PvP Boot Camp Season 2




Global name: @.flux
Server they mainly play on: Victory
Level of PvP experience: BC1
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yes
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: Yes

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.



Global name: @Ska-Core
Server they mainly play on: Infinity
Level of PvP experience: Low-Moderate (Did some basic zone PvP until shortly after Issue 13)
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yes and yes
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: Yes

�Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.� - Sun Tzu, The Art of War



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
Question about leveling. Are we on our own to meet the weekly level requriments? I've just never paid that much attention to how fast toons level. Those may be easily attainable or the may not. I'm a pretty much Friday, Saturday, Sunday player and I do have a life out side of the game so even on the weekend I don't want to burn a day playing (although I have) City of Heroes.

I'm sure it kind of got lost in that Wall O' Text I posted but

· We will be gaining xp/levels at an accelerated rate so participants must be willing to either participate in the accelerated xp gaining teams or be able to keep up with the current team level on their own.
Myself and other participants of BC2 will be running Accelerated Experience obtainment teams (bet you didn't know thats what AE actually stood for did ya!?)



I'd like to ask Pixel and Kara to join our Scouting/Balancing Committee. We will be meeting this Friday at 9pm est to talk about the role of this committee in Boot Camp2 so if you both could come on Philly's Vent (I will PM you the info) that would be great.

In addition, I'd like to meet with the Rules and Idea/Check Off Committees one more time before we get this rolling.



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
I'd like to ask Pixel and Kara to join our Scouting/Balancing Committee. We will be meeting this Friday at 9pm est to talk about the role of this committee in Boot Camp2 so if you both could come on Philly's Vent (I will PM you the info) that would be great.

In addition, I'd like to meet with the Rules and Idea/Check Off Committees one more time before we get this rolling.
I forgot which committee I'm on >.< DUH!



Ideas/Check off.



I am IN.

Global name:@KungFu-Yoshi
Server they mainly play on:Victory
Level of PvP experience:PvP Boot camp1 Lackey TeamP3
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic:Yes Please
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays:When the Sky's not falling.



Global name: @Des, @Desmodos
Server they mainly play on: Victory
Level of PvP experience: Minimal
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: yes
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: should be able to the majority of the time.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



Global name: @gristlebone @ gristlebone2
Server they mainly play on: Victory
Level of PvP experience:Boot Camp 1
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: yes
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: should be good,but work is work .

Leader of Inherent Chaos
BC1 and BC2
Gristlebone Rad/KIN
Tears of a Clown
and many others



Global name: @Pimpstress Bambi
Server they mainly play on: Victory
Level of PvP experience: BC 1
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: yes
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: Yes



Global name:@Zatch
Server they mainly play on:Victory
Level of PvP experience:moderate
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic:i have a Headset will have to reload vent use skype
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays:yes



Global name: 3Deviant
Server they mainly play on: Victory! (there are other servers??)
Level of PvP experience: Zero, None, Zilch, NaDa,
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yes indeed
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: most fridays im free

Thats one more.................. For the good guys!



Global name: @Justaris
Server they mainly play on: Triumph, Victory (also Pinnacle, Protector, Liberty but less so)
Level of PvP experience: Boot Camp 1
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yes
Abiility to meet at 9pm EST on Fridays: Should be free most Fridays.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Global name: @Kiasyd
Server they mainly play on: victory
Level of PvP experience: new
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: yes
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: yes



Global name: @Ra Ra
Server they mainly play on: Freedom
Level of PvP experience: Noob
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: What is Vent?
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: If my wife lets me

@Ra Ra



Global name: @TREZEN
Server they mainly play on: Infinity
Level of PvP experience: dUmb
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yeah
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: 80% chance



Originally Posted by Psycho007 View Post
Global name: @TREZEN
Server they mainly play on: Infinity
Level of PvP experience: dUmb
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yeah
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: 80% chance
I don't trust that Psycho guy...



Global name: @Tritonfree
Server they mainly play on: Justice, freedom, champion and victory
Level of PvP experience: a couple of leagues
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yes
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: yes

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events



i could use a PL for this.



Rice, Trez, Punki you guys are always welcome to help teach, but this event is really geared towards players new to pvp so you would not be eligible to participate.

We were looking for 4 'ringer' emps and: Kara; Philly; Pixel and Smallz filled those spots.

So I'd really love to have you help teaching workshops and such, if you guys want to help with Boot Camp.



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
Rice, Trez, Punki you guys are always welcome to help teach, but this event is really geared towards players new to pvp so you would not be eligible to participate.

We were looking for 4 'ringer' emps and: Kara; Philly; Pixel and Smallz filled those spots.

So I'd really love to have you help teaching workshops and such, if you guys want to help with Boot Camp.
i said nuthin bout pvp, i just wan a pee L



I don't know how to PL.



Originally Posted by igotpunkipowa View Post
i said nuthin bout pvp, i just wan a pee L
k. is 4Bil a run reasonable?



oh what the heck...I'll join.

Global name: @Wild Turkey/@RedneckHunter
Server they mainly play on: Victory
Level of PvP experience: Med
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yeap
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: Most likely unless working late.



Global name: @E.Normus
Server they mainly play on: Victory
Level of PvP experience: low
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yes and yes
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: Yes

E.Normus 50 ss/inv brute-Dr. Ventura 50 mm bots/bubbles-
Nuke Radiant 50 rad/rad corr- Picon Six 50 bots/traps MM
E.Normus Hammer 50 war mace/stone tanker- UnTitaned 50 titan weapons/willpower brute
Grizzly Blades 50 dual blades/willpower brute- Mr. Woolffe 50 mind/ice dom
Short Jack Medulla 50 psi/energy blaster- and more