"Marvel is going to kill a main character every quarter"




They can quickly dilute there own news worthiness if they want but if this is true then Marvel is dead to me.



Originally Posted by Optimus_Dex View Post
if this is true then Marvel is dead to me.
It's more along the lines of "ha, ha, only serious" true.

Don't worry, though - even if Quesada and Alonzo are planning to kill off Marvel Comics, Disney will resurrect it in a year or so, with a brand new hip costume and street-smart attitude to appeal to today's youth!



Originally Posted by Rabid_Metroid View Post
And bring him back as Undeadpool!
Zombie Deadpool has already been done...



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
...Marvel's Senior Vice President of Sales, David Gabriel, told the audience... "As a result of the Fantastic Four sales and media coverage, Marvel is going to kill a main character every quarter."
This suckage is in DC's stuff as well now.

Not just the character deaths like you said, but reboots and the need to completely change charactaracter until they become something that has nothing to do with the orginal character other than name.

Even worse than killling a character is bringing them back. Well, killing them, bringing them back, killing them again, and bringing them back again while possibly having them turn evil or return pre-some MaCarthy-esque Commie-killing escapades.

So I've finally thrown in the towel on the new stuff. There is a lot of old stuff that I would like to read that was too expensive to get that are coming out in B&W compilations.

I'm sure there will be "some" cool new stuff that I'l miss, but it seems that it will be few and far between and only a couple of issues in a row of any comic and possibly a team writing that comic.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I really liked the first run of the new Power Girl book. It was funny and quirky. Made fun of itself and made the charater likable.
Then an new team took over, destroyed the character's life, and turned her into a mean statue of a superheroine.

I like to see variety in writing. But when everyone turns into a dark and brooding character, it isn't variety any more. It's just the same thing. And if I wasn't buying it in the first place for some character that I'm not reading, why would I want the charater that I LIKE to read about THAT ISN"T DARK AND BROODING to suddenly be the kind of character that I don't enjoy reading about.
I'm not saying that I don't like a dark and brooding Batman, but that's Batman...but then, ...he can't stay dead either...
...I guess I don't have to worry about enjoying my favorite character -from here on out that character will become something drastically different every year or so .... maybe at some point it will become something that I want to read again ... at that point it will probably be more likely as I'll get it as a graphic novel rather than a comic book, but then it would have to be as a comic first, but t would be highly unlike that it would come out in a graphic novel if people werent' buying the comic, and if people are still buying what I don't like ...
... yeah... it's not about the fans, it's about the speculators now ...



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
This suckage is in DC's stuff as well now.

Not just the character deaths like you said, but reboots and the need to completely change charactaracter until they become something that has nothing to do with the orginal character other than name.
I'm still mad about what they did to Cassandra Cain. The Batgirl title was actually not doing badly at all; not huge, but it was holding a solid audience. So what was DC's reaction?

Cancel the title and turn her into a cookie-cutter villain while completely forgetting her problems with language and handing her over to a writer who had NO idea how her abilities worked.

Sure, they tried to fix it later, but it wasn't perfect and left a stain on the character. Now, of course, she's gone again; stuck in comic book limbo. Which is dangerous, since she's still popular enough that she's a perfect candidate for a cheap shock death.

Can you tell I'm still obsessing over this? Almost as much as I obsess over..... Gert.



The problem with this "death" is that noone cares. No marvel character is iconic enough other than maybe Spiderman... and for spiderman it's not so much the death that people would care about but rather the ending of spiderman's story.

When they kill Superman it's big news.
When they "kill" Batman it means development in the bat-family.
When they reboot Wonder Woman noone cares because they do it so often >.>
When they kill a Flash it means something big is going down in DC.
When they kill a Robin it hits a nerve with characters and people alike.
When they killed Hal Jordan it was the signaling of an end of an era in the DCU.

It's because just about every character in DCU you have something of a connection to and even if the name is going to be back probably, it doesn't necessarily mean that character is... and it almost always means something to someone.

In Marvel everyone always comes back and no deaths ever really effect you or the universe. The major events don't signify anything and at the end of their events the status quo is always returned to rather than the universe evolving... and if the universe does evolve nothing on screen is effected. It is always the thousands of mutants off screen no one knows about that aren't mutants any more.



Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
Kill off a min character each quarter? Not this crap again.
That was hilarious.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
It's because just about every character in DCU you have something of a connection to and even if the name is going to be back probably, it doesn't necessarily mean that character is... and it almost always means something to someone.
Except that now Hal Jordan and Barry Allan ARE back as Green Lantern and Flash.

Also, Hal Jordan's death may have been MEANT to signal the end of an era, but ended up being more of a signal to the beginning of nerd rage.

There are a VERY small number of comic book deaths to which I'll say, "yeah, that works and had a reason to it". And only about 1% of THAT number I would say, "that character should never come back".

I know everyone says that if I know the characters can't die, then there's no emotional investment in the story. I have NEVER agreed with that. There are plenty of ways to have drama and character development in a story without resorting to something as easy as killing someone.

I'm in the minority in that I WANT to know that my favorite characters will have won by the end of the story. It's the journey to get to that ending that I'm interested in. HOW they win and WHAT they have to do to win.

