4-month player with suggestions




I've been playing now for a little over four months and enjoying the game immensely. Tons of fun and the character creation options are off the charts. There are so many good things about the game that I am hesitant to make suggestions, but here are a few I keep thinking to myself...

(Please keep in mind I have not been playing for all too long so perhaps I just have not yet experienced something that I am making a suggestion for. If that is the case, I would love to know about such things )

the Friends chat channel seems outdated - I rarely have anyone on my Server-only Friends list, but have lots on the Global Friends list. I would like the Friends channel to broadcast to all server friends AND global friends. Or add a global friends channel in addition to the Friends channel already in place.

Costume additions:
Back Packs
Cigar for females
Goat or deer tail

Costume alterations:
Allow for choosing of a couple of hairstyles to go with hats and helmets
At least put some hair under the helmets
Let the monstrous legs have "Bottoms with skin" options and "skirts/shorts" options

If teamed with an SG member (or members) the amt of prestige those particular SG members earn while teamed together should be higher. This could be an incentive for SGs to want to do more things together, making them more active.

Character slots:
I think it would be so cool if, upon a character dinging 50, a free empty character slot would be added to that server. If the server that character is on already has the maximum number of slots, then the slot could be added to a different server of the player's choosing

Ability to move empty character slots from one server and add them to a different server for free

Paragon Story Arcs:
After getting to Talos from Praetoria, the story arcs seem horribly cumbersome and not the greatest things for teams due to lots of zone changes and missions consisting of talking to NPCs. It would be nice for there to be some Paragon story arcs that keep players in the same zone for a nice long while and have the same pace as the Praetorian arcs.

CoH should have the Thriller dance. Guild Wars (also an NC Soft game) has the Thriller dance and City of Heroes doesn't? No fair!

Game Areas:
What about adding an underwater zone and/or powers based on water? And maybe some oceanic looking character creation choices.

And an outer space zone in which we can float....

Okay now i'm getting a little carried away maybe...I just wanted to get these down on "paper."



For a new player, good suggestions and you know what.....I agree with them all !!!!!



Actually, the Friends channel is strange as it is - it broadcasts to all people you have friended, whether or not they have friended you back. Which on occasion leads to rather strange half-conversations popping up in your chat window.

Free character slots on Lv50 I don't see happening. It would be sploited with quick Lv50 farming runs, thus filling out the character roster easily. The fact that purchasing character slots is an additional source of income for the game makes it that much less likely to happen.

Story arcs: If there's a spot where the age of the game shows, it's the old story arcs. Revamp of the old content is frequently requested.

Dance:Your wish has been retroactively granted.

Game areas: A space/moon/underwater zone has also been frequently requested.

And finally... welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay.



Originally Posted by Knitter View Post
I've been playing now for a little over four months and enjoying the game immensely. Tons of fun and the character creation options are off the charts. There are so many good things about the game that I am hesitant to make suggestions, but here are a few I keep thinking to myself...

(Please keep in mind I have not been playing for all too long so perhaps I just have not yet experienced something that I am making a suggestion for. If that is the case, I would love to know about such things )

the Friends chat channel seems outdated - I rarely have anyone on my Server-only Friends list, but have lots on the Global Friends list. I would like the Friends channel to broadcast to all server friends AND global friends. Or add a global friends channel in addition to the Friends channel already in place.
Don't se much harm there.

Costume additions:
Back Packs
Cigar for females
Goat or deer tail

Costume alterations:
Allow for choosing of a couple of hairstyles to go with hats and helmets
At least put some hair under the helmets
Let the monstrous legs have "Bottoms with skin" options and "skirts/shorts" options
More costume choices are always good.

If teamed with an SG member (or members) the amt of prestige those particular SG members earn while teamed together should be higher. This could be an incentive for SGs to want to do more things together, making them more active.
Seems good.

Character slots:
I think it would be so cool if, upon a character dinging 50, a free empty character slot would be added to that server. If the server that character is on already has the maximum number of slots, then the slot could be added to a different server of the player's choosing
It's far too easy to get a character to level 50 so this probably will never happen.

Ability to move empty character slots from one server and add them to a different server for free
Been asked for before with no success.

