Discussion: Double XP weekend begins today!

Ael Rhiana



I never see those famous farmers from AE or those AE missions that give insanely XP and make you level like crazy.
Can you tell me where they are?
Im playing in Union, and cant get a team for my lvls under 35s...
Im not having any luck this 2XP weekend, Im soloing with my blaster and its kind of lame. People only running ITF, and I cant because my new alt is 34.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
I never see those famous farmers from AE or those AE missions that give insanely XP and make you level like crazy.
Can you tell me where they are?
Im playing in Union, and cant get a team for my lvls under 35s...
Im not having any luck this 2XP weekend, Im soloing with my blaster and its kind of lame. People only running ITF, and I cant because my new alt is 34.
I'm on Infinity. I never liked the -over rewarding- missions, something about those just says to me, "If you use this you are a weakling" and I enjoy a good +4 x8 setting so, I don't consider myself a weakling by any extent. Those -over rewarding- missions were nothing more than a setback for developing skills, so I can't support anyone using them.

As far as finding those famous farmers... do what I did... Become one. Then you won't need -anyone- to carry you.

It took playing several archetypes, mastering their abilities and playstyles before I grasped a solid concept of a "legendary farmer" it didn't happen over night and it wasn't handed to me either. I worked hard for it and so should you.

That's the best advice I can give. Take it.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



What too many people fail to realize is how good farming actually is for this game... And also how easy it is to "pick your farm". Go run just about any of the arcs in PI. Unai Kemmon, Tina Mac, Maria Jenkins, they all have multiple missions with big, open maps and a single or multiple blinkies that you can choose to click or not click. Do you want to fight Banished Pantheon? Warriors? Council Empire? So on and so forth. They gave us farming. They HANDED IT to us. And look at all the people that farm. What do they do?

They get crazy amounts of drops. They keep the purples somewhat affordable. Without them, there would be a TON less purples on the market, meaning inflation and supply/demand would put them near PvP IO prices! That's not even counting the thousands of pieces of salvage, as well as uncommon and rare recipes and IOs. They also get money to spend on other toons, so they'll gladly put money into the pockets of anyone who puts things on the market by buying OUR drops. And this is just those people who farm outside of the AE buildings.

Now go INTO the AE buildings... These people roll tickets into salvage and recipes, and fill the market to the brim with all sorts of the lower-level recipes that are so hard to get a hold of. They single handedly keep the Steadfast Res/+3 Def proc under 100 mil. They help regulate the economy because they're significantly increasing the supply of recipes and crafted IOs on the market.

And you want to tell me the Devs HATE farming and want it to go? They may dislike the fact that people are using farming to level people faster than they would through normal game content, yes. But you cannot deny how much farming affects EVERYTHING else in the game, except maybe TO/DO/SO prices. AE was not built for farming. It wasn't. They built it to be a new system of creativity where people can build new arcs to their heart's desire, and make these arcs so different from anything else in the game, it's like playing a new game. But when you give someone lemons, they'll find some water and sugar and make lemonade. Some people are perfectly content eating lemons all day, but some people really wanted their lemonade, and thus they began to farm. Do I agree with any of the bugged missions (monkey farm, MM farm, so on, so forth)? Oh hell no. But when people farm in AE, and it's generally SLOWER exp than you would get farming in Portal Corps, how is that bad for anything?

Even if you take farming out of the game, you still have scanners/newspapers. People can go to PI/GV with their 2 accounts, set it to +2, and farm Council repeatable missions all day. And they'll level just as fast as they would in actual farms. Ok, so you took out farming and repeatable missions. Now look at how much of the playerbase you just pissed off. The Devs are extremely smart, and extremely good at judging their money. They can leave out stuff for the basebuilders and get away with it because it's not a huge community (this is no offense to that community. Just simply stating it from how I would view it if I were a dev). But if you get rid of farming and repeatable missions, you lose more subscribers than you know what to do with. Get rid of AE? Go ahead and throw in THEIR solid community as well.

I'm sure the no DXP is either a bug or is impossible because of patrol XP* in AE, and because they know it won't piss off too many people, they have no reason to waste their time to fix it. I don't think they purposely turned it off in AE so that people can't farm, because I know that if I put my nose to it and played about 30 hours this weekend, I could have myself 3-4 toons from 1-50 in "other farms".

*The thought is that once they introduced patrol xp, it made it easier to control DXP weekends by just setting everyone's patrol xp to ON and setting the XP given for patrol xp from 50% to 100%. That's why you don't use up patrol xp during DXP weekend and probably why it doesn't work in AE because AE ignores patrol xp.



Blarg. Somehow the Dev's always pick my scheduled weekend to work. -.- Please extend the event! Just one more week!

"There are no facts, only interpretations" - Friedrich Nietzche, Philosopher
"Conflict is inevitable. Combat is optional." - Max Lucade, Author



Originally Posted by Maleficent View Post
Blarg. Somehow the Dev's always pick my scheduled weekend to work. -.- Please extend the event! Just one more week!

I have a friend <also a soloist> and his partner have a two man SG.

So far this double XP weekend left me with around 530 mill inf.

I just donated it to their SG for a prestige boost and it gave me such pleasure making someone else happy.

I want to do this more.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



PLease oh wonderful Devs and GMs who ahve given us this bountiful Double Xp week end, I say this as a little orphan child. "please sir, may I have some more?"

please can we have another one soon? pretty please?



I do so enjoy DXP. I would also love to see it run for a solid week, maybe once a year..perhaps as an anniversary add-on. Thanks devs!

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Well while I also enjoy DXP quite a lot, it seems this one has ended oddly seeing as I can't log on and the server-indicators on the website says it's up and running (also no posts concerning downtime on forums).... Discuss :P

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



There was an in-game announcement. The game went down at noon GMT for two hours, presumably to remove the double exp and Winter Event from the game.

Those two hours should be up around... now. (The key word there, of course, is "around". The game doesn't seem to be up now. Server Status page says "Unknown" for all servers, which is usually a synonym for "Down")

Edited to add: ... and now it's back up, and the ski chalet is still there, and I still seem to be getting double experience. So... um... hm. Never mind.



I always find it funny that they give start and end times, yet don't stick to them.

The event started at 8am central, not 11am on Thursday. It was supposed to end this morning at 2am central. 11:45 right now and double XP is still going.

Not complaining, I love the extra time, but wonder why they even bother with an "official" start and end time if they don't mean what they say. =P

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



to all who are wondering why double XP is still going past the end time, thats just a dev being nice. or maybe they read my request for more and decided to continue it,



Then why bother to have start/end times at all? I don't think I've ever seen them stick to their start/end times for events. Its 12 hours past when double xp was going to stop, and its still going strong! Not that I mind, its just weird that they always set times for beginning and end, and then ignore them completely. Always.

If they are extending it another day or two, an announcement would be nice.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

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Originally Posted by StarKitten View Post
Then why bother to have start/end times at all? I don't think I've ever seen them stick to their start/end times for events. Its 12 hours past when double xp was going to stop, and its still going strong! Not that I mind, its just weird that they always set times for beginning and end, and then ignore them completely. Always.

If they are extending it another day or two, an announcement would be nice.
Yeah I've never really quite understood the loose start/stop times either. I've learned over the years that things tend to start and stop more when the servers come up and down, not when any arbitrary time passes on a clock.

At this point it sounds like they are just going to let 2x run on until tomorrow when they bring the servers down to push Issue 19.5 live. That's right, that's -exactly- what I said.

Disclaimer: My prediction of Issue 19.5 going live on February 1st is based on reasonable evidence but it's just a prediction.
If doesn't happen tomorrow it'll likely go on the 8th. Enjoy.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



that would be awesome!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



I also would love to see "Double XP Weeks", instead of weekends. SOME of us have to work on weekends, you know.


"If you two don't work this out RIGHT NOW, I'm turning this invasion around and going home!" - Emperor Cole



What the devs do is very important. They should keep doing that and not worry about us or the need to flip off any switches.

"You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one."
� James A. Froude (1818-1894)



i think they left it on to finish prepping for strike pack...i see there is another server down time...mabey today(feb 1)?....



About that earth being flat..


Its said that I think there were only 3 ancient cultures that may have held this to be true but only for a short time. A 4th culture(chinese) maintained the earth was flat until the 17th century and they were the only ones who did so on the whole earth. So a whole lot of chinese common sense thought the earth was flat sounds more accurate to me.

Originally Posted by Wulfman View Post
First, I'll ignore the snide comment about common sense, as I'm sure you weren't directing it specifically at me or suggesting that I don't have any.

Second, while your assumption of the reasoning may be the most logical, that does not make it so. After all, there was a whole lot of common sense that said the world was flat at one time. But again, the issue is that they don't have the guts to step out and say so, one way or the other. Instead, they depend on the "common sense police" to answer for them.

Lastly, taking AE out altogether was one of my options as well. However, if they were to do so simply because a small percentage of people aren't using the system the way they intended, then they might as well discontinue the game altogether because there have always been and will always be people who don't use the game mechanics as intended.

And quite frankly, saying the devs were using common sense when they designed AE AND that they didn't anticipate some small portion of the playerbase to misuse it is an oxymoron of epic proportions...with the emphasis on the moron part. ANYONE with a lick of common sense knew it was going to happen, and I'm sure you'd give the devs at least that much credit!



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Are you really, really sure? That's quite a risk to take. Of course it's not us taking the risk, so it sounds acceptable to me.
Wouldn't it be easier to make an AE arc where you step outside of the AE building without having to really do it?

Nemsis lv50 Inv/SS
Arch-Nemsis lv 50 SS/Inv