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  1. Hey R-tech, reply to that email that i sent you and let me know whats up.
  2. yeah sure why not...

    Auction @TREZEN
    Its not the first time i got sold into slavery
  3. Yeah, i signed up with the belief that im not actually participating in this, but ill do the whole workshop thing and support whatever other stuff rookies like me, rice and punki can contribute. Ill need that free PL though. Kthx

    Also, Infinity would wreck any server. Just FYI in case you all forgot.
  4. Global name: @TREZEN
    Server they mainly play on: Infinity
    Level of PvP experience: dUmb
    Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yeah
    Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: 80% chance
  5. sure, add @Teh Artic to my account. kthx
  6. GG last night guys.

    If anyone of you want to come participate in some scrimmage on tuesday and thursday from 9-930 est, than come on down.
  7. So NS vs BFG this sunday and winner plays dUmb?

    or is everyone still crying about something?

    Cause we just want to PvP

    Vex is fat....

  8. The most standout thing for me in pre-i13 pvp would have to be that their was more diversity in what AT's or power sets that could be played, whether it was a 1 v 1 or an 8 v 8. You had tons of possible combinations to be effective in the arena. Now, just like Mr. Liberty said, its all about spiking the most damage possible to win. You'll see nothing but some psi/ems, maybe a stalker, and a rad used to dominate the current leagues.

    I took over a year off due to working overseas, starting around i11, and did not come back until around i14. I would say 75% of the people that i played with, which was mainly in PvP had left and that boiled down to one issue. So i would have to say the one thing i miss the most about pre-i13 would have to be the community. The amount of people involved. The conflicts and feuds between super groups on specific servers. This all gave a reason to PvP, because it was competitive, and the PvP community was never dull nor did it lack the population to play.

    ~Infinity Server
  9. Speed.... and..... speed.... but that was here before i13

    Although i did a melee tourney once after i13 that had no travel powers and travel suppression was on. watching 15 melee crawl to each was pretty funny stuff.

    I guess the option to handicap players in certain ways is a good idea depending on what your doing.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LuxunS View Post
    I agree with barrier when it comes to rewards; the current drop and rep systems are crap. He gives good reasoning for why, i'm not going to repeat it. I also agree with him that the rewards for PvP should be greater than those for PvE.

    1. Team PvP requires more coordination than teaming in PvE.
    2. PvP has a steeper entry; both for learning the system and having an appropriate toon.
    3. PvP is more difficult. I could teach my 7 year old cousin to solo AVs with my done-up toons.

    I do like Mr.Liberty's idea, with the exception of the 0 merits for losing. I think that encouraging newer (essentially worse) players to participate is integral for the success of a PvP system. Not rewarding those who are not as skilled, or who have toons who are not as well built does not help that cause. Everyone should be rewarded for participating and should receive greater rewards for victories.

    The way I'd visualize it, if no changes were going to be made to the system except rewards it would go:
    1. Remove the rep timer completely.
    2. Remove the ability to enter a pvp zone while in a task force or Ouroboros flash back.
    3. Make a vendor that trades rep for merits at a 2:1 ratio.
    4. Scaling influence rewards for team arena matches based on the number of people per team and duration of the match.

    Ideally I'd visualize a CoH where pvp could be used as an alternative to tip or tf grinding. To earn your alignment merits you can run a few arena matches and spend some time in zones or a large arena ffa. Removing the rep timer would be a requisite for earning rewards (see barrier's post). Making it so people could not be in a task force while in zone is to prevent farming (some pve players don't like this idea because it can keep them from getting shivans or nukes mid-tf, its not really a valid argument).
    I totally agree with somehow getting rid of pvpio farmers that are in zone. 90% of these peeps dont even pvp and just do it to make loot so they can rob WW. Now, if losing the farmers doesnt affect the drop rate for other people who actually pvp, than screw it, let them have it because that is just a broken system that all in all needs to be fixed.

    I like Mr. Liberty's concept on the merit/reward system and i agree that there should be rewards for losing, just not as great as the rewards for winning in order to inspire newcomers or not so great pvp'rs to keep trying.
  11. I would have to agree with what Liberty said. The most fun i've had in PvP, or even this game for that matter, was in large team arena matches. Competitions like 8 v 8 or 6 v 6 that require coordination with your team mates in order to win. The fast paced action in arena between two 8 man teams is a lot of fun and more so when it's a tournament, cause your actually playing for something. But with the same maps since issue.... whatever, it can get boring quick.

