Forum not loading problem back.




Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
Pretty sure devs have nothing to do with NCsoft sites, but it would be nice with a reply from someone who is responsible tho.
Yes, meant as more just a yelling in the dark kind of thing, esp. since I have no idea who handles the website.

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Originally Posted by Lobster View Post
Yes, meant as more just a yelling in the dark kind of thing, esp. since I have no idea who handles the website.



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
Pretty sure devs have nothing to do with NCsoft sites, but it would be nice with a reply from someone who is responsible tho.
That would be a pleasant suprise.



Access to the website and forums has gotten steadily worse over the past week foe me. This is the only website that I have any issues with, so I do not believe the problem is on my end.

Go Team Venture!



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
To reiterate what Avatea said, we've been in regular communication with the Web Dev team trying to sort out the issues affecting the forums. We consider these operational affecting problems and as such are giving them the proper amount of consideration.

Thanks to everyone for being patient with issues such as the slow load times and random log outs. As these forums are a part of our day to day work, we understand that these particular problems can be very frustrating.

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I find that, if I keep hitting the address, I do get a response... eventually.
And I don't think it's the connection itself, I ran a tracert on the boards (twice, in case it was a fluke) and got perfectly good times.

However, my Browser seems to have a hideous time, getting a response. I've taken to opening two tabs, so I can read one thing while I wait for a connection to the next one. I've already had a few double-posts, due to an itchy 'Submit' finger and the horrid lag.

Something is borken! Communication has always been an important factor in our community cohesion - even when the Devs weren't talking. Lately, though... If they Were talking, many of us wouldn't even know, because we can't make the connection! Surely Someone, somewhere, knows what is wrong - and Someone, somewhere, knows how to fix it... But they can't talk, because the boards are borken!

Be Well!



Today I've tried to connect twice and both times got in and was able to log in quickly.

/keeping fingers crossed

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Today I've tried to connect twice and both times got in and was able to log in quickly.

/keeping fingers crossed
Yup, so far so good this evening. I will monitor the forums for the rest of the evening but I have my fingers and toes crossed...



Whew, finally.

I'd love to know what it was, because I'm a tech geek, but I'll be happy with just being able to get to the forums.

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Wow, the forums are behaving better than they have in a greased lightning for me. Hope it lasts!

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And it only took the NCSoft crack webmonkey's how many weeks to fix it? Ten, since mid January? How many weeks did it take for them to even look into it? Did this fix the login problem as well?

Not one word until Monday acknowledging the forum's a little cranky and to say they may have a fix. Yes, this isn't a Sony "oops we inadvertently gave away all our info on you to strangers ... last week" mishandling of the situation but throw us a bone next time. Instead we get Zwillinger posting a CYA post in Avatea's anouncement of a fix thread saying how they've "been in regular communication with the Web Dev team". Maybe you should have mentioned this every so often while the problem was occurring instead of just the day before the fix.


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