Freedom Praet Surge's Admin logs - Enjoy.




So, I figured to save the event logs from Admin chat to commemorate the event, and to share with all the other off-server players who helped out. Props to the various Unionites and Championites I had on league (especially Earthguard - miss you guys!) while we scoured Peregrine Island and Kings Row for about a good two hours, before parking in Pocket D and, well, not really seeing a Dev in PD3, but they DID have like 15 D's to go through...

Anyway, the invasion chat logs, up until the Pocket D hangout period. Cheers, everyone!

[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: We'll be starting soon folks! Please remember, spread out! We promise, Atlas doesn't have candy!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Attention people of Primal Earth.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: I had wished to join our two worlds together without the need for bloodshed.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: But it has become clear to me and my advisors that there are those amongst you who are resolute in their outdated idea of freedom no matter the cost.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: The cost will be high, but ensuring the greater good for your world is too important, too critical for the survival of both our worlds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: We are liberators, not conquerors.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: I ask that those who wish to avoid conflict and peacefully join the Praetorian Empire stand aside.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Let those who would sacrifice your safety die for their ideals this day and make way for your new world order.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: I am Emperor Marcus Cole of the Praetorian Empire, and by sovereign decree I claim the world of Primal Earth as a protected holding of Praetoria!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: All Praetorian forces, commence your assaults!
[Admin] Anti-Matter: Cole, for the record, I am helping, unlike that catgirl loving Neuron.
[Admin] Anti-Matter: Oh look, a pathetic attempt at stopping us!
[Admin] Anti-Matter: Time for the DEVASTATION BEAM
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: I had thought this world's defenses would be more formidable. All forces, engage secondary and tertiary targets at will!
[Admin] Ms. Liberty: Cole! You monster! You'll never take Primal Earth!
[Admin] Anti-Matter: Not as dead as you would think!
[Admin] Marauder: You people call THIS thing a city?!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: My first defeat, these Primal Earthlings are no match for my power!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: All Praetorian Forces, have no fear, these so called 'Heroes' cannot hold a torch to my Praetorian Guard!
[Admin] Marauder: How many of you chumps are 'Powers Division', huh?! Buncha backstabbers!
[Admin] Marauder: Alright boys, round 'em up, we've got Silver Lake handled in Steel Canyon!
[Admin] NCsoft_GoodEvil: Heroes and Villains, your help is required to combat Chimera’s horde of invading Praetorians threatening to subjugate the Paragon City. Head over to The Gish in Kings Row now and make sure you are in a high level team!
[Admin] Chimera: Try as they may, their end is inevitable.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: This is Emperor Marcus Cole to all Imperial Defense Forces here on Primal Earth. Operation Switchback has begun. All forces descend upon Grandville immediately!
[Admin] NCsoft_GoodEvil: Heroes and Villains, your help is required to combat Nightstar’s horde of invading Praetorians threatening to subjugate the Paragon City. Head over to Freedom Plaza in Kings Row now and make sure you are in a high level team!
[Admin] War Witch: How we doing in here?
[Admin] War Witch: Where's the Praetorian badness?
[Admin] War Witch: Whoa.
[Admin] War Witch: Little help with Neuron?
[Admin] War Witch: Right at Blue Steel
[Admin] War Witch: Chew on THAT, Neuron!
[Admin] War Witch: NIce!
[Admin] War Witch: Ok, gonna move some Goliaths
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: Greetings Freedomites and everyone visiting Freedom today!
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: As many of you know, tonight's event held dual meaning for everyone
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: A finale to the month long 7th year anniversary event....
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: AND as a test of improvements to our server infrastructure
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: If you read Second Measure's Producer's Letter for last month, you know that he said our previous record was around 3500 players on a server, concurrently.
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: Our goal for tonight was slightly more humble. 2500 players.
[Admin] NCsoft_GoodEvil: Heroes and Villains, your help is required to combat Seige and Nightstar’s horde of invading Praetorians threatening to subjugate the Paragon City. Head over to The Gish in Kings Row now and make sure you are in a high level team!
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: We kinda owned that goal...
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: in the face
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: Tonight, on Freedom, we saw over 4000 concurrent players online at one time.
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: So give yourselves a HUGE round of applause everyone!
[Admin] War Witch: You guys rock!
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: As a result of us breaking the record, we will be enabling the "Defender of Primal Earth" Badge on ALL live servers for the remainder of the Memorial Day weekend!
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: Everyone who logs into City of Heroes until next Tuesday morning will receive this Account Wide Badge, thanks to you, the CoH Community!
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: So congratulations everyone, you've earned not only the Paragon Studio's team gratitude, but also everyone else's who couldn't be hear tonight!
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: And double xp weekend
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: I'm looking at you Freedom TFs
[Admin] NCsoft_GoodEvil: Heroes and Villains, your help is required to combat Battle Maiden and Diabolique’s horde of invading Praetorians threatening to subjugate the Paragon City. Head over to The Vault Reserve in Kings Row now and make sure you are in a high level
[Admin] War Witch: 8
[Admin] War Witch: 8)
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: I now take you all back to your regularly scheduled Praetorian Surge...and don't forget to stick around in Pocket D afterwards for Costume Codes and Steampunk Pack codes!
[Admin] War Witch: Hey, I was doing a sneaky as not to correct the spelling error that plagued me so.
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: and for the record...NULL THE GULL COULD KICK YOUR BUTT EMPEROR COLE!
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: Z - Out!
[Admin] War Witch: Battle Maiden, you just can't stay away.
[Admin] War Witch: I'm gonna scratch my initials in this here Goliath's back. I wonder what this wire does?
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: For those asking, yes the Praetorian Surge is still going on, so get out there and defeat your favorite Praetors!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Imperial Defense Forces. Fall back to initial targets. Somehow these Primals knew we were headed to Grandville and were ready for us.
[Admin] War Witch: Someone stop his mouth. He makes my ears bleed.
[Admin] Anti-Matter: SOmehow? You broadcast it on an open frequency, moron, that's how I picked it up!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: NEURON!!!! You said this channel was secure!
[Admin] War Witch: Scouring...
[Admin] Neuron: As secure as anything relayed through Anti-Matter's armor is
