Champion Events Survey!




Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes
I appreciated the honesty.
Clearly you didn't.

At least not wholesale.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
Clearly you didn't.

At least not wholesale.
Not so.

It made me re-think some other ideas i had in mind. Why keep goin in the same direction if the people you would like to participate, dont.

If how i phrased that came across as snark, that wasnt the intention.



Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes
If how i phrased that came across as snark, that wasnt the intention.
I didn't take it as snarky. I took it as, "Keep your opinion to yourself unless it agrees with me or can provide a potential change to the event you are providing feedback to." As you said before, you can't please everyone. That means sometimes you are only goin' to get, "that was lame/sucked/blew/etc" and not get some form o' reply that includes a change or tweak.

The trick is not to take it personal.

Give it a shot.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
I'm assuming you feel it's not easy to think of things to do because somewhere you feel you need to always be thinking of things to do. It doesn't have to be that way. People should run stuff when inspiration strikes them, not because they feel they have to. Just have fun with it. No one should feel pressured.
Agree. I think this is why many of us want the group! As I said previously, I think we all have our specific strengths and weaknesses when it comes to running events! I think this is why I love the idea of the group. It allows us the ability to do what we love and provide our strengths while getting help with things we find ourselves lacking. It also ensures we do not have to focus on pleasing everyone and trying to think up everything so we make sure all the bases are covered. If we incorporate in everybody then we have developed a wide spectrum from which to work with! Like I said... EVENT BUFFET! YUMMY!

PS: I am definitely learning the "I know I can't please everybody" sentiment! It is tough and it is even tougher to take it personal! But I am working on it! LOL!

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Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
I don't speak for everyone when I say this, but I wouldn't assume that because someone doesn't like an idea for a particular event, they don't appreciate the time and effort you or anyone else has put into it. Like you said at the start of your post, some things just don't appeal to people. Force is a good example of someone who will never like a costume contest. The guy has the same toon with the same costume with variations on the same name.

You have asked for honest feedback and in many cases, received just that. I know it can be difficult not to feel insulted when people express a dislike for an idea you had, but realize it's not personal.

Just wanted to address the subtext here. I'm assuming you feel it's not easy to think of things to do because somewhere you feel you need to always be thinking of things to do. It doesn't have to be that way. People should run stuff when inspiration strikes them, not because they feel they have to. Just have fun with it. No one should feel pressured.

Im actually with force on the costume contests.. im not a huge fan, i have the same named toons with the same basic costume. they are however, really popular.

Im ok with the feedback, it was asked for. what i didnt ask for was to have the same negative things said over and over and over again by the same people. the point has been made, it was recieved, the thing that needs to be done now is to move forward with the information

Just wanted to address the subtext here. I'm assuming you feel it's not easy to think of things to do because somewhere you feel you need to always be thinking of things to do. It doesn't have to be that way. People should run stuff when inspiration strikes them, not because they feel they have to. Just have fun with it. No one should feel pressured.
1 of the many reasons i left perc. things couldnt be done as inspiration hit, it had to be well thought out, posted for approval, changes made by people who didnt play on our server etc etc etc.. it became a chore and by the time the event came about it was like, whew thank god thats over.

Im looking forward to more "as the mood strikes" kind of things..



Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
The trick is not to take it personal.

Give it a shot.

Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
I didn't take it as snarky. I took it as, "Keep your opinion to yourself unless it agrees with me or can provide a potential change to the event you are providing feedback to."

Um.... But if you hadn't taken it personally you wouldn't have posted not to take it personally but then no one would be there to tell you not to take it personally because you were the one telling yourself not to take it person....

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Originally Posted by Ashcraft
That was not me takin' it personal. That was me explainin' how I received her post.

Clarification =/= offense.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
I didn't take it as snarky. I took it as, "Keep your opinion to yourself unless it agrees with me or can provide a potential change to the event you are providing feedback to." As you said before, you can't please everyone. That means sometimes you are only goin' to get, "that was lame/sucked/blew/etc" and not get some form o' reply that includes a change or tweak.

The trick is not to take it personal.