I know that those stories are harder to write and it's easier to kill or mutilate somebody so that everyone can be all angsty about it, but that just doesn't interest me.

Y'know who I liked. Red Arrow and his kid. I liked that there was a hero who was actually raising a child while being a hero instead of having some plot conveinence to get rid of the kid. Plus, they were cute together.

But nope. We can't have that, so let's get to the death and dismemberment! DRAMA!!

Same deal with Ralph and Sue Dibney. I fell in love with those two in 'Formerly Known as the Justice League' series. I was like, "these guys are awesome". A couple in comics with a stable relationship filled with plenty of love and snark.

Oops, sorry. Looks like they're dead too. Now go watch us completely destroy Mary Marvel!! DRAMA-GASM!!!!

Guh. Makes me wanna chug some drain cleaner.



Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
Except that now Hal Jordan and Barry Allan ARE back as Green Lantern and Flash.

Also, Hal Jordan's death may have been MEANT to signal the end of an era, but ended up being more of a signal to the beginning of nerd rage.
Hal's death was the end of an era in two ways...

btw I consider Hal's death to be from the point he went insane to the point in Final Night where he actually dies...

First, he killed the GLC and in the DCU they've been around, alone for billions of years so you could coulld look at DCU overall history as "very early era", "Manhunter era" "GLC era" and then the "Spectrum era"

Secondly, with Zero Hour it was the end of the era of multiple futures for one universe for the readers. became a streamlines universe with one past and one future.



PleaseOhPleaseOhPlease let the first "main character" killed be Joe Quesada!

And no comic book deaths!

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Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post
Just the Human Torch. No really big loss.
And, again, the panel was drawn completely ambiguously. It merely shows him as being overrun by the Annihilation Wave horde. Not actually killed.

So he'll be back in short order.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
And, again, the panel was drawn completely ambiguously. It merely shows him as being overrun by the Annihilation Wave horde. Not actually killed.

So he'll be back in short order.
Er, that whole Annihilation thing is still going on?

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
First, he killed the GLC and in the DCU they've been around, alone for billions of years so you could coulld look at DCU overall history as "very early era", "Manhunter era" "GLC era" and then the "Spectrum era"
Doesn't excuse lame plot devices.



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
Er, that whole Annihilation thing is still going on?
It's essentially a new annihilation wave building up in the negative zone.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
It's essentially a new annihilation wave building up in the negative zone.
Oh so this time it'll actually affect the other titles?

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
Oh so this time it'll actually affect the other titles?
Not a fargin clue.</RomanMoroni>

And I really don't give a damn.

Honestly, outside of a one or two titles (none containing an X, Spider-, Deadpool, Thor, Ultimate, or Avengers in it...YES, such titles actually exist!), I've completely stopped caring about Marvel.

I think I need to just stop reading comics for a while. Just starting to get REALLY aggravated with the crappy storytelling, continuity, and push for all these pointless crossovers.

The last time I burned out and stop buying comics, I stayed away almost 10 years. As such, it was really kinda nice when I came back (though the sticker-shock kinda caught me off guard).

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Not a fargin clue.</RomanMoroni>

And I really don't give a damn.

Honestly, outside of a one or two titles (none containing an X, Spider-, Deadpool, Thor, Ultimate, or Avengers in it...YES, such titles actually exist!), I've completely stopped caring about Marvel.

I think I need to just stop reading comics for a while. Just starting to get REALLY aggravated with the crappy storytelling, continuity, and push for all these pointless crossovers.

The last time I burned out and stop buying comics, I stayed away almost 10 years. As such, it was really kinda nice when I came back (though the sticker-shock kinda caught me off guard).
It happens to everyone, I think. When it happens to me I just look for a new title, and my criteria is just simply that it's a fun read. I'll also look to pick up stories that are already in trades, so I'm not limiting myself to the issues that come out each month. Birds of Prey, Y: The Last Man, and Ex Machina are good for snapping you out of that funk.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405







Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
Oh so this time it'll actually affect the other titles?
Humor aside, more'n likely not. Unless Alonzo changes the previous "rule" that cosmic Marvel was essentially it's own pocket setting that barely affected what happened on Earth.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
Humor aside, more'n likely not. Unless Alonzo changes the previous "rule" that cosmic Marvel was essentially it's own pocket setting that barely affected what happened on Earth.
Ugh, what's the point if there's absolutely no chance that this thing is ever going to get to Earth?

I hope it's not going to go down as another Kree/Skrull War where everyone talks about it's this huge things that happened yet it had like zero effect on the planet.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
Er, that whole Annihilation thing is still going on?
More like this is a second annihilation wave that annihilus is building up after being reborn at the end of Annihilation.

Also the death scene is way too ambiguous, also the original Android Torch was reactivated before this, so Marvel still has a Torch it's just not Johnny Storm.

But for this Annhilation wave that appears to be coming there are no Guardians of the Galaxy, and no Nova Corps or Nova Prime to spear head the fight. Yes there are the Annihilators which were gathered as part of Star Lord's plans in case he and the Guardians fell. They have the sheer might to go against an annihilation wave, but more will be needed.



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
I'm a bit out of the Marvel universes, but Jean Grey... Dead? Alive? Somehwere in between?
I just read it 2 days ago on comicvine.com that she has been dead for over 7 years now. I didnt know it has been that long.

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