Champion Events Survey!




Hello Champs! Happy Holidays! Seasons Greetings!

I want to first off thank everybody for their strong replies, feedback, suggestions, and criticism. The responses we received in the prior thread were quite overwhelming and took quite some time to process. This has helped me out immensely and hopefully helped the public to come to terms and decide how best to move forward.

As you may be aware, many players on the Champion Server have expressed an interest in wanting to start up our own Event Group to help provide the necessary resources, guidance, and support in continuing to provide events to our community. Below is a survey I have created using Google Docs that I would love for everybody to fill out. As always, be true to your word and as honest and detailed as possible. Without everyone's necessary feedback the group cannot develop fully, thrive, and be successful.

I look forward to seeing the responses and will be utilizing Google Docs to provide feedback for everyone to see all the answers once the form closes. I will leave the form open till Sunday, December 19th, 2010 and provide the results within the week following it.

Once again thank you for everything and your support of Champion!


Note: This event group is hoping to be an open and public group. If you would like to be a part of the next steps please check the option that you are interested in joining. This survey serves only as feedback and will help us in determining best practices and next steps. Thank you.

[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]



So your suggestion to replace PERC is yet another committee?

In my opinion, another committee or event group isn't the answer. It often ends up detracting from the original goal, (events for Champion by Champion), by adding another layer to get through. It also then differentiates between x events (x being whatever the group is called) and events run by individuals. I don't think that's good.

I don't think what adorable name the group has matters, or what the motto is, or whatever. I don't think there should even be a group that formalized. I get it, some people like committees. Status and recognition, I get it.

What I think is important is that there is a support framework in place for events. So that anyone can come and say "I've got an idea for an event but I'd like help running it". I think the framework should be just that, a framework. Not an organization, not a committe, just a bunch of people who will help run events or run events as needed.

I think what would be best is that if someone really wanted to help events for the server, then they just put their name forward as someone to talk to for events. So if someone asks "hey I want to run an event but I've got questions/would like some help" people can say "chill ****, talk to @SuperpantsMcFly or @Ultrafabulous" or they themselves can volunteer as willing.

The primary focus should be the events, not the organization that runs them.

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
So your suggestion to replace PERC is yet another committee?

In my opinion, another committee or event group isn't the answer. It often ends up detracting from the original goal, (events for Champion by Champion), by adding another layer to get through. It also then differentiates between x events (x being whatever the group is called) and events run by individuals. I don't think that's good.

I don't think what adorable name the group has matters, or what the motto is, or whatever. I don't think there should even be a group that formalized. I get it, some people like committees. Status and recognition, I get it.

What I think is important is that there is a support framework in place for events. So that anyone can come and say "I've got an idea for an event but I'd like help running it". I think the framework should be just that, a framework. Not an organization, not a committe, just a bunch of people who will help run events or run events as needed.

I think what would be best is that if someone really wanted to help events for the server, then they just put their name forward as someone to talk to for events. So if someone asks "hey I want to run an event but I've got questions/would like some help" people can say "chill ****, talk to @SuperpantsMcFly or @Ultrafabulous" or they themselves can volunteer as willing.

The primary focus should be the events, not the organization that runs them.
The TL;DR version:

Let individuals make their own events (and don't compete with them), and have a group of people there for the sole purpose of helping the event go off as planned. What that help entails is defined by the event planner.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



There should be an event where everyone brings a new level 1 character to Atlas Park, signs up as a contestant, then the first character to return with every exploration badge in the game (not including mission explores, Trucker, or other "non-standard" badges) receives a massive prize.

The competition would continue over several days of course and it would be acceptable for the characters to be paired with a level 50 to help them around.

Contestants would need to collect all blueside, redside and goldside badges, not just blue.

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
So your suggestion to replace PERC is yet another committee?

In my opinion, another committee or event group isn't the answer. It often ends up detracting from the original goal, (events for Champion by Champion), by adding another layer to get through. It also then differentiates between x events (x being whatever the group is called) and events run by individuals. I don't think that's good.

I don't think what adorable name the group has matters, or what the motto is, or whatever. I don't think there should even be a group that formalized. I get it, some people like committees. Status and recognition, I get it.

