So, Villain Badgers like myself Will never have access to the 5th Column Gladiator?




So, for months I've been meaning to bring this up but haven't really gotten around to it- the 5th Column Gladiator badge is for getting both, the year 1 and 2 badges (Celebrant and Reveler).

Since Villains didn't exist in year one, is it safe to say we will never have access to the 5th Column Gladiator? Does this also mean that Hero badgers will always have a higher count than Villains by two? (Since Celebrant and 5th Column Gladiator are the only two badges Villains have no access to.)

Interested in other people's thoughts on this subject.


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At this point, yes, heroes can have a higher count than villains. There was some talk about making the anniversary badges global to the account, but I think that might be on the low priority list and has the potential of messing up a large portion of the character database. It may take time, but if a player was around for the first anniversary, there is the possibility for getting these two badges on a villain.

As to getting the badge retroactively if you were not on during the first anniversary event, I don't think that will happen.

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I think they should make those kind of badges purchasable with Hero and Villain merits. We are able to get past badges for the Winter Event via Candy Cane salvage, so why not do the same with anniversary badges? Add a badge tab to the Crucible and Fort Trident shops, and slap a 30 merit price tag on those suckers.

Yeah, 30 merits might be a bit too much, but I think that players still would have to "earn it" to quell the "I got here first!!!!1!!!eleven!" crowd.

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

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Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
I think they should make those kind of badges purchasable with Hero and Villain merits. We are able to get past badges for the Winter Event via Candy Cane salvage, so why not do the same with anniversary badges?
I still don't think those attendance badges should be made available retroactively either. The point of them was to show attendance for a particular event. Making them available after the fact kinda kicks the point in the nads a bit.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
I still don't think those attendance badges should be made available retroactively either. The point of them was to show attendance for a particular event. Making them available after the fact kinda kicks the point in the nads a bit.
But I don't think its necessarily right to award a badge for getting here before everyone else. What about the people who just signed up today? They'll never be able to get that badge, no matter how hard they try. Plus, like I pointed out earlier, the previous badges for the Winter Event, like Scrooge and Cold Front, are now available as a purchasable reward, so the point of those badges has essentially been removed.

I'm fine with exclusives powers, costumes, or what not. But badge collecting is a hobby that some people really get into and being told that you cannot have a badge because you didn't get here earlier seems kind of unfair to me.

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

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I think that what is wrong is that we can buy those specific Winter event badges!

I am not aware of the thinking behind the decision to let us do so, but feel that it was a devisive choice of implimentation opening up the very point about the other past awarded badges others here have posted about.

I am absolutely not in favour of the purchase of previous anniversary badges. Like that Lottery slogan says "You got to be in it to win it".

I missed them and so be it. Same as our Vet badges I am proud of the ones I have earned and waste no emotions on the ones that are not yet earned because I joined the party later than some.

On the other hand, I do think that the Glad badge should be divorced from the Anniversary system and awarded by some other achieved objective.

(Off topic, I feel the same way about having the 6 Respec badges tied to the award of the Respec and not for completion of the Trial, but that is another battle for another day)

Anniversary badges only for those subbed at the time (however they actually award them) and no retrospective purchase is my purely personal preference.


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Said it before and I say it again.
As you I'm a badger, but I was not playing the game at the time of the two first anniversary badges.
I know there will be some badges that I will never earn... and I'm fine with it.
Sure it looks a bit off on the sheets, badge-hunter or cohtitantracker that you have a few badges that you will never earn, but hey... thats life.

I do not want to buy them with merits/candy canes etc as I have a feeling it really will cheapen these two coveted badges (ok 3 badges). They as all anniversary badges are a gift given to the player characters that log in during the time. As a "I was here playing and I got the badge to prove it!"

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Thank you all for your opinions on this here subject..

As for me, I started playing the City of games when City of Villains was first released, prior to I had no interest and still have very little in the hero side of the game (grin).

I am one of those big badge hunters that gets upset when he's told he can't have a badge but do understand that not everyone gets everything always.

My only real complaint is the 5th Column gladiator not being accessible by Villains or any players that were not around for year one. There's no real reason for this.

As for the 'Purchase Celebrant badges, etc using V/H merits' ... I actually like this idea.

I would work my butt off to get 30 Vill/Hero merits and spend them on the Celebrant badge instead of a 2.5-3 billion recipe, and happily!


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The only suggestion for expanding the anniversary badges that I've heard that I liked is making them account-wide. Purchasing them, I would not like. Attaching them to some new random activity I would not like. Wouldn't be too upset if they took 5th Columnist and attached it to something else, especially since the whole point of it being special was because the 5th Column weren't in-game anywhere else when it came out... and now they are again.

The bane of my existence as a badge hunter is the fact that the character who became my first level fifty and main badger was made about six hours after Celebrant stopped awarding. Argh.

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As they exist now I can mostly (mostly mind you) sympathize with the point of view that the anniversary badges should not be made available retroactively. They were defined to be something you'd earn for logging in during specific real world dates so at least on some level it makes no sense to allow them to be awarded anytime after those dates.

On the other hand I firmly believe the idea of implementing a set of badges earned by characters in this game based on real world dates was a very silly and shortsighted maneuver to begin with. I will always argue the point that how long a real world MMO game has been around has absolutely no bearing whatsoever to any individual character inside the game. Why would Captain Awesome, a hero who lives in Paragon City fighting crime, have any connection to how many years a real world MMO game has been live? At the very least anniversary badges should have ALWAYS been account wide badges because they have nothing to do with individual characters. They are what I'd call "player badges" not character badges and probably should have been separated from having anything to do with individual characters kind of like how SG badges are handled.

I realize the idea of removing anniversary badges completely from the game will never happen.
I also realize the idea of remaking them into global account badges will probably never happen at this point.
I wouldn't even be that upset if they were purchasable (via merits or even real world money) but that seems fairly unlikely as well.
Basically they were an intrinsically bad idea that we're all now stuck with.

But even if nothing can be done about the anniversary badges I'm all in favor of "divorcing" the 5th Column gladiator badge from the anniversary badges. There is no legitimate reason why that badge should be in anyway exclusive anymore. It could easily be remade into a simple "defeat" styled badge or linked to the Khan/Cuda TF/SF as Nericus suggested. Any character who currently had it would be allowed to keep it unchanged and it would become earnable by anyone else who wants it now. Seems pretty straightforward to me.

What's really sad is that the Devs had a perfect opportunity to "balance the scales" between hero and villain badge totals and didn't think to make use of it. The Elusive/Pursuer badge was basically the 1st year anniversary badge for CoV. If the Devs had thought to make that a "villain only" badge then that would have made up for heroes being the only ones who could have the Celebrant badge. Each side would then have had one badge the other side couldn't have thus restoring the overall badge totals. Oh well. *shrugs*

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Divorce it from the 1st and 2nd anniversary badges and make it so that everyone who has 2 different anniversary badges is awarded the 5th Column Gladiator. Problem solved.

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Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
Since Villains didn't exist in year one, is it safe to say we will never have access to the 5th Column Gladiator?
As the system currently exists, NO ONE can ever get that gladiator if they were not around for the 1st and 2nd anniversary events. It's not just villains - it's about being here 'way back when'.

Personally, I don't like it. I think a much fairer way would be to have the gladiator linked to *ANY* two anniversary badges. This way, new players could still get it. It would just take a while.

As for the anniversary badges, I don't think those should ever be available again. It makes no sense. Halloween and Christmas come every year, but you're only 16 once.

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Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
Plus, like I pointed out earlier, the previous badges for the Winter Event, like Scrooge and Cold Front, are now available as a purchasable reward, so the point of those badges has essentially been removed.
What, what? Winter happens EVERY YEAR. What was your point?

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Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
I do not want to buy them with merits/candy canes etc as I have a feeling it really will cheapen these two coveted badges (ok 3 badges). They as all anniversary badges are a gift given to the player characters that log in during the time. As a "I was here playing and I got the badge to prove it!"
And there's a third group to add to the equation...

Those rare few of us who WERE here on those anniversary dates and whose characters did receive but have since mysteriously "LOST" the badges from the early anniversaries.

And yes, I've petitioned it a few times over the last couple years and have basically been told "Sorry, you're screwed, we can't help you." each time. I'm guessing that they can't verify login times from that far back. They've never told me exactly what the issue was, just that they can't help me.

It's bad enough that I missed an Anniversary Badge due to my own forgetfulness in maintaining my badge characters but having other ones "stolen" because of an unprovable and unverifiable database error with no way to get them back? Rubbish.

Anniversary "Badges" are a really bad idea to me. Badge Hunting is a gameplay function and as a system is an enjoyable hobby and I think ALL badges should be available to any character who puts in the effort. They should find a new way to commemorate the anniversaries (like a optional 2nd displayable colored title under your character name maybe?) and then make ALL badges able to be purchased or earned in some way, even anniversary ones. I like the Hero/Villain Merit idea, but not 30, that's just ridiculous.

Give special recognition outside of the badge system to those who currently have the Anniversary Badges and then open up all badges for everyone. Make Badge Hunting a completely available gameplay system.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
What, what? Winter happens EVERY YEAR. What was your point?
I think the point is that there's four "Login during the 200# Winter Event" badges that are tied to SPECIFIC years (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008) that have since been changed so that they can now be purchased from the Elf for a handful of Candy Canes during any Winter Event.



Originally Posted by TheUnnamedOne View Post
I think the point is that there's four "Login during the 200# Winter Event" badges that are tied to SPECIFIC years (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008) that have since been changed so that they can now be purchased from the Elf for a handful of Candy Canes during any Winter Event.
As far as I recall, none of the winter badges make ANY mention of date, year, etc. They became available during specific years, but are not "tied to" specific years. (Did not log in to check, but ParagonWiki agrees with me.)

UNLIKE the anniversary badges which actually have a NUMBER right on the badge.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I have suggested in the past a booster pack: "Super Sidekicked."

What this would do is set your Vet Rewards to the release date of CoH and thus you can get all the Vet Rewards.

It would add all the in-game goodies from the out-of-print Collector's Editions (the most wanted be the Prestige Sprint/Slide power).

It would add a badge for each missed anniversary badge, maybe something like a History badge: "1st Anniversary History -- you have heard all about the first anniversary celebration from you mentors".

This would put late-to-the-game players on an equal par with Vets in regard to Vet Rewards, purchasable goodies, and number of badges... for a price.

Real vets would have the real Anniversary Badge rather than the historical version in order to set them apart, but the badge count would be equal.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
As far as I recall, none of the winter badges make ANY mention of date, year, etc. They became available during specific years, but are not "tied to" specific years. (Did not log in to check, but ParagonWiki agrees with me.)

UNLIKE the anniversary badges which actually have a NUMBER right on the badge.
Although the badge may not specifically state so, the requirements are right there on Paragonwiki.

Longbow Reservist: This badge was awarded to all heroes logging in during the Winter Event 2005.

Now, you can just buy the badge, which makes it completely worthless.

Cold Front: This badge was awarded for logging in during the Winter Event 2006.

Again, this badge was made purchasable. There's no point to it.

Either change the badge to something else like a special title, or just make it purchasable. Being penalized as a badge-collector because I didn't "BUY THE GAME RIGHT NAO" when it came out is totally unfair.

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

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Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
Either change the badge to something else like a special title, or just make it purchasable. Being penalized as a badge-collector because I didn't "BUY THE GAME RIGHT NAO" when it came out is totally unfair.
Same argument can be made for the Vet badges.

It's not a penalization if you weren't there to earn the badge. It's part of the badging game. Sometimes, you miss it.

Sorry, but I'd vote to remove those candy cane awarded badges too. I DO think that badges meant for a login at a given time should remain that way, instead of being bought later on.



Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
Although the badge may not specifically state so, the requirements are right there on Paragonwiki.

Longbow Reservist: This badge was awarded to all heroes logging in during the Winter Event 2005.
Like I said; the badge does not reference a year.
The "requirement" is 'get candy canes and buy it'.

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Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Same argument can be made for the Vet badges.

It's not a penalization if you weren't there to earn the badge. It's part of the badging game. Sometimes, you miss it.

Sorry, but I'd vote to remove those candy cane awarded badges too. I DO think that badges meant for a login at a given time should remain that way, instead of being bought later on.
No, veteran badges are different. Yes, they are based on real time, I know that. But the thing is, as long as the game doesn't die, I am guaranteed to get those veteran badges eventually, as long as I stay subscribed. Does it take forever? Sure, but I still have the opportunity to earn those badges.

Anniversary badges are different. If you didn't make it, sucks for you. Those badges might as well not even exist for me and others who didn't make it. But they do. For the elitist badge-hunters who arrived later than others, they have to face the awful truth that the players who got here first are the only ones who will ever be able to get all the badges in the game.

Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Like I said; the badge does not reference a year.
The "requirement" is 'get candy canes and buy it'.
That's the new requirement. Before 2007, the requirement was "Log on during the 2005 Winter Event."

Really, I don't see how making them purchasable hurts anybody. Since Hero/Villain merits are relatively harder to earn than most rewards, players can still have the sense of "earning" those badges, since they had to do X amount of morality missions to get it.

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

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Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
I've suggested before that they could also tie the 5th column gladiator badge to the badge that one wins at the end of Khan TF or Cuda SF.
i agree 100% with this, just change the gladiator to be attached to those badges instead of the anniversary ones

as a badger i accepted the fact that i can never get the anniversary ones because they are specific event badges and such, but the gladiator should be available for all, and like Nericus says, we have 2 5th column themed tf/sf in game right now, perfect to work with this gladiator



Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
That's the new requirement. Before 2007, the requirement was "Log on during the 2005 Winter Event."
So my statement that begins with the words, "The requirement IS" was 100% correct.

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Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
No, veteran badges are different. Yes, they are based on real time, I know that. But the thing is, as long as the game doesn't die, I am guaranteed to get those veteran badges eventually, as long as I stay subscribed. Does it take forever? Sure, but I still have the opportunity to earn those badges.
The problem is that, while you say you see that, you represent one voice of opinion amongst a group of people who'll say the exact opposite: That badges like Anniversary awards, Vet Awards, etc., are all "unfair" and "biased towards the older playerbase". Therefore, they should be done away with, in a sense of "fairness" to everyone. It's a slippery slope problem. Do it for one, and that gives other naysayers impetus to call to have it done for all.

Which defeats the whole purpose to the badge themes, IMO. I think Anniversary badges should remain a regular feature in the game, and that they should be ONLY picked up during that month (or, if someone asks me, to be expanded to a 2 or 3 month window around the anniversary date). Vet awards should get cooler as you get along without being gamebreaking. Day Jobs should be remo--- er, hrm.