should I just delete my spine/regen scrapper?

Adeon Hawkwood



Regen blows... and it can't be made to not so.

I just did the weekly Kahn and I died at least 6+ times on the last boss. Many times I was the only one that died. I would be one shot by his AoE and it didn't seem to matter if Moment of Death (errr Glory ) or dull pain was up or not. Whether or not I was in front or behind or even a few feet away.

What I have found is that regen relies on panic buttons while say shields or invincibility rely on toggles. Toggles are FAR superior to panic buttons. When you are one shot from full health to death you can't even cast a panic where as a toggle would probably have prevented me from being one shot. I'm sure that the developers using a private servers with a ZERO lag testing lab might find it usable but in the real world LAG death is the only thing a non-toggle scrapper will ever experience.

There are several kinds of lag death
0. one shot... lag does't matter.
1. your character is somehow busy servicing another cast like throw spines and you die before that cast ever finishes and your panic never gets fired.
2. your character says the spell is ready but the server says otherwise and you wasted all of that time trying to cast something that's not really ready. It will usually fire right at your moment of death so when you're rezed you have to wait X minutes before you have that worthless panic button again.
3. LAG is so horrible that noting is casting like at the Hami , an RWZ raid or the boomtown part of the Kahn TF in which case you just watch in horror as you can't defend, run, attack or do anything but die.

I found Moment of glory is highly miss-named. There is nothing glorious about it and almost a pointless to have spell because I seem to die whenever it's cast. At best it is barely as powerful as other players toggles without actually being a toggle.

I hate regen and I wish I hadn't bothered placing IOs on that character.



Regen is the red headed stepchild of CoX, it’s the developers number one favorite whipping boy. Back in the day say issue 2/3 regen was king, slotted with just SO’s a regen scrapper use to be used to tank hammy. But with numbers like that it didn’t take long for the developers to nurf it into the ground. My very first 50 was a regen claws scrapper which I haven’t played in over 5 years, but I will never delete her since you never forget your first.

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Originally Posted by OutaControl View Post
...rancorous stuff...
Try posting about your feelings in the Scrapper section.

Seriously though, Regen can be pretty survivable, but it is the clickiest defense set, making it a bit annoying to play.

Also, it does have much better synergy with some primaries than others.

Still, you don't have to play the character if you don't like it. Deleting seems a bit excessive unless you're running out of character slots. i've had a few alts that i wasn't enjoying and shelved them for a year or two before getting an urge to try them again and finding that i had a better handle on the style of play that suited the alt and/or the set(s) had gotten better since my last time using them.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



If you don't like it, then yes.

On the other hand, I love my lolRegen characters, and have run Kahn several times over the past few days without much issue.

As a side note, it sounds like your issue is actually more about lag than anything else, to which more than just Regen would suffer from.



Another option is to get into PvP, spines/regen is pretty decent there.

My first character on my account was a BS/Regen. If I had it to do over, if I'd known then what I know now I would have made her kat/wp.

Still, I have taken her on every heroside taskforce, finished every mission in Oroboros, plus a few that aren't there, scored a few kills in Siren's Call (been killed many times in return in Warburg and Recluse's Victory), and in general, she can perform well in a variety of circumstances.

Yes there are enemies that devastate /regen. For a long time I had issues with bosses that have hard-hitting ranged attacks. As BS my top defense is parry but that only gives me melee defense and many ranged bosses could do too much damage too fast. As an example, on one crey mission (destroying the copies of CreyComp OS) I literally walked away from the computer for more than 2 minutes while at the agro cap against minion-level crey tanks (a couple of lieuts, but not more than 2 I think). When I returned I was still at 90% hp and not going down. A bit later I fought two boss-level powertanks and they dropped me in three attacks. Not hits, attacks. Splat, dead, gone. Took me three trips back from the hospital to wear them down.

