Free the names!




Nice quick QR;

1) Give me my Global name back. The person who has it clearly isn't using it (going on forum non-existence and lack of any reply to In-game stuff)

2) Stop whining and try harder.


Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
I'd like it if they snagged the name system from Cryptics game.
Originally Posted by DocArcus View Post
After playing that game all I can say is this... No, no, no and NO. I play a hero not an email address.
Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
You did know you could turn the @global part of the names off right?
I can't begin to say how nice it is to log in create a character and get the exact name you want. I never saw two people with the same game in two different games I played that had that system.
At this point I've lost hope of this ever happening here. But I hope CoH2 has this system. I've never really heard a good reason not to.

There isn't anyone out there that cares about your reputation. If somebody attempts to grief there is a /petition service.

And, again. I never saw a problem with this. Never saw two people with the same name. (With one exception where it was intentional that everyone have the same name, which is another nice feature of the system.)

Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
That's not really a reason not to do it though. "I can flip this switch and feed 1000 hungry people. Oops, turns out only 50 hungry people got fed... let's never flip that switch again."

Really, it says to me that they should cast a wider net when purging names. All trials expired for longer than 90 days would be a good start. Then perhaps a scaling purge of level vs time expired such as "Under level 20, expired for 1+ years", "Under level 25 expired for 2+ years", etc.

Blah, blah... "But I know a guy who knew a guy who was in the Congo saving orphans before going to war in the Middle East and then he had to train nuns in South Asia and he's only coming home next week and talks about playing his level 7 guy named FireGirl every day!" Something that has a few outlier cases shouldn't be a reason to avoid potentially benefiting a number of real, paying customers. I lost names in one of the purges because I wasn't subscribed at the time. You get over it remarkably quickly.

Finally, because someone always brings it up, name purges only "take away" the name if someone else asks for it post-purge. If no one asks for "Purple Debblebopper", then it stays happily with its original owners should they ever return from their Orphan/War/Nun-training journey.
A thousand times this. What I hear from their datamining is few people were affected by the name purge. So why not do it then?
Unused trial accounts should be the first. And then if no one has used a name in years then free that name up.

Originally Posted by ModernMyth View Post
If they haven't been playing for 5+ years, they've probably forgotten they even had those names in the first place, and trial accounts shouldn't be able to hold a name for more than a year if they don't upgrade.

Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
Once again though, you're assuming all the "good names" are taken by people who would be eligible to release their names.
Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
And if they're not? No harm, no foul. This isn't a good reason to not run a script.
No one is assuming anything. I'm betting there will be a lot of random named gold farm characters that will be a part of the "purge". These wont actually lose their names because who would take a random string of letters?
But, none of us know what names will be included in a purge that gets all trial accounts over a year old. And I bet there are some iconic names in that.
I also don't see a problem with level 20 and under that hasn't been used in years. 2 years? 3? I agree with ModernMyth if they haven't used the name is years they have likely forgotten exactly what the name was anyway.

Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Sure there is.

Every time this is done, it is prefaced by an announcement to all current and prior CoH customers explaining what is being done and when.

No matter how well worded, there will be a good percentage of the population that will misunderstand it and get alarmed by it. A great number of people are irrational idiots, and most of them have internet accounts. They will either post (and repost) incorrect information about it in their rants or they will call and complain.

Managing that takes up CSR time, and that costs the company money.

So, if you have a system that DID NOT meet its stated goals last time but did have a cost of CSR time, why WOULD you do it again?
Oh well. You got me there. I would hate to upset a bunch of idiots. o.O

Do you really have hard data on the cost of CSR service last time they did this? Or are you just supposing that happened?

Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
If the "risks" are CSR time to shoot out an email, accusations of potential nerd rage and some nebulous "There's always a risk" statements, consider me unimpressed at the supposed "harm".

I'm also unimpressed because the size of the net directly affects the benefits. Including all expired trial accounts past 90 days, for instance, opens a larger pool. Raising the level bar for longer expired accounts opens a larger pool. Having done it before using weak half-measures and not seeing a great response is, again, not a good reason to avoid doing it again.

All that said, someone(s) managed to grab some of my expired names last time. So however small that supposed pool was, you can't claim that no one benefited from it.
Again, exactly so.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
No. Absolutely not. I am the only Dechs Kaison, the only Soulburn Sands and the only Thompson Ninja out there. No one probably wants my names, and that's fine with me. But what about these "good" names people keep rambling on about?