Paragon Story Arcs:
After getting to Talos from Praetoria, the story arcs seem horribly cumbersome and not the greatest things for teams due to lots of zone changes and missions consisting of talking to NPCs. It would be nice for there to be some Paragon story arcs that keep players in the same zone for a nice long while and have the same pace as the Praetorian arcs.
Seems to be a contradiction in what you want here. You want to stay a long time in each zone but you want the same mad dash to level up as the Praetorian arcs. Biggest complaint I see about Praetorian arcs is how people outlevel storyarcs so fast.

Gonna have to /unsign this one.

CoH should have the Thriller dance. Guild Wars (also an NC Soft game) has the Thriller dance and City of Heroes doesn't? No fair!
More emotes is always good but you should be aware we aren't allowed to mention other games by name. Even games made by NCSoft. If the Mods see it they will mod the post.

Game Areas:
What about adding an underwater zone and/or powers based on water? And maybe some oceanic looking character creation choices.
An underwater zone has been shot down by the devs (BaBs in particular) stating it would take years and ultimately look stupid. His words.

Energy Blast was originally the games water based powerset but they changed the name during Beta Testing.

And an outer space zone in which we can float....

Okay now i'm getting a little carried away maybe...I just wanted to get these down on "paper."
See the Moon Hazard Zone thread


It's a great thread.



Welcome to the asylum! Errr.... I mean, yeah, asylum. Always nice to see a new face! . I must say, for a relatively new player, you're suggestion are VERY good, considering they are some of the most often requested things. For reasons stated above, I don't think an underwater zone will happen (Though it would be awesome!), but I still really, really, really...(52 pages later)...REALLY would like a moon zone!

Oh, and hi!



The haracter slot on getting a someone to 50 seems a bit out there, but the rest of the suggestions seem pretty good imo

But it's to easy to get a character to 50, they'd lose money on paying for it.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



The only one I have a problem with is the free slot for getting a character to 50.

The way you said it, it implies that you lose access to that character once it hits 50, which isn't the case. In fact they just introduced new content catered specifically for level 50 characters.

Being rewarded for something that isn't that difficult to do with something you would otherwise have to pay real money for probably (would lean more toward "definitely") isn't going to happen. You would get a free character slot for getting a character to the level cap that you can still play. Nope, not at all likely.

Now, if the game were set up so that you lose access to the character and the slot they are in when you reach 50, it might not be a bad suggestion. But it isn't, which makes it a bad one.

The underwater zone probably isn't going to happen either. I don't have any problem with it, it's just unlikely.

The rest of the suggestions are solid.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Revamp the old Paragon City story arcs I agree with completely.

They are old and not terribly interesting compared to newer content.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



Originally Posted by Knitter View Post

If teamed with an SG member (or members) the amt of prestige those particular SG members earn while teamed together should be higher. This could be an incentive for SGs to want to do more things together, making them more active.
That's a good idea!

Ability to move empty character slots from one server and add them to a different server for free
They did this for a month on launch of i18 so it is a possibility.

Paragon Story Arcs:
After getting to Talos from Praetoria, the story arcs seem horribly cumbersome and not the greatest things for teams due to lots of zone changes and missions consisting of talking to NPCs. It would be nice for there to be some Paragon story arcs that keep players in the same zone for a nice long while and have the same pace as the Praetorian arcs.
Come to the villain zones.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
An underwater zone has been shot down by the devs (BaBs in particular) stating it would take years and ultimately look stupid. His words.
Not that I'm agreeing with it at all.... but to be fair he DOES say "as long as I am on this project". He is no longer on the project

Now, was he replaced with what he'd consider a gibbering idiot that would support the idea? Dunno. Doubtful but that screenie I don't think is valid to be posted anymore as he is no longer in the picture.



Re: Costumes

Head up to development (think it was,) "Jay's costume request thread." Yes, it's long. Yes, he reads it. Yes, he's the one who takes costume requests.



