Champion Events Survey!




Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
Dazzie doesn't take the test, Dazzie Grades the tests

Out with the Red Pen 'O Doom!
So there's another teach in the midsts that can help me with school once I get started again hmmm.




Below is the feedback I could gather from the survey! I hope you all find it interesting. The responses have been generalized to conceal the identities of specific personal responses! Please note that the feedback is mostly to highlight key responses that were brought forth. As always, if you would like more info on something please PM me! Anybody who expressed interest will be receiving an in-game PM shortly with further details. Thanks to everybody who participated!

Champion Events Survey:
18 responses submitted

3.) What Should The Event Group Be Called:
CAPE (39%)
Champion Entertainment (11%)
CHEERS (11%)
C! Live (6%)
Encore (0%)
Other (33%)(*For other most were individual names or a couple that said NO name)

4.) What Should The Group's Motto Be
-BY Champion FOR Champion
-Always For The Players, Always For Champion
-CAPE: Always Behind Our Champions
-It's About Champion
(Note: Anwsers varied dramatically but all seemed to state the obvious, SUPPORT CHAMPION)

5.) Policy Suggestions
-Keep the system very basic and open.
-Keep it straightforward
-Keep it as easy to maintain as possible.

6.) Goals For The Year
-Provide as many unique events as possible
-Provide a springboard that encourages more player support
-More events that encourage gameplay and active socializing
-Have fun and keep everyone entertained
-Setting up easily accessible resources (via website, forums, etc.) for all to utilize

7.) Leadership
Voting Board (22%)
Committee (11%)
Coalition / Council (11%)
Other (56%)(Answers were WIDELY varied on this, structure of the group will need to be discussed and developed!)

8.) Interest In The Group
Yes (67%)
No (33%)

9.) Additional Comments
All were very personal and will not be displayed. Feedback has been read and noted for future discussion as needed!

Thanks again for supporting the survey and stay tuned!

[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]



Could you tell us how many players filled out the survey please?



Originally Posted by Amily View Post
Could you tell us how many players filled out the survey please?

Originally Posted by dazz
Champion Events Survey:
18 responses submitted



Originally Posted by Amily View Post
Could you tell us how many players filled out the survey please?
As it mentions above... 18 submissions.

[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]



Whats a bit on the Ironic side is that about 1/2 of them have never participated in PERC/Player ran events before



Thanks for giving us the opportunity voice our opinions (and maybe vent a little) Dazz! Wishing the new group much success and the Champion server a great new year. Please do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do to help.


Phantom Flight / Villainous Llewthorous



