Will I regret making a mercs character?




Originally Posted by Delta_Strider View Post

We(By which I mean, myself) de-bunked this almost a year ago.

Though it only occurs a very small fraction of the time, even when testing in a vacuum.
Saving this post, thank you.

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Originally Posted by Delta_Strider View Post

We(By which I mean, myself) de-bunked this almost a year ago.

Though it only occurs a very small fraction of the time, even when testing in a vacuum.
I'd be interested in some more explanation/proof of this. My understanding of the Achilles proc is that it grants the target a power which gives it the -res, which is why it won't stack from multiple casters. Which is also the reason its always the full -20% resist.

Edit: just did a little testing myself, while I couldn't definitively find out if the proc can stack, the -res definitely is resisted. Hrm.

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
I'd be interested in some more explanation/proof of this. My understanding of the Achilles proc is that it grants the target a power which gives it the -res, which is why it won't stack from multiple casters.
This was my thoughts as well.

Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Edit: just did a little testing myself, while I couldn't definitively find out if the proc can stack, the -res definitely is resisted. Hrm.
The -resist is resistible like almost any -resist, but it is unaffected by the purple patch, as the "caster" of the power is the enemy that has it.

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
I'd be interested in some more explanation/proof of this. My understanding of the Achilles proc is that it grants the target a power which gives it the -res, which is why it won't stack from multiple casters. Which is also the reason its always the full -20% resist.

Edit: just did a little testing myself, while I couldn't definitively find out if the proc can stack, the -res definitely is resisted. Hrm.
Especially considering that as well as the target being the caster, the proc itself is set to only stack to a limit of one. So its hardcoded to not stack along with game mechanics.

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Originally Posted by Toony View Post
Well I'm considering once again trying an MM. I've never made it past 28 on one and wanted to try out mercs (mainly for concept).

My question is should I bother? I've basically heard they're one of the worst sets out there but are they just the worst compared to other MM sets or are they so bad I won't even be able to do my own missions?

I'm not too concerned about being "the best" or knowing that if I ran some spread sheets I'd be aware I'm 0.05% more powerful than the guy next to me. I just want to be able to feel decent, solo my mishes, and have fun. Adequacy is all I really require.

I was considering pairing it with /pain, possibly. Traps could also be possible but I'm not a big fan of traps.

Traps is not a great set for MMs in general IMHO. I have a Thug/Traps in the 40s and it's not very smooth to operate.

However I love the Pain set and I've never had any trouble with Mercs. The - Def in their weapons is great for regular (pre-IO) play and IO slotting. As with most MMs take the first three parts of Leadership and they'll move along pretty well.

For me the trick to MMs with ranged attacks is control. Take Provoke and use the MM as a damage sponge to keep the pets alive and they'll be fine.

Plus there's something to be said for all those guns going off all at once that just send a thrill up the spine you know?

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



I recently got my Mercs/Storm up to lvl 32 and the increase in powers has made lvling alot smoother. The longish controls of Mercs could be reduced to be usuable more than every other mob, but when they are used it is useful. Mercs are not a BAD set, just not the most damaging.

In terms of dissapointing powers Caltrops and Rain of Fire for Ninjas need to be targeted at the toughest mob or else the power ends much quicker than the actual duration. Mercs are not the only set to have some gimped powers IMO.

Lvl 50's: Twilight Projections-Dark/Psychic Defender- Justice,
Mad-Scientist -Bot/Poison MM- Freedom,
Ogun Ajala -Fire/Shield Scrapper - Virtue,
Make You Smile -Thugs/Dark - Virtue
Kyuji Warrior - Fire/Trick Arrow Corruptor - Virtue



The problem with Mercs is they do crappy damage, have lousy controls, and only have so-so resistances. They don't do -anything- definitively better than anyone else, on top of being outclassed in nearly every way by either Thugs or Robotics.

Starting with survivability, Robotics get more effective healing from the Protector Bots, and mitigation via defense and resistance, Mercs get the anemic Medic and resistance to two damage types. For control, Robotics get better control through stuns by the Protector Bots(They also deal damage with those same AoEs that stun- Shocking concept I know)along with knockdowns by all the Robot Henchmen, Mercs get some very long cooldown AoE Controls that deal little to no damage, along with a ST melee Stun and a ST ranged Immob, all of which is solely from the Spec Ops. I don't think I need to even get in to damage, and if I did I wouldn't need to say the words "L____l D____e" to sell a case on why Mercs lose in that category as well.

Personally, even in all their flaws, I like Mercs. I also like my Robotics as well, because they're both fun to play. It's just that Mercs got the short end of the stick in that they were a rushed, underpowered set thrown in at the nearing end of CoV Closed Beta that never really had their issues addressed. But really, It does always come back to the fact they under-perform as Masterminds, which is a shaky basis for balancing considering how completely godless they are compared to other ATs.

It's not that I wouldn't want them to get buffed, it's just that we've been asking for that for years now, and even when we were compiling lists of suggestions and fixes, I don't think there was ever even a case of any Dev or Mods making eye contact with said lists.

I think I got a little off topic, but to get back on topic: You won't regret a Merc MM unless you get completely frustrated and "Raaaage!"ed like myself and other forum-goers at the lack of attention given to them.



Originally Posted by Delta_Strider View Post
The problem with Mercs is they do crappy damage, have lousy controls, and only have so-so resistances. They don't do -anything- definitively better than anyone else, on top of being outclassed in nearly every way by either Thugs or Robotics.
On teams, they excel as debuffers. Target the toughest mob with your Tier 1 and Tier 2 pets and the scrappers/blasters will have no trouble bringing that guy down. Also if you've got a power that just needs to hit (like the heals in dark, or weaken in poison).

In solo play, their amazing ability to hold aggro means you never have to go into body guard mode. (Apparently mobs really hate getting def debuffed.)

In truth, though, I probably only enjoy playing them because it's so much more challenging/difficult to accomplish stuff. They're not indestructible like alot of pets can get to be.



Originally Posted by Berzerker_NA View Post
On teams, they excel as debuffers.
I've actually tested this.

On average, the Thug's Enforcers with all their upgrades can average around 40% Defense de-buff, un-enhanced, and never really spike above that. Pretty straightforward test.

Mercenaries, with Solders Fully upgraded, the Medic only equipped, and the Commando/Spec Ops using their base powers, nets roughly 80% defense de-buff, un-enhanced, dropping occasionally to 40% or lower as well as spiking to the cap of 100%; Little to no consistency in how much they de-buff.

However, with all the Mercenary henchmen fully upgraded(typical setup for the average Mastermind), this drops to about 60% on average, with little to no consistency in the de-buff. This reduction in de-buff potency is in part due to the amount of attacks the Spec Ops/Commando gain from the upgrade/equip that have no impact on the target's Defense.

So really, unless you're setting up your Mercs to specifically de-buff defense, you're only seeing a 30% increase in de-buff potency over Thugs.

This test is done inside a vacuum versus Rikti Dummies using an Analyzer.

This test does not factor in:
Secondary powers
the Enforcer's ToHit buffs via autos
Defense de-buff resistances some enemies might possess
the actual value of the prevelant Defense De-buff



In that case, I am fresh out of excuses for my mercenaries addiction. Why? Why am I addicted to them?



Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
Traps is not a great set for MMs in general IMHO. I have a Thug/Traps in the 40s and it's not very smooth to operate.
sorry to disappoint you, but this is completely WRONG.
traps considered to be the most powerful set of all.
several days ago my bot/trap mm was actually a tanker on itf.
sure, we had another "normal" tanker, but he was more dead then alive.

more then this, thug/traps considered to be the most powerful combination of all. i personally dislike thugs for several reasons, but i have seen ppl soloing very difficult maps and whole tf/sf on this combination.



Originally Posted by kalashnikow View Post

more then this, thug/traps considered to be the most powerful combination of all. i personally dislike thugs for several reasons, but i have seen ppl soloing very difficult maps and whole tf/sf on this combination.
/Traps is powerful,. but you get the least benefit with Mercs/Traps of pretty much any combination.

Thugz/Traps - you can softcap their defense.
Robots/Traps - Probably come close to soft capping def, and they blow up nicely.
Zombies/Traps - Same (if you count the -ToHit debuffs)
Ninjas/Traps - Also comes close to soft capping.

Demons/Traps - I don't know.....I'm gonna try that one as soon as I come up with a good name for the character.

However, Mercs have no inherent defense to stack the force field generator to. You'll get them up to about 20% defense and then that's it. (maybe 27%, if you do maneuvers, and Invis other on them....)



Hi Guys.

This is an old topic for me, my very first Villain was a Mercs/Poison MM, that I thought up thematically with no real regard to the numbers or tactics involved. I still think up my characters thematically, but I do run some numbers before I go through the work ;P

Anyway, my Mercs/Poison is pretty much maxed out for debuff, the set can actually do some pretty impressive damage, even too groups. I still have this character btw, he's got all the accolades and is purpled out pretty completely. As far as a debuffing Mercs build go he's pretty much the best mathematically possible.

Here is the problem with Mercs in general, which are made worse by a terrible set like /Poison. Debuffing in this game works great on minions and lt's, and on regular bosses it can do the trick nicely too. But on the really tough guys (Level 54 bosses, Elite bosses or worse) the debuffing only gets you so far and it isn't enough for the strongly resisted S/L to do very much, ever. Thats debuffing with the Poison set even. So as the game ends you find yourself really unable to damage the enemy very much...

Which leads to the bigger problems of the set -- its complete and utter lack of damage mitigation. Like I said this is worse with Poison since Poison has none of this either (if only I knew back then what I know now!). But with any secondary, your boys will die. Just when you start to do some damage to your enemy, a couple of your guys are gonna drop dead, cut your damage output, you can't beat their regen, then the battle is thrown and thats that. You can't beat their regen even with /Poison's -regen ability, which doesn't work on EB's or even L54 bosses worth a spit.

I'm actually really, really hoping that the Incarnate abilities might bring some of these power sets back into action. If there was a good, solid, constant way to take care of your boys then /Mercs might actually turn out to be not half bad. The set just leaves gaps, regardless of your secondary.

Its really too bad, because I love the dakka dakka I always need more dakka. Mercs need A LOT more dakka. More dakka! If you roll a Mercs toon, hope that Incarnate abilities can fill in your gaps, because to be honest, you don't want end game mobs to fill your gaps for you



Originally Posted by kalashnikow View Post
more then this, thug/traps considered to be the most powerful combination of all. i personally dislike thugs for several reasons, but i have seen ppl soloing very difficult maps and whole tf/sf on this combination.
I gotta comment on this. You are so right. Thugs/Traps can be a delicious combination of evil damage, some helpful debuffing, fantastic damage mitigation (talk about softcap def here) and the thugs just powerful performance in general.

Once I finally (after almost 4 years) gave up on my Mercs/Poison and rolled a Thugs/Traps, life became good, even for late game battles. They might look like a bunch of jerks but they know how to party. Can't go wrong with Bots either. Thugs/Traps and Bots/Traps are legendary for a reason, they can solo stuff that would make the butt hairs fade of just about any other archetype.



I've been running a Mercs/Thermal toon. Up to 25 so far and it's actually been a blast to play even before the Commando. Thermal really shines because you not only get shields for the pets like a bubbler, you get very solid heals and buffs like a pain with enough damage resist debuff in the later levels to keep the damage curve smooth. It also handily fills in that fire hole in merc inherent resists.

As for serum, I am picking it up. No slots as it's a situational power and one should be enough but slapped on a commando when things are going south will give you sixty seconds where he can hold agro with minimal support from you while you get everything set back up. With fitness being free now there's really not much reason not to grab it for that once in awhile situation where you really need it. Like a rez, but more proactive.



IMHO I think that Thugs/Dark is the most powerful combo. I have not tried Thugs/Trap but have a lvl 32 Bots/Traps MM and lvl 41 Demon/Traps MM.

Bots have some long activation times that can lower their DPS.

I believe Thugs by far are the most damaging pets and Dark offers the best combination of control power MM's have available.

Lvl 50's: Twilight Projections-Dark/Psychic Defender- Justice,
Mad-Scientist -Bot/Poison MM- Freedom,
Ogun Ajala -Fire/Shield Scrapper - Virtue,
Make You Smile -Thugs/Dark - Virtue
Kyuji Warrior - Fire/Trick Arrow Corruptor - Virtue



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I'm confused...

If you put all four pet aura IOs in tornado, how did you fit enough recharge and knockback enhancement to make it useful?

You found a way to ten slot a power, didn't you?
Speaking as a player of multiple /Storm toons, sticking two recharges in tornado plus the 4 unique pet IO's will keep it useful.

Depending on the Alpha slot choice the two slots could go to damage or recharge.

I suspect some players may well just slot it with the four IO's and never use it as well.

In a team setting Tornado can be an iffy power to use. It depends if you or another player is spamming an aoe -kb power and if the party is pretty much all ranged/single target or not. Solo Tornado really shines. Getting two out is even better.



This weekend I did tip mishes and my Mercs shined. In the mishs, I had enemies two stories up. My Mercs superjumped to clean their clocks. It was a sight to see.

Also, I was fooling around with options inside of the client and noticed an advanced settings for Pets. I turned it on but wondered if this applies to us.



I rolled a Mercs/Poison, and I regretted it. The Spec Ops are simply pathetic; their DPS is not up to the standard of the Jounin or Death Knights, and their randomly applied, long cooldown controls are not nearly as effective defensively as the benefits given by the Enforcers or the ProtBots. If you replaced Spec Ops with Thugs' Enforcers, Mercs would suddenly become a very solid set off that alone.

No idea how good or bad the demons are, so couldn't say.



My first MM was a mercs, and I didn't regret it until I saw how much better every single other primary is. Still, it's a mastermind, so you are gonna be fine.



I returned to playing some old mercs lately.../storm & /dark. I've come to the conclusion that, in my opinion, /storm is the best pair with merc. Yes, /dark and /traps are typically thought of as stronger, but I think in this one case that storm shines. Why? Hurricane. I've found that it keeps mercs alive better than everything else.


I'm 41 on both currently, and planning to take the storm at least up through t3 alpha - mostly as an experiment to see how good I can make the "worst" mm primary. I 2boxed 0/5 malta with the two of them yesterday, and it wasn't terrible. Probably got a few mez badges though... and I did turn it back down to default for the next one, but it was doable and I didn't die.

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Originally Posted by Lobster View Post
I returned to playing some old mercs lately.../storm & /dark. I've come to the conclusion that, in my opinion, /storm is the best pair with merc. Yes, /dark and /traps are typically thought of as stronger, but I think in this one case that storm shines. Why? Hurricane. I've found that it keeps mercs alive better than everything else.
I agree that Merc/Storm is probably one of the better combos for Merc. My first lvl 50 is actually a Merc/Poison and /Poison sucks so hard. /Poison lacks aoe protection for pets. It's good when you solo at x1 but other secondaries allow you to solo x4 or higher. I would say my Merc/Storm is at least x2 better than my Merc/Poison.

I basically put proc damage in my attacks and Storm. I need more damage since Merc is kinda lacking. I put chance for smashing and energy in my M3 Grenade and chance for smashing in Thunderstorm.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I'm playing on the EU today. Can enhancements be stacked three times on MM? I thought I could on my NA account. I could only do twice today.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
I agree that Merc/Storm is probably one of the better combos for Merc. My first lvl 50 is actually a Merc/Poison and /Poison sucks so hard. /Poison lacks aoe protection for pets. It's good when you solo at x1 but other secondaries allow you to solo x4 or higher. I would say my Merc/Storm is at least x2 better than my Merc/Poison.
I love my mercs/poison, but I have to admit you are right about the lack of AOE mitigation. I was so desperate I gave in and took poison trap. I could handle +1/x2 after that, but only if I concentrated real hard on what I was doing the whole time.

I took the Heat Mastery ancillary at level 41, and Bonfire is helping things a lot. It's wicked awesome on this build.