Sexism and Comic Books




Originally Posted by Durakken View Post

#1. The list i mentioned does exist in some form and it's in a prominent magazine that I can't remember where came from.

#2. Things being ingrained into culture does not make something right or not sexist. It just means you don't recognize it as wrong and for some reason can't see the double standard.

#3. I don't take being told to go try to kill people i don't know for a reason I don't support while getting shot at as a privilege. In fact its' not and has never been seen as such until recently because of the idiotic discrimination due to other topics we can't talk about. Until very recently it was seen as a duty, as a form of taxes. Stop glorifying war, which is what saying its a privilege does.

#4. If you don't see "male privilege" as sexism, that to me is disturbing...
1. If you can't cite your source, you can't use it as an argument.

2. "Oh, won't someone think of the poor men!" No. You're just denying that you have male privilege.

3. I am, in no way, glorifying war in my post. Not at all. That does not change the fact that there are women who volunteer to serve in the armed forces and are denied certain postings because they are considered front-line combat positions. Postings that some women would otherwise actively seek.

I'm not glorifying war. I just see the military as a place where the ability to do the job should trump gender.

4. You are claiming to be suffering under the burden of male privilege. Oh, woe is you.

Male privilege exists to support sexism and discrimination against others. It is not sexism in and of itself. It's the ability of a male to challenge the masculinity of others, because that which is feminine is weak and undesirable.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Women can't write.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
#3. I don't take being told to go try to kill people i don't know for a reason I don't support while getting shot at as a privilege. In fact its' not and has never been seen as such until recently because of the idiotic discrimination due to other topics we can't talk about. Until very recently it was seen as a duty, as a form of taxes. Stop glorifying war, which is what saying its a privilege does.
I personally consider laying down my life so that my family, friends and complete strangers can live free and in peace a privilege. The sacrifices made by soldiers gives your the right to free speech you exercise here. Voluntary service is a privilege, and troops deserve your support, whether male or female, whether you support the operations they are deployed on or not.



This is going as expected.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
#3. I don't take being told to go try to kill people i don't know for a reason I don't support while getting shot at as a privilege.
Women are told to go to places they don't want to go and support an armed conflict they may not personally agree with while being shot at. They are just not allowed to be specifically tasked with shooting back. That is, to my way of thinking, an odd limitation.

In any case, what is and is not a privilege depends on what the person voluntarily desires. Just because serving in a front line combat role in the armed forces is not something you consider a privilege, doesn't mean its not a privilege that is denied to women who think differently. I wouldn't consider it a personal privilege to be told to cut open people I don't know and remove things I wouldn't want to touch while being sued by other people, but it would still be a denied privilege if we barred all women from being surgeons.

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In spandex.

Punching Nazis.



Brains in robot suits.

What is so complicated about this concept?



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
I'm not saying it isn't a projection of Male Fantasies... I'm saying that the males are also a projection of Female Fantasies and placing anything on one side or the other is nonsense. We all want to be attractive and look at attractive people and therefor the entire thing is a fantasy for everyone, not just one gender... and obviously it is a Western Civilization Fantasy because different culture has different things they find attractive. If you looked at say, some african tribe where they fine a long neck to be sexy, every male and female, villain and hero would all have long necks (though i think the long neck thing is female only, but if it were male too they'd have it too)
I am sooooo glad you posted this nonsense, because I've been wanting to use this for SOOOO long
Comics are sexist in much the way the entire rest of our society is sexist/hetero-centric.
Men and Women are idealized differently in comics to represent the ideals of their creators.
Men are idealized and represented for their strength and character, women for their appearance. It'll be equal when every male character is represented the same as every female character, *** and package first...

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



I would like to know how in your world of equality any person can get beat the crap out of and have people cheer for someone else doing it that is in a confrontation where one party is not fighting back, how that, can even exist. Your world is either populated with prejudiced people or idiots.



Did I just jump into the middle of some other conversation?

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
I would like to know how in your world of equality any person can get beat the crap out of and have people cheer for someone else doing it that is in a confrontation where one party is not fighting back, how that, can even exist. Your world is either populated with prejudiced people or idiots.
I am, in general, against the beating the crap out of anyone. It's very gender-neutral. I try to restrict my beating the crap out of quotient for my life to fictional entertainment. I don't even like to watch people beating the crap out of each other for sport - I don't watch boxing or MMA, or even professional wrestling.

The only real-life cases where I support it are cases of self-defense, and it's not the sort of thing I tend to run across in my daily life.

Teenage girl beating up on her boyfriend for no real reason? Not something I cheer for. Woman in fear for her life beating up an attacker? I can cheer for that. Man threatened by a woman with a gun? I'm all for hoping he can pull that one off. Gender doesn't even enter the picture, it's all about self-defense, or defending another person who is in imminent threat of injury.

I'd prefer that you do not make assumptions about my stance on violence. If you must know, I am against violence, for gun control, and have never served in the military. I am also married to a disabled veteran, and believe that being a soldier is an honorable profession, despite being against war. I have no problems with holding any of these positions, and do not see any cognitive dissonance inherent in holding them.

The world I would like to see need not be populated by prejudiced people or idiots.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
It'll be equal when every male character is represented the same as every female character, *** and package first...
I admit, I LOLed, but it'll be equal in the sense there won't be any comic books anymore.

Well, there will still be comic books, but the readership will distill itself down to a very specific group of people. And that group is not called "women."

I'm reminded of a joke about two men in a lifeboat. One takes out a pistol and shoots a hole into the bottom of the boat right next to the other guy, and water starts leaking into the boat. He fires another shot right next to the other guy and water starts leaking into the boat from that hole. The other guy pulls out his pistol and says "two can play that game..."

Oversexualizing men in comics would be fair on paper, but not really in real life. It would be like telling a woman who got flashed on the street by someone to get even by flashing them back. Fairness is not always symmetrical, because people aren't.

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Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
The world I would like to see need not be populated by prejudiced people or idiots.
I would like to see the world continue to be populated by humans, and that unfortunately limits my options.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I admit, I LOLed, but it'll be equal in the sense there won't be any comic books anymore.

Well, there will still be comic books, but the readership will distill itself down to a very specific group of people. And that group is not called "women."

I'm reminded of a joke about two men in a lifeboat. One takes out a pistol and shoots a hole into the bottom of the boat right next to the other guy, and water starts leaking into the boat. He fires another shot right next to the other guy and water starts leaking into the boat from that hole. The other guy pulls out his pistol and says "two can play that game..."

Oversexualizing men in comics would be fair on paper, but not really in real life. It would be like telling a woman who got flashed on the street by someone to get even by flashing them back. Fairness is not always symmetrical, because people aren't.
The point was more that women are Idealized Sexually whereas men are idealized based on things they can do, strength, speed, e.t.c.
and that acting like they are the same thing (and therefore equal) is incorrect, I proved this point by showing images of men idealized the same way women often are, which is distinctly different than the way they(male characters) normally are.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Lol, women aren't forced to see combat, only if they volunteer.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I would like to see the world continue to be populated by humans, and that unfortunately limits my options.
Well, there is that. I suppose that it would be more accurate to state that being an idiot or prejudiced is not a prerequisite for living in the world I would like to see, which is what Dur said. I'm sure that such people will always exist... I just want them to be viewed as avatisms.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



...I'm pretty sure even with comic sexpots it's pretty rare that they're featured ***-first on the cover, and when they are they're called out on it by pretty much everyone.



Originally Posted by premonitions View Post
it'll be equal when every male character is represented the same as every female character, *** and package first...
Like this!




Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Teenage girl beating up on her boyfriend for no real reason? Not something I cheer for. Woman in fear for her life beating up an attacker? I can cheer for that. Man threatened by a woman with a gun? I'm all for hoping he can pull that one off. Gender doesn't even enter the picture, it's all about self-defense, or defending another person who is in imminent threat of injury.
Whether you are for it or not makes no difference. A woman beating on a man is cheered for and laughed at by, I'd say, a majority of people still.

If you don't do this and find this vile we are in the same boat, but the act that happens shows that there is sexism, on both sides of the equation. i just view it as worse on the male side because no matter what the guy does he's in a losing position and he will likely be chastized for any course of action which makes the already present sexism worse.

Yes the reason why people are cheering the woman on is because they view women as weaker, but if she realizes that then at leas she is getting her frustration out. The guy on the other hand, if he does anything besides stand there and take it a number of other repercussions and this type of thing builds mentally and ends up in an outburst of anger or very low self-esteem, not to mention that the public perception of this person will be degraded and lower their self esteem too which ends with quite a high suicide rate.

I consider this situation worse than the inverse and thus why i view sexism vs men as worse.

I'd prefer that you do not make assumptions about my stance on violence. If you must know, I am against violence, for gun control, and have never served in the military. I am also married to a disabled veteran, and believe that being a soldier is an honorable profession, despite being against war. I have no problems with holding any of these positions, and do not see any cognitive dissonance inherent in holding them.
I never said being a soldier was dishonorable. I said that it's not a privilege to be a soldier. People may say different, but people also tend to bastardize language and misuse words constantly.

The world I would like to see need not be populated by prejudiced people or idiots.
You said what I described was not sexism, which means both participants got equal/fair treatment. The only way that is the case is if prejudice and idiots inhabit that world.

What you are now saying however is different and what you are saying different I agree with; treat people equally/fairly, but that clashes with what you said earlier about that situation where there is a clear difference of the parties are being treated.



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
1. If you can't cite your source, you can't use it as an argument.

2. "Oh, won't someone think of the poor men!" No. You're just denying that you have male privilege.

3. I am, in no way, glorifying war in my post. Not at all. That does not change the fact that there are women who volunteer to serve in the armed forces and are denied certain postings because they are considered front-line combat positions. Postings that some women would otherwise actively seek.

I'm not glorifying war. I just see the military as a place where the ability to do the job should trump gender.

4. You are claiming to be suffering under the burden of male privilege. Oh, woe is you.

Male privilege exists to support sexism and discrimination against others. It is not sexism in and of itself. It's the ability of a male to challenge the masculinity of others, because that which is feminine is weak and undesirable.
1) Could you even site a source for statistics on these subjects? The subject itself seems okay, but it's gotten to a point where I'm wondering if it's wandering on thread lock.

2) ...truthfully nothing to say here. Not because I agree. It's just that nothing will change your mind on the subject.

3) The problem here actually isn't sexism in that men are better women. The problem here is many other problems...

a) Some of them are simple, it's not that women can't drive tanks, it's that you don't want to put men and women together in the tanks because it gets HOT in tanks. You will sweat! Shirts will be taken off. Now imagine mixed sexes and the staring! O.O

Now imagine the stupid lawsuits! On either side!

If it helps, last I read, I believe they were working on Female ran tanks (but the numbers are much lower)

b) Female recruits are not held to the same standard as the males. Either increase the female recruits to the same standard, move down the male standards, or meet in the middle. After all, if women's physical standards are considered okay for soldiers, then a male who can meet such physical standards should be just as well suited. This would of course be equality, but would be called sexist and/or unfair.

c) You know how few bad men can ruin everything for the other men? Same rule applies for women.

4) I thought the masculine male wanted the feminine's considered undersirable? :O

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
I am sooooo glad you posted this nonsense, because I've been wanting to use this for SOOOO long
Comics are sexist in much the way the entire rest of our society is sexist/hetero-centric.
Men and Women are idealized differently in comics to represent the ideals of their creators.
Men are idealized and represented for their strength and character, women for their appearance. It'll be equal when every male character is represented the same as every female character, *** and package first...

Hey. Didn't Batman & Robin (admittedly a movie of a comic) give the *** shot of Clooney dawning the batsuit?

*shakes head*

When will this appealing to the audience end!

Want to blame someone for all this?

Don't blame the audience. Blame the corporations doing everything they can to make a dollar!

Capitalism is bad! EVIL!

Heh...okay I couldn't say that with a straight face. True fact! Men want to admire the body of that which they desire (whether it be a women or another man).

Females are the same way!

Now what each considers the sexy will vary, but there tends to be the majority.

Guess what? With visual medium, it's easy to pull off!

Wow. If this was a book, with just words, I bet it would get called sexist less often.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I'm surprised this thread went as long as it did without devolving into an overlong argument between two posters, really.

The thing is, most comic book writers (and writers in general) aren't [I]trying[I] to be sexist, and it's extremely obvious when they are. The key is to get writers to consider sexual equality when writing characters of the opposite sex, and have good examples to look at.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
I would like to know how in your world of equality any person can get beat the crap out of and have people cheer for someone else doing it that is in a confrontation where one party is not fighting back, how that, can even exist. Your world is either populated with prejudiced people or idiots.
Bret Hart, is that you?



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Whether you are for it or not makes no difference. A woman beating on a man is cheered for and laughed at by, I'd say, a majority of people still.

If you don't do this and find this vile we are in the same boat, but the act that happens shows that there is sexism, on both sides of the equation. i just view it as worse on the male side because no matter what the guy does he's in a losing position and he will likely be chastized for any course of action which makes the already present sexism worse.
I never said that sexism does not exist, only that it should not exist. You are arguing that sexism does exist, which I agree with, and that it is worse for men, which I absolutely disagree with. Your fixation on violence against women, which is an endemic problem regardless of how society views it, ignores a variety of other factors which I will not address here.

Yes the reason why people are cheering the woman on is because they view women as weaker, but if she realizes that then at leas she is getting her frustration out. The guy on the other hand, if he does anything besides stand there and take it a number of other repercussions and this type of thing builds mentally and ends up in an outburst of anger or very low self-esteem, not to mention that the public perception of this person will be degraded and lower their self esteem too which ends with quite a high suicide rate.
I would love to see a set of statistics that shows a high rate of suicide among men who feel that they are victims of sexism. Until that time, I'll put this argument into the category of 'things Durakken thinks but can't prove in any way.'

I consider this situation worse than the inverse and thus why i view sexism vs men as worse.
Yeah, the poor put-upon men who are committing suicide in droves because they can't beat up women who deserve it.

I never said being a soldier was dishonorable. I said that it's not a privilege to be a soldier. People may say different, but people also tend to bastardize language and misuse words constantly.
It is a privilege to be able to do what you want to do with your life without artificial barriers being imposed. If you want to be a Navy SEAL, there's a process to go through, and there are strict requirements that you have to meet. If you can meet those requirements, Dur, you can be a SEAL. But a woman is not permitted to do so, specifically because of her sex.

That's one example of male privilege. It does not matter whether you consider it to be a privilege or not.

You said what I described was not sexism, which means both participants got equal/fair treatment. The only way that is the case is if prejudice and idiots inhabit that world.
Wrong. If you want to define sexism as 'different treatment based on gender', then you can say what you said is true. I define sexism as 'ill treatment based on gender.'

What you are now saying however is different and what you are saying different I agree with; treat people equally/fairly, but that clashes with what you said earlier about that situation where there is a clear difference of the parties are being treated.
Again, I never said that sexism does not exist. Only that it should not exist.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
1) Could you even site a source for statistics on these subjects? The subject itself seems okay, but it's gotten to a point where I'm wondering if it's wandering on thread lock.

2) ...truthfully nothing to say here. Not because I agree. It's just that nothing will change your mind on the subject.

3) The problem here actually isn't sexism in that men are better women. The problem here is many other problems...

a) Some of them are simple, it's not that women can't drive tanks, it's that you don't want to put men and women together in the tanks because it gets HOT in tanks. You will sweat! Shirts will be taken off. Now imagine mixed sexes and the staring! O.O

Now imagine the stupid lawsuits! On either side!

If it helps, last I read, I believe they were working on Female ran tanks (but the numbers are much lower)

b) Female recruits are not held to the same standard as the males. Either increase the female recruits to the same standard, move down the male standards, or meet in the middle. After all, if women's physical standards are considered okay for soldiers, then a male who can meet such physical standards should be just as well suited. This would of course be equality, but would be called sexist and/or unfair.

c) You know how few bad men can ruin everything for the other men? Same rule applies for women.

4) I thought the masculine male wanted the feminine's considered undersirable? :O
1) I can cite sources for any subject that it's requested for. I don't say 'I forget where I saw it, but it's totally a real magazine, trust me' and try to use that as an argument.

2) Yeah, you're not going to change my mind on that one.

3) It is against military regulations to disrobe while on active combat duty, first off. Second, your tank example doesn't hold all that much weight to me considering the Navy is going to start allowing women to serve on submarines.

4) That opens a whole other can of worms... femininity is also only permissible within certain bounds, and is inherently subservient to male privilege. That's the whole sexual conduct double standard, and defining women by their relationship to men. It's ingrained into the language - even calling a man a ******* or a son of a ***** is insulting, not to him, but to his mother. Calling him a pansy or anything along those lines is calling him feminine. And the wide array of words used against women... well, we won't really go there. Suffice it to say that they are largely sexual in origin, and are specifically insulting because they refer to feminine attributes. That, however, is neither here nor there.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Calling him a pansy or anything along those lines is calling him feminine.
Well, when I call someone a pansy, I'm specifically calling them a flower.

And then I call into question they're ability to perform photosynthesis.