Star Trek Sequel....




Shatner confirms that he will not be in the sequel.... Well, I dont know how his character would be able to be in any sequel really as he died in Star Trek Generations....

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Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
Shatner confirms that he will not be in the sequel.... Well, I dont know how his character would be able to be in any sequel really as he died in Star Trek Generations....
Picard gets swept into the Nexus and there he meets Kirk. They reenter the time stream and stopped Soran's plan. However now comes the paradox: if Picard never enters the Nexus then Kirk couldn't have come out, thus while A Captain Kirk dies on Veridian 3, there should still be ANOTHER Kirk in the Nexus.



That was my first thought too...but you know....

Technically, the movies are on a different time track now; Kirk died in Generations, but that was in the original time track. Now that there's been so much changed, you could make a case for Jim Kirk living to a ripe old age in this new time track.

On the other hand, it's probably for the best to put aside time travel kind of stuff for a while. Trek tends to lean a little too hard on it, sometimes.



Originally Posted by Coreth View Post
That was my first thought too...but you know....

Technically, the movies are on a different time track now; Kirk died in Generations, but that was in the original time track. Now that there's been so much changed, you could make a case for Jim Kirk living to a ripe old age in this new time track.

On the other hand, it's probably for the best to put aside time travel kind of stuff for a while. Trek tends to lean a little too hard on it, sometimes.
Aye with the reboot now things have changed, such as Kirk becoming the Enterprise Captain 5 years ahead of schedule due to Pike's injuries. That changes a lot of things around compared to the original timeline.




In the New Trek Continuity Chris pine is Kirk. although if they bring Shatner as a different character, that might be tolerable.

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Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post

In the New Trek Continuity Chris pine is Kirk. although if they bring Shatner as a different character, that might be tolerable.
Shatner is now too much of a caracture of himself to stuff himself back into a starfleet uniform.

Wasn't there a plan for the recent reboot movie for Spock Prime to have a recorded holo message from Kirk that he keeps to remind himself of their friendship, and wasn't he going to show that to young spock?

Also in the old series, Spock hijacks the Enterprise and risks his life and that of Kirk's to deliver Captain Pike to Talos where he can at least have a semblance of a life for the rest of his days. This was all due to Vulcan honor towards his former Captain. Thus I'm surprised there wasn't a movie or a major storyline in one of the other Trek series after Kirk perished in Generations with Spock thoroughly investigating what happened to his friend and seeing if it were possible to undo it. Too late now of course.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Shatner is now too much of a caracture of himself to stuff himself back into a starfleet uniform.

Wasn't there a plan for the recent reboot movie for Spock Prime to have a recorded holo message from Kirk that he keeps to remind himself of their friendship, and wasn't he going to show that to young spock?

Also in the old series, Spock hijacks the Enterprise and risks his life and that of Kirk's to deliver Captain Pike to Talos where he can at least have a semblance of a life for the rest of his days. This was all due to Vulcan honor towards his former Captain. Thus I'm surprised there wasn't a movie or a major storyline in one of the other Trek series after Kirk perished in Generations with Spock thoroughly investigating what happened to his friend and seeing if it were possible to undo it. Too late now of course.
I'd say there's a bit of a difference between friend being a crippled mess and friend thought dead, as no one but a few people and their species seemed to know anything about the energy flux.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'd say there's a bit of a difference between friend being a crippled mess and friend thought dead, as no one but a few people and their species seemed to know anything about the energy flux.
Yes, but I would think that they would have scanned space to see if Kirk's body was floating around after the hull was breached. No body being found I would think would raise Spock's eye brow.

In the Shatnerverse novels, Spock did indeed investigate things after Veridian 3 was attack and Spock who was at Kirk's grave on that planet watched as a transporter beam targeted the grave and beamed up Kirk's body.

Spock punched up a list of all of Kirk's enemies and began to eliminate both via logic and official records as to which ones were dead and which ones would have had the monetary means, scientific abilities as well as sheer hatred of Kirk to still be around after 80 years of Kirk being thought dead to attack his grave. Ryker and Troi were watching and Ryker pointed at one picture that Spock didn't eliminate and said "But Khan's dead." Spock simply said "I know.", but left Khan as a suspect anyway. That speaks volumes of how much Khan hated Kirk.

I hope that whatever sequel we get doesn't bring in Khan.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Picard gets swept into the Nexus and there he meets Kirk. They reenter the time stream and stopped Soran's plan. However now comes the paradox: if Picard never enters the Nexus then Kirk couldn't have come out, thus while A Captain Kirk dies on Veridian 3, there should still be ANOTHER Kirk in the Nexus.
I agree with my friend who postulated that Picard never came out of the Nexus. Which actually helps explain all the weirdness that followed in the Trek universe, such as the Borg queen nonsense and Picard always being Kirklike catnip to the ladies.

