PvP Boot Camp Season 2




Originally Posted by CaptainWeightWatcher View Post
I think you are doing new people a disservice by letting them start on stalkers.
They would learn so much more about the offensive role if they were put on something like a blaster or dom.
Learning how to lock, evade, and most of all positioning on something that can't self cap perception and is a visible target will teach them valuable fundamentals.
Hey welcome to forums-

You have a very valid point about melee damage vs range damage on team pvp.

However, honestly though, stalkers do lock, stalkers do evade, and they do need to spike.

We do appreciate your input though.



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
However, honestly though, stalkers do lock, stalkers do evade, and they do need to spike. .
I think you misunderstood me. They do have to do all of that but its far easier when you have escape powers for days and self cap perception. You dont have to execute a attack chain while on the move either which having the correct positioning allows you to do.

I started out in the offensive role in arena on a stalker and played mostly TA besides that and TA really doesnt have to be on target and kind of wished i had started on a blaster.

Just wanted to clarify what i meant not start an argument.



It works both ways, other players need to be aware that stalkers do exist in the events and they need to not give a stalker the opportunity to destroy them. In the last boot camp we frequently had people just stop moving during the matches. Every time I would say to myself, "God I wish I had, or was, a stalker right now, that'd be a free kill."
But that never happened. Because we didn't have any.

Having them present is a practical necessity in training for both the offensive and defensive mechanics. Hell, that's a large chunk of why the jump team model was made was it not?

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
It works both ways, other players need to be aware that stalkers do exist in the events and they need to not give a stalker the opportunity to destroy them. In the last boot camp we frequently had people just stop moving during the matches. Every time I would say to myself, "God I wish I had, or was, a stalker right now, that'd be a free kill."
But that never happened. Because we didn't have any.

Having them present is a practical necessity in training for both the offensive and defensive mechanics. Hell, that's a large chunk of why the jump team model was made was it not?

Just for clarification... I do not think he is saying there should not be any stalkers. I think he is saying that it's not as good of a character to START with. AKA... the BC1 grads should play it, with the newbies on a blaster type.

(not arguing, just trying to say you both have valid points, but are misunderstanding each other)

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



Stalkers have just as an important job as blasters do, if not even more important because some lineups rely on the stalkers AS and if the stalker isn't on target and is goofing off trying to AS some random just standing in the middle of the map or just isn't on point then most likely the spike is going to fail. Waste of TK. Other lineups maybe don't rely on the stalker as much, but they do play an important role and they do need to be on target and they do need to watch their back when they're out of hide because they are super squishy. I'm not too worried about new players not getting the full benefit of all there is to learn in BC2 by playing a stalker. There will be workshops for everyone, 1on1s and all kinds of lessons.

In other news... sign ups close tomorrow so remind your friends who haven't signed up yet to get on the ball!

Also.. knock knock!



We will be kicking off BC2 in 8 days, and as such I'd like to have a final meeting this Friday with everyone on all committees. We will meet on Philly's Vent at 9pm est (standard meeting time) then move to our new Vent server (thanks Arky!).

Anyone from BC1 who is not on a committee but wishes to join us for this meeting is more then welcome as well.

We will be going over the final draft of the rules, event outline and making sure we all ready to kick this off next week.

I appreicate everyone's investment of time and thought for this event. We should have private forum access soon for everyone on the various committees.



Is there a Victory - PvP channel? or will there be a global channel for this?

I'm interested in getting a toon to 50 on Victory/helping lowbies get xp for BC2 through "regular" teaming/tf's.

It'd be nice if I could monitor a global chan., preferably one that will be used even after BC2 is over..

perma jump is ---> /up 1



Originally Posted by Hindenburg View Post
Is there a Victory - PvP channel? or will there be a global channel for this?

I'm interested in getting a toon to 50 on Victory/helping lowbies get xp for BC2 through "regular" teaming/tf's.

It'd be nice if I could monitor a global chan., preferably one that will be used even after BC2 is over..
Great idea; it seems like redside lowbie population is low as far as trying to team/get XP.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



There are a few Global channels that are active on Victory:

/Chanjoin Victory Forum
/Chanjoin Victory Badges 2009

We have a PvP University Channel that I will send both of you an invite too.

It is pretty hard/near impossible to get picked up on a team without broadcasting in one of these channels or forming your own team on Victory. Most people run with set groups or only monitor the channels for teaming.



Hey, I just found out about this event and if I'm not too late, I would like to come as an another ambassador from Infinity.

Global name: @NewJerseyDevil
Server they mainly play on: Infinity
Level of PvP experience: Low, pre-i13
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yes
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: Should be fine.



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
There are a few Global channels that are active on Victory:

/Chanjoin Victory Forum
/Chanjoin Victory Badges 2009

We have a PvP University Channel that I will send both of you an invite too.

It is pretty hard/near impossible to get picked up on a team without broadcasting in one of these channels or forming your own team on Victory. Most people run with set groups or only monitor the channels for teaming.
Thanks a lot M.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



wazzuuppp hindenbuuuug



I don't have arky's vent info and I need reinvite for @Neuronia and @Neuronium to the global channel.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Global name: @Unexpected Storm , @ Hot Weather
Server they mainly play on: Freedom
Level of PvP experience: Veteran. Minimal
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yes
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: Not a problem.



Signing someone up who hasn't been able to load the boards:

Global name: praxon
Server they mainly play on: virtue
Level of PvP experience: low
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: yes
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: yes

The Comish of the Liberty PVP League!
Can't find it? Use the Robo Button!



I'll run a stalker, I have 2 decent setups already but can reroll something.



Global name: @Unexpected Storm , @ Hot Weather
Server they mainly play on: Freedom
Level of PvP experience: Veteran. Minimal
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yes
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: Not a problem



Global name: @casket
Server they mainly play on: Protector and Freedom
Level of PvP experience: novice
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: can do
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: yes



<Obligatory "this is 2 days away" bump>



Global name: @Cherry Cupcakes
Server they mainly play on: Champion
Level of PvP experience: Low- Currently a team capt for Champions Basic Training PvP league
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yes and yes
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: Yes



First official meeting of PvP Boot Camp2 will be this Friday at 9pm est. Victory Server- Pocket D(2).

Due to BAF/Lambdas being formed in Pocket D, we may end up forcing a 2nd instance of Pocket D being created, if so everyone go to Pocket D2.

Vent info is listed on the global channel "PvP University" MotD. Invites to this channel will be given out by the channel Mods to those people who come to this meeting.

Once you are on vent with us, you can pretty much log that character from Pocket D, and just listen to the meeting.

Outline of meeting:

  • Introduction to PvP Boot Camp- what it is, what our goals are, and what you can expect.
  • Rules/eligibility- The rules committee will outline the rules for this event, and what is expected from each participant.
  • Brief introduction of the balancing/scouting committee, who they are and what they do. Team captains will be introduced to the players.
  • Brief introduction of the ideas/check off committee.
--Players wanting to know what they can create and play in Boot Camp2---

This will be discussed during the ideas/check off committee's presentation. As of right now, the 3 ATs available to players new to PvP include: Blaster, Stalker, and Dom. The specific powersets will be outlined during the meeting as well as the specific time that the sign up sheet will be posted in this tread. There are limited slots for Doms, Stalkers and some Blasters, therefore to let everyone have an equal chance at these slots, a time will be announced and everyone who has attended this meeting will have the same opportunity to sign up for what they wish to play.

After the meeting-I would like for the Vet PvPers and Boot Camp1 people to run a 10 minute match so new players may observe what a team PvP match looks/sounds like.

I unfortunately, have had a family issue arise on Friday and will be getting home at about 11pm est. I will be available however, for anyone who has questions/concerns/comments when I do get in game, or you can contact me via the boards or PM (in-game tells often get missed, so avoid those).



Global name: @Savron
Server they mainly play on: Mainly Freedom.
Level of PvP experience: I was big on the old system. I don't know much about it since the revamp.
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yes.
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: Not for the next two Fridays (off at 10:15pm eastern ), after that yes.



I've had some travel obligations come up that will necessitate me being away the majority of the upcoming Fridays. I'm going to have to back out of Season 2. Sorry for the late notice.

I hope everyone has a great time and learns a lot. Thanks again to the organizers for setting this up. Hopefully I'll catch season 3.




Just in case there are some last minute openings in the PvP Boot Camp Season 2...

Global name: @Titania Blue
Server they mainly play on: Virtue / Freedom
Level of PvP experience: Zip, Never Tried But Very Interested
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yes
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: Yes, Yes and Yes