Second Best tank armor?




Originally Posted by 1_Man View Post
i love running TF's and tend to venture in to pvp zones for fun and a change of pace its fun to go even if its just to die =-) i hate getting my *** handed to me by ghost widow , i love teams the bigger the better so i id like that can
Invulnerability is probably the best all around performer for what you are doing. You can get solid defense, good physical resistance, and run every TF in the game, including the ones that exemp you down. (If you want to know pain, tank Numina on a shield or ice tanker.)

For your goals, I'd suggest a specific build: Inv/Dark Melee. Dark Melee makes any tanker primary tougher. It builds on your defense, it gives you health back, and if you are out of end it might help there too.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
Invulnerability is probably the best all around performer for what you are doing. You can get solid defense, good physical resistance, and run every TF in the game, including the ones that exemp you down. (If you want to know pain, tank Numina on a shield or ice tanker.)

For your goals, I'd suggest a specific build: Inv/Dark Melee. Dark Melee makes any tanker primary tougher. It builds on your defense, it gives you health back, and if you are out of end it might help there too.
I should point out that the problems tanking Numina are related to the mobs, not to any issues with Ice or Shields.

Ice and Shields do exactly what they are supposed to do. It's just that the DE Quartz make everything ignore your defense.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



With some IO investment I would rank Invuln as #2 in raw durability behind Stone; having played Invuln, Stone and Shield all to 50 I can say that a soft capped Invuln isn't all that far behind Stone; and Shield is rather impressive in durability itself. It's not up with Invuln but it 'ain't bad.

In all honesty Stone's durability is really overkill for 99.99% of the game though. I find that anything my Stone tank can do my Invuln can do just as well... it may take a bit more caution or an inspiration or two but it's certainly up for the task. I have yet to find anything that my Invuln can't handle, and it doesn't have the drawbacks of the Stone tank. Both of my Stone tankers were leveled prior to IO's; in today's game many sets can match it in practical durability if you're willing to invest the inf.

Of course with enough IO investment virtually any tanker can become godlike; if you were to, say, soft cap an Electric Armor tank you'd really have a monster. I'm not sure how doable that would be and I'm sure it'd be massively expensive but with enough money thrown at a set it can really get silly good.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
Of course with enough IO investment virtually any tanker can become godlike; if you were to, say, soft cap an Electric Armor tank you'd really have a monster. I'm not sure how doable that would be and I'm sure it'd be massively expensive but with enough money thrown at a set it can really get silly good.
Just softcapping S/L is more than doable, even on Brutes/Scrappers. Softcapping to everything however is not doable on an Elec(at least without gimping yourself severely). I run a 32.5% to positional defenses(One purp for the godmode) Elec/Fire Tanker, and he's a beast. Didn't cost that much either.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
Just softcapping S/L is more than doable, even on Brutes/Scrappers. Softcapping to everything however is not doable on an Elec(at least without gimping yourself severely). I run a 32.5% to positional defenses Elec/Fire Tanker, and he's a beast. One purp for the godmode.
I wouldn't doubt that a bit; when Elec first ported to tanks I tried it out in the beta on a level bumped 50 Elec/SS tanker. I was dealing with SO enhancements since I was too lazy to copy/strip enough characters from live to get IO's and the test auction house is pretty limited. I found it to be weaker than an SO'd Invuln tanker but it wasn't bad... my impression was that adding some more S/L resist or adding a bunch of defense would create a monster.

I've been playing around a bit with a Spine/Elec scrapper; at 35 it's starting to get pretty good even though I haven't gotten serious about IO's on it yet. Right at the moment I have WAY too many half finished projects in the 25-35 range; a couple of them monkey babies. Yeah, I confess, I took advantage of that to PL a few sets I wanted to try into the mid-20's. Sometime I'll get around to actually playing them.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
Right at the moment I have WAY too many half finished projects in the 25-35 range; a couple of them monkey babies. Yeah, I confess, I took advantage of that to PL a few sets I wanted to try into the mid-20's. Sometime I'll get around to actually playing them.
S'alright, I can't fault you for it. I did the bubble farms back in the day. Sadly, all the characters I PL'd in that manner have been deleted. For some reason I can't stick with a character after PLing it. I think I need that slow level up process to not only get acquainted with the powersets, but to actually gain an appreciation and attachment to the character.

Look at it this way: I wanted a bow and arrow as a kid. My dad bought me one, and I loved it for a week. Then I never touched it. My cousin wanted a bow and arrow. His dad bought him dowel rods and string so my cousin could build a bow and arrows. Then, after the kid figured out how to make a good one and shoot it, his dad bought him a bow and arrow. He still uses the bought one and is even learning to hunt.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Stupid recharge and stupid defence from IOs makes an Elec tank pretty hard to take down. I have a brute, far squishier than a tank, that rocks really decent defence, really decent resists. I have perma energize. With my multiple slotting for regen, as long as I pay attention to energize, I also rock nearly 40hp/s regen. I am slotted a bit weird, going for a lot of those 8 and 10% regen bonuses and a few purple sets in strange places for recharge, but as long as I have my energize up, I have found myself to be damn difficult to take down. I don't play my character as best as probably could be done, but I am happy I can sufficiently tank a wide variety of things at high difficulties, and have speedy enough attacks from all my copious recharge. With Spiritual uncommon, I also max out energize at 100%rech/100%regen/heal, making it a click power of extreme healing when I need it for that. Plus there is surge for those emergencies. Surge, with all that regen and recovery, plus a massive end recovery button, has let me come back from almost 0 health to maximum in some stupid hard fights. While I might not say elec is #2 for tanks, it IS a whole lot more badass than I think it may be getting credit for.

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
Of course with enough IO investment virtually any tanker can become godlike; if you were to, say, soft cap an Electric Armor tank you'd really have a monster. I'm not sure how doable that would be and I'm sure it'd be massively expensive but with enough money thrown at a set it can really get silly good.
Adding defense to a resistance based set will noticeably improve performance even if you fall well short of the soft cap. I have a fire tanker with just under 30% defense that does quite well. Resistance based sets are built around the notion that you should still live even if you get hit with everything, so not getting hit by some attacks helps a lot even if you get hit with some.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Your thread title and OP are flawed.

Both assume that everyone accepts Stone Armor as being the best tank, and there is no such consensus.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I have lvl 50 Stone Tanker, INV tanker, WP tanker, Ice Tanker, Fire Tanker and I used to use my Peacebringer for Tank-mode in Dwarf-form.

I don't have a lvl 50 Shield Tanker, Dark Armor (only scrapper) nor Electric...yet.
But I do have all the others.

So, all things considered, if you spend roughly the same amount of IOs on each build, with a good player, I would say:

After Granite, the best tanker is WillPower, hands down.
I mean Tanker as in "The guy that doesn't die and grabs the agro, defending the team from any harm". Damage isn't an issue here.
WP has very good defenses, good resistances, good tier-9 power, and AWESOME regen. Regenerating means that the Tanker doesn't really care about what actually hit him, if it was fire or energy or whatever. He's going to regen the same whether the damage is S/L or Psy.
There's NO way that an INV tanker performs as well as a WP tanker. It might perform better on a very specific task, but overall, the WP will out-perform the INV tanker.
(again, let's compare an INV tanker with IOs with a WP tanker with the same IOs. Let's NOT compare an SO tanker with a purpled IO tanker).

The general perceived issue with WP having trouble keeping aggro is a mistake.
It does have a weaker taunt aura but really....that's a laughable "issue" on a tanker.
The player can slot the aura for extra taunt.
But above all, the player that thinks that his taunt aura will do all the job for him is dead wrong. Taunt and AoE attacks should be and must be used, on all tankers.
And both Taunt and AoE attacks (AoE aggro) are not weaker on WP tankers.

At the end of the day, will a WP aura loose agro to, say, an Ice aura? Sure.
But when you play on a team, being the only tanker, the WP aura will work just fine and will keep the agro just fine.
An INV tanker might have taken the agro from the WP, but he'll also be dead a lot sooner.



For those that think Ele falls behind other tanks.

Smash/Lethal : 86.72%
Energy: 90% (more like 118%)
Negative: 54.52%
Fire/Cold: 67.77%
Psi: 79.5% (yeah thats right)
Toxic: 3% (yeah its a hole, but thats what Power Surge is for 90%)

Smash/Lethal: 41.96%
Energy/Neg: 22.52%
Cold/Fire: 16.92%
Psi: 16.92%

*Need my gladiator still to soft cap S/L defense and push others up*

Global Recharge: 87.5% (No Hasten)

No powers were gimped in anyway to reach these numbers.
*Mids hates my computer or I would jsut post link*

I think Elec is still getting a bad rap from when it didn't have a heal. It seems to get looked over as a Tanker set compared to other sets. Of course personaly preference plays a huge part. If your not having fun with a set then dont play it.

Ele/DM Tank sounds scary,

Main: Praetor Imperium Elec/SS/Mu



Shield/Dark, hands down. I love mine to death, and am almost finished with build #2, which basically swapped the Earth Mastery for Pyre. Melt Armor>Soul Drain>Shield Charge>Fire Ball will more or less wipe out anything below a boss within a fair sized radius. Even Carnies. And I don't have Shield Charge slotted with *anything* yet, not even SO's. And Fire Ball is only half slotted.

Also, I tried Elec/Dark.... It was alright, just a huge endurance hog, and I couldn't force myself to keep playing it until I got Power Drain or whatever it's called (The PBAoE +End thing...)



The OP didn't ask the Tanker people "loved", he asked what was the second best tanker.

