New n00bs
Firstly, even a team of veteran Navy SEALS would wipe at least three times per mission in Praetoria.
Secondly, if you're still alive, then shooting you didn't work and you owe me a new monitor.
Firstly, even a team of veteran Navy SEALS would wipe at least three times per mission in Praetoria. |
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
There are too many different powersets with vastly different synergies and play styles. It's not so much the people don't try to use all their tricks to play safe, it's just that more often than not their tricks are useless because of the other people on the team have powersets that don't utilize them or even completely negate them.
An example is you have a tank that uses defense, but your buffer can only boost resistance and doesn't have good heals, and your ranged characters use knockback sets that keep knocking enemies out of the tank's taunt aura. If everyone plays to their best in this situation, you are still going to have a lot of issues.
A good team isn't about the right mix of players or ATs, it's about the right mix of powersets, and it's fairly rare that a PUG is going to have that mix. When it does happen though the hardest missions are a breeze.
It doesn't really matter though. Debt really isn't an issue, and wipes are more like quick breaks. Hit the mission full force and take down as much as you can before wiping, then repeat, it's probably faster exp than playing it safe, even with the debt.
You obviously never played with the Pingus. Even back during "the older way of playing" we would push difficulties as far as we could. Individual team members fell frequently, teams wiped rarely, but having no debt badges was considered a sign that you weren't trying hard enough. If you thought there was a chance you could pull something off it was encouraged that you try. Debt meant little compared to succeeding at something completely insane.
The thing is that half the team could drop and the rest would still keep pressing forward as they got back up and into the fray; the occasional team wipe acting as a rough guide to how far things could be pushed with that team composition. Of course that only set the line to immediately be pushed past. How far and how fast you could go was far more important than worries about debt. Team wipes are bad since they slow you down. Individual teammates falling, on the other hand, means you can use Fallout, Vengeance, Rise of the Phoenix, etecetera.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
An example is you have a tank that uses defense, but your buffer can only boost resistance
and doesn't have good heals, |
and your ranged characters use knockback sets that keep knocking enemies out of the tank's taunt aura. |
If everyone plays to their best in this situation, you are still going to have a lot of issues. |
A good team isn't about the right mix of players or ATs, it's about the right mix of powersets, |
... right. So if they get hit, they get hit for less. That would be awful... wait, no.
No, you won't, if people actually work together instead of having a "team" made up of multiple people soloing.
So incredibly wrong. God would need a radio telescope to see the faintest glimmer of "right" from just how wrong this is. A set of players that pays the least bit of attention will, frankly, make "which powerset do you have" irrelevant. And players that don't pay attention? Still irrelevant, because they won't be using the tools at their disposal very well to begin with. You don't need a "holy trinity" or any other "must have" mix of powersets here.
Do you have any idea how stacking works? Buffs from buff sets on their own are pretty much crap, it's only when you stack them that they actually become effective. A tank with 75% chance to dodge and 25% damage resistance is going to take four times as much damage as a tank with a 95% chance to dodge and 0% damage resistance.
Wow. You really have no idea do you? |
And a tank without either buff? I'll never call a buff "useless," as I'm better off WITH it than without it.
Says the person saying "you need the right mix of powersets." Something that, oh, hasn't ever been true. |
Wait no I won't, my only criteria to join my teams is warm body, hot lead.
Meaning your brain works and you attack stuff.
The most fun I ever had involved getting to max debt on a FAILED LRSF.
I actually joined my first VG because of how much fun I was having.
Shurg... as always give it time and people will get into the swing of things with the new content.
While I agree there is a lot more wiping in P land even my friends and I are starting to get the swing of stuff and wiping a lot less when with new toons. The new content is really anti-rush most of it seems to work better with the clear a spawn then recoup then move on then the rush from spawn to spawn of some of the older content.
Yes good team building and overlap of stacking powers has a big impact. I'm not saying my Tank/Brute is going to turn down a buff that does not stack it is after all better then no buff at all. But I can see where at lest in the new missions well formatted teams will work better then more random pug teams. But then again that was true before just not as bad becuase you could muscle through with a pug on old content and its a bit rougher with the new stuff.
All in all yeah give it time things will work out as people learn or relearn the ropes there is light at the end of the tunnel. Worse comes to worse get your friends together and build complementing toons.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
And a tank without either buff? I'll never call a buff "useless," as I'm better off WITH it than without it.