What I think is important is that there is a support framework in place for events. So that anyone can come and say "I've got an idea for an event but I'd like help running it". I think the framework should be just that, a framework. Not an organization, not a committe, just a bunch of people who will help run events or run events as needed.

I think what would be best is that if someone really wanted to help events for the server, then they just put their name forward as someone to talk to for events. So if someone asks "hey I want to run an event but I've got questions/would like some help" people can say "chill ****, talk to @SuperpantsMcFly or @Ultrafabulous" or they themselves can volunteer as willing.

The primary focus should be the events, not the organization that runs them.
Gonna answer this one for Dazzy since I brought this exact idea up when I was helping him put the survey together. He said this was tried as a model of running events but most of the people refused to bring ideas to the committee because they were afraid the committee would steal their event idea from them. I know, crazy.

Here's an even crazier part. If you want the help, then just ask. You do have the ability to PM Dazz or the others in the new setup. These are people who just want to help make Champion a fun place and I'm fairly certain they'd be happy to lend a hand.

Lastly, Consider for a moment that these are people who are taking away from their own playtime to create fun and social interactions for you. If you don't like it, fine, but realize this is a volunteer effort and if you believe it is run incorrectly then go out and run events in your own way.


The Angry Popcorn.

(Post highlighted for important phrases due to the high probability of tl:dr)

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Ashcraft been published.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
So your suggestion to replace PERC is yet another committee?

In my opinion, another committee or event group isn't the answer. It often ends up detracting from the original goal, (events for Champion by Champion), by adding another layer to get through. It also then differentiates between x events (x being whatever the group is called) and events run by individuals. I don't think that's good.

I don't think what adorable name the group has matters, or what the motto is, or whatever. I don't think there should even be a group that formalized. I get it, some people like committees. Status and recognition, I get it.

What I think is important is that there is a support framework in place for events. So that anyone can come and say "I've got an idea for an event but I'd like help running it". I think the framework should be just that, a framework. Not an organization, not a committe, just a bunch of people who will help run events or run events as needed.

I think what would be best is that if someone really wanted to help events for the server, then they just put their name forward as someone to talk to for events. So if someone asks "hey I want to run an event but I've got questions/would like some help" people can say "chill ****, talk to @SuperpantsMcFly or @Ultrafabulous" or they themselves can volunteer as willing.

The primary focus should be the events, not the organization that runs them.
He didn't say he was forming a committee, he said they where getting a group together. One of the the worst things about PERC is that it is committee format and makes it harder to actually run anything. But now you already have a base group of Champion people who want to help with events what's wrong with them forming what i will assume will be a much more informal group?

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
What I think is important is that there is a support framework in place for events. So that anyone can come and say "I've got an idea for an event but I'd like help running it". I think the framework should be just that, a framework. Not an organization, not a committe, just a bunch of people who will help run events or run events as needed.

I think what would be best is that if someone really wanted to help events for the server, then they just put their name forward as someone to talk to for events. So if someone asks "hey I want to run an event but I've got questions/would like some help" people can say "chill ****, talk to @SuperpantsMcFly or @Ultrafabulous" or they themselves can volunteer as willing.
Perhaps this isn't being conveyed clearly, but from my conversations with Dazz, what you are describing is exactly what he (and others) are aiming for with this new idea: a support framework. Resources that are actually resources and not some group that will run events competing with other individuals, but help individuals with their own events. Sure, there are people on the server who can up and lead their own events without a hand, and that's great. However, there are others that say, have an idea for an event but lack funds, or people who would willingly donate money, but really couldn't care less about running a costume contest. So the way I understand it, the goal is to bring these groups of people together such that opportunities can be brought to light. So that someone who is thinking "Hey, I'd really love a banner for my clown suit PvP event." can go to this resource group, look up someone who will volunteer to do banners, contact them and make it happen. I think Nator's Rock Trivia Night is a good example of how something like this would work. He came up with a good idea and several people got behind it and helped in various capacities. The only difference is that now, instead of throwing an idea out there on the forums or asking around, you'll be able to quickly identify the types of people you're looking for.

