Will I regret making a mercs character?




Originally Posted by Residentx_EU View Post
I didn't quite understand this. Are you saying there are more advanced controls for managing MM Pets? I just use the ones in the tray>
Hiya, yes, there are more control buttons you can put into your powers trays to help command your Henchmen. To get these buttons you need to go into your Menu-Options-General(Tab)-Pets-Advanced Pet Commands-Enable/Disable.
When you toggle Advance Pet Commands to Enable and summon your henchmen the command buttons displayed in the Pet Pannel will have changed. Instead of the 3 buttons you start with in your powers tray, you will see two buttons.
The first button will probably be a red colored button with a yellow stirke of explosion symbol which will display the tooltip Aggressive when hovered over.
The second button will be a Silver and Gold Arrow pointing right that will display the tool tip Follow when hovered over.
Both of these buttons can be clicked on to provide even more buttons.
All of these buttons can be dragged to your powers trays by Menu-Options-General(Tab)-Miscellaneous-Lock Powers in Tray-Enable/Disable.
The most important button is from the first Advanced Control and is called Defensive. It is a blue button with a yellow shield symbol. This button puts all henchmen into Defensive mode which is the unbelievably useful and important "Body Guard Mode" which makes your henchmen and you share and distribute incomming damage with you.
Another helpful button you can drag to your powers trays comes from the Follow Button drop down. This button is the GoTo Button, it is silver colored and has a swirly pattern to it.
The GoTo Button when clicked on will create a summoning circle similar to the ones you get when you summon your pets. You can then hover this circle over your screen to a spot you choose then click on that and your pets will GO TO that spot(they may not stay, but there is another button for that). The real help this 'GoTO' Button provides is for map travel with your pets. If you have your pets follow you almost invariably they fall behind you in some way or another. If you right click on one of your pets and click Follow so that YOU are Following your pet, you can use the 'GoTo' Button to direct yourself and your pets to all move together at the same speed and 'mostly' not have them fall behind while you wait for them to catch up.
I hope this helps.

Edit: Slow typing, ftl. Still, I hope this helps.

"Character is what you are in the dark"-John Warfin



The thing with mercs is that they don't deal a lot of damage, except the commando, so life plods on very slowly until level 26.

I like them because they're very good at holding aggro, so if a battle starts to go badly and I don't want to die, I can just leave them fighting and casually walk back to the elevators, confident that the bad guys won't follow me until the last merk is down.

Originally Posted by Xiroth View Post
Easy...I didn't.

Personally, I find tornado to be a marginally useful power, especially on teams. I'd rather be able to slot the entire blood mandate set in all 3 pets. I am not saying that as a definitive statement, but as my opinion of the power and how it works with my play style. As always, YMMV.
On a MM you don't take it to use it. (I agree it's almost totally useless.) You take it so you can slot the "recharge intensive pet" procs for defense and resistance. On merks, the resistance will be especially useful.



In my experience (Mercs/Dark), you'll love your mastermind, until about midway through the game. People who believe the AT is overpowered speak mostly from experience with their early game play, or just straight up aren't talking about most Mercs/* builds.

Mercenaries bring absolutely nothing to the table in the late game, and are functionally useless for all level 50 content, except farming -1 minions for salvage.

They really excel at destroying a billion of really weak things, but once the heat gets turned up at all (and I'm not meaning +4/X8 content, I mean being on basic +0 content with EBs), they wilt like nobody's business.

Serum is pretty much useless, as it is. The third minion, Medic, doesn't use his healing enough to even warrant mention of it as a bonus. Spec Ops stealth is pointless outside of theme, and their debuff grenades are all thrown at the first guy they see and have a long recharge time. You'll often face the first, lowest level set in a mission to watch 4 grenades hit the first poor sap they see, only to never see the grenades again for the rest of, or at least most of the mission.

The pets don't behave which I'm told is a symptom of all masterminds, but really does them no favors in keeping them alive as weak as they are, especially if, oops, you didn't take a secondary set with a Recharge Intensive Pet, and can't even IO your guys into surviving.

