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Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
As the podcast covered to a small extent, mental illness, how it's defined, and how it's quantified, are one of the themes in TG. Our protagonist was originally only defined by her OCD (which was the theme of her mini-comic beginnings in Tales of the Pathetic Club). In the Top Cow version, though, it MAY be something more. Between my own experiences with OCD, and my experiences with my ex-wife's severe mental illness (eventually diagnosed as a combination of borderline personality and severe depression), the topic is something about which I've learned a great deal as a layman.

As far as the Real Life Superhero community, I've gotten to know a number of them over the last few years, particularly the Crimson Fist, Superhero, and others. They're a fascinating bunch of folks, and some great people. And they were a great deal of help pushing Twilight Guardian to a win in Pilot Season...much like the heroes of these forums...
Mm. I thought I noticed something in your writing that suggested a real-life familiarity with mental illness. Just something about the mentions of the meds and how people percieve you, I guess...it's hard to put my finger on, but I guess it's the 'voice' of experience.

Well, you'd have a bit of a chuckle at a guy in England called (and I do not jest) called 'The Statesman'....


....can I just say two things? One, not what I was expecting...and two, potential NCSoft lawsuit?


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



I have to wonder if Hickman has a little bit of a multiple personality disorder...if you check out the facebook page...one has to wonder....

So the question becomes, when did he first start hearing "the voices"....

I have a feeling it might have been due to us on these forums, and you know, COH/COV/GR!...

210 50s and still counting!



But of course, a good author can create a character totally unlike him or herself and make them seem real as well, just like a good actor can make a character his own, regardless if they're like the character or a dynamic opposite.



Originally Posted by Charnage View Post
I have to wonder if Hickman has a little bit of a multiple personality disorder...if you check out the facebook page...one has to wonder....

So the question becomes, when did he first start hearing "the voices"....

I have a feeling it might have been due to us on these forums, and you know, COH/COV/GR!...
Hey, I'm just a comic book writer. Now, the person TALKING to the fictional character...that's who I have my doubts about...

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
Hey, I'm just a comic book writer. Now, the person TALKING to the fictional character...that's who I have my doubts about...

To quote another of my favorites:

When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? To surrender dreams - -this may be madness; to seek treasure where there is only trash. Too much sanity may be madness! But maddest of all - -to see life as it is and not as it should be.
-Miguel de Cervantes, Man of La Mancha aka Don Quixote
Come to think of it, this quote was what inspired my paranoid schizophrenic character.



Oh, yeah, I've seen Man of La Munchies on the Food Network. That's the show where the guy is always tilting at windmill cookies, right?

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Man of La Munchies? That's your next CoH or written character, right? Reality chef contestant by day, human cuisinart by night?


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
Man of La Munchies? That's your next CoH or written character, right? Reality chef contestant by day, human cuisinart by night?

Sounds more like a luchadore cooking show to me.



I just finished #2 (not that #2 Troy!)
Very good read and I loved the puns. Not too sure i get the Eve Ward reference.

I can't wait to see her reaction the being "comicfied".



Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
I just finished #2 (not that #2 Troy!)
Very good read and I loved the puns. Not too sure i get the Eve Ward reference.

I can't wait to see her reaction the being "comicfied".

The phony name she gave the hotel clerk was just a reference to her hero ID; Eve Ward = Twilight Guardian.

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



If you want to get me a birthday present, I can't think of anything I'd like more than for you to pick up Twilight Guardian #3 on Wednesday (and #1 and #2, if you don't have 'em).

Also, I need some socks...

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
If you want to get me a birthday present, I can't think of anything I'd like more than for you to pick up Twilight Guardian #3 on Wednesday (and #1 and #2, if you don't have 'em).

Also, I need some socks...
I'll be picking up extra copies for friends of mine actually. Unfortunately I'm going to have to wait for the Trade (hope there is one) for a few people since (happily for you!) my shop told me extra copies of #1 are on back order. So congratulations on the sales so far!

Really enjoying the story, and looking forward to seeing how it ends up!

I can't help you with the socks though :-/

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



I have the series on my pull list, Troy....socks, eh? Surely you need more pants instead....


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Twilight Guardian #3 comes out in about 24 hours, but for those of you who'd like a glimpse, check it out here.

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



For anyone interested in issues 1 or 2 that might have missed them, Diamond shows issue 1 still available for order and in stock, and issue 2 on back-order.

Troy, I'll be ordering a couple extra copies to give to friends, and a few of the trade that will hopefully exist. Great, fun stuff.



Originally Posted by Shawn Sage View Post
For anyone interested in issues 1 or 2 that might have missed them, Diamond shows issue 1 still available for order and in stock, and issue 2 on back-order.

Troy, I'll be ordering a couple extra copies to give to friends, and a few of the trade that will hopefully exist. Great, fun stuff.
Very cool! Thanks! Yeah, I think a trade will happen at some point. When they commissioned the cover for #4, I think they said it would be used as the trade cover, too. And given how underprinted the individual issues seem to be... (Diamond was previously out of #1, but Top Cow supposedly sent them a small number of copies from their own very limited stash)

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



I went to my local store today to get #3 and they either sold out of the one or two copies that they ordered or didn't get any in and wouldn't own up to it. I did put my name in for them to try and get me one.

I also bought the Blackest Night hardcover, so that will show them!



Do you know if the assumed-trade going to have the pilot issue in it, too? I'm planning to get it either way; I'm rough on single books so I don't expect them to last, but it'd be cool if it did since I found out about this too late to find that one easily.



Troy, you should try getting them to include the original TG in the TPB, IMO. Just a thought.



Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
I went to my local store today to get #3 and they either sold out of the one or two copies that they ordered or didn't get any in and wouldn't own up to it. I did put my name in for them to try and get me one.

I also bought the Blackest Night hardcover, so that will show them!
I'm getting really tired of folks saying they want to buy it and can't. I think it's a combination of (A) shops only ordering a couple, if they order any at all, and (B) probably a low print run. Rodney Dangerfield would've done better with his comics...

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Do you know if the assumed-trade going to have the pilot issue in it, too? I'm planning to get it either way; I'm rough on single books so I don't expect them to last, but it'd be cool if it did since I found out about this too late to find that one easily.
When the Cow told me they were going to do a trade, that's the first thing I asked 'em, and they said yeah, the Pilot Season issue will be in there. I'm hoping to convince them to let me put in a bunch of additional features, too, but pages can be hard to come by...

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Troy, you should try getting them to include the original TG in the TPB, IMO. Just a thought.
Do you mean the mini-comics?

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
Do you mean the mini-comics?
Yep. The little 6"x8"-ish one(s) that you did. It would be interesting to see the originals and compare with the new. In terms of special features, I'd tend to think people would enjoy seeing that.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Yep. The little 6"x8"-ish one(s) that you did. It would be interesting to see the originals and compare with the new. In terms of special features, I'd tend to think people would enjoy seeing that.
Well, I doubt that will happen, partially because her two appearances from back then are basically what I cobbled together to make the Pilot Season issue, pretty much panel for panel. The closest we'll get is probably the text page (with cover illos) I did about it in the just-released TG #3...

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
Well, I doubt that will happen, partially because her two appearances from back then are basically what I cobbled together to make the Pilot Season issue, pretty much panel for panel. The closest we'll get is probably the text page (with cover illos) I did about it in the just-released TG #3...
Fair enough. Just a thought, after all.