Speculation: More power pools?

Another Space



I'm not offering suggestions for new power pools. Rather, I'm speculating that either i19 or i20 will contain new power pools, and I'd like to hear from others who may have evidence of it from the test server or from talking with the devs at conventions.

Why do I think there will be new power pools? Because Stamina is becoming an inherent. This frees up three slots in almost every build. Every character has 18 powers from their primary and secondary, and 19 power slots from level 1-38. When Stamina is inherent, a player will easily be able to take every power available in their archetype save one, plus a travel power and a prerequisite -- and for veterans with the City Traveller badge, they won't even need the prerequisite. This means that cookie cutter builds will be rampant, with the only differences being how slots are assigned. (More on that later.)

Now, there are existing power pools to flesh out our characters. But there will still be standardized builds, because there is not enough variety in power pools. if you subtract the Fitness pool (now inherent) and assume a character will only have one travel pool, there are only five power pools available. And one of those is Presence, which I have never seen anyone use in-game. Four power pools, three of which are primarily taken for defensive purposes (Fighting, Medicine, and Concealment) does not give players many options for rounding out their characters.

Want more evidence? Count up the enhancement slots you have available. The Fitness pool took two enhancement slots (assuming Health gets none but Stamina gets +2), but it also occupied three power slots. Powers from your primary or secondary will almost certainly require additional enhancement slots to be useful, and for most powers 'useful' is +3. (Accuracy + 3 damage, or endurace + 3 defense/resist.) You're gaining 2 enh slots but creating the need for 9 more -- a net loss of 7 slots. The only good way to make this up is to take more powers that do not need additional enhancement. Power pools, especially the prerequisites taken on the way to the better powers, are a good way to eat up power slots without losing enhancement slots.

Even more evidence? Look at the proliferation of temporary powers with i18 and i19. There are now guns, hammers, grenades, resuscitation and recovery devices, shields, stealth powers, and jetpacks that can all be assembled from recipes. You could easily put together several new power pools using only the existing recipes: A 'Weapons' pool with baseball bat, revolver, and grenades; a new 'Gadget' travel pool with a grenade, a shield, and a jetpack; and a 'Chemistry' pool with recovery and resuscitation and maybe a defense buff on loan from the Secondary Mutation power. It has never been easier to envision new power pools that contain powers already existing in the game. Even though these temporary powers are available by building recipes, players will choose them as power pools both to get permanent access to the powers and to flesh out their characters.

It seems obvious to me that when Stamina becomes inherent, new power pools must be on the way. But I've heard no rumors nor official announcements about it. Does anyone know anything, or has anyone heard anything, that I might have missed?

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



If anyone says anything about i20 their account would be banned and this thread would be deleted.
They've only officially announced an incarnate system.



Haven't heard anything about new pools, no. But I think you're making a lot of assumptions on how people build.

For one, why are you only assuming people will take one travel pool? They may not take more than one travel *power,* but they'll more than happily dip into Speed for Hasten, or Leaping for Combat Jumping, or Fly for Air Superiority. Several support builds will take Recall Friend from teleport. Without feeling a need to take Fitness, I'd say you'll see more branching out there.

Plus, presence - it certainly is taken. "Tankerminds" (and even non-tanking masterminds) come to mind right away, just to grab the taunts. (And concept builds, admittedly.) Common, no.

Also, you're *not* creating a need for 9 more slots. Not all powers need slotting, and you'll see "one slot wonders" becoming more popular (Stealth taken for a LOTG +Rech, for instance, or Temperature Protection for Fire armor types for the slow and another KB IO.)

I don't think the temp powers point toward new pools. *shrug.* I wouldn't MIND seeing others, depending on what they are, but I don't think they're high priority.



Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
If anyone says anything about i20 their account would be banned and this thread would be deleted.
They've only officially announced an incarnate system.
Oh! I didn't know there was an NDA in effect. That implies that there's already a closed beta -- I didn't know that, either.

