Pen and Paper Supers Roleplaying?
It pops up here from time to time, usually when comparing the types of things PnP superhero games allow for versus what can be done in a MMO like this. But I'm not really sure there's enough to talk about to make it a regular forum sub-section or anything like that.
There are other forums specifically geared for PnP games. At best it's only a "superhero related" topic here on this forum.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
We also get the topics of various P&P stories as well.
So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?
Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

Just wondering...
I don't see any discussion her of pen and paper supers roleplaying -- which struck as odd given the nature of the board and the fact that there's kind of lot going on in that sphere these days... Is discussion of that stuff verboten around here? Or just not particularly popular? |
Just wondering...
I don't see any discussion her of pen and paper supers roleplaying -- which struck as odd given the nature of the board and the fact that there's kind of lot going on in that sphere these days... Is discussion of that stuff verboten around here? Or just not particularly popular? |
As long as you keep out any mention of game names you should be safe. The Mods have passed new rules and using names of other games can get posts moderated.
This was just posted in a recent thread discussing Free to Play games.
Hey folks,
We here at Paragon Studios value and respect your desires to discuss this subject since it’s on the minds of many players. I want to remind you, however, that this discussion needs to occur within the context of the Message Forum Rules and Guidelines and that means no discussion of other games – as difficult as that might be. ![]() A number of posters have tried to obey this rule by not mentioning the name of another game, but instead describing it in another way. Unfortunately, that still isn’t good enough. Discussing another game is not allowed, whether you use the name or not. Let me give some examples of what’s acceptable and what’s not: “I like the way World of Hello Kitty Quest handles the Free to Play model, since I can spend a minimal amount and still get access to 99% of the games features.” – This mentions another game explicitly and is not allowed. “I like the way the game with the cute Japanese anthropomorphic animals hunting down epic items with lots of raiding has implemented Free to Play gaming, since I can enjoy the game (albeit only as a frog or cat, and not many of the other even cuter options) but since I’m only a casual player I don’t have to worry about a monthly subscription fee” – Still not allowed. Even though this example doesn’t explicitly reference another game it still is discussing another game. It’s the discussion which is the problem. “I dislike tiered payment models since it always seems there isn’t enough content geared towards the non subscribers, and that fails to accomplish the goal of attracting new players to a game I love” – Totally allowed. In this example our hypothetical poster is talking about what they like or dislike about a specific idea, not how it is or is not implemented in another game. Ideas are perfectly allowable by the Message Forum Rules and Guidelines and we ask that you frame this discussion in that regard. Please use these examples as a guideline so that we don’t have to moderate your posts on the subject! Thanks much! |
Even down in this section the Mods recently (a few months ago) purged a ton of threads that broke their new rules.
All of these forums fall under the general topic of City of Heroes. However, we do allow a wider variety of discussion topics in the Comic and Hero/Villain Culture forum and on the server forums. We encourage non disruptive off topic discussion in those forums along the line that fits with the community of posters who frequent them. Political, religious, the aesthetics of the human form (particularly that of models, actors or actresses), real world topics or any videogame (aside from City of Heroes) topics are not allowed. Also, please do not compare or contrast City of Heroes to any other game or product, as that is a violation of this rule and is not allowed. |
So, if we wanted to talk about chess, or Candyland, or Champions the pen and paper game, it's all kosher. As long as you don't try to say "Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 has better mechanics or graphics than CoX," that is.
Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

Actually, Forbin, the guidelines specifically state the mention of any other video game. It's spelled out like that.
So, if we wanted to talk about chess, or Candyland, or Champions the pen and paper game, it's all kosher. As long as you don't try to say "Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 has better mechanics or graphics than CoX," that is. |
8. Compare/Contrast and Off-topic threads. All of these forums fall under the general topic of City of Heroes. However, we do allow a wider variety of discussion topics in the Comic and Hero/Villain Culture forum and on the server forums. We encourage non disruptive off topic discussion in those forums along the line that fits with the community of posters who frequent them. Political, religious, the aesthetics of the human form (particularly that of models, actors or actresses), real world topics or any videogame (aside from City of Heroes) topics are not allowed. Also, please do not compare or contrast City of Heroes to any other game or product, as that is a violation of this rule and is not allowed. |
The green is the part you're referring to and the bolded yellow is what refers to every other game. Furthermore the person who actually wrote the new forum rules is Moderator 08 a.k.a The Ocho. So when he says Discussing another game is not allowed, whether you use the name or not, he is the final authority on how the rules are interpreted.