The power set doesn't really work in practice or theme (why are street thugs more able to command and defend on a battle field than hardened mercenaries?) out of the box, and has to be finagled into working with very specific secondary power sets (which goes against the general feel of the rest of the game, with most other power set combinations being viable from 1-50).

If you're a primarily role player and have friends who don't mind carrying you through later game content, then by all means take the set, otherwise stay far away, or do some major looking around for ways to use your secondary set to make a viable build.



I ended up deciding not to go with mercs/pain and went with thugs/pain and then went and retried my Demons/therm.

So yeah.



You just have to get past the idea of them being predictable. They're not. You never know when the tear gas will arrive, or the medic will finally decide it's time to help out, so you've just got to be on your toes and adjust your strategies as the situation evolves. Sometimes I'm all ready to start dropping purples,or run for it (did I mention they hold aggro off of you really well?) and all of a sudden I see two booms go off and the enemies are all standing there flickering. If you're really committed, then you'll start to get a sense of the timing. I can kind of feel when it's time to start healing the second most damaged pet, because my medic is surely going to help the most damaged one, and I'm tired of healing them just a second too late.

If you really like feeling in control of the situation, then you will hate this set. If you're like me and you like a little chaos to keep you on your toes, this is quite possibly the funnest of all the MM sets. It's like opening presents on X-mas day. You just never quite know what you're going to get.



Originally Posted by Humility View Post
The Goto command is also almost useless since apparently it "goto" actually means "Tag that spot like it was second base and you got a home run". The pets hit the spot and just keep on truckin to wherever they were going.
Haven't laughed out loud at a quote in a while, LOL, thank you much! It is funny because I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!



My personal experience on raids with my mercs/traps.

LGTF: The pets got chewed up like doggie toys soaked in BBQ sauce and thrown in a kennel full of rabid Dobermans. I was resummoning all of them pretty much whenever the summon powers refreshed. However, /traps gave a lot of help to the team, especially with the big 3 of FF-gen, acid mortar and poison trap. I think I died only once, and that was due to my own stupidity.

STF: The last mission is where the toon really shines. When it's time to pull GW and her pals, it's nice to have a minefield complete with poison traps and acid mortars waiting and ready. Also, the pets seem to fare pretty well in this TF, with relatively few deaths. They have a lot of chances to keep on the consistent damage while I'm busy doing my traps thing. The key is to occassionally Heel them to peel off the morons who moved in to brawl, and then re-siccing them on the AV.

Khan: To be honest, every run I've done has been a turbo run, with someone stealthing + group TPing every mish. The only real fight came with Reichsman, and again, /traps really shines with these AV fights. And even while I'm toebombing or setting up poison traps and acid mortars, my guys are still pouring on the damage, something a /traps corr can't do.

I've never had any trouble getting invited to a WST. I'm sure I'll eventually run into some min/maxxer who will tell me to go get bent when I ask to join, but honestly, with all that /traps brings to the table, that wouldn't be such a wise decision. Even for meatgrinders like LGTF. And I haven't even tried a barracude SF yet.



Funny, speaking of high-end SFs, when some friends and I ran our first MoLRSF, I brought my Mercs/Poison MM. Commando + Serum + Poison Gas helped a LOT with the AVs at the end.

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I saw go for it. Its not that the mercs are bad pets its just that many other sets are totally overpowered for what they do. I would say ninajs and then mercs need to brought up to the same level as the other pets. Ninjas are way too squishie for the damage they do and merc damage gets resisted way too much. In addition to that the medic is about as retarded as they get. He would work so much better if he did not have a much shorter range on its weapons compared to the others. Essentially to make mercs good you have to proc it out with the -resists proc in all the pets. Eventhough it might not stack its good that its going to be up most of the time helping the damage issues.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



I've been reading the MP guide above. I just have a few questions:

1. How close do you have to be to your mercs to pass inspirations to them? Is it roughly the same as to pass inspirations to other characters? Can I give inspirations to other MM's pets during combat?