I never said useless, I said crap. A 25% damage reduction is barely noticeable alone. You can not deny that a 25% damage resistance buff on a character already at 60% damage resistance is a hell of a lot more effective. A team with good powerset synergy is tremendously more effective than a team with very little synergy.
A low-mid level tank without either buff is fine... solo. In a full team set to +2-3 they are blood stains on the floors and walls unless they have really good slots and enhancements and two good healers spamming the crap out of their single target heal. Late game with IO sets and self buffed to the soft caps it doesn't matter.
Lived just fine, thanks. Think I died once in that entire map (city with the little "carnie park" on one side) when we got a *second* full spawn a bit too close aggroed.
"Blood stains on the floors." Riiiight. We have three possibilities here. You're wrong, you've been playing with imbeciles, or I am a tanking god. And if you say the third's the case, I'm going to laugh even more, because even *I* wouldn't say that. Hell, I know D3 Defenders that can out-tank tanks.... without "zomg where are the healers!" Yes, full team, +levels. (pre-current-difficulty changes, pre-IOs.) No "healers."
Edit: Yes, there are VERY SPECIFIC situations you want "tank with emp support" - old Hami tanking, for instance. But as a general rule? No.
I know there is an influx of new players, and I am not trying to slight any of them. The new style of attrition I am seeing is more pervasive than the inexperience of our new players. Having consecutive wipes isn't bad if the team is trying new tricks, adapting to new foes or maps. I am more concerned by the march of the lemmings where the teams try to suffocate their foes with additional piles of bodies with no adaptation or learning.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
*snort* The more you insist you need "healers" the less seriously I take you. Especially insisting you need two. Give me debuffers, give me controllers, give me enough damage going out. I've run my *fire tank,* not particularly IOd, in the late 30s in a full team of mid-40s fighting very purple carnies. Smart pulling, use of taunt for close spawns, buffs, debuffs... not "ZOMG you need 2 h33lrz!" (To point out the obvious, no I wasn't tanking +7-+8, I was SK'd (pre-SSK,) but my SK was low enough and they were buffed enough to be quite purple.)
Lived just fine, thanks. Think I died once in that entire map (city with the little "carnie park" on one side) when we got a *second* full spawn a bit too close aggroed. "Blood stains on the floors." Riiiight. We have three possibilities here. You're wrong, you've been playing with imbeciles, or I am a tanking god. And if you say the third's the case, I'm going to laugh even more, because even *I* wouldn't say that. Hell, I know D3 Defenders that can out-tank tanks.... without "zomg where are the healers!" Yes, full team, +levels. (pre-current-difficulty changes, pre-IOs.) No "healers." Edit: Yes, there are VERY SPECIFIC situations you want "tank with emp support" - old Hami tanking, for instance. But as a general rule? No. |
I never said healing was required in every group. I just used a particular example. A team with multiple tanks and good controls that work together can do fine without a healer. A team with a single tank and no control is going to need appropriate buffs or awesome heals though.
I never said healing was required in every group. I just used a particular example. A team with multiple tanks and good controls that work together can do fine without a healer. A team with a single tank and no control is going to need appropriate buffs or awesome heals though. |
I don't even know what game you are playing. If I run into a full team spawn on a mid 20s tanker without good buffs, the alpha alone is going to drop me way below half health (depending on which defense set). To hold agro on that whole group on my own and not die in 2 more seconds I need to be healed by at least one person. If it's a +2 or +3 mission, the alpha will kill me and healing probably wont help unless it's timed perfectly. I'd need appropriate buffs to handle that situation smoothly.
I never said healing was required in every group. I just used a particular example. A team with multiple tanks and good controls that work together can do fine without a healer. A team with a single tank and no control is going to need appropriate buffs or awesome heals though. |
(Just joking, sort of. Any combination ATs or powersets is welcome if the playesr know how to use them, but a team of mostly tankers does tend to be a bit slower paced. Heals can be a (borderline) useful stop-gap if buffs and debuffs aren't readily available.)
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
... a team of mostly tankers does tend to be a bit slower paced....

Meet up at IP entrance in KR.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

Other discussion aside, I think the new enemies are throwing new and old players for a loop. Old players used to low levels of Hellions and Skuls are now getting hit with tough low-level mobs. I haven't died as much as I have been in Praetoria in years.
Hell, I ran one of the new Unai missions with Anti-Matter's Clockwork with a small team and was surprised at how tough it was. Once we started adapting and thinking rather than running on auto-pilot, we actually started rolling.
Smart playing and teamwork is definitely vital in the post-GR world. Kudos to the Devs for stepping things up a notch, even if it means tough missions and teaming for awhile. Now if the villain arcs had only received the same treatment as the hero arcs... I'd be much more pleased. Granted, villains had much harder content/enemies than heroes did.
Oh, and much love M_Bill
"A good Defender is the battle hardened Corpsman who will kill a Nazi with a tongue depressor while putting a splint on your leg, then hand you a fresh clip of ammo." ~Jock_Thompson
Repeat Offenders, TNT Profile, My little hero

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
You don't need anything particular on a team to be successful in this game. When I form teams I invite the first seven people to say yes.
Outside of specific extreme encounters, if you(general you) need a specific AT/powerset then you're doing something wrong.
A low-mid level tank without either buff is fine... solo. In a full team set to +2-3 they are blood stains on the floors and walls unless they have really good slots and enhancements and two good healers spamming the crap out of their single target heal. Late game with IO sets and self buffed to the soft caps it doesn't matter.
I never said useless, I said crap. A 25% damage reduction is barely noticeable alone. You can not deny that a 25% damage resistance buff on a character already at 60% damage resistance is a hell of a lot more effective. A team with good powerset synergy is tremendously more effective than a team with very little synergy. |
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

Stacking different types of mitigation is awesome.
I am not crying over dying more than other teammates. The whole team keeps wiping. Progress is measured by completing the mission, and defeats are just part of advancing the content. Maybe team leaders could be given a new inspiration from the mission contacts: ritalin for the ADHD players that just want to run in, pull with a nemesis staff blast, or the level 12 tank that runs around a tunnel chamber full of ghouls. Hello? Ghouls are easier to kill, spread out with focused fire and knockback has come back in fashion.
Am I totally out of the loop? Has the day of tactics given way to the fact of blind keyboard mashing? |
Let me put it this way - are they getting the job done? Are they completing missions? Are they getting decent experience? Are they levelling up well enough? Because if the answer to the above is "yes," then WHO THE HELL CARES HOW THEY DO IT? I don't know about other people, but I didn't buy this game to impress you or any other random stranger. I bought it to kill stuff. If that means dropping every now and then, then so be it. Long as I don't have to hit the hospital, it makes no difference.
Insisting that I should go out of my way to spread Ghouls out and knock them back, that team-mate casualties are tragic and blablablablablabla is borderline insulting. All teams I've been on have done just fine fighting Ghouls by force. It's not rocket science and it doesn't need to be made any more complicated than it is.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I have noticed a trend that started in City of Villains that seems to have intensified with the new Going Rogue content with the influx of new players. I think it would be best to compare it to the tactics that the opposing sides used in the Civil War. This is a generalization of course, so shoot me after I get this out. The older way of playing, when debt meant more in the earlier issues of City of Heroes, tended towards completing the mission with the minimum of casualties. Tanks would pull aggro off teamates. Scrappers would finish spawns before aggroing the next whole room. Teams would play to the buffer and debuffer's strengths. It was more like the coordinated attacks by General Lee of the South with outnumbered forces usually.
Now it's more like General U.S. Grant, a war of attrition. Wipe in room one. Wipe in a tunnel. Maybe four wipes to complete a mission, and then the team leader says, 'Good job.' Wakies are necessities. Pulls mean instead of fighting the whole room at once, the team fights all of the room at once in the previous room that was just cleared. Say what?
I am not crying over dying more than other teammates. The whole team keeps wiping. Progress is measured by completing the mission, and defeats are just part of advancing the content. Maybe team leaders could be given a new inspiration from the mission contacts: ritalin for the ADHD players that just want to run in, pull with a nemesis staff blast, or the level 12 tank that runs around a tunnel chamber full of ghouls. Hello? Ghouls are easier to kill, spread out with focused fire and knockback has come back in fashion.
Am I totally out of the loop? Has the day of tactics given way to the fact of blind keyboard mashing?
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.