Blaster Secondary: Martial Prowess (Name Debatable)
This was suggested a lot of times before.
Im 100% up for it...
But I doubt the devs would put something wanted like this in the game ever.
Looks like they want more control themed secondaries, like mental manipulation (I think MM sucks big time)...
But still, blaster secondaries cries for a concept to fit for natural non tech themed characters, like dual pistols, riffle, archery or even elemental ninjas...
Ex: Electric blast + martial secondary.
If I20 comes with proliferation, this should be the first option.
Blasters have 11 primaries and only 6 very limited for concepts secondaries.
/signed 100%
Yes, signed. Again.
The Devs fail a bit on this one, since they actually already have a signature character with Dual Pistols / Martial. But there we go.
I'd mix in some more utility powers like Caltrops.
OMG! How like, totally kewl are these characters?!1
I want this as well. I mean REALLY want it. It makes so many character themes more possible.
As far as whether the devs don't want to see this in the game, I would not be too sure about that. Have you fought Maelstrom yet.
First time I bumped into him was GR test, and imagine my surprise and hopefullness when he crane kicked me in the face.
Plus, the Devs seem very willing to give us what we ask for, and THIS has been asked for alot.
SO.... 100% /SIGNED
Please, Please, give us another Melee secondary for blasters.
The biggest problem with the choices given in the OP (and other threads) is that you are basically taking more than half the martial arts powers to get the powerset fleshed out. I do not believe that we will be so lucky.
My guess, based on Energy Manipulation is that we would see;
Crane Kick or CAK for the Tier one
Two of the following (Thunder Kick, Storm Kick, Cobra Strike, Caltrops, Shurikens)
MAYBE Eagle's Claw or Dragon's Tail, but not both.
Then Focus Chi plus an assortment of utility powers that would be geared towards the primary instead of survival.
I would like to see passives like the OP suggests, but there is no precedent in Blasters' current powers, so I highly doubt we would see Auto powers. More Likely, there would be things like ; Conserve Power, Boost Range, Powerboost, Focused Accuracy, etc...
Also.... If they were designing it more as a "Natural" based theme, then they could pull from both Martial Arts AND Super Strength, to get more attacks that let you make either a "Kick-Boxer" or a "Brawler".
So add in things like; Jab, Punch, Haymaker, and Knockout Blow to the list of possibilities.
My bet:
Cobra Strike Melee, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
Caltrops Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -SPD, -Jump
Storm Kick Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash)
Focus Chi Self +DMG, +To-Hit
Crane Kick Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
Cloaking device Toggle: Self Stealth, +DEF(All), +Special
Superior conditioning Self +Endurance
Quickness Auto: Self +Res(-Recharge, -SPD), +Recharge, +SPD
Eagle's Claw Melee, Superior DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient, +Special
My bet:
Cobra Strike Melee, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient Caltrops Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -SPD, -Jump Storm Kick Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash) Focus Chi Self +DMG, +To-Hit Crane Kick Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback Cloaking device Toggle: Self Stealth, +DEF(All), +Special Superior conditioning Self +Endurance Quickness Auto: Self +Res(-Recharge, -SPD), +Recharge, +SPD Eagle's Claw Melee, Superior DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient, +Special |
- The *arguably* best power in Devices set - caltrops;
- 2 defining powers of Martial Arts set - Eagle Claw and Crane Kick
- A penalty-free stealth
- Quickness!
- +Endurance
And build-up.
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]
Electric and energy manipulation got high and extreme damage atacks.
Also energy got conserve power...
Devices got caltrops and cloacking device.
All sets except devices got build up.
What I said was a mix and something I would like to see...
Maybe this is a bit too good:
Cloaking device Toggle: Self Stealth, +DEF(All), +Special
Superior conditioning Self +Endurance
Quickness Auto: Self +Res(-Recharge, -SPD), +Recharge, +SPD
But, a man can dream, cant he? lol
I'm not talking about the powers individually, but your list as a whole set. It's a bit too good imo.
But ofc, dreaming of it won't hurt.
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]
I'd love it. I wanted to make a pulp comic sort of hero using DP but as usual with blasters, no secondaries click. Devices is the closest but still not what I want (and I never hear good things about it.)

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
This has been posted before. And while Devices may have a power with Defense capability (and another with -Acc) it is important to note that it is the ONLY Blaster Secondary WITHOUT melee attacks. So it's my guess that you should got one or the other. Either you get melee attacks, or you get Defense and something like mines you lay down for the foes that get too close.
Any set based on Martial Arts would have to be not too much based on Martial Arts. Devices combined with martial arts would be a bit redundant since there is already a Devices, but there needs to be some way to introduce some control powers as active mitigation. I honestly would like to see Martial Arts used with the bow from Archery out, combined with a small number of control powers from Trick Arrow, such as Ice Arrow. Obviously not the debuffs, of course.
My take on it:
General version:
1) Flying Crane Kick - This does minimal damage compared to Crane Kick, but 100% knockback
2) Storm Kick
3) Caltrops - moved to tier 3 so Storm Kick can be picked up early, also consistent with Glue Arrow below
4) Crippling Axe Kick (or the new high damage Cobra Strike)
5) Focus Chi
6) Gas Grenade - This has a blinding and confuse effect similar to Blinding Powder, or perhaps a sleep/choke like Poison's Poison Trap
7) Superior Conditioning - I agree with this one as it fits with the concept of a martial artist, and is similar to Conserve Power or Power Sink
8) Dragon's Tail - possibly increased chance of knockdown or increased to knockback
9) Eagle's Claw
Archery version:
1) Entangling Arrow
2) Storm Kick - performed with the bow out, same with all MA attacks below
3) Glue Arrow
4) Crippling Axe Kick
5) Focus Chi
6) Gas Arrow - As above, so named to distinguish it from Poison Gas Arrow, as it would NOT have the debuff effect
7) Ice Arrow
8) Dragon's Tail
9) Eagle's Claw (or Oil Slick Arrow)
You could actually do both, by using Cobra Strike in the general version, and Oil Slick Arrow in the Archery version, so only Storm Kick and Dragon's Tail would be common to both. The Gas Grenade could actually be Blinding Powder, (or a cone Sleep/Confuse, anyway) with Gas Arrow essentially being Poison Gas Arrow without the -Dmg debuff.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
Yeah sub in Caltrops for Dragon's Tail.
The biggest problem with the choices given in the OP (and other threads) is that you are basically taking more than half the martial arts powers to get the powerset fleshed out. I do not believe that we will be so lucky. My guess, based on Energy Manipulation is that we would see; Crane Kick or CAK for the Tier one Two of the following (Thunder Kick, Storm Kick, Cobra Strike, Caltrops, Shurikens) MAYBE Eagle's Claw or Dragon's Tail, but not both. Then Focus Chi plus an assortment of utility powers that would be geared towards the primary instead of survival. I would like to see passives like the OP suggests, but there is no precedent in Blasters' current powers, so I highly doubt we would see Auto powers. More Likely, there would be things like ; Conserve Power, Boost Range, Powerboost, Focused Accuracy, etc... Also.... If they were designing it more as a "Natural" based theme, then they could pull from both Martial Arts AND Super Strength, to get more attacks that let you make either a "Kick-Boxer" or a "Brawler". So add in things like; Jab, Punch, Haymaker, and Knockout Blow to the list of possibilities. |
As for passives, Superior Conditioning fits thematically, but there's a reason such things only show up in certain APPs.
I stand by most of my original set-up: With the following alterations:
6 Determination
8 Smoke Flash
9 Crane Kick
Determination is just another name for Indomitable Will/Kuji-In Rin.
Smoke Flash I added to give it a little snap of its own. It's unique for a blaster, and while it's no stealth, it gives a little unique twist nonetheless.
Crane Kick I downgraded from EAgle's Claw because of Smoke Flash. That's a bit too good, and besides, we DO get Dragon's Tail, which synergizes well with Flash, assuming we allow the Placate to generate crits.
I honestly rather wonder if an MA set for Blasters is in the works... we saw Shields on NPCs before we got it, after all. Maybe I'm hoping too much, but it's a possibility, especially given how few secondaries Blasters have compared to other ATs.
Yer gonna laugh, but think about it:
Blasters should get Shield Defense. Of course, some modification would be required, but it would be GLORIOUS.

Riot cop: Full auto, shield charge. Muahahahaha!
Maybe have a Fear based power in place of a hold? Just another suggestion.
Also maybe a bolo for an immobilize power or a thrown net.
They still haven't added my powerset idea "Marital Mastery". A powerset that would allow a player to indefinitely avoid the most dangerous damage type in the game. "Wife Aggro".
I'd be all for this kinda set. Alot of the suggestions seem abit overpowered though, but I can't think of anythin better at the moment lol. Coming up with set ideas isn't my strong suit. The Blaster 2ndaries are lacking in number though; somethings gotta give
They still haven't added my powerset idea "Marital Mastery". A powerset that would allow a player to indefinitely avoid the most dangerous damage type in the game. "Wife Aggro".
![]() |

Tier 1 brawl (you are still practicing.. not yet)
Tier 2 brawl (you are still practicing.. not yet)
Tier 3 brawl (you are still practicing.. not yet)
Tier 4 brawl (you are still practicing.. not yet)
Tier 5 brawl (you are still practicing.. not yet)
Tier 6 brawl (you are still practicing.. not yet)
Tier 7 brawl (you are still practicing.. not yet)
Tier 8 brawl (you are still practicing.. not yet)
Tier 9 Practiced brawler (you made it!)
38 levels but I finally get my mez prot... and its worth it!
Bots/Traps Guide for I19.5
RO Network
I bet if they had a blaster secondary that had these powers nearly 90% of the new blasters would pick this set....
Tier 1 brawl (you are still practicing.. not yet) Tier 2 brawl (you are still practicing.. not yet) Tier 3 brawl (you are still practicing.. not yet) Tier 4 brawl (you are still practicing.. not yet) Tier 5 brawl (you are still practicing.. not yet) Tier 6 brawl (you are still practicing.. not yet) Tier 7 brawl (you are still practicing.. not yet) Tier 8 brawl (you are still practicing.. not yet) Tier 9 Practiced brawler (you made it!) 38 levels but I finally get my mez prot... and its worth it! |

But jokes aside, I'd love a low-key, not-too-flashy Martial Arts Set to complement my blaster primary. It doesn't even have to be very good (don't really expect much of a blaster secondary anyway), just make sure it has build-up + something else useful and I'd be happy.
On that note, would a Martial Arts Secondary work for Doms too? Fully melee (maybe a knife toss in the middle) but also full of goodies, I think.
One major catch to this.
It is HIGHLY unlikely you will get anything like this that doesn't have redraw with Archery, Dual Pistols, and Assault Rifle.
I don't see the devs doing all the work that would be required to eliminate redraw for those three sets (you would need separate animations for EACH set, because none of them share a combat stance with any of the others), simply because of the chorus of "Get rid of redraw for everything else too!" that would crash down like a tsunami. That would be a problem, because the only person who had figured out how to do it no longer works at Paragon Studios (BABs), and even he couldn't figure out how to make it work without breaking Shield Defense in bad ways.
So, if we DO get a martial arts themed secondary for blasters, you can bet that it will almost definitely still have redraw.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Animations for martial arts are for sure faster than mental manipulation...
Psychic scream takes ages to activate, and then you still got the weapon redraw after that.
Im sure I can handle redraw if I have the most anticipated secondary for blasters I would ever want.
Blasters, as we all know, have few secondarys, and none that are "natural" origin, thought we do have a beautiful tech set in devices. I propose a new secondary be created to fill this gap and fill out Blaster options.
Obviously, a "natural" secondary set would be rather- or completely- limited in terms of ranged options. This sets it behind several other sets, but some- such as Energy and Electrical Manipulation- have none whatsoever. These are the sets I have used to attempt to base this set upon. For the powers themselves, I borrowed from Martial Arts and Body Mastery.
The powers I suggest are as follows, and while perhaps not a perfect list, the framework suggested here ought to make this set a possibility, and one- I'd hope- that the Blaster Population will find to their interests and needs.
Short list is as follows:
1 Cobra Strike
2 Storm Kick
3 Focused Accuracy
4 Focus Chi
5 Thunder Kick
6 High Pain Tolerance
7 Dragon Tail
8 Physical Perfection
9 Eagle's Claw
Details for each choice are as follows:
Every Blaster secondary begins with a soft Mez power that does little to no damage. Cobra Strike and Crippling Axe Kick both suit this, but CS is a better fit- faster base recharge, lower damage. Again, I can see this either way, but leaned towards Cobra Strike.
The mirror sets- NRG/ELEC Manip- both have a standard melee attack here. Thus, Storm Kick. Enough said.
These two powers are interchangeable as far as I'm concerned. Targeting Drone came with Devices; FA is the same power, but not tech oriented. Since NRG gets Build Up at 5 and ELEC gets it at 3, I compromised, and placed it at 4, with FA at 3.
Both NRG and ELEC get their tier 2 melee power at 4. We had 4 taken by Focus Chi, so I placed it here. Again, simple choice- tier 2 melee power.
Following as the second self buff- NRG is full of buffs, and ELEC even has power sink and lightning field- High Pain Tolerance is the weakest of my choices here. I'll admit I was a little stumped, so I went with what felt right. A little extra survivability isn't bad, and Devices gets Cloaking Device, so a defensive ability isn't out of the question for a Blaster. Still, any other ideas that fit would work. I considered Dull Pain but thought this was a more balanced choice.
This is the only AoE Martial Arts power. I put it in late, since Elec doesn't get its AoE until late and NRG doesn't even have one.
I was a little hesitant about this, but considering Drain Psyche, Power Sink, and the numerous buffs available to NRG, I decided this isn't beyond reason. It helps support the set as a slightly tougher set than typical blasters, which it needs with the lack of ranged support it gets, and I don't THINK it's overpowered. I could be wrong, though, and feedback is appreciated.
The tier nine surfaces here alongside NRG's Total Focus. As the only other all-melee set, I did my best to match the two up. Thus- Eagle's Claw.
Thoughts and opinions welcomed.