So, respec recipes....




With the news that i19 will be introducing INHERENT swift, hurdle, health, and stamina at level 1 or 2 (Castles' words), respec recipes are in high demand and prices are soaring.

XXX [EDIT: This part may not be true!] Guess someone forgot to tell the get-it-now-before-it's-hot crowd that we'll be getting 2 freespecs per character when i19 rolls around.[/EDIT] XXX

Ah well. I'm half tempted to put the RR i got as a drop on the market at a ludicrous price, just for lulz to see if it sells.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)




*shakes head*

Respecipes. They iz crazy and so are the people who are overly-desperate for them. I don't get it, but I'll gladly sell any overvalued Respec Recipes that drop for me.



That is some awesome news! Finally we wont have to waste 3 power selections anymore just to get Stamina.

Actually, I've never had one or would ever need a respec recipe because I've got so many vet respec on all of my toons that I've never really needed to use more than the free ones that the devs hand out.

I'm sure some people have already used all of their free/vet respecs and would probably need a respec recipe. But if the devs are handing out 2 free respecs, then why would you still need to buy them?



I think that's the point. I heard about the Fitness change before I heard about the "two freespecs" thing, so likely many others will be in my boat...except they will stock up on respec recipes. Which I won't.

Demand goes up....prices go....well, you know.



You know, I made the immediate assumption that they'd be handing out at least one freespec per character when I heard about the Stamina change. I mean, they have at every other turn where they've made a large change to the system, and the give one out practically every issue anyway. It seems crazy illogical that people are stocking up on respecipes.



My assumption was: major changes to powersets usually equals a freespec. TWO freespecs per character though?

There was a poll-type thread earlier where we came to the conclusion that 6% or less of characters used thier second build. Use the search for poster Optical_Illusion and you'll see a respec-oriented thread or two.



I could see it if you wanted to completely scrap a second build on a character (I did on a L50 Crab) or if you wanted to scrap a character and loot him first.
If it's vetspecs or freespecs, well, they're free, so why not?
If I was going to buy a Respecipe? I'd better be yanking out enhancements whose total is significantly more than what that Recipe cost on the Market.



I missed the 2 respec part. I saw one, but didn't see two. Interesting.



Hm, I should list my respec recipes. I have no need for them and most of my characters have several vet respecs anyways (build is planned before the character is even created, and I take and slot powers so that I don't have to change anything between 1 and 50). My Staminaless Stalker is looking forward to getting an extra 35% (1-slotted with a generic level 50 endmod) recovery as well as free +jump from Hurdle, and my Staminaless Fire/Psi will have a place to put the +end proc (she's already doing fine between near-perma Drain Psyche and Domination recharges every 75 seconds, but in long drawn-out fights or when there aren't lots of mobs around the +end proc will be nice). I'm just slightly irritated that I'll have to respec 50+ characters around the change (especially for my Mind/Emp PvP build which only has Hurdle and nothing else from the Fitness pool).

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



I foresee a big demand for LotG +Recharges. There'll be a freespec for sure, but a lot of people are going to want to say pick up stealth, Grant Invis and Invisibility for three more +Recharge IOs.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
You'd need to be pulling an awful lot of shinies off a character to need 3+ respecs.
On every 50 i have, i couldnt get enough off with only 2 respecs. Thats only 20 "shinies". That's only 3-5 powers across a build. I shutter to think how many id actually need.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
You'd need to be pulling an awful lot of shinies off a character to need 3+ respecs.
I dunno, I just ended up overriting a bunch of 'good' stuff on the Goat (positrons and the like) because I was too annoyed by the process of respec'ing to do more than one. I could easily have done three without running out of expensive stuff to pull.

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Ditto. The only time I've ever seriously tried to de-socket a character was when I pulled out 27 purples, and that was tedious as all get-out and discouraged me from ever doing it again.



I don't think they actually said we were getting 2. Seems to me it was suggested by a player that we shoulg because of dual builds.

Enjoy your day please.



Originally Posted by BashfulBanshee View Post
I don't think they actually said we were getting 2. Seems to me it was suggested by a player that we should because of dual builds.
And that player linked to this thread as "Proof!" that he was right and it was actually happening.



Coulda SWORN i saw a dev post about 2 freespecs. Edited OP cuz i'm dumb >_<


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