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: You two brainiacs figure this out and get my invasion comms secured or I'll have Praetor White smash your heads together like grapefruits!
[Admin] War Witch: Wow, Cole, being kind of a "tyrant" aren't you?
[Admin] Neuron: I've spent many years redoing Anti-Matter's tech, this won;t take long
[Admin] War Witch: I'm spreading out some War Walkers -- they're totally clumped near the Monorail.
[Admin] Anti-Matter: Neuron, Nothing about you that a can of Static Guard can't fix.
[Admin] War Witch: This way, boys....
[Admin] War Witch: Ok, a few Goliaths will be a nice warm up to Chimera
[Admin] NCsoft_GoodEvil: Heroes and Villains, your help is required to combat Neuron and Bobcat’s horde of invading Praetorians threatening to subjugate the Paragon City. Head over to the Freedom Plaza in Kings Row now and make sure you are in a high level team!
[Admin] Neuron: I managed to find another flaw in Anti-Matter's armor, Emperor. Keyes is wearing it!
[Admin] Anti-Matter: Hey, why don't you make more speed clones, then you can be a hundred times as useless!
[Admin] War Witch: I wonder how we can use this...
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: ENOUGH!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Get back on track for this invasion or I'm turning this army around and we're going home!
[Admin] War Witch: Can't take the heat of a few heroes, Cole?
[Admin] War Witch: It's always the tyrants that cry the loudest.
[Admin] War Witch: Nice!
[Admin] NCsoft_GoodEvil: Heroes and Villains, your help is required to combat Nightstar and Siege’s horde of invading Praetorians threatening to subjugate the Paragon City. Head over to The Gish in Kings Row now and make sure you are in a high level team!
[Admin] War Witch: I'm solo on this one. I keep traveling from City to City.
[Admin] War Witch: Well, with respect to know there are BOOK smarts...and then there are STREET smarts...
[Admin] War Witch: Double disadvantage.
[Admin] NCsoft_GoodEvil: Heroes and Villains, your help is required to combat Anti-Matter’s horde of invading Praetorians threatening to subjugate the Paragon City. Head over to Blue Steel in Kings Row now and make sure you are in a high level team!
[Admin] War Witch: *sings* Oh I love scrap metal! I love scrap metal! I love scrap metal because it make nice things!
[Admin] NCsoft_GoodEvil: Heroes and Villains, your help is required to combat Bobcat and Neuron’s horde of invading Praetorians threatening to subjugate the Paragon City. Head over to The Vault Reserve in Kings Row now and make sure you are in a high level team!
[Admin] War Witch: And STAY out!
[Admin] NCsoft_GoodEvil: Heroes and Villains, your help is required to combat Battle Maiden and Diabolique’s horde of invading Praetorians threatening to subjugate the Paragon City. Head over to the Freedom Plaza in Kings Row now and make sure you are in a high level
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Alright, Atlas Park has drawn the attention of a majority of this city's defenders. Time to hit them where it hurts!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Where is Tilman when you need a distraction...
[Admin] Anti-Matter: Tilman? Send Neuron, he's a distraction alright, he's the poster child for ADHD
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Neuron! Where is that secret weapon of yours? Get your girlfriend to Atlas Park immediately, I have a few heroes that need evicerating!
[Admin] Anti-Matter: Yeah, Neuron, did you bring your catnip?
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Atlas Park is in good hands, now to my primary objective.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: All Imperial Defense Forces. This is the Emperor.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: We have what we came for.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: prepare to withdraw all forces.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: All Warworks, fight to the bitter end and initialize self destruct sequence.
[Admin] War Witch: And STAY out.
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: Congratulations Heroes and Villains of Freedom! You have successfully pushed back the Praetorian Surge!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: All Praetors, fall back with your forces.
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: Ooops...sorry Marcus
[Admin] War Witch: Nice job, Heroes! Way to show those Praetorians what's what! "Emperor" Cole is just a tyrant!
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: I'm gonna let you finish Emperor Cole, but you should know that Primal Earth is the best dimension EVER!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Zwillinger, I'll see to it that you have a place in my Empire.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: As a cleanerbot!
[Admin] War Witch: Sell it somewhere else, Cole.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: I'm not selling anything, War Witch.
[Admin] War Witch: I hear the Shadow Shard is lovely this time of year. Mind the drop.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: But your people certainly seem willing to buy.
[Admin] War Witch: You've been drinking too much of your own "fortified" Enriche, Cole.
[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.
[Admin] War Witch: Anti-Matter = Doesn't Matter
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Now that I have my mocha frap, all is well.
[Admin] Black Scorpion: Hey Anti-Matter, sup. I got all this fancy armor to play with now. Soon as I buff out the "Siege" nameplate.
[Admin] Anti-Matter: Positron is soooo much cooler than me, I admit
[Admin] War Witch: On that, we agree.
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: They don't have Starbucks in Praetoria Cole? I thought those were everywhere...
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: War Witch, you may want to look amongst the ranks of your people, already they have begun bowing before me and asking for a place at my side.
[Admin] War Witch: Better to slip the knife between your shoulder blades, Cole.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: The plans for my new world spanning Coffee Empire are now complete.
[Admin] War Witch: Oh just leave already so I can have the last word.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Ok, I'm leaving...
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Totally gone now.
[Admin] War Witch: Good. Go.
[Admin] Anti-Matter: OOops
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: *looks up* is it safe yet?
[Admin] War Witch: Oh for the love of green hair.... *kicks Anti-Matter out*
[Admin] Anti-Matter: Oh man, DJ Zero can nullify the Devastation Beam!
[Admin] Anti-Matter: That man is more powerful than ANY Incarnate I have seen
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: You know what the most diabolic thing about all of this...These folks just want to PARTY!
[Admin] Anti-Matter: It's Friday, Friday!
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: No it's not, it's Freitag.
[Admin] Black Scorpion: So, War Witch, are you considering "Going Rogue" any time soon?
[Admin] Anti-Matter: Partyin' partyin', YEAH!
[Admin] War Witch: No way, Black Scorpion. Red is just not my color.
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: And don't forget! If you're wearing a Steampunk Costume, show us what you've got!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: Hammer Time!
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: Oh wait ...
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: I TOLD YOU SO!
[Admin] War Witch: Just wait till he leaves, then you'll know how he really feels about you, Cole
[Admin] Second Measure: Freitag is totally named after that one YouTube Video about looking forward to the weekend, right?
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Golden - Girl.... you will pay.
[Admin] War Witch: GG, you're in troubbbbbbllllleeeee.... <g>
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: It's just basic respect. A man has a right to sit on his throne without someone elses *cough* all over it!
[Admin] Second Measure: All you did was stand in Pkcet D drinking Tea, WW, I was watching



I like how Tyrant slowly fell aprat during the invasion - from all the stiff-armer nonsense of his opening speech to ranting about seagulls at the end

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Hmm, which War Witch showed up to defend is my question .

Let's Dance!



I admit, I enjoyed BS's "fancy armor" bit.



[Admin] Neuron: I managed to find another flaw in Anti-Matter's armor, Emperor. Keyes is wearing it!
[Admin] Anti-Matter: Hey, why don't you make more speed clones, then you can be a hundred times as useless!
[Admin] War Witch: I wonder how we can use this...
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: ENOUGH!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Get back on track for this invasion or I'm turning this army around and we're going home!
That made the night right there. Well, that and the over 4000 announcement. Now all we need is art of Tyrant, Mother Mayhem, Neuron, and Anti-Matter in the Family Truckster...

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Thanks for posting this! The devs were obviously having fun playing their roles.

It's weird...I was seeing all of Zwillinger's comments, and the Praetorian bad guys' banter, but I don't remember seeing any of War Witch's, or the NCSoft_GoodEvil announcements. They were all using the Admin channel, right? Maybe it was just scrolling by too fast.

99458: The Unbearable Being of Lightness
191775: How the Other Half Lives
My Webcomics



The feathered crusader Null D. Gull strikes again!

Null soiling the cars, jackets and thrones of villains everywhere.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Many thanks for posting this, Turgenev. (I lost track of much of the dialogue while in the thick of the fight at Ft. Darwin, and then the connection to the map server was lost and CoH crashed.)



