I'm afraid of i19




First ,thanks devs for doing it,but now i'm thinking about sloting .To my knowledge with i19 were not getting any extra slots.so health and stamia still needs to be sloted.(my stamina is 4 sloted and health is 3 )well my build is without hasten, so sloting hasten is what im worryed about. Wondering if i could get away with slotting the set of performance shifter in quick recovery and adding one slot into hasten from stamina and keeping 1 endmod in stamia.Will that save me from end problems seeing i will now have to deal with the mimi crash from hasten, along with rage and SOW crashes.Just wonding if anyone else thought about this ?



If you already have stamina, then you're essentially getting three free new powers, but you won't have slots for them. Either skim some from elsewhere, or pick powers that don't need extra slots.

Hasten can be good on the default slot, but it's not going to be a permanent thing. Try thinking of hasten as a "sometimes" power instead of an auto power. When you're getting hit with slows, or you have someone buffing recovery, then use it.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
If you already have stamina, then you're essentially getting three free new powers, but you won't have slots for them. Either skim some from elsewhere, or pick powers that don't need extra slots.

Hasten can be good on the default slot, but it's not going to be a permanent thing. Try thinking of hasten as a "sometimes" power instead of an auto power. When you're getting hit with slows, or you have someone buffing recovery, then use it.
thanks,for the response i understand that were getting 3 new power thats cool and all,but with the new power im think of handling the end that comes with the new powers. i just hate when an blue bar jump up and down take away from the fun.



Brutes benefit greatly from this change, you say endurance is your problem? Easy when i19 releases, take Body Mastery, take Superior conditioning and Physical Perfection. You just need the default slot so don't worry, toss a Performance +End proc in each power. Now every ten seconds you get a chance to get +20 endurance added to your bar.

I believe you're an SS/WP from what you've said, if I'm right, endurance shouldn't even be an issue to begin with. Post your build please, not to be rude, but seem like it needs some help.



You don't need to take powers that ruin the blue bar. Powers i've been looking at are alternate travel powers that fit concept, a power like a T9 or self rez that i never took, recall friend for utility, perhaps a 1-or 2-slotted leadership power. Lots of options that can enhance playstyle and concept.

Grimmloch, Tactically Delicious, Ugly Frankie, Operative Tracker, CryoFurnace, Professional Help, Silver Sphinx, Aries Knight, Tachyon Aegis, Jade Sphinx
Currently building:
Any one of half a dozen alts!



Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
Brutes benefit greatly from this change, you say endurance is your problem? Easy when i19 releases, take Body Mastery, take Superior conditioning and Physical Perfection. You just need the default slot so don't worry, toss a Performance +End proc in each power. Now every ten seconds you get a chance to get +20 endurance added to your bar.

I believe you're an SS/WP from what you've said, if I'm right, endurance shouldn't even be an issue to begin with. Post your build please, not to be rude, but seem like it needs some help.
i think my builds fine(maybe lol)was trying to think ahead. but here my build,i'll llike any advise to improve it| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA9D945B4F134114C767BB5BB7972D6D29A550A0A514285 858E89B97441345120|
|C4D808A1835365546DAA4699BEE36A84F7E001F14BC3CA85F 44BF860FDE89CF5EBE|
|C27A2ED33EFAE026FDFF7667CE9EF3DF39332D3F58B384787 C5168E1CBCD9AE3542|
|F757BAE0C947B6ECD6DB45B41B7DB93D3779B3D690A21D234 592DCBA69476A5D791|
|DD6AC5EDCAD6815B4FF1D49ABC2F5B8EB4F71ACD66A77D28B BF18D565D42886BF76|
|FACAD76BB69AF37DC96749C283D6CCADABEEC3AF54627A226 0FEA6EA37560F5673B|
|F090BAD269DCB3B94CA5DD6B56CB35C795DD8763606C117E3 39A5097A78B2D1C10B|
|E6D82B1433855217CC2108AF5FC62176E4A62789BB07C9DB0 920514C44A86509A21|
|E435F592F00CED1FD973FB02737C06D5B988A173A2214E3B9 427C4386D2C0598125|
|F20D0CFE1BA9F3D59ECC9DA218C5EA0B83950935DF84D7611 60170176116217A18F|
|3E0C2F7D207C85B1206717C124E5F34396B01A0A2F93E5380 C4594870847CD26088|
|511C2E918E11B4444B5107D5A7483BE62FE2A839D17D87281 3FA0001AD7344A1B7F|
|0D7E1262F80D215D1488F92295FF8E0FAA7CE2950F87468E1 8C784B19704136C263|
|9CE97E482A35C295D21042020A512A5A629F718E75BE1A712 A7D5206E5CED97715E|
|CB495ECB495ECB0CAFE509E8842A38C1EB92E105C9F082E89 0684A159CE25EE7D5A|
|8C6A0B979FE5F2A31030A75A39C701FBBA100BAAD2C2531A5 A7CC638621C73479F3|
|35E1024BC555407A368EA38B41460041921C2729861114EE0 EFC356E5ED1C59FE01|
|BACAE5C5EA120D4D1A83C329C4355AD74D63700E617B524BB 68CC121131A6F8B758|
|AC243E579C1D860FA7FAF7756DF47701BB770056517650FE5 06CA4D945B28B751EE|
|A05469BFBF1FBC1D3D83BECEA29C43398F92047FE209469A6 190308A85124119428|



