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  1. Here's what happens:
    1. While in-game, I push PrntScr on my keyboard
    2. Open Gimp or Paint
    3. Paste
    4. Get an image that's just a big black rectangle

    The image will show up in the CoH Screenshots folder, though.

    It also happens when I do shift+PrntScr to get a shot of the UI - which is the really annoying part, because the shift+PrntScr image does NOT go into the CoH Screenshots folder.

    Any ideas on how to get the pasting of screenshots to work for me?

    Thank you!
  2. I've been playing now for a little over four months and enjoying the game immensely. Tons of fun and the character creation options are off the charts. There are so many good things about the game that I am hesitant to make suggestions, but here are a few I keep thinking to myself...

    (Please keep in mind I have not been playing for all too long so perhaps I just have not yet experienced something that I am making a suggestion for. If that is the case, I would love to know about such things )

    the Friends chat channel seems outdated - I rarely have anyone on my Server-only Friends list, but have lots on the Global Friends list. I would like the Friends channel to broadcast to all server friends AND global friends. Or add a global friends channel in addition to the Friends channel already in place.

    Costume additions:
    Back Packs
    Cigar for females
    Goat or deer tail

    Costume alterations:
    Allow for choosing of a couple of hairstyles to go with hats and helmets
    At least put some hair under the helmets
    Let the monstrous legs have "Bottoms with skin" options and "skirts/shorts" options

    If teamed with an SG member (or members) the amt of prestige those particular SG members earn while teamed together should be higher. This could be an incentive for SGs to want to do more things together, making them more active.

    Character slots:
    I think it would be so cool if, upon a character dinging 50, a free empty character slot would be added to that server. If the server that character is on already has the maximum number of slots, then the slot could be added to a different server of the player's choosing

    Ability to move empty character slots from one server and add them to a different server for free

    Paragon Story Arcs:
    After getting to Talos from Praetoria, the story arcs seem horribly cumbersome and not the greatest things for teams due to lots of zone changes and missions consisting of talking to NPCs. It would be nice for there to be some Paragon story arcs that keep players in the same zone for a nice long while and have the same pace as the Praetorian arcs.

    CoH should have the Thriller dance. Guild Wars (also an NC Soft game) has the Thriller dance and City of Heroes doesn't? No fair!

    Game Areas:
    What about adding an underwater zone and/or powers based on water? And maybe some oceanic looking character creation choices.

    And an outer space zone in which we can float....

    Okay now i'm getting a little carried away maybe...I just wanted to get these down on "paper."