Also, justifying the answer with the damage it deals isn't really counting towards Tanking ability, imo.



I always thought stone was second to Invulnerable...

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Indeed it is. But they both fall behind Dark.
I've heard from a "semi-reliable" source that Dark Armor Sucks.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Originally Posted by Breog View Post
Smash/Lethal: 41.96%
Energy/Neg: 22.52%
Cold/Fire: 16.92%
Psi: 16.92%

*Need my gladiator still to soft cap S/L defense and push others up*

Global Recharge: 87.5% (No Hasten)

No powers were gimped in anyway to reach these numbers.
*Mids hates my computer or I would jsut post link*

I think Elec is still getting a bad rap from when it didn't have a heal. It seems to get looked over as a Tanker set compared to other sets. Of course personaly preference plays a huge part. If your not having fun with a set then dont play it.

Ele/DM Tank sounds scary,
Fairly close to what I have....
But mine is a Claws/ElA Scrapper with 97.5% global recharge prior to hasten.
OK you got me bit on resists by a wide margin but I do have Shadow Meld every 28 seconds to cap defense to all when i need to



Tankiest tank set?

Bot/traps MM.

40+% to all defense but psi, which has 30+%
45% lethal/smash resistance, plus BG mode which cuts all incoming damage to by 5/7.
44hp/second regeneration
87.5% recharge, without hasten, hasten puts it up to 157.5%

I've out tanked stone tanks, invulns, willpower, the whole bunch, and even tanked hami in an LGTF.



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
Tankiest tank set?

Bot/traps MM.

40+% to all defense but psi, which has 30+%
45% lethal/smash resistance, plus BG mode which cuts all incoming damage to by 5/7.
44hp/second regeneration
87.5% recharge, without hasten, hasten puts it up to 157.5%
If we're playing that game...

My Crab build at 50 has...

36% melee
46.4% ranged
48% AoE
52.3% S/L res
45.1% F/C res
41% E/N res
39.1% Tox res
Full mez protection including confuse, fear, taunt & placate. A slept "tank" is kinda useless.

Or my Son/Son defender w/capped ranged & 75% S/L resists (25~30 across the board for exotics), and the same limited mez protection as your MM? Does that count?

I've out tanked stone tanks, invulns, willpower, the whole bunch, and even tanked hami in an LGTF.
Meh, I have blasters who've "out-tanked" stone tanks. Just means I played w/a crappy tank.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
You mean Dechs' sig? Yeah, that guy's really sarcastic.
He is just angry he didn't make a dark armor scrapper...



Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Fairly close to what I have....
But mine is a Claws/ElA Scrapper with 97.5% global recharge prior to hasten.
OK you got me bit on resists by a wide margin but I do have Shadow Meld every 28 seconds to cap defense to all when i need to
Nice, very nice.

If I need to push my tanking up more I can also use Power Surge for 90% resist vs Everything (except Psi which is 83%).

Also have the Accloades for the +25% Psi Def + 7.5% Psi Res (which puts me to 90% Psi Res for 1m)

If I time it right, I can use Power Surge for 3ms, then just as its crashing hit Demonic + Power Sink and never really Crash. Oddly enough while under Demonic I hit 90% Res in everything as well, Plus the benefit of Massive DEF.
* Thier is a window of threat as my hps nearly bottom out, a lucky hit in these few seconds can drop me. But doesn't happen after with Enemies looking at 56% or higher DEF to punch through *

4m straight of butt kicking tanking at Caps

Plus Power Sink + Electric Fense + Ball Lightning = No End for Mobs

Main: Praetor Imperium Elec/SS/Mu



Originally Posted by 1_Man View Post
want to be the tankiest tank with out going stone =-)
I have 3 IO'd Ice tankers, Ice/DM, Ice/SS, and an old Ice/Em. I would pair those up vs any stone tanker any day. They are self reliant, great recharge, great defense numbers, and now, thanks to i19, i can get tough AND aid self on those Ice tankers. Since it is defense set, u can pull Aid self when needed and the chances are great you will not be interrupted, if things go bad, you got a heal or hibernate.

I have an IO'd Elec/SS tanker as well. Great numbers and his resists are great for just about any dmg type, except toxic (if I am not mistaken). He has tough, a solid heal, and phase. Very hard to kill as well.

An IO'd fire/fire tanker who had problems with malta before i19 due to end drains. His heal recharges in 11-12 seconds. Resists are awesome except vs psy, but since his is accoladed and packed with IO HP bonuses and thanks to his fast heal and phase, it is very very hard to kill as well.

Build right, play right, be smart. You can now make just about any tanker very very tough to kill.

Repeat Offenders forever !

Make all IO's available in Paragon Market! NCSoft, the chinese are making BIG money selling influence and other stuff in the game. Best way to stop them = make the paragon market a place to buy all IO's and perhaps other things as well.