Originally Posted by Telperion View Post
You don't need to take powers that ruin the blue bar. Powers i've been looking at are alternate travel powers that fit concept, a power like a T9 or self rez that i never took, recall friend for utility, perhaps a 1-or 2-slotted leadership power. Lots of options that can enhance playstyle and concept.
I'll go for the travel power and such, really just thinking about hasten seeing that will be the only one that can mees with my blue bar.thanks for the help might get resurgenence,nah not that lol. will get something that wont hurt blue bar



Originally Posted by megaman09 View Post
i think my builds fine(maybe lol)was trying to think ahead. but here my build,i'll llike any advise to improve it
Overall its nice, not sure why you're having end issues. Its the not the direction I would have gone with a willpower, but softcapping one is still a viable choice. I built mine for hp/regen mostly, either works IMHO. I'm also addicted to Haste and Superspeed lol

For me i19 offers my WP brutes dipping into the medicine pool for Aid Self. I have an Elec/WP and a SS/WP at 50, can't wait for the new issue.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
For me, it opens up the Fighting Pool on all my melee characters, a pool I swore I'd never take.

Now that I'll have 3 free power picks.. why the hell not?
No,dont get me wrong i'm thankful that they made them inherent,just wondering about sloting them and not mess up my blue bar



Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
Overall its nice, not sure why you're having end issues. Its the not the direction I would have gone with a willpower, but softcapping one is still a viable choice. I built mine for hp/regen mostly, either works IMHO. I'm also addicted to Haste and Superspeed lol

For me i19 offers my WP brutes dipping into the medicine pool for Aid Self. I have an Elec/WP and a SS/WP at 50, can't wait for the new issue.
thanks, and i not having issues now was thinking about i19 and adding hasten and ss they are nice to have, even sj



Originally Posted by megaman09 View Post
thanks, and i not having issues now was thinking about i19 and adding hasten and ss they are nice to have even sj
Yea my Elec/WP is my main badger so he gets a lot of play, he's pretty solid right now. Once I can heal myself *evil cackle*

So many directions we can take toons, very exciting.



Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
Yea my Elec/WP is my main badger so he gets a lot of play, he's pretty solid right now. Once I can heal myself *evil cackle*

So many directions we can take toons, very exciting.
It's true i19 will make us all stronger to some degree,yeah i like my ele/wp also when kinda of crazy on him when they gave us tanker epic have to go work on him a little bit. i ll be able to do that soon, making an tanker to take over there to villains side.here an queston for u or anyone really do u know how to make the adjustment for the mids to show the new inherment i seen someone with it .just dont know to get mines to do it i downloaded the new version already?



Originally Posted by megaman09 View Post
i think my builds fine(maybe lol)was trying to think ahead. but here my build,i'll llike any advise to improve it
Overall it looks good, at a quick glance things I would do differently:

  • High Pain Tolerance is overslotted, the extra resistance isn't doing that much for you. I would remove 2 slots and put the steadfast unique here - This nets you 2 total slots.
  • I think slotting KO blow for Hold is a bit of a waste. I think you went for the typed defenses, I'd rather go for more Rech/End Rdx and ED Capped Damage.
  • Indom Will could use a bit of End Rdx.
  • I know why you slotted Dark Oblit like that, but it pains me to see it not slotted for any damage.

My first choices for 3 power picks would be:
  1. Taunt - Requires no extra slots to function (auto-hit) pop a recharge rdx in it and you're good to go.
  2. Hasten - remove 2 rech rdx from Rage and put them in here to 3 slot hasten. Hasten will now be up enough that you should always be able to stack rage to avoid def crashing.
  3. Superspeed or Super Jump - quality of life improvement, requires no slots.



I completely agree with Deus. Any Brute that doesn't have Taunt should definitely put it at the top of their list. It is a great power to have, if not for generating agro in a team setting then at least for the -75% range. You will come to love that ability even when solo.



Originally Posted by megaman09 View Post
thanks,for the response i understand that were getting 3 new power thats cool and all,but with the new power im think of handling the end that comes with the new powers. i just hate when an blue bar jump up and down take away from the fun.
Hasten doesn't actually cost that much endurance to use, you just have to watch out that you have more than 15 endurance when it crashes. On a Permahasten build, it works out to be .125 end/sec which is cheaper to run than most toggles.




I used to abhor Taunt on a Brute, and I ran a Willpower as my main for a year. But with the nerf on Fury, and the 3 new power picks, it is an issue worth revisiting.



Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
Hasten doesn't actually cost that much endurance to use, you just have to watch out that you have more than 15 endurance when it crashes. On a Permahasten build, it works out to be .125 end/sec which is cheaper to run than most toggles.
Yeah, but it allows you to use your higher end/activation powers more often. There in lies the real problem.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
Brutes benefit greatly from this change, you say endurance is your problem? Easy when i19 releases, take Body Mastery, take Superior conditioning and Physical Perfection. You just need the default slot so don't worry, toss a Performance +End proc in each power. Now every ten seconds you get a chance to get +20 endurance added to your bar.

I believe you're an SS/WP from what you've said, if I'm right, endurance shouldn't even be an issue to begin with. Post your build please, not to be rude, but seem like it needs some help.
HA I bought 6 of these weeks ago when I first heard about the change for brutes and tanks.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
I completely agree with Deus. Any Brute that doesn't have Taunt should definitely put it at the top of their list. It is a great power to have, if not for generating agro in a team setting then at least for the -75% range. You will come to love that ability even when solo.
Yes all my brutes will be getting taunt..

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



I am afraid too.
Im obsessed with the roleplay and the FX and lots of the power pools doesnt fit well on most of my alts...
If only we could get a no FX option for hasten life would be easier after I19.
Really I got no clue what Im going to do after respec with 3 new powers



I hate the respec interface. May not even respec any of my existing brutes to take advantage of the change, though all characters I've made since are created with it in mind. Provided you don't have to respec an existing character WITHOUT the pool to get it. I'm not sure how that will work so far: I have a mastermind *without* the fitness pool. Will I get the pool when I log him in after I19, or will I have to respec to get it?

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
HA I bought 6 of these weeks ago when I first heard about the change for brutes and tanks.
I bought up a ton of these years ago for 10k before the "proc" madness really hit the game.
Of course with as many 50s as I have, yes, they are all gone. lol

Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
I hate the respec interface. May not even respec any of my existing brutes to take advantage of the change, though all characters I've made since are created with it in mind. Provided you don't have to respec an existing character WITHOUT the pool to get it. I'm not sure how that will work so far: I have a mastermind *without* the fitness pool. Will I get the pool when I log him in after I19, or will I have to respec to get it?
I hate the whole system of as well, but the annoyances to be great. lol

I hate farming, I hate standing at the market (flipping, posting, bidding). But I love the end results.



I hate. I just HATE. THat is why I SMASH.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
I hate. I just HATE. THat is why I SMASH.
Exactly the reason I have 8 brutes at 50, its so refreshing to just to enter a room and smash everything in sight. LOL