The issue is that, despite the goal being a more open, free flow type group, is that the framework (however minimal it is) will have to be decided upon and articulated so that people know what it is, how it works, and how to identify it.

I definitely understand your skepticism when it comes to another 'committee'. I too share the same feelings towards them. Not to speak for Dazz, but I feel he recognizes this, and genuinely wants to make it as inclusive as possible, even in the planning stages. Hence, the survey.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Thank you Dazz for posting the survey

My thoughts are the same as what Silas and WHF posted. I could not have said it any better so no need to go into it further and I think Silas has been quoted enough for one thread

I remain a little skeptical, but after speaking with Dazz and Star I am hopeful that there will be some fundamental differences in this new group. I am very confident that the people organizing the group do care what we think and want to see some actual changes. Not just the same old same old with a "under new management sign"

Ashcraft, I don't think that anyone is being ungrateful for what the former PERC members have done, their time and efforts. Gratitude is not the same as agreement. The people in the group are obviously well liked and I believe have good intentions.

I am happy to fill out the survey and appreciate being asked.

Thanks Again!



The group should be called: Board for Arrangement of Champion Occurances and News = BACON.

I said this (or something similar) at the previous event. You no listen to meh!

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



My God Dazz. Too much thinking for me to complete that survey. I'll tackle it later when I have more time.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



LOL! I hope you all are including your thoughts into the survey!

Silas, as Amy & Ashy mentioned the idea is NOT to form a committee. As you will notice throughout the entirity of the survey is it is mentioned as a "group" for a lack of a better word. I am with many of you in the same respecs that a committee is too closed. Moving forward, I want our group to be as open as possible and be a resource unto others so that they have the support they need to carry out events. For example, Dolly's idea for the badge race thing is a perfect example of how she could present the idea and get mentors to help her run the event in areas where should would need assistance. The goal is to strengthen everybody so we all can put out the most killer events possible and everybody wins and has a fun and ENTERTAINING time!

I really do hope this is being conveyed in your submissions to the survey. This will help us as we determine exactly what the next steps are for the group and how it should function. I appreciate all the comments and I am looking forward to seeing what everybody says!

[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]



Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
The group should be called: Board for Arrangement of Champion Occurances and News = BACON.

I said this (or something similar) at the previous event. You no listen to meh!
I thought you mentioned OREOs too! Like I said! I can't remember! LOL! Feel free to submit under other! :P

[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]



Fair enough. Consider me Cautiously Optimistic.

More feedback: I don't think what the group is called or what the group motto is are anywhere near as important as how this group will get stuff done.

I'll fill out the survey when I get home. Good luck with the new group.

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Fair enough. Consider me Cautiously Optimistic.

More feedback: I don't think what the group is called or what the group motto is are anywhere near as important as how this group will get stuff done.

I'll fill out the survey when I get home. Good luck with the new group.
No... but the group does need some sort of structure. What that is, depends on you all. Ty for filling it out!

Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
Perhaps this isn't being conveyed clearly, but from my conversations with Dazz, what you are describing is exactly what he (and others) are aiming for with this new idea: a support framework. Resources that are actually resources and not some group that will run events competing with other individuals, but help individuals with their own events. Sure, there are people on the server who can up and lead their own events without a hand, and that's great. However, there are others that say, have an idea for an event but lack funds, or people who would willingly donate money, but really couldn't care less about running a costume contest. So the way I understand it, the goal is to bring these groups of people together such that opportunities can be brought to light. So that someone who is thinking "Hey, I'd really love a banner for my clown suit PvP event." can go to this resource group, look up someone who will volunteer to do banners, contact them and make it happen. I think Nator's Rock Trivia Night is a good example of how something like this would work. He came up with a good idea and several people got behind it and helped in various capacities. The only difference is that now, instead of throwing an idea out there on the forums or asking around, you'll be able to quickly identify the types of people you're looking for.

The issue is that, despite the goal being a more open, free flow type group, is that the framework (however minimal it is) will have to be decided upon and articulated so that people know what it is, how it works, and how to identify it.

I definitely understand your skepticism when it comes to another 'committee'. I too share the same feelings towards them. Not to speak for Dazz, but I feel he recognizes this, and genuinely wants to make it as inclusive as possible, even in the planning stages. Hence, the survey.
Pretty much what she said!

[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]



While I agree that what the group is called isn't as important as the structure, it does help if it has some sort of catchy name. That way, the name is easily recognizable and it doesn't require that you contact one particular person so long as the group has ways of contacting them as a whole (thus allowing for people to step down and others take their place with minimal hassle as time goes along).



After much editing: Good luck w/ picking up the pieces and starting over w/ Champion at heart. PERC, in my humble opinion was and has been a complete waste of time. I hope as do many Championites I know to see events better structured and more friendly to those who don't want to dress like a badge among other things. Let's get together and kick some a** as a server for once instead of gathering and boosting our names.

I do wish ya'll the best of luck and I very much hope there are some planned events in the future that I have at least the slightest wish to attend unlike our past PERC events.

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...



Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
After much editing: Good luck w/ picking up the pieces and starting over w/ Champion at heart. PERC, in my humble opinion was and has been a complete waste of time. I hope as do many Championites I know to see events better structured and more friendly to those who don't want to dress like a badge among other things. Let's get together and kick some a** as a server for once instead of gathering and boosting our names.

I do wish ya'll the best of luck and I very much hope there are some planned events in the future that I have at least the slightest wish to attend unlike our past PERC events.
I'd be curious what kind of events you'd like to see. I know what you dont want, hopefuly you filled out the survey and expressed some things that you do want.. it would be nice to have some jumping off points.



Not to speak for Force or anything, but we have shared similar opinions on the subject.

Events that involve actually playing the game. using game content TFs, Raids, Story Arcs done in a unique way. Make some crazy challenges for people to accomplish.

Costume Contests and Trivia games not so much.



Lol. Dress like a badge was not a PERC cross-server event. It wasn't created by any one but an actual member of the Champion community who just so happened to be a PERC rep. If the event was not ran across all the servers that means it was a Champion event created by a Champion rep which is the case for most of the events you guys have seen. Huge events like Mr. & Mrs. that were ran across all 11 servers are the events that you can be negative about and possibly not be insulting someone on Champion who actually put time and effort in to trying to entertain you to have it not appreciated. That would account for maybe 20% of the PERC events you have seen ran in the last few years on Champion. The other 80% were events Champion organizers came up with for Champion.

There are some reps that are upset by their treatment in PERC, they quit. You guys showing your support of them by making comments that are negative about the organization made up of lots of wonderful people trying to provide you with events is lame. Especially when 80% of the events you have seen on Champion were created by Champion people for Champion people. Even the other 20% were ran by Champion people for Champion people whether they came up with the concept or not.

Encouraging people on their quest of moving forward is great. Doing so with negativity towards people who volunteered their time shows a lack of character.

Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
After much editing: Good luck w/ picking up the pieces and starting over w/ Champion at heart. PERC, in my humble opinion was and has been a complete waste of time. I hope as do many Championites I know to see events better structured and more friendly to those who don't want to dress like a badge among other things. Let's get together and kick some a** as a server for once instead of gathering and boosting our names.

I do wish ya'll the best of luck and I very much hope there are some planned events in the future that I have at least the slightest wish to attend unlike our past PERC events.



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
Lol. Dress like a badge was not a PERC cross-server event. It wasn't created by any one but an actual member of the Champion community who just so happened to be a PERC rep. If the event was not ran across all the servers that means it was a Champion event created by a Champion rep which is the case for most of the events you guys have seen. Huge events like Mr. & Mrs. that were ran across all 11 servers are the events that you can be negative about and possibly not be insulting someone on Champion who actually put time and effort in to trying to entertain you to have it not appreciated. That would account for maybe 20% of the PERC events you have seen ran in the last few years on Champion. The other 80% were events Champion organizers came up with for Champion.
Tell me something I don't know.

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...



Didn't realize you knew that yet would still choose to be insulting. Now I know....carry on.

Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
Tell me something I don't know.



Simple fact of the matter is that no matter how many surveys are posted, questions asked, feedback positive or negative is received, there is no way to please everyone, every time.