Regen suffers from what has been described as the invincibility line. Either they can't kill you ever, or they do it really fast. Building some defense in makes a huge difference. If you post your build in the scrapper forum, they can help you at any level of investment. It made a huge difference for mine, I can assure you, that if you like the character at all, you won't regret it.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Originally Posted by OutaControl View Post
Regen blows... and it can't be made to not so. incorrect. You can make Regen beastly if you build it right.

But, if you hate it that much, go ahead and delete it. I've been playing a Claws/Regen for 5 years now and it's still my main and favorite character, but maybe it's just not for you.

I can probably guess what you did wrong. You spent all your IO slotting chasing regen bonuses, thinking that you can just heal back any damage done to you without having to click a heal. Bad idea. Regen scrappers need recharge and defense. Every hit that doesn't land is one that doesn't need to be healed back.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



After my 3rd time dying, I would probably step back twenty feet, make sure I stand behind the AV, and only fire off my ranged attacks like throw spines, impale, my vets, and of course a fireball to the face.

Regenerations strength is that it treats all incoming damage the same. Vector or type does not matter. Layer that with defense, and you will never die.

Really though. If you are not having fun playing the toon, why is this even a question?



If u get S/L softcap, and a modest recharge, /regen is great, i tanked ITF last night with my dark/regen (and she is not level shifted)

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Your Scrapper shouldn't be "casting" "spells."

Lag is a problem, I don't dispute, and it's worse for reactive sets like Regen. However, some builds are stronger than others. Perhaps you could export your current build to Mid's (it's easy using the new Titan Sentinel program, no more typing the build in) and post it up in the Scrapper section for advice.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



I understand the frustration, but you definitely have options. My lvl50 Spines/Regen is one of my favorite toons, and definitely near the top in survivability. Capping S/L defense was big, sometimes I almost feel dirty using him now. But if inf is an issue, just getting def as high as possible will be helpful. You can get 25-30% s/l resist fairly easily, which helps a lot with one-shots. Get Hasten and Spiritual so that DP is up as much as possible. Recon should be at 95% Rech and Heal as well. MoG is there so you have time to fire off IH when it hits the fan.

Spines sacrifices ST for AoE. I took Fire to give me 3. In return, I accept that other toons will take out AV's faster. I can do dam like a Blaster, only more survivable and mez-free. If your focus is on the lvl50 TF's, then Spines is adequate, not optimal. But Regen can be as survivable as anything out there, scrapper-wise.

>>>Work on getting anything that ups your max hp. I hit the cap with DP, which is perma'd. I haven't died in a very long time.



After reading this thread this morning, I decided to dust off my lvl 36 claws/regen scrapper and run him through a tip mission.

I was running at +1 x2 and I was getting worked over pretty good. I definitely need to sit down and respec him one of these days and build in more defense. I probably need to learn how to play him again too since it's probably been 6-8 months.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



You had bad luck, plain and simple, or everyone else on the team had a defense-based build. I have three level 50 Regens that I actively play, and I don't have any such problems.

Anyone who is hit by Reichsman's AoE stun is going to be stunned. It is Mag 100 unresistable stun. It doesn't matter who or what you are, if the RNG hates on you, you will be stunned, period, unless you have someone stacking a heap of Clear Mind (or its equivalent) on you.

If you're not hip-deep in game mechanics (which is forgivable), you may not understand what MoG does, but the notion that you die whenever you use is fairly ludicrous. It is, hands down, the single highest mitigation to non-Psi damage you can get in any power in the game for its brief duration. It is almost inconceivable that you die to anything except possibly Psi damage while it's active.

MoG's duration is quite short, so what you may be experiencing is that you are using it to survive something that would otherwise kill you and then dying as soon as it ends. MoG is often described as "defensive Build-Up". It's not particularly helpful for standing toe-to-toe with something like Reichsman. Few things that aren't well-buffed with +defense can stand up to a critter of his stature, but high spike damage is /Regen's single most glaring vulnerability. If you want to toe-to-to with such a critter, lucks, IOs, teammate buffs or something is key. This isn't really a /Regen-specific problem - it's not much better on something like Fiery Aura, for example.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



DM/Regen, slotted for recharge and defense, is the lawnmower of ST melee damage. It, uh, does tend to fall down when you get tagged and forget the alpha strike. But regen is hardly the problem with your character.