2. When you do a summons, each time the a new soldier is called he's dumber, right? My first summoned merc will be Lx(whatever my level) -1, right? If he dies, the next summons will be Lx -2, right? Will this keep going like this or will it "bottom out" at a certain point(Lx + -5 maybe)?

3. Merc speak. I see the /petsay_all<{(command)}>{message} to have the Merc's speak. Will this be a one time change or a permanent change until I change it again? Example, my Mercs now says "Rock and Roll!" Will this command change this?

4. What are differences between these enhancements:

Edict of the Master: Defence Bonus
Call to Arms: Defence Bonus Aura

Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus
Expedient Reinforcemetn: Resist Bonus Aura

5. The Alpha slotting. I thought Musculature Cardiac Radial was the highest Damage but after reading the MP I discovered that the Musculature Core Boost is better for DPS.

My questions about the Alpha:

1. Will the Alpha slotting affect me and my henches or just me?
2. I see Muscle Boost and Muscle Core Boost, I see the obvious differences( damage only vs. damage and immobilization). Are the percentage increases different between these? I've seen IOs that had multiple features but had reduced increases %-wise.

6. Zoning. My Mercs go everywhere with me but I've seen necros and hell beasts die with other MMs. What causes this? Is this just software instancing? They die on one side and just reappear on the other side?

7. I hear everyone blast the Mercs but what do they do that the others can't?



Originally Posted by Residentx_EU View Post

4. What are differences between these enhancements:

Edict of the Master: Defence Bonus
Call to Arms: Defence Bonus Aura

Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus
Expedient Reinforcemetn: Resist Bonus Aura
The only way to slot Soveriegn Right or Expedient Reinforcement is if you have Storm Summoning as your secondary and you choose the Tornado power. They can't be slotted to any of the mercenary powers.

Other than that, I'm pretty sure they are identical.



Originally Posted by Berzerker_NA View Post
The only way to slot Soveriegn Right or Expedient Reinforcement is if you have Storm Summoning as your secondary and you choose the Tornado power. They can't be slotted to any of the mercenary powers.

Other than that, I'm pretty sure they are identical.
Isn't soverign right a normal pet IO? Not Recharge intensive pets.



Originally Posted by Residentx_EU View Post
I've been reading the MP guide above. I just have a few questions:

1. How close do you have to be to your mercs to pass inspirations to them? Is it roughly the same as to pass inspirations to other characters? Can I give inspirations to other MM's pets during combat?

2. When you do a summons, each time the a new soldier is called he's dumber, right? My first summoned merc will be Lx(whatever my level) -1, right? If he dies, the next summons will be Lx -2, right? Will this keep going like this or will it "bottom out" at a certain point(Lx + -5 maybe)?

3. Merc speak. I see the /petsay_all<{(command)}>{message} to have the Merc's speak. Will this be a one time change or a permanent change until I change it again? Example, my Mercs now says "Rock and Roll!" Will this command change this?

4. What are differences between these enhancements:

Edict of the Master: Defence Bonus
Call to Arms: Defence Bonus Aura

Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus
Expedient Reinforcemetn: Resist Bonus Aura

5. The Alpha slotting. I thought Musculature Cardiac Radial was the highest Damage but after reading the MP I discovered that the Musculature Core Boost is better for DPS.

My questions about the Alpha:

1. Will the Alpha slotting affect me and my henches or just me?
2. I see Muscle Boost and Muscle Core Boost, I see the obvious differences( damage only vs. damage and immobilization). Are the percentage increases different between these? I've seen IOs that had multiple features but had reduced increases %-wise.

6. Zoning. My Mercs go everywhere with me but I've seen necros and hell beasts die with other MMs. What causes this? Is this just software instancing? They die on one side and just reappear on the other side?

7. I hear everyone blast the Mercs but what do they do that the others can't?
1. Not sure, never really paid attention, but pretty sure it's a longer range than handing to players. I *think* it may either be unlimited range, or within supremacy range, but I'm mostly just guessing. Easy enough to test though - use a goto command to get the pets far away from you, then pass an inspiration and see if they take it.

