Some More I21 Screenshots




Diabolique tower in the First Ward:

A giant Shivan in Galaxy City:

A graveyard in the First Ward:

Mother Mayhem's "hospital", also in the First Ward:

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Wow, beautiful. Where'd you get these, GG?



I'd bet money that that hospital is one of the next trials.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
Wow, beautiful. Where'd you get these, GG?


Were these from the ustream chat?

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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I'm really not big on this whole Neo-Shivans thing, but the First Ward shots look pretty awesome.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I'd bet money that that hospital is one of the next trials.
Given that CoD shows power lists for Mother and Malaise, I'd say that's a safe bet. I do hope that they don't do what they did with the BAF and hide it behind a Sonic Barrier, though.



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
Wow, beautiful. Where'd you get these, GG?
From a website called PCGamer.

Also, apart from the giant Shivan looking so totally badass and unlike anything else we've seen in the game so far, did anyone else see what appears to be an atmospheric effect behind it in the sky of a falling meteorite?
I'm wondering if parts of Galaxy City will actually be struck by them from time to time as a constant zone effect? Maybe even a screen-shake if you're standing close to it?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Speaking about new items and costume pieces Brand Manager Hosun Lee said: “One of the most popular items is going to be something called an enhancement unslotter. Right now when you do a respect in City of Heroes you have to do the entire character, you can’t do one power at a time, we’re going to give players the ability to basically do respecs a la carte. We’re also granting players new costume parts. It’s got some great features players have been asking for once again such as glowing energy wings to make you look more angelic, you can leave a trail of fire behind you when you’re running, things like that. As well as other consumables such as double xp boosts, ability summons, temporary pets and a lot more than that.”

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Holy moley. I feel sorry for any newbies to this game. It's grown quite complex and even moreso looking at these new features.



That's not a Shivan, that's an Igneous ... souped up (so to speak) from what we encounter in The Hollows.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Gotta wonder why Mother has set up shop outside the confines of Praetoria. If you were turning people into psychic police you'd think you would want to do it somewhere where you won't be disturbed by blood-hungry mutant creature things.

And by the looks of that Neo-Shivan, its 'face' is made of a weird looking rock. What if the meteors ARE the invasion force?

Username: @Royal
The Alien Tyrant, 357388: Stop the reign of an evil emperor!
Spawning Chaos, 469020: Form an army of Freaks, win the Freaklympics!
The Restarian Front, 363257: Stop the invasion of an alien fleet from another galaxy!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Also, apart from the giant Shivan looking so totally badass and unlike anything else we've seen in the game so far, <snip>
I wonder if these are going to be a new type of Shivan, or if we are looking at an across the board revamp like they did with the formerly nude Rikti?

Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
That's not a Shivan, that's an Igneous ... souped up (so to speak) from what we encounter in The Hollows.
The picture is titled "giant_shivan_01" if you right click it.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Holy moley. I feel sorry for any newbies to this game. It's grown quite complex and even moreso looking at these new features.
Have you played other MMOs lately? City of Villains has always been one of the easier games to grasp. And it still is, I'd say.



Originally Posted by Antares_NA View Post
Have you played other MMOs lately? City of Villains has always been one of the easier games to grasp. And it still is, I'd say.
Actually, no I have not played other MMOs. However, other games being more complicated does not make this game less complicated.

My point still stands.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
I wonder if these are going to be a new type of Shivan, or if we are looking at an across the board revamp like they did with the formerly nude Rikti?
Maybe the energy/goo adapts their look to wherever they show up? Like in Bloody Bay they used the skeletons of the people killed there for their shape, but in Galaxy City they seme to be using the rubble of the ruined buildings to give them their shape?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Maybe the energy/goo adapts their look to wherever they show up? Like in Bloody Bay they used the skeletons of the people killed there for their shape, but in Galaxy City they seme to be using the rubble of the ruined buildings to give them their shape?

I'm more inclined to go with this theory in regards to the shivan look. Reminds of the Dark Horse Comic Virus, were materials on hand were used to create host bodies for the virus.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Maybe the energy/goo adapts their look to wherever they show up? Like in Bloody Bay they used the skeletons of the people killed there for their shape, but in Galaxy City they seme to be using the rubble of the ruined buildings to give them their shape?
Wasn't it already explicitly stated somewhere in the lore that the whole skull-and-bones Shivans thing is the result of the meteor landing in a cemetery, not just because it was their environment but because those were, y'know, the actual remains of people, integrated into the Shivans' bodies? I coulda sworn this was something "we already knew". But maybe it wasn't as explicit as I thought.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Wasn't it already explicitly stated somewhere in the lore that the whole skull-and-bones Shivans thing is the result of the meteor landing in a cemetery, not just because it was their environment but because those were, y'know, the actual remains of people, integrated into the Shivans' bodies? I coulda sworn this was something "we already knew". But maybe it wasn't as explicit as I thought.
IIRC it's in the info box when you look at the description while targeting a shivan.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Maybe the energy/goo adapts their look to wherever they show up? Like in Bloody Bay they used the skeletons of the people killed there for their shape, but in Galaxy City they seme to be using the rubble of the ruined buildings to give them their shape?
I like that idea.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Wasn't it already explicitly stated somewhere in the lore that the whole skull-and-bones Shivans thing is the result of the meteor landing in a cemetery, not just because it was their environment but because those were, y'know, the actual remains of people, integrated into the Shivans' bodies? I coulda sworn this was something "we already knew". But maybe it wasn't as explicit as I thought.
Here's the Shivan enemy info:

"These horrible things are an amalgamation of human corpses and some sort of weird sentient goo from beyond the stars. Some claim a mysterious interplanetary intelligence thought destroyed in the 1950s is the source of the Shivans, but if such a creature existed, "Shiva", the Hindu name for the "Destroyer of Worlds" was kept secret by the governments of Earth."
And here's the info n the Shivan enemy group:

"As their world collapsed around them, desperate scientists fired thousands of probes into space warning of a massive entity poised to devour their very world. The Arcosians knew that this scourge would eventually reach other solar systems and hoped the tiny blue planet called Earth could avoid the same catastrophic fate.

Hundreds of years later, Australian Kurrin Wirake set out on a traditional pilgrimage along his ancestral songline, a dreaming trek connecting the landscape of his aboriginal people to the mythic episodes that occurred at specific locations during the ancient dreamtime. According to his people, the Earth retains a memory of its own origin. This memory echoes across the modern world and often manifests as a guruwari, or “seed of life.” It was during his search for this vibratory echo of the Earth’s creation that Kurrin instead found warning of its possible destruction. In the shadow of the famous rock, Ularu, Kurrin uncovered one of the pods launched over 800 hundred years before by the doomed Arcosians.

The pod might have remained in Kurrin’s remote village forever if an Australian AWACS plane had not flown directly over it. Performing a simple test flight, the Airborne Warning and Control System surveillance equipment picked up an unusual signal emanating from Kurrin’s village. The Australian military investigated and confiscated the pod from the angry villagers, then called on allies from NASA to help decode its alien signal.

The lead cryptologist, an Indian woman named Seetha Neremanu, deciphered the code in a matter of hours. Dr. Neremanu immediately alerted the UN Security Council that a gigantic planetary devourer was heading our way. The thing’s name was unpronounceable in human speech, so Dr. Neremanu named it Shiva, after the Hindu deity “Destroyer of Worlds”. Shiva, Seetha added, would reach earth within a year.

With the help of secret alien technology owned by the Russian government, the UN gathered a multi-national force of superheroes to confront this imminent danger. Dr. Neremanu called this band of heroes Operation Vishnu, the “Preservers”, which consisted of Russian, American, Chinese, and French volunteers. Set to annihilate Shiva with a nuclear strike, Operation Vishnu launched late in the summer of 1989.
A blast was detected and Shiva disappeared from deep space detection system, but the heroes who guided the rocket to its final target were never heard from again.

That same summer, the infamous meteor shower of Bloody Bay began. It wreaked havoc on the island, causing not only direct damage but radiation sickness and other, more sinister maladies as well. Perhaps strangest of all, weird energy from the meteor formed around the corpses of the dead and created protoplasmic entities filled with Shiva’s destructive rage. Those few who know of Shiva wonder if these new creatures, the “Shivans”, are somehow trying to reassemble the pieces and resurrect the Destroyer of Worlds.
Even more amazing, some of those who have investigated the Shivans and their meteors claim that tendrils of the fragments reach for miles across the island. There is some evidence that a giant tree near the nexus of these tendrils might somehow be absorbing the energy, though what this means none yet know.
In the wake of such destruction, Arachnos evacuated those they could, then abandoned the rest. The island lay in ruins for many years, a stepchild left to rot by an uncaring Lord Recluse and an international community too timid to enter his domain.
But recently, it was discovered that the meteor granted amazing properties. Some who were exposed to it even gained phenomenal superpowers. Arachnos quickly returned in force, as did scores of desperate explorers and excavators. Longbow could not allow Lord Recluse to have exclusive control over such a powerful resource, and also sent in a team to cordon off the island as a “humanitarian effort” to save those Arachnos had abandoned.

Now heroes and villains fight over the meteor shards, collecting samples as freelance agents to avoid direct conflict between Longbow and Arachnos that could touch off World War III. Unfortunately, this limited engagement is dramatically slowing down research that might reveal if the meteors are indeed pieces of Shiva, and why they are seemingly connecting to the ancient tree at the isle’s center.
These mysteries must be solved, for if Shiva does indeed reconstitute herself, she will certainly feed first on her host—Earth."

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
From a website called PCGamer.

Also, apart from the giant Shivan looking so totally badass and unlike anything else we've seen in the game so far, did anyone else see what appears to be an atmospheric effect behind it in the sky of a falling meteorite?
I'm wondering if parts of Galaxy City will actually be struck by them from time to time as a constant zone effect? Maybe even a screen-shake if you're standing close to it?
Sound Like the start of the Coming Storm.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
Gotta wonder why Mother has set up shop outside the confines of Praetoria. If you were turning people into psychic police you'd think you would want to do it somewhere where you won't be disturbed by blood-hungry mutant creature things.
If you look closely you can see a protective forcefield around MoM (totally called that, by the way). And besides, what better place to train the backbone of Cole's regime by subjecting them to the horrors of the Devouring Earth? Either they become a good little Seer like Mother wants, or, well, accidents happen...

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Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
Sound Like the start of the Coming Storm.
FINALLY. They been teasing it for what? Five years?