Originally Posted by SenseiBlur View Post
Not that I'm agreeing with it at all.... but to be fair he DOES say "as long as I am on this project". He is no longer on the project

Now, was he replaced with what he'd consider a gibbering idiot that would support the idea? Dunno. Doubtful but that screenie I don't think is valid to be posted anymore as he is no longer in the picture.
I think... Nelson was it? The guy who did the Ninja Run animation? I think he and David (Noble Savage) run art / animations. I think they have the same viewpoint as C.Bruce: not worth the time, and it'd still look stupid.



Welcome to the forums Knitter. Nice Ideas. Glad you enjoy the game.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=114726][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



I congratulate you on not suggesting the same hundred suggestions as every new person who suggests stuff. "Raise the level cap!" "Merge the servers!" "Full Respec!" Get kind of tired of seeing that after a while.

Though you did miss once with the underwater zone. I mean, granted, it looks good on paper, but just the time and effort for something that will ultimately fail it's intent is not worth it. Not saying it's a bad suggestion, but it's one I've seen before.

Most everything else get's a yes from me, cept the 50 = new slot thing. People would get way to many free slots by exploiting farms.

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

Got Inf?



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Re: Costumes

Head up to development (think it was,) "Jay's costume request thread." Yes, it's long. Yes, he reads it. Yes, he's the one who takes costume requests.
I wouldn't bother with that thread since most of the stuff suggested only comes out if it's either; part of the theme of a new issue or he has some spare time to work on something...

... and we've been asking for animal parts for freaking years! Dear sweet muffincakes, when will that message ever get through? >.<

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
I think... Nelson was it? The guy who did the Ninja Run animation? I think he and David (Noble Savage) run art / animations. I think they have the same viewpoint as C.Bruce: not worth the time, and it'd still look stupid.
Not arguing the position, just that the screenie itself is not valid hehe.

But thanks for the info I'd be fully against the idea myself actually since currently we don't even have underwater, much less anything further.



definitely would like to see teh friend chat change



Welcome to the forums (and to the game as well)!

Great post. I love a friendly, respectful intro!

And you pretty much hit all the marks (I've never heard anyone bring up the friend channel [I forgot it even existed] and the 50=free slot is likely a no-go, but everything else is pretty much a commonly agreed upon desire [even if it is not something that is likely to happen [underwater zone]).

The hairstyles under hats and helmets is pretty much always one of the first things people will notice/realize/desire (for those who love making costumes).

I'd love it if they'd make three or so styles for each hat/helmet. Not that this is a small amount of work, but hey... I still would like to see it!

  • One no hair
  • One short hair
  • One long hair
Obviously I could suggest one medium hair and one with pony tail and maybe some more... but I figure I have to draw the line somewhere. Three sounds good. It's a broad range covering most concepts better than we have today.
It's been suggested... I hope maybe some day we'll see it!

Anyway, not to make it sound like we never get new nice things... they love to surprise us with awesome stuff from time to time. It's just the things that haven't come down the pipes that we can still clamor for.

I love seeing someone who's played a couple of months offering such thoughts and suggestions. I think it is a great thing to post and I thank you for doing so!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by SenseiBlur View Post
Not that I'm agreeing with it at all.... but to be fair he DOES say "as long as I am on this project". He is no longer on the project

Now, was he replaced with what he'd consider a gibbering idiot that would support the idea? Dunno. Doubtful but that screenie I don't think is valid to be posted anymore as he is no longer in the picture.
Just because one dev is no longer with us doesn't mean the other devs have suddenly changed their minds on a topic. What one states is valid until another says otherwise.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Just because one dev is no longer with us doesn't mean the other devs have suddenly changed their minds on a topic. What one states is valid until another says otherwise.
Not when he specifically states that it's not going to happen until he leaves. The way he worded it... it's implied that once he leaves there is instantly a far higher chance (I.e. greater than zero) that it might be considered (assuming the new dev doesn't post a new 100% rejection to the same idea). Until the new lead states otherwise, it's back to theory crafting and speaking for devs as people do daily anyway. Either way, it's no longer a valid post since he is not with the company anymore and doesn't personally guide its direction. It's like saying a dead guy is speaking for the living.



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
Gonna nitpick here and point out that that isn't a thriller dance, it's a Smooth Criminal dance. (Smooth Criminal is the one where he tips his hat and moonwalks, Thriller has the zombie arm motions.)