2. The pet level will not get lower each time you summon them. It's based on how many pets the power can summon: When you first get Soldiers, it only summons one pet, so that pet is the same level as you. At a certain level (for the life of me I can't remember which - 6?) it starts summoning two pets, and at that point it changes to them being -1 level. At 18 it starts summoning three pets, and at that point it changes to them being -2 levels. It'll stay -2 levels for the rest of your career (save exemping back below 18). Similar story for Spec Ops. Commando is always your level.

3. The things pets say like "Rock and Roll" is fixed (linked to the commands you give them) and won't ever change. The /petsay commands are one off speech - they'll immediately say whatever you've put in the command at the time you hit return, but won't say it again without another /petsay command.

4. The difference is what powers they can be slotted in. Edict of the Master and Sovereign Right can go in any pet power (that is, the 3 tiers of Mastermind henchmen pets and powers treated like pets including those from other powersets such as Tornado or Dark Servant). Call to Arms and Expedient Reinforcements are a different set type, and not as many powers are flagged to accept them - the 3 tiers of Mastermind henchmen pets can't slot them, but powers like Tornado can.

5. The alpha slotting will affect your henchmen as well as you. I don't have the % information handy on the different slot types right now though.

6. Yes, I'm pretty sure it's what you describe - the pets die on exiting the zone to be automatically resummoned on the other.

7. The main thing mercs have over other pets is the tier 2 pets, the Spec Ops, get some aoe controls that trump the more limited controls other sets' pets get. Or should trump them; the problem is they're on quite long timers and the player has little if any control over when their stupid pets use them, so they're just as likely to throw them at a single half dead minion as they are to hold an entire spawn (and if they hit the single half dead minion it's gonna be a while before they get another chance to use them intelligently). Other than that mercs don't do much that the other sets don't do equally or better (though I guess they get a bit more mileage from procs).



Originally Posted by Residentx_EU View Post
I've been reading the MP guide above. I just have a few questions:

1. How close do you have to be to your mercs to pass inspirations to them? Is it roughly the same as to pass inspirations to other characters? Can I give inspirations to other MM's pets during combat?

2. When you do a summons, each time the a new soldier is called he's dumber, right? My first summoned merc will be Lx(whatever my level) -1, right? If he dies, the next summons will be Lx -2, right? Will this keep going like this or will it "bottom out" at a certain point(Lx + -5 maybe)?

3. Merc speak. I see the /petsay_all<{(command)}>{message} to have the Merc's speak. Will this be a one time change or a permanent change until I change it again? Example, my Mercs now says "Rock and Roll!" Will this command change this?

4. What are differences between these enhancements:

Edict of the Master: Defence Bonus
Call to Arms: Defence Bonus Aura

Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus
Expedient Reinforcemetn: Resist Bonus Aura

5. The Alpha slotting. I thought Musculature Cardiac Radial was the highest Damage but after reading the MP I discovered that the Musculature Core Boost is better for DPS.

My questions about the Alpha:

1. Will the Alpha slotting affect me and my henches or just me?
2. I see Muscle Boost and Muscle Core Boost, I see the obvious differences( damage only vs. damage and immobilization). Are the percentage increases different between these? I've seen IOs that had multiple features but had reduced increases %-wise.

6. Zoning. My Mercs go everywhere with me but I've seen necros and hell beasts die with other MMs. What causes this? Is this just software instancing? They die on one side and just reappear on the other side?

7. I hear everyone blast the Mercs but what do they do that the others can't?
1) You have to be fairly close to pass an insp to a pet, not right on top of them but you don't have a lot of space to work with.

2) Pet levels don't work like that.
At level 1 you summon one minion, he is your level.
At level 6 this increases to 2 minions, they are your level -1.
At level 12 you summon one LT, he is your level.
At level 18 you summon 3 minions, they are your level -2.
At level 24 you summon 2 LTs, they are your level -1.
At level 26 you summon 1 boss, he is your level.