    Some other good moments i had were a couple base raids early in this game. Kind of gave a reason to be in a super/villain group. where as now im sure a lot just role personal SG's. The other moments i can remember were outside of this game, like playing Halo. Which was usually playing either team on team, capture strong points, or my favorite: capture the flag. There were just so many different options to customize in the arena that it almost always had something new to try out.

    "I took the flag once, ran for my life, got attacked, buried the flag pole in that suckas eye socket and then continued to run to my base until i had it captured. I won."
    ~Amazing Summary
  12. cool, hit up dumb we'll practice with you.
  13. You guys practicing saturday night?
  14. There i was.... standing in the arena, amono y amono, 1 on 1, just me and that a^^hole on the other side.
    The arena was silent, everyone was watching, the fight had begun...
    Anxiousness and excitement had me gripped, but my cool was kept and i was ready to lay it all on the line.

    Scrapper vs Tank, Electric armor vs Ice armor, who was the better and who would walk out a winner.

    The ice tank attacks! throwing fossilize and following up with Knockout Blow and haymaker. The Scrapper is hardly phased, he turns his aggression on and attacked with Laser beam eyes, Barb swipe, and Impale.
    Neither will give up ground and neither will give the other a chance.

    10 minutes later....

    Two of my attacks critical'd, hes at 3/4 health now, oh wait, he hits aid self.... now hes back to full health.

    20 minutes later....

    The arena and the fighters are exhausted, they've tried every combination of attacks possible and it renders the same effect.... useless....
    I have to pee.... but it doesnt stop me from fighting this ice tank.
    Oh look! i drained his end, now if i could just catch him...... nope, there he goes... hes gone

    30 minutes later....

    This **** is getting is serious.... nothing has happened.... i think maybe hes trying to win me out of a staring contest.... i dont know what is going to happen at this point... Luckily the ice tank has contact with the ring meister of this devious battle of attrition and the solution comes down to this.... "If you both exit now, we'll draw the winner out of a hat"... Well well.... the proof of real skillz in the arena finally comes down to this.... I say NEVA!!!

    40 minutes later....

    Im getting bored, this challenge has lost its luster, i long to rather run a Dr. Q task force with 7 flying Dark armor tanks.....
    I still have to pee...
    Ok, this is retarded, i decide to quit.... This ice tank has proven he can out last me at this game. Do i want to have someone pull the winner from a hat? **** that, i am not a name, im an arena legend, so no.... i will take my bow and drop....
    GG notoriously slaxy ice tank.... GG

    I Peed finally (in case you were wondering, i dont like cliffhangers either)

    Let this be a lesson that if you ever run a 1 v 1, dont do it last man standing style.... we all have better things to do with our time.
    Prior to this match i got put against a ss/elec tank which pretty much ended up the same way until he said "fightclub" i said ok. I hit my power surge, get him to a 1/4 health and he runs away to hit aid self and pop hit T9. so around minute 19 i guess (dont remember), my T9 dropped and i got punched in the face.

    So like i said these were more bouts of attrition than actually pvp. I would of had more fun if i got killed in sudden death by brawl. But anywho, some pvp is better than no pvp, so i guess ill take it.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RealSomething View Post
    During dxp?
  17. Will the draft be snaked?
    Basically meaning: the team with last draft pick choice (7th pick) in the first round, gets 1st pick in the second round?
    and vice versa...

    To keep a drafted skilled player balance for all the teams.
  18. What type of arena? 1 v 1? or a larger scale, 8 v 8?

    if 8 v 8, start out with something simple like a stalker to help you get in the groove of practicing locks without getting farmed all the time. Next, you can move to a blaster or rad and work on evading. I think blaster would be easier personally.
  19. Hold up better in what exactly? zone? arena? lol dueling?

    Id have to vote Kinetic/Willpower.
  20. Cool, glad to have someone new for folks to gripe too. With that being said, i like the direction your going for the game, im stoked about the incarnate system.

    But honestly, can we just get some changes to pvp. I mean im not ask for something crazy but at least, i dont know, add some new arena maps or something.
  21. Hahahaha... those evasion maps are priceless and holy hell my team types to much.

    Trezen - Run Forrest Run