I missed this due to RL and such, but it sounds like it was laggy fun. My only comment would be that I hope the Devs consider coming to other servers (and not necessarily for events) to play their characters alongside other server's heroes. I've always been advocate of seeing the big names out and about, and this was such an occasion.

I take it of course, their powers were equivalent to that which they were fighting? And was there an actual Cole sighting?


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Face it, none of us were necessary. Null the Gull beat the invasion all by himself!



Sorry I missed it. Ah well. Real life FTW!



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
And was there an actual Cole sighting?
Yup, I saw Cole in Atlas Park. He was wearing his old Tyrant costume, rather than the white military uniform. I'm pretty sure he was flagged as unkillable, but my powers were lagging so much it was hard to tell.

99458: The Unbearable Being of Lightness
191775: How the Other Half Lives
My Webcomics



Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
Thanks for posting this! The devs were obviously having fun playing their roles.

It's weird...I was seeing all of Zwillinger's comments, and the Praetorian bad guys' banter, but I don't remember seeing any of War Witch's, or the NCSoft_GoodEvil announcements. They were all using the Admin channel, right? Maybe it was just scrolling by too fast.
I kinda noticed it when I was passing through Kings Row at one point, but it seems like the devs have two types of Admin channels they can use. One is only zone wide, while the other is server wide. So, if there's some stuff in there you didn't see, it's probably because you weren't in the same zone as the OP.

EDIT: Just going through the log, stuff like this would be serverwide:
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Attention people of Primal Earth.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: I had wished to join our two worlds together without the need for bloodshed.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: But it has become clear to me and my advisors that there are those amongst you who are resolute in their outdated idea of freedom no matter the cost.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: The cost will be high, but ensuring the greater good for your world is too important, too critical for the survival of both our worlds.
while stuff like this would be zonewide:
[Admin] War Witch: How we doing in here?
[Admin] War Witch: Where's the Praetorian badness?
[Admin] War Witch: Whoa.
[Admin] War Witch: Little help with Neuron?
[Admin] War Witch: Right at Blue Steel
[Admin] War Witch: Chew on THAT, Neuron!
[Admin] War Witch: NIce!
[Admin] War Witch: Ok, gonna move some Goliaths

Figuring out which is which may be a bit of a pain, but really, doesn't matter much. It's all interesting to read.



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Hmm, which War Witch showed up to defend is my question .
When she was in PI, it was her non-ghost version

Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
I kinda noticed it when I was passing through Kings Row at one point, but it seems like the devs have two types of Admin channels they can use. One is only zone wide, while the other is server wide. So, if there's some stuff in there you didn't see, it's probably because you weren't in the same zone as the OP.
None of Dominatrix's chat from when she was in PI is in that log either - unless it was censored - the broadcast/help channel replies to her got a little near the line for a T-rated game

Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
Yup, I saw Cole in Atlas Park. He was wearing his old Tyrant costume, rather than the white military uniform. I'm pretty sure he was flagged as unkillable, but my powers were lagging so much it was hard to tell.
He's been untargetable on each server for the whole surge event - he usually just stands there drinking tee while we smash his forces

Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
Face it, none of us were necessary. Null the Gull beat the invasion all by himself!
I'm going to claim half the credit for making the actual picture that provoked Tyrant

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I didn't see any text from Sister Silicone in any of the zones I was in - but I'm sure she must have been do a little trash talk someplace

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I didn't see any text from Sister Silicone in any of the zones I was in - but I'm sure she must have been do a little trash talk someplace
You sure do talk about her breasts all the time.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, exposing how fake the loyalists are is a major part of GR.
Trouncing on a fictional character for what you believe to be fictional implants strikes me as a bit creepy, actually.

It's different if it's like once or twice, but you're pretty much on her like a leech. Dang.



Bobcat actually confirmed in Pocket D on Thrusday that Sister Silicone's look involves plastic - so it's not just a rumor - it's been confirmed by a red name.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Bobcat actually confirmed in Pocket D on Thrusday that Sister Silicone's look involves plastic - so it's not just a rumor - it's been confirmed by a red name.
Could have been talking about her outfit, but I can see there's simply no way to shift your focus off of her breasts.

Is it like a battle of the boobies or something?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It wasn't about her outfit - Bobcat made the reply in response to suggestions that Neuron had enhanced her too.
I see, I see.

And you're gonna take Bobcat's word for it when she has breasts that are each the size of her butt?

It kind of seems that, with all the hate towards Mother Mayhem and her Two Friends, you just seem to be harboring some kind of jealousy.

Not saying that you are, just saying it seems that way.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm just exposing loyalist lies - it's what the Resistance does, according to the GR website
I thought the resistance fed innocents to ghouls, thus securing them a pillow fort in hell