It has been my own personal experience through events ive hosted both in and out of perc that no 1 thing appeals to the masses. I have done the actual in game content, set up challenges, set up tasks or things that did involve actual game/content play.. when those have happend, very very few people would participate. I can recall 1 particular challenge we posted and I/we (my sg) thought for certain a few of our more challenge driven players would attend.. when they didnt I asked why. The replys i got back from a few of them were " i dont like challenges set up by others, i like to make my own". Which is totally fine and I appreciated the honesty.

What was interesting is that numerous people from other servers, did contact me and said that even though it wasnt a challenge on their home server, they wanted to participate, even knowing they wouldnt win the prizes... Stryker was 1 of them. If i recall, he posted his results in our forums.

Another issue is that its been said that we only reach about 10% of the player base VIA the forums. I think this # may be a bit higher on champion due to different channels and the MoTD's.. the thing is, setting up challenges and such that requre a bit of pre planning or orgznization is hard.. a lot of the people that tend to participate come from word of mouth or just dumb luck.

I can point most recently to the Halloween foot race. which is why, on the fly, i changed the format. It had been set in teams, but, more people showed up from hearing about it last minute and thought oh hey that could be interesting. As it turned out, a lot of newer people participated and the feedback was actually pretty positive. Im very well aware a few of our more vocal posters thought "it sucked and was lame" but, as i said earlier, there isnt going to be any 1 thing that makes everyone happy.

As someone thats spent a lot of time trying to be creative and come up with entertaining things to do, i find it a bit insulting some of the replys from some of you. You dont wish to participate, fine, thats your prerogative.. but.. keep the "this or that sucked and was lame" to yourself.

Instead of saying bla bla sucked, id like to see what ideas and suggestions you have for things to run... its not exactly easy thinking of things or events to do that would have broad appeal and interest.

TL;DR - No good deed goes unpunished / everyone's a critic. / opinions are like ********



WOWZA! Thread fury commense!!!

@Force: Many have expressed involving gameplay into events heavily! This is definitely being heard (by many, not just you) and hopefully we can get some great people on board in the group to help integrate that in. Personally, my ideas are a bit faint on this avenue (my weakness) but I am sure many have ideas to bring forth. That is the whole point of this group! To utilize everybody and provide the most unique events!

@Kat: Actually... ReDorothy was the originally creator of the Dress Your Badge event. She gave permission to Nibs to run it as a PERC Event. You are right though... it was mostly ran just on Champion and only a few other PERC Reps have used it on their server. I do agree with you though! We have to focus on the future and the positive.

@Cherry: Well said! You are right! A lot of times the critiques we get on events are from those whom did not even show up to check out the event! No single event will ever appeal to the entire community no. Which is fine! But... I do agree with you that if you choose not to attend then please just let people enjoy the event and have a good time. Hopefully with the group we will be able to fill the voids we have had in the past and offer a wide variety of events that people can pick and choose from. It's like an EVENT BUFFET! YUMMY!

[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]



Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post
As someone thats spent a lot of time trying to be creative and come up with entertaining things to do, i find it a bit insulting some of the replys from some of you. You dont wish to participate, fine, thats your prerogative.. but.. keep the "this or that sucked and was lame" to yourself.
I don't speak for everyone when I say this, but I wouldn't assume that because someone doesn't like an idea for a particular event, they don't appreciate the time and effort you or anyone else has put into it. Like you said at the start of your post, some things just don't appeal to people. Force is a good example of someone who will never like a costume contest. The guy has the same toon with the same costume with variations on the same name.

You have asked for honest feedback and in many cases, received just that. I know it can be difficult not to feel insulted when people express a dislike for an idea you had, but realize it's not personal.

Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes
Instead of saying bla bla sucked, id like to see what ideas and suggestions you have for things to run...its not exactly easy thinking of things or events to do that would have broad appeal and interest.
Just wanted to address the subtext here. I'm assuming you feel it's not easy to think of things to do because somewhere you feel you need to always be thinking of things to do. It doesn't have to be that way. People should run stuff when inspiration strikes them, not because they feel they have to. Just have fun with it. No one should feel pressured.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial