Tip Missions




Hi all,

I just want to ask you if anyone read all the Tip-Missions yet. Does anyone read mission texts at all?
I just ask this because I had to go from Hero to Villain in order to get the PPP my build required. I set the Tip-Missions to -1/2 because I did not want to level much, only to switch sides... then I started... and read the mission texts (as usual with mishes I never did before...).

Well, the "switch to the dark side" was extremly upsetting for me (which is a good thing in this case)... and this was due to the fact, that I can't usually ( or don't want to) play "bad" characters, as I see myself as a "good (shiny) guy" (even though I really enjoyed CoV stories... the morality missions are even darker). The stories of the Tip-Missions from hero to villain are really, really worth it, that you read them.

So I have a question for you my fellow mission text readers: Which one has in your opinion the best story, or better which one was the most hair-raising?

For me it were those where I should mentor Blast Furnace (who was stuck in a cave) and the one with the Council parading through Paragon City... (Just trying not to put spoilers here...) These were the missions where I thought... "WTF is my character doing?!"

Looking forward to your responses.

PPD: "Nothing to see here... move along... move along..."



My favorite tip mission so far has to be the one that has you invade a 5th Column training camp (blue side tip). All the Trolls and Skulls running for their lives from the 5th Column drill instructors is just priceless.

As for Morality missions, the one you get in the 30's (blue side) to bring in Doc Quantum is wonderful. His lair being set up as one huge death trap you have to cautiously get through is an awesome touch.

I also enjoyed the blue side morality mission in the 20's to rescue the hostages and take down Blast Furnace. The dialogue with him is great.

Edit: actually come to think of it, I like all the blue side tips involving Doc Quantum. His descent from hero to vigilante is an interesting story.



I love the 50's her morality mish where you break into Grandville, beat up a bunch of arbiters and rescue a would-be executed Bane Spider.

Also the tip where you get to talk to the Center is pretty cool. And the one where you rob the spirit-world

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



I've only done blue side Tips at 50, so I've never actually met Desdemona yet - but I've given Maelstrom a beating plenty of times

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I've only done blue side Tips at 50, so I've never actually met Desdemona yet - but I've given Maelstrom a beating plenty of times
Desdemona is in Red side only tips afaik.



Originally Posted by Mylia View Post
Desdemona is in Red side only tips afaik.
In the 40-50 range, this is correct. However, in the 20-30 level range, she appears in blue side tips because she is still a villain during that time. I'm not certain if or when she appears in the 30-40 range but by the time we get to the 40-50 range, she has become a full hero (Albeit one people don't seem to fully trust).

This plays into the aspect I like the most of the various tip missions: As you level up and choose your alignment, so do these other characters. Some, like Overdrive and Mangle, stay fairly consistent with their alignment (Although a certain morality mission has you attempt to change this for one of them), but many others shift alignments throughout the various level ranges.

For instance, Frostfire and Miss Thystle start out as villains in the level 20-30 range, with Frostfire attempting to regain his villainous credibility after so many defeats and Miss Thystle simply caring for no one but herself. However, in the 30-40 range, both are still self-interested but decide that sometimes it isn't always about the money. By the time we see them in the 40-50 range, they're both full-fledged heroes. For those who were already 50 by the time tip missions came out, this progression is sadly skipped, so Frostfire's redemption seems to come out of the blue. Still, with the history many of us have with that character, it's nice to see his character gaining some development.

Doc Quantum is certainly an interesting case of the exact opposite progression. In the level 20-30 range, he's the typical Lawful Good type of hero, dedicated to the law and making sure no one is above it. The level 30-40 range has him becoming a bit more of a vigilante, running cruel psychological experiments on the criminals he has apprehended to try to understand them. This eventually leads to him making the next logical step to testing the morality of heroes and then, eventually, anyone he finds fascinating, becoming a Jigsaw-esque psychological villain for the 40-50 range. It's a little ironic that once he attempted to understand the criminal mind, it didn't seem to require much pushing before he became one himself.

Basically, I just liked how these characters feel like they have a story completely independent of you and they can become your allies or enemies depending on what alignment you favor and when. The spotlight is always on your character, of course, but these other characters have their own stories to tell.

As for individual tip missions I enjoyed, I have to say that the "Bring Doc Quantum to True Justice" hero morality mission in the level 30-40 range was quite enjoyable, as was the "Easy Job, Easy Money!" rogue morality mission in the level 40-50 range. In addition, I enjoyed the "Ether Plane" villain tip mission in the 30-40 range. Really, I enjoyed a lot of them (With the exception of some relatively silly vigilante missions and the HORRIBLE original level 40-50 hero morality mission) but those ones definitely stood out.

