<Insert obligatory cheese with whine comment>
You should make more friends if you have problems getting a TF together. I've never had issues...
given the original post, I somewhat doubt that "making friends" and "running with teams" are a priority for that player.
Tr is a good player and a nice guy, something I doubt could be said of you.
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
I do enjoy cheese.
I do not enhoy being the leech which doesnt really contribute anything that others can do better and faster.
Then again the melee hand snipe is so powerful even when its slow. Even slower on ninja blade and broadsword which apparently is WAI.
Ok im done.
I know this is a rant but my spine stalker and elec melee do pretty decent AoE damage. Granted not as well as some other ATs but still pretty nice with extra crit chance on large teams.
Yeah i just needed to rage a bit
I understand it feels good to vent every once and awhile, I'm more worried about my masterminds since one it doesn't look like the bonus will help as much with pets as other sets and pets are gonna be pretty weak against higher level npcs as they are already at -1, -2 or -3.
Honest I don't know for sure. I could be completely off base about it, just something I was thinking about while looking at the bonuses. Maybe the level shift wouldn't transfer to the pets so if the new content is geared toward people that should have the level shift the pets would be even weaker in that setting.
Again I'm not say it as fact it was just a passing thought, plus I kind of suck on masterminds (but keep making em for some reason...)
Obtaining shards from TF(One of the least wanted AT´s on TF´s) and from defeats without any aoes will be soo much fun.
Bind on pickup ftw. ![]() |
I do feel sorry for single target stalkers though.
Castle pretty much confirmed there will be no change in the stalker situation for the forseeable future.
Can anyone make a convincing argument why a team should take a staker over a brute or scrapper at this point?
When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...
My suggestion, make some new friends and form SFs yourself. PUGs don't like to invite Stalker especially in very hard ones and you probably won't have a good time anyway.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Hmmm...blueside Stalker (Praetoria to Paragon) stalker has every Taskforce badge available EXCEPT Master of 5th Column TF (that means I have MoSTF, MoLGTF, and MoITF).
How is it hard to get into TFs now?
I also run them pretty regularly, and I don't always start them, I just join in with my Stalker.
I've even impressed at least one player with KIN/WP, and they rolled their own, and from the last tell, they're loving it.
Getting into the Tin Man or Apex TF will not be difficult either
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Can anyone make a convincing argument why a team should care what your AT is?
they don't like teaming with a perticular AT.
I've seen people say no to Kheldians. I've seen people say no to Stalkers. I've seen people say no to all the Melee ATs except for 1 Tank (MoSTF people).
It happens, and because this is how I the star holder wants it, is a valid arguement.

That said, I just roll with whatever.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
they don't like teaming with a perticular AT. I've seen people say no to Kheldians. I've seen people say no to Stalkers. I've seen people say no to all the Melee ATs except for 1 Tank (MoSTF people). It happens, and because this is how I the star holder wants it, is a valid arguement. ![]() That said, I just roll with whatever. |

I run TF a lot on my stalker and I wouldn't say no to taking one on one of my own I'm leading. This is mostly because the TF's aren't really that difficult more than any other reason though. If there was content that was so hard that you needed an absolutely perfect team to win, then I probably wouldn't invite a stalker because they are just a poorly designed AT for how this game works at high levels.
I love playing my nin/nin stalker. And thanks to the changes to the AT they are pretty fun to solo (used to be atrocious). I have done almost all the arcs in Grandville solo over the last couple of weeks and have soloed every elite boss thrown at me. The only one that gave me much trouble was Mynx because for some reason the developers think that giving Mynx a 5 second cooldown on her Elude is compelling and fun. I dislike my stalker in groups though because they are just broken in group combat dynamics. There have been tons of really great suggestions from the community that have been completely ignored in the past, so I won't waste too much time complaining about it. I just solo my stalker and have fun that way.
When i want to group or do TF I run them with friends/VG. I don't feel like I'm contributing much but no one ever complains.
Just to note, they did say there would be a solo way to get your Alpha enhancement.
Just saying.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

Obtaining shards from TF(One of the least wanted AT´s on TF´s) and from defeats without any aoes will be soo much fun.
Bind on pickup ftw.