Those of you who love the ill/rad controller for its versatility what alts do you play?




I am having a rough time finding an alt, and I am not ready to roll a warshade quite yet, wanted to get a few toons to 50 first, so I was wondering what else you guys play and find just as much fun to play, I think I want something versatile but more personal damage then pet damage, and a much better attack chain.

Anyways share your alts all, this will be fun thanks.



Originally Posted by Angelofvalor View Post
I am having a rough time finding an alt, and I am not ready to roll a warshade quite yet, wanted to get a few toons to 50 first, so I was wondering what else you guys play and find just as much fun to play, I think I want something versatile but more personal damage then pet damage, and a much better attack chain.

Anyways share your alts all, this will be fun thanks.
Well, I play pretty much everything; the Ill/Rad is one of my top 4 favorites though.

Just at level 50 I have every AT blueside represented but Warshades (my 'shade is 45) but here's a few of my favorites:
Inv/Stone tanker - CMA was my first 50 and still a favorite.
Shield/Fire tanker - it's a lot of fun, only slightly less durable than CMA with lots more damage.
Broadsword/Shield scrapper - mass carnage and near-tanker level durability.
Ill/Rad controller - a fun character to play and useful in any team.
Fire/EM blaster - fun for when all I want to worry about is pumping out massive damage. A bit interesting at times when things go south though.
Dark/Dark defender - the ultimate tohit debuffer; not much damage potential but it absolutely neuters an entire room of baddies.

There's a number of others I play but those are probably my favorites of my 50's.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Peacebringer are the ultimate jack of all trades.
grab medicine pool for stimulant/resuscitate and you can...
off tank, blast, scrap, back up heal, and control.

Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Yeah, I like Blasters too.



Originally Posted by Angelofvalor View Post
I am having a rough time finding an alt, and I am not ready to roll a warshade quite yet, wanted to get a few toons to 50 first, so I was wondering what else you guys play and find just as much fun to play, I think I want something versatile but more personal damage then pet damage, and a much better attack chain.

Anyways share your alts all, this will be fun thanks.
I play a bit of everything blueside . . . but not all that much redside. I have a total of 19 level 50s, 8 or 9 of which get used on a fairly regular basis. The main reason the others don't get played more is that they are on servers where my buddies don't go very often.

First and foremost, it depends on what my buddies are doing, and the character I pick depends on what we want to do and whatever I may feel like playing at the time. I cater to my altitis. Solo, it depend on my mood. I have several character that I am still leveling up, and I may play a mission or two on them. Or I may pull out one of my solo-friendly characters to do Tip Missions or finish up a story arc for Merits or do some IO making.

I enjoy several */Storm controllers like my Ice/Storm and Earth/Storm, a couple of other */Rads like Fire/Rad, and Earth/Rad, some tanks like my Stone/Fire and Invul/Axe and scrappers like my Elec/Shield, BS/Shield and MA/SR. Then there are the Blasters, Ice/Ice/Ice and Arch/Energy. My Defenders are Dark/Elec and Traps/Rad. And my Warshade is fun, too.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



By far and away my Ill/Rad, Griff Wonder, is my main. But when I have maxed out hero tips for the day or I'm just feeling like something else I'll grab one of a couple other toons (I'm not really into alting much and prefer focusing pretty hard on a few toons)

Light Mender- 50 PB (Triform with a lean towards tanking)
Sugar Shake- 50 Kin/elec/elec Defender (For when I am on a large team that wants to steamroll things)
Max Flatulence (The Marvel of Methane) -43 Dark/Dark/Dark defender (for when I am just feeling silly and want to play with a joke theme toon)

Really tho, there never seems to be a situation that wouldnt be done best by my Ill/Rad.



Mind/Rad controller



What do you guys think of the ele/ele/ele blaster set? I am trying this one out, but I refuse to ask in the blaster forums most there claim its underwhelming and is lacking in damage, but I am thinking allot of them never played a controller or a versatile set and understand its going to lack a little in damage to do other things.

It looks like fun on paper and I hate only being able to do only one thing sounds like a great alt for me.



I say, if it sounds fun to you, play it. A toon doesnt have to be the best in order to be fun. Look at all those MA scrappers. If we all were playing only the best of each AT we'd all be playing fire/rads, elec/SD scrappers, fire/mm blasters. cold/sonic defenders, bots/traps mm (shudder), etc etc etc. In a word Boring.
If you want to be a lightning chucking god of death, go for it. Just please dont make him look like Raiden from mortal kombat....



My 50 ill/rad is my main and favorite toon, fully IO'ed. I also have a lv 50 fire/rad and lv 50 plant/storm, but these 2 are not IO'ed out and only have basic SO's in them, and were mostly levelled up as concept alts. Another one I like is an earth/storm currently at lv 28. I started an elec/TA controller who's now lv 16 (not sure I'm really liking that particular one yet). I'm currently leveling up a BS/WP scrapper. That's been a very smooth ride so far to lv 20.



As , others have said, the ill/rad is by far the most fun toon I play. However an Earth/rad plays completely different and is a hellova lotta fun too. Some may say its lite on damage to which I say: frankenslot and damage procs! I have 19 damage procs on mine and 2 of the +2 mag hold for Chocking Cloud and Volcanic Eruption. I can hold EB's and AV's and it is very satisfying to watch powers that do no inherent damage killing stuff.

Elec/cold trollers are great fun too. Just watching an EB staring at you, wishing he could punch you but can't cuz he has no end, brings a smile to my face. Mine only has SO's on him so far and he is very usefull and fun to play.

Thats my 2 inf.

(Not to be confused that Fritzy guy and his ludicrous rant)



Originally Posted by Angelofvalor View Post
What do you guys think of the ele/ele/ele blaster set? I am trying this one out, but I refuse to ask in the blaster forums most there claim its underwhelming and is lacking in damage, but I am thinking allot of them never played a controller or a versatile set and understand its going to lack a little in damage to do other things.

It looks like fun on paper and I hate only being able to do only one thing sounds like a great alt for me.
Well, they're right. Elec blast is lesser damage. However, E^3 does allow for an interesting Controller/Dominator-ish playstyle with 3 holds at your disposal and of course, sapping. /Electrical Manipulation is NOT underwhelming (is whelming?) and quite heavy hitting. I have one and I enjoy it from time to time. It's NOT an engine of destruction like my fire/energy or rad/fire blasters, but I wouldn't dissuade you from making one.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



I finally got around to IOing my ill\rad just in time for I19 so I could have fun with perma PA which is of course fun, but after getting my Uncommon alpha and 50 plus shards I too found I needed to play something different. I dusted off my old permadom fire\psi and rebuilt him to take advantage of inherent fitness and wow is he fun; with perma dom I'm pretty safe and I have enough recharge that my regen power is less than a second off perma; but the best part is that he has 5 aoes, talk about killing fun. Between hotfeet, fire cages (with the purp hold proc and 5 posi), psychic shockwave, fireball and rain of fire he's pretty much always got an AOE up, not to mention the imps. He's quickly become my next favorite beside my ill\rad; he may not be able to solo an AV, but he caters to my need for a mass destruction playstyle in a way that my ill\rad just can't compare to.



I have

Ice/Storm Troller
Ice/Cold Troller
Fire/Thermal Troller
Earth/Thermal Troller
Grav/Kin Troller
Elec/Rad Troller

Fire/Psi Dom
Elec/Elec Dom

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



My perma PA Ill/Rad is one of my favourites, but I play pretty much anything though. And I noticed it changed over the years. When the game came out I played a blaster, then switched over to Defenders and then for a while I couldn't play anything else than controllers. I got a lot lvl 50 /Rad Trollers but now I am more melee oriented (Widow, Brutes, Scrappers).

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.