3) Pretty sure the /petsay commands are a one shot deal. You make them say something right then and there. It's just like you typing something in chat except it comes from your pets. Not sure there is a way to change their battlecry text, it vaguely rings a bell but really isn't something I care much about so I never looked into it.

4) CTA and Expedient reinforcement are only slottable in RECHARGE INTENSIVE PETS and cannot be put in the standard mastermind pets. Off the top of my head that is Gang War (thugs), Hell on Earth (demons), Soul Extraction (necro) and it can also be slotted into a couple of the secondary power sets. Tornado and I believe the pet from Dark Miasma, not sure if there are others. You can slot both sets to stack the defense and resistance bonuses from them.

5) Not current on alpha slotting because I really haven't touched my MM's much recently. They do effect your pets as well as you. The key thing is to remember that if a power cannot be effected by something, it won't receive the bonus from the alpha. For instance MM pets cannot benefit from Recharge Reduction. It will reduce the recharge for the actual summoning power, but your pet powers cannot benefit from recharge redux, so they will similarly not benefit from the recharge alpha.

6) Yes, your pets go everywhere with you... but not quite how you think. When you leave a zone your pets are killed and when you enter a zone new pets are summoned and the upgrades are applied to them. For instance if you leave a zone with your pet at 10% health, with a buff such as a thermal resist shield on it, you will have a new pet with no resist shield and 100% health once you zone in because it is actually a new pet.

7) The problem with mercs is that they really can't do anything the other sets can't do. It's a powerful set, every MM set is powerful. The issue is that for any given task a different primary will outperform the mercs, and likely match them in every other aspect. It's just a bit lackluster compared to the other options, you won't be gimp or terrible, but you really won't be that great (for a mastermind) at anything.

EDIT: NINJA'D! That's what I get for having a bowl of icecream with the wife before tucking her in with the post window open!



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
Well I'm considering once again trying an MM. I've never made it past 28 on one and wanted to try out mercs (mainly for concept).

My question is should I bother? I've basically heard they're one of the worst sets out there but are they just the worst compared to other MM sets or are they so bad I won't even be able to do my own missions?

I'm not too concerned about being "the best" or knowing that if I ran some spread sheets I'd be aware I'm 0.05% more powerful than the guy next to me. I just want to be able to feel decent, solo my mishes, and have fun. Adequacy is all I really require.

I was considering pairing it with /pain, possibly. Traps could also be possible but I'm not a big fan of traps.
In my opinion, Mercs suffers from a few longstanding issues, and from collateral changes to other parts of the game. First, many of the attacks are cones, and the AI is pretty much incapable of doing much with them. I'm fairly sure the cones are also narrower than for Robots, which means that it's even less likely than normal for more than one target to get hit.

Mercs also got hit pretty hard when recharge enhancements were disabled for pets. The powers that they do have with AOE or control effects are all on long timers. This might not have been as serious before, but it means that now Mercs will struggle to have an attack ready all the time. And as with any other pets, they have a nasty habit of firing "big ticket" powers at exactly the wrong target. They'll Flashbang the lone Conscript that just pushed them, and then be unable to use it on the Rikti Mesmerist that's trying to scramble your brain.

Mercs also don't seem to have a lot of self-synergy with their powers. For example, the Commando likes to start a fight with his rocket launcher, which scatters the targets all over the room and makes it even more unlikely that any of their cone or long recharge control attacks will do anything useful. And all of the mercs have melee attacks, which they *will* use if nothing else is ready. So get used to seeing your medic trying to rifle slam a boss. The Spec Ops troops have stealth, but unlike their Ninja counterparts, they don't appear to have any stealth strike attacks.

The Medic is a paticularly annoying pet, since he does a lot of things, and doesn't do any of them very well. He has a healing power, but it can be interrupted, and he's not very good at prioritizing with it. He also has an AoE grenade and a brawl attack, so he tends to start a fight by aggroing everything in the room with a grenade and then trying to punch a Devoured One in the facial tentacles. In contrast, the Thugs Arsonist is just as suicidal, but more specialized. The Arsonist can only set things on fire, and he gets killed because he's really, really good at it. The medic dies a lot because he's just stupid, even for a pet.