My arcs:

Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416

Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431

Title: The Rikti Accession
Arc ID: 278757



Originally Posted by Mylia View Post
Desdemona is in Red side only tips afaik.
There's a vigilante tip in the 20's where you can fight her.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I also like the Rogue morality mission for 50's. When the Arachnos liaison is like "Okay, go crash this mecha into an apartment complex." and you're like "No, that's just stupid."

Also, I kind of have a soft spot for Overdrive

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



I read all my mission briefings, I just haven't done many Tips at all. The Vulpish One tells me that if you read through them all, they do form coherent linear stories for the characters involved, but I just don't have that many characters to cross between factions to really get into that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Having to piece these stories together over various tip missions makes me wish even more that the cross over had been based on arcs which showed these various transitions in one place.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I'm not a fan of the darker stories or settings in CoV, but I had to take my Cold/Sonic to the Rogue Isles to pick up Power Boost earlier this week. There's a new Rogue mission that has you educate Sky Dragon's new sidekick, Flamesprout, on the virtues of a secret identity by sending some Malta agents after his family.

The premise of the mission itself was pretty funny to begin with, but the dialogue from the half-wit sidekick had me rolling on the floor. "Grandma?! NOOOO!"




I much prefer the new level 50 hero Morality mission to the old one. It has you actually going out of your way to do something heroic, putting yourself at risk to save someone, while the old one is somewhat self-centered and seems to be just an excuse to use doppelgangers. The crowd of civilians also make me giggle; they showed up to watch a public execution, and now they're cheering me on? Was there nothing good on TV?

Edit: That can't be it. There's always something good on TV in the Rogue Isles.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
I much prefer the new level 50 hero Morality mission to the old one. It has you actually going out of your way to do something heroic, putting yourself at risk to save someone, while the old one is somewhat self-centered and seems to be just an excuse to use doppelgangers. The crowd of civilians also make me giggle; they showed up to watch a public execution, and now they're cheering me on? Was there nothing good on TV?
That's a neat mission, but wow, is there a difference in scope between that and the Unusual Suspect mission. The old one has you needing to beat Silent Blade and the double. The new one has two arbiters (executioners, I guess), two fortunatas, five more executioners (ambushes), Silent Blade, and two or three other bosses from the Rogues Gallery (forget exactly how many or whom). Have to be in the mood to do that one.

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Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
That's a neat mission, but wow, is there a difference in scope between that and the Unusual Suspect mission. The old one has you needing to beat Silent Blade and the double. The new one has two arbiters (executioners, I guess), two fortunatas, five more executioners (ambushes), Silent Blade, and two or three other bosses from the Rogues Gallery (forget exactly how many or whom). Have to be in the mood to do that one.
I love the One Good Spider morality mish. You really feel like a daring hero, going into Grandville by yourself to save someone... and oh boy does Arachnos throw an endless wall of bosses at you! As they should.



Can't really say, as I seem to keep getting the same 5 tip missions over and over again.



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
I love the One Good Spider morality mish. You really feel like a daring hero, going into Grandville by yourself to save someone... and oh boy does Arachnos throw an endless wall of bosses at you! As they should.
According to Captain Castillo, it's not actually daring until there are flames and explosions, so I think we should have an option to set fire to Grandville before we start that Tip mission.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
That's a neat mission, but wow, is there a difference in scope between that and the Unusual Suspect mission. The old one has you needing to beat Silent Blade and the double. The new one has two arbiters (executioners, I guess), two fortunatas, five more executioners (ambushes), Silent Blade, and two or three other bosses from the Rogues Gallery (forget exactly how many or whom). Have to be in the mood to do that one.
Mangle and Savage Siren, IIRC.

Yeah, it's a much longer mission than the old "beat up the Malta spawn between you and the police commissioner, beat up the police commissioner's guards, beat up Silent Blade, beat up Evil You." Arachnos has obviously improved on their "send wave after wave of my own men at them" tactic they first used in the Rogue Alignment mission.

Unfortunately for them, THIS kill-bot does not have a pre-programmed kill limit. Bring it.

According to Captain Castillo, it's not actually daring until there are flames and explosions, so I think we should have an option to set fire to Grandville before we start that Tip mission.
Yeah, well you should play villains, they get to set fire to stuff. The new villain Morality mission is fun. I'm not entirely sure how it's going to help advance my diabolical schemes for world domination, but sometimes you've just gotta engage in some gratuitous destruction.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Mangle and Savage Siren, IIRC.
Yep, that's them. I think I missed a couple of arbiters too (Oates was the first ambush, followed by another Fortunata), not to mention the boss(es) guarding the spider. Just completed it again, this time on my Ill/TA. Like Stalkers, I do lament that the ambushes see right through stealth/invisibility/hide (and make a beeline for you, ignoring PA/Phantasm). Not impossible, but certainly makes things hairier.

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