Bust out Mids, post your build in the scrapper section, and someone can fix it.



Every scrapper built with only his secondary powers without pool powers and invention sets to aid in survival and having no outside buffs will die repeatedly from this encounter as well. However, every scrapper, given enough money and attention can also be built to tank Reichsman, too.

Regen by itself most certainly feels squishy because you're literly getting hit with all the incoming damage, and then healing after the fact. But you can do things to fix that problem.

Now, all that said... if you're wanting a toon that really shines at the final fight of the Kahn TF. Yeah, you don't have the best toon for that. But that's just 1 fight.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



Originally Posted by OutaControl View Post
Regen blows... and it can't be made to not so.
What I have found is that regen relies on panic buttons while say shields or invincibility rely on toggles. Toggles are FAR superior to panic buttons. When you are one shot from full health to death you can't even cast a panic where as a toggle would probably have prevented me from being one shot.
I don't agree at all. My /regen scrapper is my favorite scrapper. I tried a few other secondaries but, since I am used to playing them on tanks, I found them grossly deficient on a scrapper. Regen has the 'potential' to be more survivable than most of the other sets, but you need to anticipate attacks and react quickly. Sometimes triggering Dull Pain before you take any damage will mean the difference between living and dying.

As for Reichsman, his attacks are over the top. On one run, I died less than a stone tank running Granite. (And my primary is broadsword, so I was standing right next to the enemy the entire fight.) It's just bad luck you got obliterated multiple times.

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Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Your Scrapper shouldn't be "casting" "spells."
Ah, it depends on what his character's theme is. If the scrapper is a magic user he could potentially be using healing spells to heal himself.



I think I might have been on that run. If you remember scrapper Yay summoning a shivan that got its face beat in, that was me.

A lot of random factors can contribute to survivability, one build can be vastly more survivable than another and now you can add level shift or not to that.

We had an emp who kept fort on me constantly, giving like 30% defense. In addition, every time you died, we all got vengeance. So you stand up, maybe don't get forted, and have whatever defense you have. I don't know what that is, but it might be 0 depending on your powers. Meanwhile I'm floating there blithely with over 100% defense whenever the vengeance was up.

Sometimes you just get hosed, though as you improve your build, this will happen more rarely.

You remember the shivan I summoned. It didn't get any defense buffs and it did nothing but shoot its eyebeams, then walk toward richsman and get knocked back. It did that 3 times then was dead.



You COULD build up a bunch of defense, as others suggest, and that would increase your survivability... but you're a regen! How many times has Wolverine "died," only to pop back up madder than ever that he's gotta sew up a bunch more bullet holes in his costume. Unlike other heroes, the miraculous revival is an integral part of the regen's modus operandi. Revel in it! Be proud! And while the bad guys are standing around, gloating over your inert body, hit the "Revive" button, down a break-free, and grab some revenge!

If you're still fixated on staying on your feet, by all means, a bit of defense is the way to do it. But it's going to be a big speed bump in the road to 100,000,000 damage and your Immortal badge. Just sayin'.



thanks for all of the suggestions of maxing out defense ....

my spine/regen seems more like so-so blaster. maxing out those items just seem to be me trying to make him playable.

I just keep comparing my Katana/will power scrapper to him. There is just no comparison on who is going to survive a fight. The Katana doesn't have any work done on him yet (he's not 50) so If I take the time to max out the Katana/wp scrappers defense and stuff he would be a god compared to the regen. I know he doesn't have the automatic AoE but at least he's alive.



I have both regen and WP at 50, and they're roughly equal in terms of survivability. WP loses some of it's effectiveness in AV fights, so you have a similar issue. Both of them play the game in easy mode once you cap s/l.

As for being a meh blaster, most blasters would kill for your mez protection. I don't know too many blasters who can dissolve a spawn risk free and move on to the next without stopping like spines/regen. AV fights are not the measuring stick for this build, IMO. Do the ITF and I bet you end up with more kills and dam than anyone else on the team.



Personally speaking, I found my spines/regen scrapper the most frustrating character I had leveling up, especially among the "good soloer" classes. It's been a long time since playing him, I just remember hitting Spine Burst, taking a damage spike and just waiting, waiting, waiting to see if I happened to survive long enough to execute a heal. I never did IO him out, of course that would help.

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Originally Posted by OutaControl View Post
I just keep comparing my Katana/will power scrapper to him. There is just no comparison on who is going to survive a fight. The Katana doesn't have any work done on him yet (he's not 50) so If I take the time to max out the Katana/wp scrappers defense and stuff he would be a god compared to the regen. I know he doesn't have the automatic AoE but at least he's alive.
That is not a fair comparison. I am sure you took divine avalanche on that toon no? Spam that three times, and presto, soft capped to melee. That is less about the secondaries, and more about your primaries.

Either way, if you don't like the toon, you don't like the toon. It is not a bad pairing. It probably just isn't the right one for you.



Regen is not a "toggle on and mash buttons until there's nothing left to kill" scrapper secondary. It hasn't been that since Instant Healing was a toggle.

Regen is a secondary that rewards timing and paying attention, and it has a learning curve to it. My Claws/Regen is either a god, or the squishiest scrapper you've ever seen, depending on several factors:

1) Sobriety, I can't play my regen with any kind of a buzz at all, just doesn't work.
2) How recently I've played him. If I haven't logged him in for a couple months, a master run probably isn't a good idea.
3) Just generally how on my game is that particular day.

Being killed by Reichsman isn't just cause for character deletion, in my opinion. Reichsman can kill ANYONE if he gets a few lucky shots in a row in. He hits like a frigging truck, and if he lands his AoE stun first you're not going to have the benefit of any toggle-based resistance (because they suppress when you're mezzed.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
1) Sobriety, I can't play my regen with any kind of a buzz at all, just doesn't work.
Ok, this is definitely just cause for deletion.



Originally Posted by OutaControl View Post
thanks for all of the suggestions of maxing out defense ....

my spine/regen seems more like so-so blaster. maxing out those items just seem to be me trying to make him playable.

I just keep comparing my Katana/will power scrapper to him. There is just no comparison on who is going to survive a fight. The Katana doesn't have any work done on him yet (he's not 50) so If I take the time to max out the Katana/wp scrappers defense and stuff he would be a god compared to the regen. I know he doesn't have the automatic AoE but at least he's alive.
1.) Katana will make any scrapper incredibly survivable due to Divine Avalanch (and in this comparison, also from the KD ST attack).
2.) Spines generates huge amounts of AoE aggro, Katana does not.

It's worth noting that regen's gameplay and performance varies hugely on what you do with your primary set.

If you were to take a Katana/Regen, and take the time to max him out, he could easily be a god compared to the Katana/WP, because regen does not plateau out as soon. The extra defense in DA is enormous with multiple self heals and ultra high regen, and each point of global recharge helps nearly every regen power in the set.

What is true?

Regen with few enemies or a tank is stronger (the ability to predict incoming damage, and the self sufficiency without RttC is superior). Willpower on the otherhand, given someone to break the alpha is pretty much good to go. No need to predict damage or maintain, no real surprises as health will decrease steadily, usually you have time to run (However if you don't run, you WILL die, there are no miracles to save you in WP). Neither pro nor con is the case with regen.

Spines/WP would probably work better, WP Revels in bunched enemies, Spines attracts their attention, damages them, and holds them near with a slow. It also does not cause redraw.

Comparing unlike primaries though is one of the lead causes of the misconceived idea of fragility on regens part though.

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