.

Re: using help channel to find teams - if you need help getting a team, why not. It has to be the least used channel out there.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



RE: Help channel and teams

I don't use it. Never have. Never will. And I was under the impression it was a global channel. If it's not, so be it and good luck.

If it is global, that's like the guy who sent a tell TO ME asking to join an itrial I bcasted on a Victory channel. He switched characters. And even had to zone multiple places.....before informing me he was, in fact, not on Victory at the time. Wha wha whaaaaaa

I've already forgotten about most of you



^ I saw that go down. That was hilarious

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Originally Posted by voodoocompany View Post
if it is global, that's like the guy who sent a tell to me asking to join an itrial i bcasted on a victory channel. He switched characters. And even had to zone multiple places.....before informing me he was, in fact, not on victory at the time. Wha wha whaaaaaa

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post

(Sorry NR, couldn't help it)



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
If it is global, that's like the guy who sent a tell TO ME asking to join an itrial I bcasted on a Victory channel. He switched characters. And even had to zone multiple places.....before informing me he was, in fact, not on Victory at the time. Wha wha whaaaaaa
Hey, I appologized for that ... oh wait, I did that to a Champion trial when I was on Victory.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity