Champion Events Survey!




Originally Posted by PHlRE View Post
lol, i dunno.... i attended and enjoyed some of the misc events players & "committees" pushed out. And i unattended plenty i wasnt interested in. But its not like i didnt know what else to do with my time lol....

If there was an event i was interested in doing but i was left out (and sometimes i felt that way), by golly!, i think i'd do it on my own terms!

It reminds me of the times i was specifically declined multiple times to do Masters of the Statesman cuz a person thought i couldnt dualbox at that level he felt the MSTF needed. I felt really alienated and cast out because of him. Oh snap! I was THAT SCHMO!!!

Then i realized if i wanted to get something done MY WAY, i would have to do it then. I organized my own "Masters of" and successfully nailed a MSTF, MITF, and MKTF! It was a great "IN YOUR FACE!" moment for me. Right then, realized an individual has the power to organize anything if they had the strength, leadership, and determination to do it.

And the SCHMO becomes a SCHMO no more, but someone who everyone benefits from...
Ran an ITF with ya the other day and had no problems with you dual boxing, I think it made a positive effect on our team as a defeat all. Looking forward to teaming with ya again.




Originally Posted by PHlRE View Post
And the SCHMO becomes a SCHMO no more
I love happy endings!

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...



Originally Posted by PHlRE View Post
Honestly, i just dont really care about these trivialities at this point. Im happy to do my own thang and have enuf resources and willing peeps to do stuff with.

In the end, if peeps getting butthurt and upset about silly stuff, mebbe its time to step away from the game some and enjoy real life. Cuz at that point, it stopped being a game, a source of entertainment. And really, thats all this is.... (actually I'm being SERIOUS!)
Wonderfully put, PHIRE. This is now my new sig.

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
I love happy endings!

I prefer an old fashioned



Originally Posted by nator View Post
can't we all just get along... Please!!!
su nator!!!

Member of The Stoned Templars

"If you can't eat it or smoke it, I'm not paying $100 for it" - Cherry Cupcakes



HAHAHA ok, Cherry

@AngieB & @Angie B
Ms. Paragon City 2009
"The ingenuity of game players is a formidable force that, if properly directed, can be used to solve a wide range of scientific problems." - Firas Khatib



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
i concur

Member of The Stoned Templars

"If you can't eat it or smoke it, I'm not paying $100 for it" - Cherry Cupcakes




Screw responses.. I won't read them past this...

Drama Away.. I don't care.. See above, read past this? /Nope

Love the place called Champion..

Speaking of Which!~!
Champion or 'GTFO" .. well, GTFO, seriously take that attiude somewhere ELSE!

This is, quote from a Gaming convention I regularly attend: IJADG (It's Just a Da_M_n Game) .. Like seriously politics over 'GTFO if you not from MY server! need to seriously GTFOofthis game. it's a game.. why are we wanting to make ourselves so cliche'ish (sp?).. anyways... if you can't see the GLOBAL implifications, whatevas on you.

Grammer Nazi's..

Do I count at leat 7 events a week? Being run, on this server ?

Why can't we have a Calendar... to list them all...

Wait we do...

We need a COMMITEE to schedule things more?

Wait? Why can't we [FIRE] the [COMMITEE] of [SALES DEPT] and [HIRE] more [MARKETTING DEPT] ???

Sr. Data Analyst
/Top Level Business Analayst
/Project Manager (by default of Globally positioning a company to go so far as to even eliminate his own position, lol)



pls count PvP events run per week into your calculations..


We all play this game how ... WE WANT .. and with whom we want.

PvP events for this SERVER... are still events!@!



Look this "committee" that everyone is referring to is just a bunch of ppl that want to help ppl run events and run events themselves w/o all the bureaucratic hoop-jumping of PERC.

That's all it is.

If it has a name COOL! If it doesn't. COOL! Everyone has a different idea on how this should be done, how it should be run, and that's fine. That is aparently what the survey was for. But you must remember:

They are not getting paid
They are not seeking glory/attention

They are simply people that want others to have a great time and add dimension to the game.

Doing these things (running events, hosting events to help others, costume contests, auctions) IS what they like about this game. Not just the game itself but the people involved.

So go to the events, have fun. Meet new ppl.

How can you guys not see it for what it is? (rhetorical question jic some dinna know)

@AngieB & @Angie B
Ms. Paragon City 2009
"The ingenuity of game players is a formidable force that, if properly directed, can be used to solve a wide range of scientific problems." - Firas Khatib



Originally Posted by Tamerlayne View Post

Screw responses.. I won't read them past this...

Drama Away.. I don't care.. See above, read past this? /Nope

Love the place called Champion..

Speaking of Which!~!
Champion or 'GTFO" .. well, GTFO, seriously take that attiude somewhere ELSE!

This is, quote from a Gaming convention I regularly attend: IJADG (It's Just a Da_M_n Game) .. Like seriously politics over 'GTFO if you not from MY server! need to seriously GTFOofthis game. it's a game.. why are we wanting to make ourselves so cliche'ish (sp?).. anyways... if you can't see the GLOBAL implifications, whatevas on you.

Grammer Nazi's..

Do I count at leat 7 events a week? Being run, on this server ?

Why can't we have a Calendar... to list them all...

Wait we do...

We need a COMMITEE to schedule things more?

Wait? Why can't we [FIRE] the [COMMITEE] of [SALES DEPT] and [HIRE] more [MARKETTING DEPT] ???

Sr. Data Analyst
/Top Level Business Analayst
/Project Manager (by default of Globally positioning a company to go so far as to even eliminate his own position, lol)

If It Weren't For My Horse...I wouldn't have spend that year in college.

Just one of those things you read that makes no sense and leaves you going "?what?" for the rest of the day.

Thanks Tam.

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...



Originally Posted by Tamerlayne View Post

Screw responses.. I won't read them past this...

Drama Away.. I don't care.. See above, read past this? /Nope

Love the place called Champion..

Speaking of Which!~!
Champion or 'GTFO" .. well, GTFO, seriously take that attiude somewhere ELSE!

This is, quote from a Gaming convention I regularly attend: IJADG (It's Just a Da_M_n Game) .. Like seriously politics over 'GTFO if you not from MY server! need to seriously GTFOofthis game. it's a game.. why are we wanting to make ourselves so cliche'ish (sp?).. anyways... if you can't see the GLOBAL implifications, whatevas on you.

Grammer Nazi's..

Do I count at leat 7 events a week? Being run, on this server ?

Why can't we have a Calendar... to list them all...

Wait we do...

We need a COMMITEE to schedule things more?

Wait? Why can't we [FIRE] the [COMMITEE] of [SALES DEPT] and [HIRE] more [MARKETTING DEPT] ???

Sr. Data Analyst
/Top Level Business Analayst
/Project Manager (by default of Globally positioning a company to go so far as to even eliminate his own position, lol)



maybe some people should be forced to use a breathalyzer before posting.



Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post
maybe some people should be forced to use a breathalyzer before posting.

Or urinalysis.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
Or urinalysis.
Go for the hair; they can't cheat on those. ; )




Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
Or urinalysis.
well played.



Originally Posted by Starforce View Post
Go for the hair; they can't cheat on those. ; )

what if they have none?



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
"...I always do, just so I have a numerical value for how totally rad my post is going to be."





Originally Posted by Jonnie_Neutron View Post
su nator!!!
Ummm... :/



In other news...

Last Day to place your thoughts into the survey! After that I will be gathering up globals and working with all interested on next steps! SANKS!

[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]



You herd globals?...NICE!

Ty Again Dazz



OK! I will be closing the survey shortly! You will have to give me a few days to comb the feedback and develop a reply on how best to provide it to you all. Please bare with me however as I have a huge test Tuesday so you may not get the results till later this week. CHEERS!

[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]



Originally Posted by PHlRE View Post
In the end, if peeps getting butthurt and upset about silly stuff, mebbe its time to step away from the game some and enjoy real life. Cuz at that point, it stopped being a game, a source of entertainment. And really, thats all this is.... (actually im being SERIOUS!)
110% agree.



Originally Posted by Dazz Marvelous View Post
Please bare with me however as I have a huge test Tuesday so you may not get the results till later this week. CHEERS!
Can I get a scarf or footies?....mittens?

I don't think anyone would fault you if you wanted to wait until after the Holidays all together.

GL on your test!



Dazzie doesn't take the test, Dazzie Grades the tests

Out with the Red Pen 'O Doom!

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...