If I'm asking people to spill the beans on a closed beta then ignore me.

But if there is no applicable NDA, I'd love to hear any rumors or dev conversations anyone wants to offer.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Haven't heard anything about new pools, no. But I think you're making a lot of assumptions on how people build.

For one, why are you only assuming people will take one travel pool? They may not take more than one travel *power,* but they'll more than happily dip into Speed for Hasten, or Leaping for Combat Jumping, or Fly for Air Superiority. Several support builds will take Recall Friend from teleport. Without feeling a need to take Fitness, I'd say you'll see more branching out there.

Plus, presence - it certainly is taken. "Tankerminds" (and even non-tanking masterminds) come to mind right away, just to grab the taunts. (And concept builds, admittedly.) Common, no.
Yep, that's all true, but even if you include the travel pools there still isn't much variety. There are PvP builds that follow some odd rules, but aside from that all PvE builds are turning out to be mostly the same -- and they will have even more similarities when Stamina becomes inherent.

Also, you're *not* creating a need for 9 more slots. Not all powers need slotting, and you'll see "one slot wonders" becoming more popular (Stealth taken for a LOTG +Rech, for instance, or Temperature Protection for Fire armor types for the slow and another KB IO.)
This leads us into the question of how the devs envision the players building their characters. Do they want us to take all the powers in our AT primary and secondary, and add variety to our characters with specialized IO slotting? Or do they want us to use the ATs as a guideline for how the character should play, and spice that up with additional powers?

Considering the IO system is still officially voluntary, every sign points to the devs wanting us to customize our characters primarily via power selection, not via slotting choices. The Fitness pool was an option for customization; an option that most people chose to take. Now that choice is being taken away from us. To retain the level of character variety that the game now offers, we need some new options to open up.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Issue 20 has the strongest NDA I've ever heard of currently in effect.

Whatever issue 20 is you can bet it's impressive.

as far as OT.

Yeah, I assume they're looking at making a few new pools now.
Naturally thats only an assumption on my part and has no actual basis in reality....

Oh yeah, quite a few of my toons have 2 travel powers. Usually Fly and SS, on rare occasions SJ and SS. Mostly for concept reasons though.

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Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Considering the IO system is still officially voluntary, every sign points to the devs wanting us to customize our characters primarily via power selection, not via slotting choices.
Don't kid yourself. They didn't go to the trouble of designing the whole IO system without wanting people to use it. It represents content. They WANT us to use it. They just didn't raise the bar content-wise to *require* it, in order not to alienate their casual players. They still very much hope we will spend countless subscriber-hours messing around with IOs on as many characters as we have.

The Fitness pool was an option for customization; an option that most people chose to take. Now that choice is being taken away from us. To retain the level of character variety that the game now offers, we need some new options to open up.
You have this part backwards. Today almost everyone takes Fitness. That means it represents pretty much the opposite of "variety". The only way we'll end up with less variety after this moves to the inherent is if even MORE people than previously took Fitness all decide that the new "must-have" power pool is __________ (fill in the blank).

Some have suggested that Leadership will be the new Fitness and while it could certainly be popular, I just don't see as many people convincing themselves it is "needed" as they did for Stamina. As good as having 8-stacked Leadership toggles would be on every team, it just won't be as ubiquitous as Stamina. Many more people will be able to convince themselves that there are other powers they've always wanted to take but never had the room for previously. Hell, I have a Stalker who is going to take Provoke, if you can believe that.

With NINE remaining power pools, leftover primary/secondary powers, and extra patron/APP powers you never had the room to take before, I see little evidence that additional power pools are inevitable. Not saying I wouldn't welcome more, but it's hardly a given.

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Personally, I think that instead of making a new power pool, I saw an idea on here about adding a 5th power to the existing pools, which I think would be a great and unexpected idea.



one possibility would be to allow people to pick from 2 APP/Patron Pools



Did you somehow miss this?