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I agree with my friend who postulated that Picard never came out of the Nexus. Which actually helps explain all the weirdness that followed in the Trek universe, such as the Borg queen nonsense and Picard always being Kirklike catnip to the ladies.
Borg Queen was an interesting idea, as while the Borg may be a hive mind one would think there would be some Borg that helps stabilize and maintain the hive mind.

As to Picard, meeting the legendary Kirk may have influenced him a bit. Also there were some episodes of TNG that seemed to show that Picard was a bit similar to Kirk back in his academy days and mellowed a bit over the years and became more of a diplomatic Captain vs. the "Cowboy Diplomacy" that Kirk was known for.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Borg Queen was an interesting idea, as while the Borg may be a hive mind one would think there would be some Borg that helps stabilize and maintain the hive mind.

As to Picard, meeting the legendary Kirk may have influenced him a bit. Also there were some episodes of TNG that seemed to show that Picard was a bit similar to Kirk back in his academy days and mellowed a bit over the years and became more of a diplomatic Captain vs. the "Cowboy Diplomacy" that Kirk was known for.
I might buy that, but every other element of the movies departed significantly from Trek continuity (such as it is) in dramatic fashion. The first warp drive in the wrong place, Picard having a Romulan clone that wants to kill him because he was nursed enough or something.... the Borg queen is really bad, though, because it changes the Borg from a cool enemy into just another villain group.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I might buy that, but every other element of the movies departed significantly from Trek continuity (such as it is) in dramatic fashion. The first warp drive in the wrong place, Picard having a Romulan clone that wants to kill him because he was nursed enough or something.... the Borg queen is really bad, though, because it changes the Borg from a cool enemy into just another villain group.
I disregard Star Trek: Nemesis, by the time that movie came out the franchise, imo, was already beyond repair. Voyager did heavy damage, imo, and Enterprise was a small bandaid for a gaping wound.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Borg Queen was an interesting idea, as while the Borg may be a hive mind one would think there would be some Borg that helps stabilize and maintain the hive mind.

As to Picard, meeting the legendary Kirk may have influenced him a bit. Also there were some episodes of TNG that seemed to show that Picard was a bit similar to Kirk back in his academy days and mellowed a bit over the years and became more of a diplomatic Captain vs. the "Cowboy Diplomacy" that Kirk was known for.
The Borg TNG movie was good... I try to forget the ones after that. The very last one had some decent ideas in it, but it couldn't overcome... a blandness it had? I don't know how to describe it, but it just lacked spark, even with the Enterprise ramming into an enemy ship. Most TNG episodes were better, I guess is what I am saying.

And yes, Picard was definitely more crazy in his younger days. One of the better episodes of TNG was when Q let him go back to fix a mistake from his wilder, earlier days in the Fleet, which of course made him into the captain he was (it also features one of my favorite Q quotes ever "Is there a John Luck Pickerd here?"). The later movies probably overdid the romance angle for him, but... it's not like a lot of ladies don't like Patrick Stewart anyway.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
The Borg TNG movie was good... I try to forget the ones after that. The very last one had some decent ideas in it, but it couldn't overcome... a blandness it had? I don't know how to describe it, but it just lacked spark, even with the Enterprise ramming into an enemy ship. Most TNG episodes were better, I guess is what I am saying.

And yes, Picard was definitely more crazy in his younger days. One of the better episodes of TNG was when Q let him go back to fix a mistake from his wilder, earlier days in the Fleet, which of course made him into the captain he was (it also features one of my favorite Q quotes ever "Is there a John Luck Pickerd here?"). The later movies probably overdid the romance angle for him, but... it's not like a lot of ladies don't like Patrick Stewart anyway.
I agree! I always thought Trek needed some small military fighter crafts. Then Nemesis shows them, and they don't do much with them

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
The Borg TNG movie was good... I try to forget the ones after that. The very last one had some decent ideas in it, but it couldn't overcome... a blandness it had? I don't know how to describe it, but it just lacked spark, even with the Enterprise ramming into an enemy ship. Most TNG episodes were better, I guess is what I am saying.

And yes, Picard was definitely more crazy in his younger days. One of the better episodes of TNG was when Q let him go back to fix a mistake from his wilder, earlier days in the Fleet, which of course made him into the captain he was (it also features one of my favorite Q quotes ever "Is there a John Luck Pickerd here?"). The later movies probably overdid the romance angle for him, but... it's not like a lot of ladies don't like Patrick Stewart anyway.
Yeah, Nemesis was bland and just didn't seem that well thought out, plus I attribute weariness from some of the cast members for having to come back and play the roles again.

I liked that Q episode that you mention, especially how it started as Picard is dying and he enters the clouds, takes the hand of the angel who steps forward and it's Q! "Welcome to the afterlife, Jean-Luc. You're dead!" Picard's response "I can't believe you are in charge of the afterlife, Q!" Q: "Why not?" Picard "The universe is not THAT badly designed!"



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
.... the Borg queen is really bad, though, because it changes the Borg from a cool enemy into just another villain group.
hated the queen, but sighed and accepted it because there was no other way. Having a relentless, faceless enemy that could force you to be a part of it is a terrifying concept. Having a corporate head ...well, heads roll, and pretty easily too.

So Shatner's out. Too bad, he might have made a good paternal grandfather Tiberius. That would have been a hoot.

Seriously, though, they ought to stack the movie with cameos from the original series. Have the remaining actors, even the second stringers and popular guest stars show up in crowd scenes, planetside merchant booths, and such. It'd be like The Gambler III, the one where several of the famous TV cowboys had their swan songs.

One thought that's been rolling around in my noggin - do they intend that Spock Prime should die in the alternate universe, or find a way back to his reality? (I think I remember reading they'd decided the events in the last film drew the Prime folks to an alternate, not altered, reality, so there's a way back?) If Nimoy is done and Spock Prime dies in this timeline, then could they not have a special scene where Spock Prime's katra, lacking Mt. Seleya as a resting ground, is given to young Spock? He'd be the ideal vessel and it would be a nice wrap-up.



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
If Nimoy is done and Spock Prime dies in this timeline, then could they not have a special scene where Spock Prime's katra, lacking Mt. Seleya as a resting ground, is given to young Spock? He'd be the ideal vessel and it would be a nice wrap-up.
So he'd be Spock X Spock? Spock Squared?! He'd be even more Spock-like?

As for Picard mellowing, well they intimated that the getting stabbed in the heart and having to have an artificial heart for the rest of his life as the major motivating factor. If I recall correctly, the one he had in that episode got damaged and he had to have it replaced.



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
Seriously, though, they ought to stack the movie with cameos from the original series. Have the remaining actors, even the second stringers and popular guest stars show up in crowd scenes, planetside merchant booths, and such. It'd be like The Gambler III, the one where several of the famous TV cowboys had their swan songs.
I couldn't disagree more. IMO, if the new universe is going to be successful, it needs to put some distance between itself and the prime universe. No more original cast cameos and no rehashing old stories.

As was pointed out up-thread, Kirk is captain of the Enterprise five years ahead of schedule. He should be dealing with the stuff Pike originally encountered and we never saw.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
I couldn't disagree more. IMO, if the new universe is going to be successful, it needs to put some distance between itself and the prime universe. No more original cast cameos and no rehashing old stories.

As was pointed out up-thread, Kirk is captain of the Enterprise five years ahead of schedule. He should be dealing with the stuff Pike originally encountered and we never saw.
That was me that pointed that out. So will Kirk encounter Planet Talos and will it still become the planet that Starfleet will forbid travel to under penalty of death?

How about the vampiric cloud that drained blood from its victims? Kirk first encountered it when he served on the Faragutt and remembered it years later as Captain of the Enterprise when they found it again.

How about the DOOMSDAY machine?

How about Kirk's trip to the Mirror Universe and how we saw in an episode of DS9 what the ramifications of Kirk's speech to goatee Spock were? For that matter does Kirk getting the Enterprise early in this new timeline also affect the mirror universe?

and of course we cannot forget that somewhere in space drifts a certain old ship by the name of BOTANY BAY........

How about how down the line we get visited by the Probe that needed to speak to humpback whales?

Those are some old story points that should be drastically affected by this time change and Kirk gaining the Enterprise 5 years ahead of schedule.

Also as I recall from the original timeline, Pike took the Enterprise on a 5 year mission the ship gets a refit/upgrade, then Kirk gets it for his 5 year mission in TOS. After that we get the Motion Picture with the Enterprise rebuilt/upgraded and Kirk reclaims it to stop V'ger and then apparently uses his fame and glory from that victory to get the ship for another 5 year mission. After that he is relegated to Starfleet Academy and bored out of his mind and restless, then comes Khan's Wrath, death of Spock, Spock restored and original Enterprise (which in that movie was stated to be 20yrs old) destroyed, and Starfleet insisting that Kirk remain an Admiral and work at Starfleet Academy vs. being in charge of a ship, until Kirk brought back the whales to stop that probe......

