Peacebringers and Warshades and Numbers, Oh MY!




Originally Posted by SoilentGreen View Post
you could always use your 'heal other' clone....oh wait, wrong half of the AT.

from what i recall fluffies carry over the buffs you have when they spawn. so they get some hasten, eclipse etc. for some of their life.
Minor nitpick, hasten wouldn't do anything due to pets not being affected by recharge buffs.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by SoilentGreen View Post
you could always use your 'heal other' clone....oh wait, wrong half of the AT.

from what i recall fluffies carry over the buffs you have when they spawn. so they get some hasten, eclipse etc. for some of their life.
just tested this and it only seems to be working with mire and hasten.

eclipse doesn't carry over.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
just tested this and it only seems to be working with mire and hasten.

eclipse doesn't carry over.
And Fluffies are pets, so therefore Hasten does nowt



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
And Fluffies are pets, so therefore Hasten does nowt
does not or dow now?

i'd assume hasten has no effect on them but whether it does or doesn't is irrelevant but it still shows up.

its kind of irrelevant from my point though

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



"nowt / naught" = nothing.

Recharge enhancements, IOs, and boosts are ineffective on pets and pseudo-pets.



Has this thread been linked in the suggestions forum yet? I haven't seen any dev posts here, and considering the amount of data and responses in this thread you'd think someone could pipe in at some point. Otherwise everything that this thread is about ultimately comes to nothing. (Except keeping further folk away from PB's)

"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo



Going tothe SI forum would be a bad idea. Most good ideas just fall down the post and get ignored over the stupid posts were people like to argue.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
Going tothe SI forum would be a bad idea. Most good ideas just fall down the post and get ignored over the stupid posts were people like to argue.
Good point, still, wish there was some recognition. I want to make my light squid not a purple kooshball flotilla.

"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo



Originally Posted by Katten View Post
Good point, still, wish there was some recognition. I want to make my light squid not a purple kooshball flotilla.
Might I suggest takin' a look at my guide?

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Here's the thing: we could go rounds all day about changes to Build Up that could - and would - increase Peacebringer damage, but if you take away the pet damage Peacebringers hands-down outdamage Warshades. .
Which does point to a reason to make and bring a PB along, for scenarios where the main issue is going to be hard targets (AVs, etc.). I've been on two TFs with my WS that failed in fact (1 STF, 1 Khan), because at the final AV fight I was basically just a Nova Form blaster, and the team still couldn't muster the dps/debuff combination to take down the final AV. Too dangerous to Mire frequently, and its not much of a buff on 1 or 2 targets, fluffies wore off. . .



Originally Posted by Scientist View Post
Which does point to a reason to make and bring a PB along, for scenarios where the main issue is going to be hard targets (AVs, etc.). I've been on two TFs with my WS that failed in fact (1 STF, 1 Khan), because at the final AV fight I was basically just a Nova Form blaster, and the team still couldn't muster the dps/debuff combination to take down the final AV. Too dangerous to Mire frequently, and its not much of a buff on 1 or 2 targets, fluffies wore off. . .
Actually, I've had similar experiences on my Peacebringer. In the long, drawn-out fight situation where my team doesn't have the dps to bring down an AV quickly, even though my PB outdamages a WS, it's not enough to turn the tide. There's never been a time when this happens when I could say "I'm glad I brought a Peacebringer and not a Warshade," because my Peacebringer only did marginally better than a comparably kitted out Warshade.

How do I know? My wife plays a comparably kitted out Warshade alongside my Peacebringer. Many's the time she's had me drooling with envy in large groups over what her Warshade and her "kooshball floatilla" could do, but the only thing she truly envies is light form's costume swap. That, and my dwarf tanks a little better than hers.

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Originally Posted by Scientist View Post
Which does point to a reason to make and bring a PB along, for scenarios where the main issue is going to be hard targets (AVs, etc.). I've been on two TFs with my WS that failed in fact (1 STF, 1 Khan), because at the final AV fight I was basically just a Nova Form blaster, and the team still couldn't muster the dps/debuff combination to take down the final AV. Too dangerous to Mire frequently, and its not much of a buff on 1 or 2 targets, fluffies wore off. . .
You should be able to mire safely off of those AVs... neither fire off their AOEs so fast that you can't flit in there. Just wait for them to use their aoe and then go in. Easy enough.

Though really, the call is just whatever character you want to play. That's the way it always is: there is no needed AT (even if you feel like one tanky character on those TFs).

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Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
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