Give it a shot.
1st part of my post was directed towards the feedback from 1 event.. due to the feedback, i changed a direction I was headed in towards future events. I did appreciate the feedback from it. as i said, why continue down a path when the very people you want to participate, dont..

the later part of the post was more towards hearing the same it sucked/blows/whatever numerous times, over numerous posts, and, in game. Yes, it does tend to get to a person after a while.



But you obviously took it personally enough to call Cherry a liar.

Clearly you didn't.

At least not wholesale.
Just sayin.

EDIT: I know this is probably petty and stupid on many levels but I'm just generally cranky at the fact that no matter what anyone does to try and help people, the majority of responses seem to be entirely negative... to something they are getting for free. That contradiction in itself makes my head feel funny but when you accuse a poster of being a liar then have the gall to tell them they shouldn't take things personally? How is one supposed to react to an such an accusation?

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Originally Posted by Ashcraft View Post


Um.... But if you hadn't taken it personally you wouldn't have posted not to take it personally but then no one would be there to tell you not to take it personally because you were the one telling yourself not to take it person....

whoa! thats actually lake berryessa, about 10 mins from me..

the glory hole!.

anyway.. that made me go.. omg! neat!



ahhh all the days i spent there instead of sitting in class.



Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post
1st part of my post was directed towards the feedback from 1 event.. due to the feedback, i changed a direction I was headed in towards future events. I did appreciate the feedback from it. as i said, why continue down a path when the very people you want to participate, dont..

the later part of the post was more towards hearing the same it sucked/blows/whatever numerous times, over numerous posts, and, in game. Yes, it does tend to get to a person after a while.
I know I don't have to explain this to you, but that's the chance you take with hostin' an event. You have to accept the good with the bad. If you aren't prepared for the possible repurcussions, then perhaps it's not for you.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Ashcraft View Post
But you obviously took it personally enough to call Cherry a liar.

Just sayin.

EDIT: I know this is probably petty and stupid on many levels but I'm just generally cranky at the fact that no matter what anyone does to try and help people, the majority of responses seem to be entirely negative... to something they are getting for free. That contradiction in itself makes my head feel funny but when you accuse a poster of being a liar then have the gall to tell them they shouldn't take things personally? How is one supposed to react to an such an accusation?
I have to be offended by pointin' out somethin' that she said earlier in a post that didn't sync up with somethin' she said later in the same post?


And I'm all for Cherry and co. hostin' events and the like. I just don't think she should go into it with some unrealistic outlook on what to expect. Or, as I took it, essentially tell people to keep their opinion to themselves if it's not positive. That's just a bad way to do business.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



i did not mind the feedback regarding the challenge. i didnt find it hurtful or offensive them saying they didnt like to participate in challenges set by others that they liked to do their own..

what is bothering me is the same handful of people, repeating over and over and over both here on the forums, and in game, that certain things have sucked when they themselves offer up no suggestions or ideas, and dont host or hold events themselves.

there IS a difference with these 2 instances.

I think I have hosted enough things to know that xy or z didnt like it and ab and c did. if i was that sensitive, i wouldnt continue to put myself out there hosting activities for the server.



Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post
i did not mind the feedback regarding the challenge. i didnt find it hurtful or offensive them saying they didnt like to participate in challenges set by others that they liked to do their own..

what is bothering me is the same handful of people, repeating over and over and over both here on the forums, and in game, that certain things have sucked when they themselves offer up no suggestions or ideas, and dont host or hold events themselves.

there IS a difference with these 2 instances.

I think I have hosted enough things to know that xy or z didnt like it and ab and c did.
Thank you for the clarification.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
And I'm all for Cherry and co. hostin' events and the like. I just don't think she should go into it with some unrealistic outlook on what to expect. Or, as I took it, essentially tell people to keep their opinion to themselves if it's not positive. That's just a bad way to do business.
Like Cherry and Ash both said... we don't mind the feedback if it is actually clear, concise, and applicable. Many times I get feedback and those people did not even attend the event. I can't really take feedback for what it is if they are only looking at its face value. That would be like saying this survey is stupid but then not clicking the link to the survey and filling it out and giving actual feedback.

I believe this to be the "don't judge a book by its cover" moral?

Moving forward... feedback is feedback... and it is what I am looking for. I'm hoping everybody fills out the survey and completes the mission objective! Maybe we can have a big shiny MISSION COMPLETE animation when you click submit!

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I play the game to have fun, I come to events to hang out with others and have a good time. It seems that people won't like something, some will enjoy something else. No one is always happy, people will complain just to be a thorn in the side of others, and to get a reaction out of it. Can't we all just get along... PLEASE!!!



I was kind of hoping the group would be more of a help others put their own ideas into action than taking ideas from others. ( I don't mean "take" as in steal)

It just gives the impression that a core group of people would actually be doing events based on input from others. I don't believe that is the intention as I understand it this far.

I wouldn't take "naysaying" to much to heart, some people aren't sure what they like or want. Wedding Planners, Caterers and such go through the same thing. It can be frustrating for sure, but that is just how some people process data. It isn't lack of gratitude or character.



Originally Posted by Amily View Post
I was kind of hoping the group would be more of a help others put their own ideas into action than taking ideas from others. ( I don't mean "take" as in steal)

It just gives the impression that a core group of people would actually be doing events based on input from others. I don't believe that is the intention as I understand it this far.

PERC aside we already have an unofficial "core" group of folks on Champion who run events for the community as well as help out as much as they possibly can.

They don't have titles. They don't have a specific group. And in general aren't looking for fame and glory when they go about it.

Which is as it should be. In my own humble opinion on the matter, forming a group or committee as is being discussed here seems to simply give names, titles and the much needed glory that it would seem some people need in the community. Which isn't the way it should be. The people who should be forming up a group to help the community are the very people who think that the group to begin with isn't necessary.

And while it may not be even remotely your intent or follow in your thought process it seems a note worthy topic.

Yes, lets form up a committee and give ourselves titles so that we can be known and respected while the rest of the people who do just as much to help the community don't ask for anything or want anything aside from people enjoying themselves and bettering themselves in CoX.

Now I'm not accusing anyone directly of being guilty of this, however it most certainly springs to mind.

EDIT: No, this post was not meant to single out any one person. It is merely my personal opinion of what has gone on with PERC and possibly what will/is happening with the current state of affairs.

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I would agree there are lots of people doing things for the wrong reason and I often find myself also thinking some people are more about the title and attention than actually doing good stuff for good people. That being said though I don't think that is a reason to not have an organized committee.

One of the suggestions I made when I filled out the survey was to have it open to every one, and every member be equal and have equal votes.

Every server has people running events with no committee or titles. It can be done, and has been done. That doesn't mean that Champion can't have some thing even better. An organization that is actually about the Champion Community, running events, and helping people run their events.

There are so many people with great ideas but no desire to run events. So many people wanting to run events but lacking in creativity to actually come up with them. So many people with deep pockets wanting to fund events but not wanting to run them. Having a website and a committee that actually put all of that together and made good stuff happen would be great.

Force's points in this post are valid though, some people are and will want to do it for recognition. That is part of life in all aspects and not just in a video game. That doesn't mean that things such as committees shouldn't exist, it just means the committee should be set up in such a way that those bottomfeeders don't have a foodsupply of attention to make them feel famous.

**On a side note there is nothing wrong with people wanting to feel appreciated for what they do. Lets not confuse wanting appreciation with being attention whores.

Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
PERC aside we already have an unofficial "core" group of folks on Champion who run events for the community as well as help out as much as they possibly can.

They don't have titles. They don't have a specific group. And in general aren't looking for fame and glory when they go about it.

Which is as it should be. In my own humble opinion on the matter, forming a group or committee as is being discussed here seems to simply give names, titles and the much needed glory that it would seem some people need in the community. Which isn't the way it should be. The people who should be forming up a group to help the community are the very people who think that the group to begin with isn't necessary.

And while it may not be even remotely your intent or follow in your thought process it seems a note worthy topic.

Yes, lets form up a committee and give ourselves titles so that we can be known and respected while the rest of the people who do just as much to help the community don't ask for anything or want anything aside from people enjoying themselves and bettering themselves in CoX.

Now I'm not accusing anyone directly of being guilty of this, however it most certainly springs to mind.



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
I would agree there are lots of people doing things for the wrong reason and I often find myself also thinking some people are more about the title and attention than actually doing good stuff for good people. That being said though I don't think that is a reason to not have an organized committee.

One of the suggestions I made when I filled out the survey was to have it open to every one, and every member be equal and have equal votes.

Every server has people running events with no committee or titles. It can be done, and has been done. That doesn't mean that Champion can't have some thing even better. An organization that is actually about the Champion Community, running events, and helping people run their events.

There are so many people with great ideas but no desire to run events. So many people wanting to run events but lacking in creativity to actually come up with them. So many people with deep pockets wanting to fund events but not wanting to run them. Having a website and a committee that actually put all of that together and made good stuff happen would be great.

Force's points in this post are valid though, some people are and will want to do it for recognition. That is part of life in all aspects and not just in a video game. That doesn't mean that things such as committees shouldn't exist, it just means the committee should be set up in such a way that those bottomfeeders don't have a foodsupply of attention to make them feel famous.

**On a side note there is nothing wrong with people wanting to feel appreciated for what they do. Lets not confuse wanting appreciation with being attention whores.
I personally feel this kind of thing would be most beneficial to the server and most successful in its stated goal of being open to everyone if it wasn't in a commitee/group format. I don't think there should be leadership, I don't think there should be membership.

The way I would like to see it working is just as a resource. If someone wants to volunteer help for something or in general, they can do so. For example, I can see an event I think is cool and say hey, I'll donate funding. Or, I can say I'm open to contribute funding to events in general. Same with helping run events.

I think this would be most beneficial because then things are done on a very individual and personal level. That way people won't be discouraged from volunteering or applying for help because they don't like x group or whatever.

On another note, I realize that I may not be the best person to comment on this whole shebang because I a) rarely attend events and b) never run events. That's a combination of not being particularly interested in most events and the style of play that suits me best.

However, that doesn't mean I'm not interested in the principle of something like this. I think something that helps people run events/runs more events is great. By the server, for the server. All for it. I just disagree with the format that seems to be being presented because I don't feel it matches with the format I think would work best.

I realize that my feedback is often brusque but I hope it's also apparent I mean well. I just don't talk real pretty when I post at 4-5 am (usually when I post )

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@Kat: Great post! Well written and perfect to the point! I hope others will submit that type of feedback as well!

However, that doesn't mean I'm not interested in the principle of something like this. I think something that helps people run events/runs more events is great. By the server, for the server. All for it. I just disagree with the format that seems to be being presented because I don't feel it matches with the format I think would work best.
@Silas: I do in actuality think you are on the same page as many of us. What I am failing to understand is this whole "what is being presented" aspect? Umm... nothing has even developed... hence the survey. Ideas are being thrown around but they are simply ideas. There is a reason why there is an "other" section under most of the questions.

Think of it like this: We are in the process of looking through recipes to decide what to cook for dinner. Once the survey is complete, we then can begin to understand what we are cooking. That means we then have to go to the grocery store and get all the ingredients. Finally, we get to cook the entree! Personally, we are far from having any "product" ready to serve. Make sense?

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Yes, there is no finished product here. What I'm referring to is that the survey is presented based on a few assumptions that I disagree with.

For example, that there should be a form of leadership. If you have one person in charge, people will complain they're an autocrat. If you have a commitee, people will complain that their particular needs aren't represented. Or that progress is hindered by endless debate and voting. If you have a huge council, there's the problem of some people having more of a say than others and even more potential for argument resulting in stuff not getting done.

If there is no leadership (because it's not even really a formalized group) people will complaint that it's not organized. I'm okay with that, in the sense of you get out of it what you put in. Everyone equal, everyone gets as much say/representation as they want.

People will complain no matter what. With an open format, it falls to the community (as it should) to get stuff done. Hate something, change something.

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Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
Lol. Dress like a badge was not a PERC cross-server event. It wasn't created by any one but an actual member of the Champion community who just so happened to be a PERC rep.
Actually this statement is partially inaccurate. It was originally thought up and created by a member of UHB. The PERC rep, who also happened to be a UHB member, thought it was a nifty idea and added it to PERC.

So now that the survey has been filled out by those that wanted it, let's start brainstorming. I want this to succeed. It WILL succeed as long as people want it to. Those that have asked to be involved in the group need to start getting together and hashing out the finer points. It will evolve all the time. With all the feedback it will become something better than we hoped for I'm sure.

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