So things are now very much askew from the old timeline.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
That was me that pointed that out. So will Kirk encounter Planet Talos and will it still become the planet that Starfleet will forbid travel to under penalty of death?

How about the vampiric cloud that drained blood from its victims? Kirk first encountered it when he served on the Faragutt and remembered it years later as Captain of the Enterprise when they found it again.

How about the DOOMSDAY machine?

How about Kirk's trip to the Mirror Universe and how we saw in an episode of DS9 what the ramifications of Kirk's speech to goatee Spock were? For that matter does Kirk getting the Enterprise early in this new timeline also affect the mirror universe?

and of course we cannot forget that somewhere in space drifts a certain old ship by the name of BOTANY BAY........

How about how down the line we get visited by the Probe that needed to speak to humpback whales?

Those are some old story points that should be drastically affected by this time change and Kirk gaining the Enterprise 5 years ahead of schedule.
I wouldn't object to seeing the first mission to Talos IV, but only if it was quite drastically changed. And I mean changed to the point where the only things that remain the same are that the Talosians are psychic, their planet is screwed up, and they want humans as a slave race. Everything else would have to be different from what we saw in The Cage.

As for all of those other episodes, I'd rather see them left alone. Paramount/CBS/whoever went to all the trouble of creating a new universe, new ship, and new(ish) crew for the franchise. I'd prefer seeing them do new things instead of rehashing everything from the old universe (which has been deemed unmarketable, so why re-do stuff from it anyway?).

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I agree! I always thought Trek needed some small military fighter crafts. Then Nemesis shows them, and they don't do much with them
They play with the idea some with the Runabout in DS9, don't they? And then also that one rebel group fighting the Cardassians that Chkotay was from (sorry if I manged that spelling... not a fan of Voyager) and was also featured in TNG? I know they were using whatever they had to hand, but I did like the use of smaller craft around all the big cruisers type ships.

Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Yeah, Nemesis was bland and just didn't seem that well thought out, plus I attribute weariness from some of the cast members for having to come back and play the roles again.

I liked that Q episode that you mention, especially how it started as Picard is dying and he enters the clouds, takes the hand of the angel who steps forward and it's Q! "Welcome to the afterlife, Jean-Luc. You're dead!" Picard's response "I can't believe you are in charge of the afterlife, Q!" Q: "Why not?" Picard "The universe is not THAT badly designed!"
Yeah, I could see weariness in the last couple TNG movies... the scripts weren't all that great, and there was spark missing from everything, other than maybe the new Data singing at the very end of the last movie.

Ha, I completely forgot about the opening to that episode. That one is hilarious, too. John de Lancie played off of Stewart in every episode he was in.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
That was me that pointed that out. So will Kirk encounter Planet Talos and will it still become the planet that Starfleet will forbid travel to under penalty of death?

How about the vampiric cloud that drained blood from its victims? Kirk first encountered it when he served on the Faragutt and remembered it years later as Captain of the Enterprise when they found it again.

How about the DOOMSDAY machine?

How about Kirk's trip to the Mirror Universe and how we saw in an episode of DS9 what the ramifications of Kirk's speech to goatee Spock were? For that matter does Kirk getting the Enterprise early in this new timeline also affect the mirror universe?

and of course we cannot forget that somewhere in space drifts a certain old ship by the name of BOTANY BAY........

How about how down the line we get visited by the Probe that needed to speak to humpback whales?

Those are some old story points that should be drastically affected by this time change and Kirk gaining the Enterprise 5 years ahead of schedule.

Also as I recall from the original timeline, Pike took the Enterprise on a 5 year mission the ship gets a refit/upgrade, then Kirk gets it for his 5 year mission in TOS. After that we get the Motion Picture with the Enterprise rebuilt/upgraded and Kirk reclaims it to stop V'ger and then apparently uses his fame and glory from that victory to get the ship for another 5 year mission. After that he is relegated to Starfleet Academy and bored out of his mind and restless, then comes Khan's Wrath, death of Spock, Spock restored and original Enterprise (which in that movie was stated to be 20yrs old) destroyed, and Starfleet insisting that Kirk remain an Admiral and work at Starfleet Academy vs. being in charge of a ship, until Kirk brought back the whales to stop that probe......

So things are now very much askew from the old timeline.
Not at all. Spock Prime can leave them a message on all the important things!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection