Help with Double XP history?




I was wondering if it was about time for another Double XP Weekend, so I printed out a 2008-2010 calendar and started going through the forum announcements to figure out when we've had them in the past. I found Feb08, Jul08, Oct09, & Mar10. Did we really go over a year without having a 2xXP weekend? Or am I missing an announcement somewhere? Thanks for your help!



From Double XP Weekend on Wiki:

1.July 21, 2006 (ended 07/23/2006)
2.January 26, 2007 (ended 01/28/2007)
3.June 15, 2007 (ended 06/17/2007)
4.February 08, 2008 (ended 02/10/2008)
5.July 18, 2008 (ended 07/20/2008)
6.January 23, 2009 (ended 01/25/2009)
7.July 31, 2009 (ended 08/02/2009)
8.October 8, 2009 (ended 10/12/2009)
9.March 4, 2010 (ended 3/7/2010)

Double XP Weekend #7 was plagued with lag and server connection issues, which prompted Paragon Studios to announce a "freebie" Double XP Weekend as an apology. Previous Double XP Weekends had been happening approximately every six months, whereas DXP #8 was only two months after DXP #7.




Ahhh I didn't even think to check the wiki. Thank you very much!



The reactivation weekend next week should really be a double XP weekend....



Making reactivation weekend a double xp would be a really bad idea, IMO, YMMV.

The server loads have been high since GR (understandable) and they haven't stood up fantastically. More lag and more unscheduled downtime for fixes or unexpected crashes.

Either a reactivation OR double XP weekend does increase the loads further but doing both together would really increase the likelihood of problems a lot more, IMO.

It's bad enough that the bugs/lag/unscheduled maint has been marring GR because that's not a great introduction to the game for new players, but to re-invite people who haven't come back and then present them with red (or worse, grey) servers across the board, would be a really dumb decision.

Nice idea (we all like freebees and I have a dozen level 2s planned), but from a practical standpoint, I honestly (and regretfully) don't believe NC can deliver the server stability for it.

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info



Not to mention the fact that this reactivation weekend is more for the players who haven't seen GR.

They want to entice people into paying by getting them hooked on the new content for free.
Why would they want everyone to make a mad dash to 20 and leave the zone before they even knew who Cole was?

This is actually the 1st time I haven't wanted DXP to accompany a reactivation weekend.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Not to mention the fact that this reactivation weekend is more for the players who haven't seen GR.

They want to entice people into paying by getting them hooked on the new content for free.
Why would they want everyone to make a mad dash to 20 and leave the zone before they even knew who Cole was?

This is actually the 1st time I haven't wanted DXP to accompany a reactivation weekend.

This and theres also the fact that people unfamiliar with the difference in how contacts work in Praetoria (how many people assumed that contacts were automatically added to their contact list) will easily find themselves outleveling their initial contacts and have no idea how to get new contacts, which will create a lot of bad impresions about GR.



Double XP and Reactivation weekends are different beasts entirely, although sometimes we've chosen to have them at the same times. This time we'll be splitting them up, but we like Double XP weekends too so don't fear, another will come!



Nice! We are about due for one.



Not to mention the fact that this reactivation weekend is more for the players who haven't seen GR.
I don't think reactivation will include anything Praetorian though, unless they already purchased GR in which case they have seen it. Seems it would be hard to reactivate accounts plus give tempory access GR, then remove it if they resub...



Originally Posted by sblinks View Post
I don't think reactivation will include anything Praetorian though, unless they already purchased GR in which case they have seen it. Seems it would be hard to reactivate accounts plus give tempory access GR, then remove it if they resub...

Actually, it was already stated that they will have full access to GR and all of Going Rogue. But if they havn't bought GR yet, they will only have access up to level 14 content.



Originally Posted by MLEdelen View Post
Actually, it was already stated that they will have full access to GR and all of Going Rogue. But if they havn't bought GR yet, they will only have access up to level 14 content.
How would somebody have "full access" to Going Rogue at lvl 14 when all the side-switching content is lvl20+?



Originally Posted by MLEdelen View Post
Actually, it was already stated that they will have full access to GR and all of Going Rogue. But if they havn't bought GR yet, they will only have access up to level 14 content.
That sounds more like the trial not reactivation of older accounts. And anyone on trial upgrading would purchase the GR edition. People on reactivation will also have higher than level 14 toons.



* To continue using the Dual Pistols, Demon Summoning, Kinetic Melee and Electric Control power sets after the Reactivation weekend, you will need to upgrade your City of Heroes game account with a valid Going Rogue code.

** Please note all active or reactivated accounts that will be granted temporary access to Going Rogue will only have access to the Praetorian content up to level 14.

Also, it's cheaper to just buy the CoH pack than it is to upgrade to GR, so some folks may not go down that route. This activation just gives them the chance to roll a Praetorian from level 1 - 14 to check out most of the content...

Hope this helps.

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You convinced me that it would indeed be a bad idea to have a double XP weekend together with reactivation weekend. We should probably wait until January, at least



January? No way! It's been since March and 6 months from that has passed. Time for some Double xp goodness!

I say do it this month - either the weekend before the Halloween event starts or sometime in November during or just after the event.



To give everyone an idea of where this "little" project has gone, please check out:

I am creating a calendar for all the major events in the game's history. The linked webpage has each year on a single row, so that all years can be easily compared. The PDF (linked in the page) has each year on two rows (6mo each) for vertical scrolling environments (iPods, etc). Unfortunately the HTML can't capture the cell gradients for days with more than one event, so I will work on a way to display this in the HTML version. Displays properly in the PDF. Suggestions welcome.

Known Issues, both files: Some cells that are supposed to be white are instead gray or black. Superfluous comma between chat and improvements in i12 description. I want to add the introduction of inherent powers to the calendar (issue 5), and articulate when Defiance was changed (12/11/07).

PDF: Word "distance" appears twice in i4 description. Missing comma between RV and PPP in i7 description. Text centered (instead of left-aligned) in i9 & i11 description. Collector's Edition text way too small in Oct05.

HTML: Weird spacing issues around i5 and i6 descriptions.

I will continue updating both the page and PDF as I have time, but please feel free to enjoy it for the time being.