I'm afraid of i19




Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
Overall it looks good, at a quick glance things I would do differently:

  • High Pain Tolerance is overslotted, the extra resistance isn't doing that much for you. I would remove 2 slots and put the steadfast unique here - This nets you 3 total slots.
  • I think slotting KO blow for Hold is a bit of a waste. I think you went for the typed defenses, I'd rather go for more Rech/End Rdx and ED Capped Damage.
  • Indom Will could use a bit of End Rdx.
  • I know why you slotted Dark Oblit like that, but it pains me to see it not slotted for any damage.
My first choices for 3 power picks would be:
  1. Taunt - Requires no extra slots to function (auto-hit) pop a recharge rdx in it and your good to go.
  2. Hasten - remove 2 rech rdx from Rage and put them in here to 3 slot hasten. Hasten will now be up enough that you should always be able to stack rage to avoid def crashing.
  3. Superspeed or Super Jump - quality of life improvement, requires no slots.
your right,there are some thing that can be moved around to make hasten fit,and yes there are going to be some more change to that build got so caught up in trying to buff him up,and planting mules everywhere i neglected his true abilty to destroy.i working in the mids to correct that,he going to be an true dismantler.i will be taking taunt and ss/or cj. thanks for the insight



Originally Posted by Telperion View Post
You don't need to take powers that ruin the blue bar. Powers i've been looking at are alternate travel powers that fit concept, a power like a T9 or self rez that i never took, recall friend for utility, perhaps a 1-or 2-slotted leadership power. Lots of options that can enhance playstyle and concept.

In my opinion, every melee toon should be getting the leadership pool after i19 hits. Ideally you get manuevers, tactics and vengeance. At a minimum manuevers.

Those help you directly even when solo. More importantly, as soon as you team up you're helping the team. If all the melee's on the team with you have also made this very sensible choice, suddenly you're looking at two, three, five or more sets of bonuses, and they stack to infinity.

Do the math. It is teh nice.

Vengeance? It's the biggest buff a brute can get, it buffs the whole team, and all it requires is a dead squishy. What's not to love?

There's something deliciously brutish about the mental image of two or three brutes squabbling to be first to venge off the dead.



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
In my opinion, every melee toon should be getting the leadership pool after i19 hits. Ideally you get manuevers, tactics and vengeance. At a minimum manuevers.

Those help you directly even when solo. More importantly, as soon as you team up you're helping the team. If all the melee's on the team with you have also made this very sensible choice, suddenly you're looking at two, three, five or more sets of bonuses, and they stack to infinity.
Maneuvers & Tactics are an option for various Brute builds.

Vengeance is a nice place for a set mule.

But none of these are automatic choices for Brutes.

For one thing, you need at the minimum 2 slots to free up to dedicate to Maneuvers & Tactics so you can get some decent slotting in them.

Maneuvers ideally wants at least 2 extra slots.

Even with decent slotting you're adding about 0.45 EPS extra consumption to your build, and poor slotting can see that running upwards of 0.5~0.6.

This is not ideal for Brutes, an AT that needs to be on a constant offensive.

I'm not saying these aren't workable into a build, they certainly are.

But they aren't powers you should just slap onto a build that's already tight on slots.



Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
I completely agree with Deus. Any Brute that doesn't have Taunt should definitely put it at the top of their list. It is a great power to have, if not for generating agro in a team setting then at least for the -75% range. You will come to love that ability even when solo.
At first I was upset at what you just posted. Then I remembered how much I love taunt and miss it. I used to have it on nearly all of my brutes, but then I realized there were many more useful powers I could take. I can just say that my fm/fa/mu will be grabbing Build Up, Taunt, and possibly RotP again.

To the OP- don't forget that you don't have to change anything if you don't want to. You can leave your build the same if the thought of having three additional powers with no additional slots is frightening. Of course, this means that you have to never respec again either, but you don't have to do anything.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



[QUOTE=mauk2;3253327]In my opinion, every melee toon should be getting the leadership pool after i19 hits. Ideally you get manuevers, tactics and vengeance. At a minimum manuevers.

Those help you directly even when solo. More importantly, as soon as you team up you're helping the team. If all the melee's on the team with you have also made this very sensible choice, suddenly you're looking at two, three, five or more sets of bonuses, and they stack to infinity.

Do the math. It is teh nice.

Vengeance? It's the biggest buff a brute can get, it buffs the whole team, and all it requires is a dead squishy. What's not to love?

There's something deliciously brutish about the mental image of two or three brutes squabbling to be first to venge off the dead.

WOW,Tactics and vengeance i do see where they can be some what helpful to an team,but to add two or three more toggles to an already heavy toggle running brute is a recipt for disaster IMO. Now maybe on an brute thats doesn't have end problem this could work.i just think the rewards are 2 small to consider this a must have power set



Originally Posted by megaman09 View Post
WOW,Tactics and vengeance i do see where they can be some what helpful to an team,but to add two or three more toggles to an already heavy toggle running brute is a recipt for disaster. Now maybe on an brute thats doesn't have end problem this could work.i just think the rewards are 2 small to consider this a must have power set IMO

That's why it's opinions, and not facts.

And if you think the rewards are too small? Well, that's your right.

But consider this: People will pay three billion without blinking for an extra three percent defense versus all. In my opinion, the bonus from manuevers is not small.




Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post

That's why it's opinions, and not facts.

And if you think the rewards are too small? Well, that's your right.

But consider this: People will pay three billion without blinking for an extra three percent defense versus all. In my opinion, the bonus from manuevers is not small.

Don't get me wrong ,if you look at my build i have manuevers it's the other 2 im really not feeling.one where someone has to die first to take advance of and the 3 one perception and to-hit i already have that with HS.so, the rewards would be very small for me.



Stealth pool.

3 LotG + recharges.

3 powers = +23.5% recharge to all your attacks. Attacks that recharge faster = higher fury bar. Higher fury bar = win!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Extra def from maneuvers is nice, but the end cost doesn't warrant it being a must. Brutes that happen to be softcapped w/o maneuvers would gain nothing from getting this power. IMO Brutes shouldn't worry about the leadership pool, take something that will help you smash better. You smash faster = team living.

If you got the extra room use some choices as mules for LoTG, you don't "need" to ever turn the power on. Don't force the issue though, take this chance to rethink your builds and fill in some areas. As an example, my Elec/WP is solid, but he never had a self heal. Not really needed, but everyone with a willpower toon can tell you. Sometimes a heal would of saved them.

As for my EM/SR he already had Aid Self and he's softcapped, so things like maneuvers wouldn't help. He is however heavy on the blue bar, so I plan to dip into Body Mastery with him. Two more +end procs should help quite a bit, I even tweaked a few slots and took Energy Torrent. Now he has a bit more AoE damage, which EM lacks heavily.

What I've done is instead of looking at their current builds and make changes. Is start with a new builds and work from the bottom up, did this with all my toons.



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post

That's why it's opinions, and not facts.

And if you think the rewards are too small? Well, that's your right.

But consider this: People will pay three billion without blinking for an extra three percent defense versus all. In my opinion, the bonus from manuevers is not small.

People pay 2-3 billion for the glad unique because of it's exceptional rarity.

They don't pay 2-3 billion for the steadfast unique, which provides the same +3% def to all.

Maneuvers, while it provides valuable +DEF to all, will also cost you around 0.24 eps to run.

That's a major difference.