Just to be clear it says more than that.
The green is the part you're referring to and the bolded yellow is what refers to every other game. Furthermore the person who actually wrote the new forum rules is Moderator 08 a.k.a The Ocho. So when he says Discussing another game is not allowed, whether you use the name or not, he is the final authority on how the rules are interpreted. |
I see two statements there. One: Do not discuss any other Video game. Two: Do not compare or contrast CoX to any other game or product.
As long as you aren't trying to compare or contrast CoX to a PnP game, you're fine. Really.
Just because, in the Free To Play thread, Ocho said "game" instead of "video game" does not mean that we cannot discuss other forms of game here. We could talk about CCGs, tabletop RPGs, or board games here, so long as we do not compare and contrast.
If I'm wrong in my interpretation of that, I'm sure it will be pointed out. But tabletop game talk has been here since the new forum rules were put in, and I'm not aware that any of those threads were locked or deleted because of their subject matter.
Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

The new Green Ronin Mutant & Masterminds DC PnP version is interesting but I have not played it.

I picked up that book as well Ultratroll, but have not even started to read it yet.
Confirmed altaholic with 70+ alts in coh and cov...yes i know thats alot! Playing coh since beta test phase.
I have a Champions character named Doc Thunder.
He is not a bloody super-hero.
He is a Scientist. With a Science Gun.
He got annoyed in the 1600s with this irritating thing called "aging", so he stopped doing it. With Science.
I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.
Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered
Throwing in another mention of Green Ronin's Mutants and Masterminds. The system is an adapted version of d20, so the rules should be familiar to anyone who's played mainstream d20. The book itself covers a lot of topics, from the superhero 'tradition' in American comics to a breakdown of heroes by archetype. Its power system is pretty modular and probably covers just about all the major superhero concepts.
When I was much younger, I remember enjoying Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition by Palladium Books. I'm not a huge fan of Palladium systems (curse you, Mega Damage Capacity), but Heroes Unlimited was fun and well-written. I don't think it's in print anymore though.
If nothing else, the books are fun to read and can provide interesting ideas and insights into creating CoH characters, too.
It is but it suffered with Paladiums troubles.
It also suffered from a lack of power and being too generic. It was difficult if not impossible to play a powerful superheroes game like you could get from Marvel FASERIP or DC megs or M&M, and champions without seriously borking the rules around.
They do provide some interesting ideas though and the Palladium system can do Fantasy and Sci-Fi well.
So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?
Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.
I am curious if anyone has some RPG suggestions for me. Specifically I rarely to never actually get to PLAY the games. My main interest is reading fun sourcebook and background materials. The actual mechanics of the games don't mean much to me beyond having fun creating loads of characters for myself. I am familliar with Champions but haven't really touched any superhero games in the last ten years.
Specifically I want heavy background and setting information in the books. Either pure setting supplements or main game books that include a lot of original setting and character information. I became addicted to the original World of Darkness books and it's supplements. That of course, along with my love of comics, branched out into the short lived Adventure! and Aberrant books.
Any fun and in depth original RPG game and world suggestions would be appreciated. Beyond the general DC and Marvel settings I am familiar with.
Mutants and Masterminds would be my current best suggestion for both rules playability, and setting. They have a freedom city setting which follows most of the big 2 (marvel DC) in its formula but retains its own unique flair and spirit.
Champions 5th edition has drastically alterd the setting from the 4th edition due to the release of Champions on-line. But it still retians some of the elements recognizable to any long term Champions player.
Lastly if you can find the source books for it. White Wolfs Abberant setting has a pretty expansive background for a more realistic what if super happened in the modern age setting and stories.
So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?
Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.
my all time favorite RPG for backstory/writing is, hands down, Deadlands (and to a lesser extent its sequel, Hell on Earth). That it also had by the best, most thematic game mechanics of all time was just the icing on the cake.
And D20 is an abomination.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I am obligated to mention Legacy Crossing from PTME Productions, as one of my good friends works for them running games at various conventions.
I am curious if anyone has some RPG suggestions for me. Specifically I rarely to never actually get to PLAY the games. My main interest is reading fun sourcebook and background materials. The actual mechanics of the games don't mean much to me beyond having fun creating loads of characters for myself. I am familliar with Champions but haven't really touched any superhero games in the last ten years.
Specifically I want heavy background and setting information in the books. Either pure setting supplements or main game books that include a lot of original setting and character information. I became addicted to the original World of Darkness books and it's supplements. That of course, along with my love of comics, branched out into the short lived Adventure! and Aberrant books. Any fun and in depth original RPG game and world suggestions would be appreciated. Beyond the general DC and Marvel settings I am familiar with. |
In a related vein, you might also want to check out the "Superhero Fiction (not comics)" thread.
For something that straddles the line, you might take a look at the Mutants and Masterminds Wild Cards supplement. I found it to be extremely helpful for catching up on the numerous characters that have appeared in that book series over the years, and it's the sort of thing that it sounds like you're seeking- mostly setting and character information.
"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"
Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers
A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"
Any fun and in depth original RPG game and world suggestions would be appreciated. Beyond the general DC and Marvel settings I am familiar with.
At the time of its inception (which should have been the late 80s/early 90s), it was one of the most original games out there. Thematically and mood-wise, it's the precursor to the oWod (the entire Order of Hermes in Mage is taken directly from Ars Magica). As the name suggests, the game is about Wizards, or Magi to be more precise. They make no beef about the fact that Magi are the most powerful PCs in the world. Then they invite you to play more mundane characters anyhow. And it works, because the game is one of the best examples of troupe style play. The idea is that everyone sets up several characters, including one Mage, and they all live in the same place as a sort of meta-party.
As would be expected, the game features probably the most elaborate magic system ever conceived for an RPG. It's IMO the only game out there which sensibly addresses free-form casting. I could just drool over the rules and make characters with this baby all day.
The setting's oozing charm and mood, something somewhere between fantasy, fairy tales and the romantic novels of the 18th and 19th century such as Ivanhoe. The only downside is that I'd have to urge everyone to stay away from those sourcebooks (well, I'm only aware of one, luckily, but there might be more) which aim to offer 'realistic' info on medieval Europe. Mythic Europe as I think it's called struck me as badly researched and very flimsy on actual information. Any regular old schoolbook on the medieval period would offer far more meat. When they do concentrate on the mythic portion more than the Europe portion, it's all good though.
Winston Churchill
Oh, and regarding the OP, we usually get into something of a pro and cons of Champions (or of M&M) debate at some point during these threads, which tends to kill them off eventually.
Winston Churchill
I have fond memories of Superbabes, the Femforce / AC Comics RPG. I actually ran a short campaign in it around 10 years ago.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
Thanks for the advice folks. I always want to hear about more RPG settings to try and fill that void in my entertainment sources.
I have the main Ars Magica rules and a supplement or two from the 90s. I found it more rules heavy though. Less story/background filled than other White Wolf supplements, b ut then didn't they buy Ars Magica from another company? So it just makes sense they didn't fill it out a ton and mostly used it as a background source for Mage and Vampire.
I also have the original GURPS Wild Cards setting book. I could never FIND the original Wild Cards series and anthologies in any complete form to buy or check out from libraries. I hear recently they have been collecting them and making them more available. I did read a Wild Cards comic or two over the years.
Deadlands has always seemed possibly interesting to me. I just was never sure if it had enough setting and story info. I got the impression it was more of an action/dice rolling type RPG.
Silver Age Sentinals is one that I recall also hearing good things about but forgot to ever check out. I'll definately try to keep that in mind when I am in the mood to get into something new.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. The more I can note down the better. I always love hearing about various RPG settings. I'll toss one out for folks who might be interested. In the early 90's I stumbled on a game called Jorun. It had a really interesting sort of space opera/sci fi setting. I know only a few people who had ever heard of it but if you can find any info on it online I'd recommend it as a novel take on a RPG setting.
I have the main Ars Magica rules and a supplement or two from the 90s. I found it more rules heavy though. Less story/background filled than other White Wolf supplements, b ut then didn't they buy Ars Magica from another company? So it just makes sense they didn't fill it out a ton and mostly used it as a background source for Mage and Vampire.
Winston Churchill
Just wondering...
I don't see any discussion her of pen and paper supers roleplaying -- which struck as odd given the nature of the board and the fact that there's kind of lot going on in that sphere these days...
Is discussion of that stuff verboten around here? Or just not particularly popular?