How good is a name like Cyclops when you team with another Cyclops every other day?

I fully support the idea of releasing names of characters who are no longer in use on inactive accounts. I see absolutely no reason to allow multiple people to have the same name.
Wont happen. Didn't happen. Not while I was playing. I never saw two people with the same name. This is such a weak arguement it amazes me it comes up constantly.
However, how many Flashes are there in DC comics? How many flashes have been in the same room at the same time? How do you tell them apart? How many Green Lanterns or Captain Americas are there?
How about something really Iconic like Batman or Superman? With Batman incorperated how many guys in Bat costumes named Batman are in the same place at once? I have an issue that has Bruce and Dick in bat costume on the same roof at the same time. So can't convince me that it isn't a part of the comic genre for it to happen. (Even though it in reality just plain doesn't, not in my experience anyway).

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
If no one else wants your name, you'll have it when you return. All it does is flag the name as available. If someone else asks for Ice-Lad after the purge, they'll get it and you'll return to find yourself named Ice-Lad1 with a free rename token. If no one asks for Ice-Lad, you'll return to find your name untouched (and now safe since you've logged in).

So it naturally distinguishes between "wanted/popular" names and "unlikely to be contested" names by virtue of the fact that no one else will ask to be "Chandra Dillmyster" or "Purple Tablelamp Bot" in your absence.
I was under the impression this was an active sweep that genericized people's names.

I will admit that is a little better, but I still think there's other ways this issue could be handled without having to resort to things like this.

In this context, "more dedicated" means "actively paying month after month while you're not".
In other words, you're saying "the player who is actively paying month after month is always worth more than the ones who don't, and therefore their opinions have more weight than everyone else's." Pretty much what Forbin was saying.

However, that's not always true and it's a little fallacious to assume that it is. What if there's a larger majority of players that pay to play with less frequency than the ones who pay every month? What if that majority, even though they play less often, brings in more money than the dedicated players?

In that case, it would be financially risky to do something to tick off that many players just to please the ones who pay every month to play.

That's a calculus only the devs would know the answer to, because we've no way of knowing the breakdown of how much of the playerbase pays to play with any given frequency. However, it is something to think about.

Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
Wont happen. Didn't happen. Not while I was playing. I never saw two people with the same name. This is such a weak arguement it amazes me it comes up constantly.

However, how many Flashes are there in DC comics? How many flashes have been in the same room at the same time? How do you tell them apart? How many Green Lanterns or Captain Americas are there?

How about something really Iconic like Batman or Superman? With Batman incorperated how many guys in Bat costumes named Batman are in the same place at once? I have an issue that has Bruce and Dick in bat costume on the same roof at the same time. So can't convince me that it isn't a part of the comic genre for it to happen. (Even though it in reality just plain doesn't, not in my experience anyway).
That's exactly the point I was making a page or two ago. Even in City of Heroes' lore, the signature heroes have a number of people who shared the same identity in the past (Luminary and Sirocco come to mind).

In the case of that "no unique names" system I've seen, I rarely encountered two people with the same name. I never found myself teaming up with a team of people with all the same name, and even when I did run into people with identical names they were very easy to tell apart, as I could display their player IDs with the press of a button. I never once confused one for the other.



Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
In other words, you're saying "the player who is actively paying month after month is always worth more than the ones who don't, and therefore their opinions have more weight than everyone else's." Pretty much what Forbin was saying.
And I agree with it. Bird in the hand, and all that.

However, that's not always true and it's a little fallacious to assume that it is. What if there's a larger majority of players that pay to play with less frequency than the ones who pay every month? What if that majority, even though they play less often, brings in more money than the dedicated players?
And what if ninjas attack or an elephant charges the servers? Given that no one is advocating "Lose your names the second your account expires", I find it extremely unlikely that the number of people who take year+ long breaks from the game are out-financing the people who pay month after month.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
And I agree with it. Bird in the hand, and all that.
I think your criterion for what is "in hand" and what is "in the bush" is a lot different than mine.

"In the hand" would be, to me, anyone who pays to play the game with any frequency, not just the ones who pay every month.

Frankly, the attitude that the players who pay every month deserve to have their opinions listened to over other players smacks of snobbery. I'm a paying customer too, you know.

And what if ninjas attack or an elephant charges the servers?
Was there an actual point you were trying to make there? Because that had no bearing at all on anything I said.



Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
Was there an actual point you were trying to make there? Because that had no bearing at all on anything I said.
You're wildly speculating outside the bounds of what's reasonable. I clarified that in the second half that you clipped out.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
You're wildly speculating outside the bounds of what's reasonable. I clarified that in the second half that you clipped out.
Not really.

Given that no one is advocating "Lose your names the second your account expires", I find it extremely unlikely that the number of people who take year+ long breaks from the game are out-financing the people who pay month after month.
There are people advocating having people's names up for grabs in idle periods as short as three months. That's quite a bit shorter amount of time than what you make it out to be.



Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
Not really.

Yes you are, there would have to be twelve times as many players who activate for one month a year, as there are who keep an active subscription, just to be even in numbers.

That is so far outside the bounds of reasonable that it makes elephant rampage or ninja attack look plausible.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Yes you are, there would have to be twelve times as many players who activate for one month a year, as there are who keep an active subscription, just to be even in numbers.

That is so far outside the bounds of reasonable that it makes elephant rampage or ninja attack look plausible.
If I had actually said somewhere that the vast majority of paying players in this game only paid for one month per year, then yes, it would be wild speculation. However, I never said such a thing.

Again, there are people advocating having people's names up for grabs in idle periods as short as three months. That is not the same as a person who pays to play one month out of an entire year.

I'm not sure why you guys thought that I said the vast majority of profits come from players who only pay once a month per year or more. What I actually said was "that's a calculus only the devs would know the answer to, because we've no way of knowing the breakdown of how much of the playerbase pays to play with any given frequency."

Which could be anywhere from month lapses, to several month lapses, half-year lapses, or more. Not merely once-in-a-year-or-more subscriptions. My own average "downtime" between subscriptions is 2.5 months, though my actual paid time is hardly that even.



Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
There are people advocating having people's names up for grabs in idle periods as short as three months. That's quite a bit shorter amount of time than what you make it out to be.
Have you asked *Why* three months?

Simple answer: That's what the scripts were set to previously.

First script parameters for marking name as available (note, not genericing) :
- 90 days inactive
- Under level 35

Second script:
- 90 days inactive
- Under level 6

So 90 days is not a stretch *or* unreasonable... at least by NC's prior standards. (I'll note in my copypasta I only left it at 90 days for trials, increasing to 180 for inactive accounts.)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Have you asked *Why* three months?
Actually, yes, I did ask Forbin this. My response to him was at the top of this page, but for reference:

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
3 to 6 months is a hiatus and no one would object to limiting the script to anything over that time frame. Longer than that you take your chances the name won't be available if you ever come back.
Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
Is this actual NCSoft policy? The way you worded this sounds as if it is, but this thread is the first time I've heard about anything involving character name wipes.
Thank you for taking the time to answer the question I posed to him, though.

Even knowing that's how NCSoft did it in the past, however, I still think there's a better way of solving the problem. Put me in the camp with Draugadan and company, basically, the guys who want to see uniqueness tied to something other than character names, so these kind of things wouldn't have to be done in the first place.

i mean, if you're going to be fighting over "popular" or "taken" names in the first place, and people want those names up for grabs so they can take them for their own characters, that kind of makes the whole argument about uniqueness moot, doesn't it? There already were people with those names before they got renamed, so it's not like the name was excusive in the first place ... to say nothing of the people who make variations on a name.



Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
i mean, if you're going to be fighting over "popular" or "taken" names in the first place, and people want those names up for grabs so they can take them for their own characters, that kind of makes the whole argument about uniqueness moot, doesn't it? There already were people with those names before they got renamed, so it's not like the name was excusive in the first place ... to say nothing of the people who make variations on a name.
Not really. The argument is that those names essentially don't exist any longer since they are locked in defunct accounts. There is still only one unique "Ice-Lad" at a time per server.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
If we complain about it enough, they might y'know. Actually do something.
Not really, since when people complain about it they too often resort to hyperbole and blatant exaggeration instead of trying to come up with solid reasons. Even when the devs do things we clearly want, they have to have solid reasons for it.

Running the script because it's been a long time and people are complaining in highly dramatic (but inaccurate) language on the forums doesn't qualify.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Running the script because it's been a long time and people are complaining in highly dramatic (but inaccurate) language on the forums doesn't qualify.
The second, I agree.

The first, not so much.

The script was run to "free up" names at a point where there were, logically, fewer names tied up. That character I posted earlier is 3 1/2 years old. The game itself is seven. That means in the FIRST 3 1/2 years of gameplay, the script has run twice (with level variation between them.) In the second half, during that character's entire (inactive) life, it has NEVER run. How many characters/names are affected? At the five year anniversary, they mentioned how many million characters created? How many at the seven year? (42 million created at the seven year anniversary, by the way. Trying to find the five year - wasn't it something like 20 million?)

That isn't "dramatic language." Those are facts.

I am, obviously, in the camp saying it should be run again - and I don't feel I have any problem getting names now.

Modify the script so it's at level 14 and under (to catch all the expired trials) and run it again.

In fact, just PM'd this to Zwillinger:
Related to an ongoing discussion.

1294 (now) days.
3.545 years. That's how long a specific trial account has been inactive - well, minus about 10 days.

The game is 7 years old.

Over 42 million characters have been created. If I recall correctly, at five years, we were told 20 million or so player characters were created. (Still trying to find that, but you have the numbers.)

Trial accounts top out at level 14.

The "inactive name" script has apparently not been run *at all* in the lifetime of the inactive character mentioned at the beginning of this PM. It was run twice in the first half of the game's life.

We've had Going Rogue released, allowing a lot of crossover and "change of heart" for characters.

Yes, the official word that keeps getting handed out is that there "are no plans" to run the script.

I'm providing those figures to you, as I have been in the "Free the names!" thread, to request you modify the inactive name script (max level affected = 14, to catch all the inactive trials) and run it again. I know the second time the level was dropped to level 5 and under, because of the levels the names were freed at - but that was a long time ago, and trials now have a level cap.

Please consider running the script again. I'm not actually asking for myself - I don't generally have issues with finding names, other than thinking of one in the first place on occasion - but if nothing else to quiet the requests on the boards for a while. You could even potentially reveal "After 30 days, X many names of Y many affected were actually claimed," just to satisfy curiosity. (And maybe how many of those were in trial accounts.)



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Stop whining and try harder.

Are you suggesting that if the recurrent vocal minority demanding wholesale genericization of character names used by players who aren't forking over cash to NCSoft this very second would instead apply their energeries to brainstorming more creative names that all parties would be happier?

Why, everyone knows that complaining on the boards is a far more entertaining metagame and an easy way to increase post-count scores. (Speaking of which...)



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Bird in the hand, and all that.
Yet that old saw simply doesn't apply here (any more than the assorted analogies that have been thrown around about barstools, hamburgers, apartments, etc.).

The case of former and returning customers is very basic marketing that applies to anything with a subscription model, e.g. magazines or membership associations. Essentially, an old potential returning customer is far more valuable than any number of new cold leads. Since former customers have at one point demonstrably made the crucial leap to pay for the game, the psychological barrier to enticing them into doing so again is far lower than that of convincing a new potential candidate to try, and pay for, something that's unknown to them. The idea that former customers are worthless, implicit in many of the pro-wipe posts in these threads, is bad business. Why do you think you persistently receive renewal offers in the mail to Gamer Monthly despite not having subscribed for years?

To fit the avian-shrubbery saying to this case, the birds in the hand, i.e. the current CoH subscribers, aren't going anywhere because of Paragon's naming policy, not in numbers that would distinguish them from ordinary attrition. Unless the boards are immolated in flame wars on the topic, with multiple threads simultaneously up in arms, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria, etc., the devs can safely put this on the backburner. Instead, they can attend to more reliable and conspicuous ways of keeping current subscribers, viz. the Incarnate endgame, additional zones, new story arcs and task/strike forces, and booster packs, which they're evidently dedicated to providing us. (And how small is the minority who'd prefer that Paragon instead dedicate any of their resources to fine-tuning the name-wiping script for the increasingly complicated formulas that are being offered here and that are nowhere near as simple as their advocates claim.) Incidentally, these new offerings are also likely to attract returning players, so why would the devs want to sabotage this by sending out e-mails threatening to generic names for inactivity?

Until Zwillinger or another red name pops by one of these threads, it's safe to take the devs' silence on this topic as their tacit acceptance of the status quo - that for all the names locked up in game, there are more possibilities out there that need only a little imagination and persistence to dream up. Besides, look at how creative they are with their cognomen. There isn't a Captain Generica (or Fail O'Suckyname) in the bunch.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Yet that old saw simply doesn't apply here (any more than the assorted analogies that have been thrown around about barstools, hamburgers, apartments, etc.).
Given your previously bizarre notions on "most valuable returning customers", I'm going to skip on your business acumen but thanks none the less.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I think if you go on vacation, your computer should be fair game.
I don't feel that the two are analogous. If you stop paying for a service, why should resources (any resources, including names!) be withheld from actual paying customers in case you decide to return? Not quite the same thing as breaking into someone's house and stealing their possessions. That said, I understand that people get possessive about their names; if that's the case, they shouldn't let their sub lapse.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Given your previously bizarre notions on "most valuable returning customers", I'm going to skip on your business acumen but thanks none the less.
Given your persistent misinterpretation of the scale of valuation for current, returning, and potential new customers, you weren't likely to be open in the first place, but one does try.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
I don't feel that the two are analogous. If you stop paying for a service, why should resources (any resources, including names!) be withheld from actual paying customers in case you decide to return? Not quite the same thing as breaking into someone's house and stealing their possessions. That said, I understand that people get possessive about their names; if that's the case, they shouldn't let their sub lapse.
^ This

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
That said, I understand that people get possessive about their names; if that's the case, they shouldn't let their sub lapse.
How little sympathy that shows for players who lapse because of circumstances beyond their control - and how little appreciation that implies for retaining good will. The server sub-forums are filled with players' announcements of departures*, for numerous reasons. Instead of generating responses like "dibs on your character names", they're greeted typically with hopes they'll come back soon. (CoH does, after all, have one of the best MMORPG communities in many respects.) Why would the devs wish to subvert that by enforced character name wipes?

As I said before, an ebil marketer would leverage this attitude by informing would-be departing players of potential name loss prior to their hitting the cancel button on their subscriptions, but I'm grateful that NCSoft, unlike some other MMO publishers, doesn't try to play these games with us.

* More, incidentally, than these irregular calls to "free the good names".



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
How little sympathy that shows for players who lapse because of circumstances beyond their control - and how little appreciation that implies for retaining good will. The server sub-forums are filled with players' announcements of departures*, for numerous reasons. Instead of generating responses like "dibs on your character names", they're greeted typically with hopes they'll come back soon. (CoH does, after all, have one of the best MMORPG communities in many respects.) Why would the devs wish to subvert that by enforced character name wipes?

As I said before, an ebil marketer would leverage this attitude by informing would-be departing players of potential name loss prior to their hitting the cancel button on their subscriptions, but I'm grateful that NCSoft, unlike some other MMO publishers, doesn't try to play these games with us.

* More, incidentally, than these irregular calls to "free the good names".

I'll believe the whole "Circumstances Out of Their Control" thing for up to six months, maybe a year, but when they've been gone for four, five, six, and seven years, I really can't see how that statement works. If you actually liked playing CoH, you would've found a way to play again in the first year.



Originally Posted by Yogurt View Post
I'll believe the whole "Circumstances Out of Their Control" thing for up to six months, maybe a year, but when they've been gone for four, five, six, and seven years, I really can't see how that statement works.
It just requires a broader set of values for life experiences. You might not (yet) have encountered such circumstances personally, but they're out there...



I have sympathy for people whose accounts lapse due to circumstances beyond their control, but I still support the idea that their names should be made available after three months of non-subscription.

Also, while I obviously speak only for myself, if I wasn't able to afford the cost of computer+internet+power+video game sub, I would have greater worries than whether or not The Glamburglar would still be there for me in three months.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
I have sympathy for people whose accounts lapse due to circumstances beyond their control, but I still support the idea that their names should be made available after three months of non-subscription.
Likewise (although I went longer out than 3 months). Sporadic outliers shouldn't be a reason not to do it. Give them time to return but ultimately paying customers should come before non-paying (thus) non-customers.