If you use a lot of keybinds and micromanage the heck out of your pets, you can work around some of these problems. (Except the medic, who is totally hopeless.) If you're really, really patient and attentive and quick with pet commands, you can even force the set to be above average. However, for the same effort you could take any other Mastermind set and be utterly awesome.

*Edit* I forgot Serum. This power is widely regarded as being the worst of all the Mastermind "Level 18" utility powers, and some people consider it to simply be one of the worst powers in the entire game. It's a single target pet-only buff on a hideously long timer (I think only the Patron Pets have longer base recharge) and it crashes the pet's endurance when it expires. And the buffs it grants aren't even particularly impressive to begin with. (Especially compared to Extract Soul, Living Hellfire, and Gang War.)



Originally Posted by Humility View Post
Bots Traps to 50
Thugs FF to 37
Demons Thermal to 36
Merc Dark to 32 (My first MM)
Zombies Poison to 26
Thugs TA to 20

The only one I wouldn't play again is the mercs.
And that's the problem - it was your first MM and thus you obviously didn't know what you were doing and therefore played badly with it.



Mercs also got hit pretty hard when recharge enhancements were disabled for pets. The powers that they do have with AOE or control effects are all on long timers. This might not have been as serious before, but it means that now Mercs will struggle to have an attack ready all the time. And as with any other pets, they have a nasty habit of firing "big ticket" powers at exactly the wrong target. They'll Flashbang the lone Conscript that just pushed them, and then be unable to use it on the Rikti Mesmerist that's trying to scramble your brain
Not true, mercs are almost always attacking, their first attack is almost rechaged by the time it finishes animating, so there is no struggle to have attacks ready. Now on the long timer controls, even with full slotting they were still to random to be relyed on, and were usually wasted, just more often.

And all of the mercs have melee attacks, which they *will* use if nothing else is ready.
Not true, only the special ops have melee attacks with rifle butt, the rest had their melee attacks removed including the medic. It is bad ai that sends them into melee.




Originally Posted by Dirges View Post
Not true, mercs are almost always attacking, their first attack is almost rechaged by the time it finishes animating, so there is no struggle to have attacks ready. Now on the long timer controls, even with full slotting they were still to random to be relyed on, and were usually wasted, just more often.

It's definitely against their them, but when you play them right, Mercs is all about just going with the flow and not trying to plan everything. In reality, Thugs should have been Mercs, and Mercs should have been Thugs. Then we would all feel better about it.

Originally Posted by Toony View Post
Isn't soverign right a normal pet IO? Not Recharge intensive pets.
Oh yeah. My mistake. Expedient Reinforcemetn: Resist Bonus Aura, and Call to Arms: Defence Bonus Aura are the ones that can't be slotted to mercs unless the toon is a /Storm.

Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
*Edit* I forgot Serum. This power is widely regarded as being the worst of all the Mastermind "Level 18" utility powers, and some people consider it to simply be one of the worst powers in the entire game. It's a single target pet-only buff on a hideously long timer (I think only the Patron Pets have longer base recharge) and it crashes the pet's endurance when it expires. And the buffs it grants aren't even particularly impressive to begin with. (Especially compared to Extract Soul, Living Hellfire, and Gang War.)
Serum has its uses.

The way I play my mercs, the Commando almost always draws the lion's share of aggro, so if it looks like the team is about to wipe or something, I just drop serum on him and tell him to make the biggest, toughest, enemies mad at him as best he can.

But, I have a weird play style. I never use body guard mode.



my 5 cents.
i am mostly mm addicted, had about 20 of different combination, all have been brought above lvl 40.
i had two mercs/, both were DELETED, no concerns, no pity. never look back.

zombie/dark for being very hard to play still have HUGE advantages in some abilities or synergies. even thugs for being annoying like no other still be good in certain aspects.
mercs are just horrible for no advantages.
1. lethal is most resisted damage.
2. medic is more like walking useless corpse. toss a grenade, annoy all nukers for scattering the spawn with knockback, draw the agro, one hit death. and healing like crazy something at full health while you've been dieing is his normal behavior. that IF you've managed him to survive somehow.
3. spec ops snipe, their strongest attack, tier 2 upgrade, likely never will be used in combat.
4. recharge of serum is HORRIBLE.
5. commando use A LOT of endurance, he will be empty in every fight that is longer then 30 sek. his strongest skill, the long range missile has a cooldown of 5 minutes or something alike. i don't remember exactly, its been years since i touched them.

all this has been known to devs for YEARS, no changes has been made.



Just to throw my two cents in, I have a mercs/pain that I made before I knew any better. Over the course of time, they somehow got to 50 because I liked it even though it always felt underperforming. I'd get interested, get a couple of levels, and get sick of the issues of Mercs again

Just now, a few hours ago, I decided to try something else. I needed to respec for inherent fitness, so I went the tankermind route. S/L softcapped and such. It has in the space of a few hours and a few hundred million inf (About 700, for what it's worth, and some of that was unnecessary/buy it now spending) become much more fun. Now, it's still not as good as the same character would be as Bots or Thugs, I'm sure. I'm by no means excusing the shortfalls of Mercenaries, or saying that it's acceptable for a character to only be fun with sets. Just sharing my opinion of what has turned my Mercs character around.



Some people play mercs and like the set well enough. In my opinion, the fact remains that the set has some weird issues that most of the other MM sets don't share. A healer pet with a brawl attack, an interruptible heal power, and an AoE attack that's mostly only good for drawing aggro on a pet that even most minion NPCs can one shot. Tier 2 pets with stealth but no stealth strike attacks, and who have a few control powers with such short duration and long recharge that they're more like novelty powers than actual attacks. A Tier 3 who has a nuke-style attack that has both massive knockback and a five minute recharge. And a utility power of questionable value compared to its counterparts in nearly every other MM powerset.

If you've played Masterminds before, and are comfortable trying to work around the issues with the set, you might enjoy it. Especially if you have a strong character concept that requires Mercs, rather than, say, a military themed Assault Rifle or Dual Pistols character. If nothing else, make a Mercs and see for yourself. You can get Serum at level 18 to decide if you like it or not. If getting the character to level 32 starts to feel too much like a chore, or you just dread logging in on that character, then you'll have your answer.



Yeah. I think it's a good set for people that have already played other MM's. It's not very forgiving if you screw up like some of them are.

On teams: I think the best use is to have them focus fire on the boss, to def debuff him so your blasters/scraps can kill him easily.

Solo: Just be ready for a long, slow ride to level 26, and keep the difficulty low till you've got the Commando, or you'll be waiting...waiting...waiting.... for each mob to drop. (Which means a lot less XP per hour than if you simply dropped the difficulty and killed them faster.)



Mercs was my first MM back in I6, and I haven't played one since, so I was wondering (not that I'm going to play mercs again):

All of the pets take achilles procs. How does that work? Does each pet place one debuff, or does it refresh? Will 6 pets potentially result in 6 achilles procs?

If so, that could be a redeeming feature.



Originally Posted by YoumuKonpaku View Post
Mercs was my first MM back in I6, and I haven't played one since, so I was wondering (not that I'm going to play mercs again):

All of the pets take achilles procs. How does that work? Does each pet place one debuff, or does it refresh? Will 6 pets potentially result in 6 achilles procs?

If so, that could be a redeeming feature.
No, unfortunately. A badguy can only have it on them once, no matter what. Even if separate players put it on them, I think.



Originally Posted by Berzerker_NA View Post
No, unfortunately. A badguy can only have it on them once, no matter what. Even if separate players put it on them, I think.

We(By which I mean, myself) de-bunked this almost a year ago.

Though it only occurs a very small fraction of the time, even when testing in a vacuum.