I'd rather see them fix the power pools that already exist rather than make new ones.



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
I'd rather see them fix the power pools that already exist rather than make new ones.
What do you mean by fix?
Examples Please



Originally Posted by Zem View Post
You have this part backwards. Today almost everyone takes Fitness. That means it represents pretty much the opposite of "variety". The only way we'll end up with less variety after this moves to the inherent is if even MORE people than previously took Fitness all decide that the new "must-have" power pool is __________ (fill in the blank).
But you don't have to, and if you do there is a cost of three powers from your AT sets. Now we get Stamina free, at no cost...and everyone will still need to take a pool power to fill all of their power slots. Something will become the new 'must have' power pool. And there are only four reasonable choices. This means much less variety.

That's my argument. But I didn't know there was a NDA for i20 already. So I'm probably not going to get any answers until the details of i20 are announced. Not a problem, I'm a patient man, I can wait.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
But you don't have to, and if you do there is a cost of three powers from your AT sets. Now we get Stamina free, at no cost...and everyone will still need to take a pool power to fill all of their power slots. Something will become the new 'must have' power pool. And there are only four reasonable choices. This means much less variety.

That's my argument. But I didn't know there was a NDA for i20 already. So I'm probably not going to get any answers until the details of i20 are announced. Not a problem, I'm a patient man, I can wait.
You're assuming people will choose pool powers for those 3 new picks. That isn't always going to be the case in fact may not actually happen as often as you might think.

There are many utility powers that end up skipped when people are optimizing their build. Sure there might be the odd pool picks to fill those slots but I am willing to bet we'll see more people with those oft skipped utility powers as well.

Powers like:

Group Invisibility work as both a stealth power, defense buff and mule for a LotG. Requires no slotting if mainly using as a mule.

Mutation: res + buff with no slotting needed at all!

Blackhole/Detention Field/Sonic Cage: while not ideal they all function as emergency CC and require little to no slotting when used as such. A single accuracy IO and you're good to go as an emergency power

Fallout: Even without slotting its another debuff you can apply situationaly (when an ally has fallen). And it does some significant damage even without enhancement.

Single target and/or aoe immobilize powers: Many controllers skip these powers or respec out of them later. With freed up power selections they could be added back in. Single targets have inherent acc bonuses meaning you could toss a proc or some sort in there and call it a day. AoE immobilizies are also viable proc mules though they suffer from worse acc. With slotting however they can be turned into pretty effective aoes depending on what procs you can slap in there.

Taunt/Confront: Many archetypes with these powers skip them. They are pretty effective with no slotting at all and could easily be taken for more threat gen or utility (the scrapper who wants to yank a nasty off a squishy)

Of course there will be pool powers taken... the concealment pool is probably the easiest to abuse for LotG mules but I honestly think we'll see players using their 3 freed up power choices for a variety of utility that often gets benched today.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
But you don't have to, and if you do there is a cost of three powers from your AT sets.
But nearly everyone did. So nearly everyone who plays the game will have three more power picks to make and unless they all pick the same thing in the same numbers as they did for Stamina there will be more variety, not less.

Something will become the new 'must have' power pool. And there are only four reasonable choices. This means much less variety.
No, nothing has to become the new 'must have' power. There will be a new 'most popular' power, but that's not the same thing. It only becomes a must-have power if a majority of people take it and it only becomes less variety if that majority is LARGER than the one currently picking Stamina for their builds.

The only power I see coming even anywhere close to Stamina's popularity is Hasten and that would be only ONE power pick. Leaving two more for that "Variety" you're talking about.

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Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
What do you mean by fix?
Examples Please
As in make all of the powers in each pool useful, at least situationally.



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
As in make all of the powers in each pool useful, at least situationally.
They all are useful, situationally. I can't think of one that isnt.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
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I agree with the OP that there is a possibility that new pools are on there way.



I find it odd that you think making the worst-designed power pool of them all inherent means that they are adding new pools. The devs are simply working to enable the level of variety they intended characters to have from the very start, before they realized that their game pretty much sucks without Stamina. In other words, players have been unfairly penalized in the area of customization by poor power design the entire time, and by fixing that error, they are opening up the level of individuality that was originally intended.

Also, from a game design standpoint, creating new temporary powers via the invention system seems to me to be a strong indicator *against* the creation of new power pools. I mean, why spend significant development resources to design a number of new power pools, which must be balanced against other pools (and probably will need to be at least somewhat superior to most pools, to combat player inertia--that is, the inherent resistance players always feel against anything new) when they can cover any situational holes in the powers structure with invention powers?

Basically, you're making an assumption based on fairly illogical premises. You assume that just because they're removing one pool, they have to add another one to replace it. This is simply not true at all. The most important question a developer has to ask when adding a new feature is, "What is the purpose of this feature, and does this feature fulfill its purpose?" The only compelling reason to add a new power pool would be if the developers feel that there is adequate design space for a new set of powers that would add unique new capabilities to existing characters. If the devs think of something really cool that players should be able to do, and that either inadequate development resources or game engine limitations previously made impossible, THEN they should add a new power pool. But adding a new pool just because you removed another is a major mistake that will only serve to produce a marginal, "filler" pool that will probably be either useless or redundant.



Originally Posted by The_Cheeseman View Post
I find it odd that you think making the worst-designed power pool of them all inherent means that they are adding new pools. The devs are simply working to enable the level of variety they intended characters to have from the very start, before they realized that their game pretty much sucks without Stamina. In other words, players have been unfairly penalized in the area of customization by poor power design the entire time, and by fixing that error, they are opening up the level of individuality that was originally intended.
I disagree with this. There are valid ways to build a character without Stamina -- I have three characters like that, myself. Most of the player base chose Stamina. But there were other options. Now the choice has been taken away.

Also, from a game design standpoint, creating new temporary powers via the invention system seems to me to be a strong indicator *against* the creation of new power pools. I mean, why spend significant development resources to design a number of new power pools, which must be balanced against other pools (and probably will need to be at least somewhat superior to most pools, to combat player inertia--that is, the inherent resistance players always feel against anything new) when they can cover any situational holes in the powers structure with invention powers?
I think by now they've realized that most CoX players value customization over min/maxing. If there was a power pool that did nothing more than give you more costume slots, players would pick it. So there is no inertia for player choice, here; any power pool that allows players to feel more unique will be used.

Basically, you're making an assumption based on fairly illogical premises. You assume that just because they're removing one pool, they have to add another one to replace it.
No. I'm assuming that the game system in CoX requires that players need 18 powers to choose from, for levels 1-38. Some powers in the primary and secondary powersets will be unwanted, either because they are weak or because they are against concept. Before you could take Fitness and patch those holes; now you can't. The existing powersets are too few and too similar to allow players to customize themselves adequately, and thus more options are needed.

The only compelling reason to add a new power pool would be if the developers feel that there is adequate design space for a new set of powers that would add unique new capabilities to existing characters.
Game design space is a consideration, but it's a distant third behind customization and ease of programming. There are many powersets that are functionally similar, and thus compete for design space, but that are different enough in either graphics or effect to allow players to customize themselves.

But if you examine the design space it supports my argument. Most of the remaining power pools have similar game effects -- they are defenses and melee attacks. With the proliferation of temporary debuffs, movement powers, and ranged attacks, there is a huge amount of unused design space and customization options that are being introduced as temporary powers that do not exist as power pools. All of these would be trivial to implement as additional power pools, and now when we're losing a pool would be the time to do so. That's why my instinct tells me more pools are on their way.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
They all are useful, situationally. I can't think of one that isnt.
Well, i guess what he means is that the situations don't come up often enough, and that the powers don't work great in those situations anyway.

For instance: Group Fly. If you enhance this for fly speed, the power becomes useless because you will outpace everyone in your "flight bubble". Also, there's a huge lack of content that requires characters to fly, and even then, a character can just buy a jetpack. Or they might have TP/SJ anyways.

Example the second, Whirlwind. if it did damage and/or didn't cost so much End, it'd probably see a lot more use. But as it stands, it's an end hog that is detrimental to tanks, scrappers, and any other class whos powers rely on their foes being in nice and tight for AoEs or melee effects.

Example the third: Team Teleport. It doesn't bring your whole team to you (like Assemble the Team does), it lets the team piggy-back with you when YOU teleport. If they're not already in range, they don't get to come along

Example the forth: Invoke Panic. I don't think it's a horrible power, but i don't think i've ever seen ANYONE take it in the 3+ years i've been playing. It seems obvious that the player base has deemed this power unworthy of their interest.

So, yeah...


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Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Well, i guess what he means is that the situations don't come up often enough, and that the powers don't work great in those situations anyway.

For instance: Group Fly. If you enhance this for fly speed, the power becomes useless because you will outpace everyone in your "flight bubble". Also, there's a huge lack of content that requires characters to fly, and even then, a character can just buy a jetpack. Or they might have TP/SJ anyways.
And if they don't, someone can bring them along. Or keep squishies hovering out of reach of melee so loose aggro can't hit them with harder attacks, without burning the support's END on fly.
Example the third: Team Teleport. It doesn't bring your whole team to you (like Assemble the Team does), it lets the team piggy-back with you when YOU teleport. If they're not already in range, they don't get to come along
Yes, and you'll see Masterminds use this - as well as groups designed around it (I have a sometimes-run group that consists of electric blasters. Team TP in, half a second later everything's twitching, END drained, and/or dead.) Also it *used to* be used in some PVP situations - not sure about now.
Example the forth: Invoke Panic. I don't think it's a horrible power, but i don't think i've ever seen ANYONE take it in the 3+ years i've been playing. It seems obvious that the player base has deemed this power unworthy of their interest.
It could use a buff (acc and duration,) but there are some that use it. Including me. It'd be somewhat more useful as a targeted as opposed to PBAOE.



Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
They all are useful, situationally. I can't think of one that isnt.
Think harder then, I can think of several.

Actually, I should put it differently. The problem isn't that some powers are utterly useless (though some come close), as I'm sure if I said that you'd come back with the one obscure case where it was useful to prove me wrong. It's just that some powers are so situational that they're massively inferior to other choices. For example:

On one end of the usefulness spectrum we have powers like:
Combat Jumping
The leadership pool
The fighting pool

These powers are all good pool powers. They are useful to nearly every character in every situation.

On the other end, we have powers like:
Team teleport
group fly
the concealment pool
the presence pool

These powers are useful in certain situations to certain characters, but to the majority of people, they're distinctly sub-par choices.

That's what needs to be fixed.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
And if they don't, someone can bring them along. Or keep squishies hovering out of reach of melee so loose aggro can't hit them with harder attacks, without burning the support's END on fly.
It still comes at the cost of a terrible 25% tohit debuff, which is far, far worse than the endurance cost of Hover. Someone using Group Fly in combat is asking to be kicked from the team.

I've seen people pick up taunts from the presence pool. I've always thought it should be restructured though. I suspect more people would make use of a single target fear if they didn't have to go through the taunts to get it.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
It still comes at the cost of a terrible 25% tohit debuff, which is far, far worse than the endurance cost of Hover. Someone using Group Fly in combat is asking to be kicked from the team.

I've seen people pick up taunts from the presence pool. I've always thought it should be restructured though. I suspect more people would make use of a single target fear if they didn't have to go through the taunts to get it.
You just better not remove the ability for my MMs to take the AoE taunt without having to take another power.

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