Here's what happens:
1. While in-game, I push PrntScr on my keyboard
2. Open Gimp or Paint
3. Paste
4. Get an image that's just a big black rectangle
The image will show up in the CoH Screenshots folder, though.
It also happens when I do shift+PrntScr to get a shot of the UI - which is the really annoying part, because the shift+PrntScr image does NOT go into the CoH Screenshots folder.
Any ideas on how to get the pasting of screenshots to work for me?
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Here's what happens:
1. While in-game, I push PrntScr on my keyboard
2. Open Gimp or Paint
3. Paste
4. Get an image that's just a big black rectangle
The image will show up in the CoH Screenshots folder, though.
It also happens when I do shift+PrntScr to get a shot of the UI - which is the really annoying part, because the shift+PrntScr image does NOT go into the CoH Screenshots folder.
Any ideas on how to get the pasting of screenshots to work for me?
Thank you!