Random Hit roll counter




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
No, that's not what's happening. Look closer. If an attack actually lands on you while Hibernate is up, the combat chat doesn't print anything at all. I think that is a bug, in other cases where the target is unaffected by the attack something prints (at least as of the last time I recall) but I confirmed the behavior of Hibernate just now. If the attacker misses you'll get a combat spam message with the miss message. But if it hits you there's no message at all. So you'll only see the tohit rolls that happen to miss, not the ones that happen to hit.

As far as I know, nothing "modifies" the tohit roll. its the chance to hit that is modified. There's only one exception to that rule, and its not an exception that you'll likely see direct evidence of, and won't show itself in the combat spam as a modified tohit roll (that exception is tohit rolls used in special formulas within Requires or Magnitude clauses: people familiar with the mechanics I'm talking about will know what I'm referring to).
Well, that actually explains a lot... most of the research I've done is by using the information in the hitroll counters and in the combat logs. If the player is "hit" but it doesn't register on the logs or in the hit roll tabs (because it's not supposed to), then that drastically alters my conceptions.

Just so you understand where Evil_legacy and I are coming from, this is the equivalent of you taking your car into the mechanic and saying, "it just doesn't sound right" and having the mechanic say that it's fine. Even if there was a problem with the car, there's nothing you could do to fix it or investigate it. Your choices are to drive the car and push your thoughts aside or walk. I play this game for hours every single day and trust it to provide me the entertainment I require for the price I pay each month. I just want to make sure that everything's kosher. Again, not complaining, but I want you to understand where I'm coming from.

With that being said, thanks for the explanations.



Originally Posted by Warrior7 View Post
Well, that actually explains a lot... most of the research I've done is by using the information in the hitroll counters and in the combat logs. If the player is "hit" but it doesn't register on the logs or in the hit roll tabs (because it's not supposed to), then that drastically alters my conceptions.

Just so you understand where Evil_legacy and I are coming from, this is the equivalent of you taking your car into the mechanic and saying, "it just doesn't sound right" and having the mechanic say that it's fine. Even if there was a problem with the car, there's nothing you could do to fix it or investigate it. Your choices are to drive the car and push your thoughts aside or walk. I play this game for hours every single day and trust it to provide me the entertainment I require for the price I pay each month. I just want to make sure that everything's kosher. Again, not complaining, but I want you to understand where I'm coming from.

With that being said, thanks for the explanations.
Not a problem.

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Yeah, these rolls seems odd and I'm running out of paper since I havent figured how to record the hit roll screen. And it's lots of data, I've lost count. Few weeks dont sound like much, but when I'm playing to catch data, sometimes it takes hours of play and a few red bulls. In the end, it's like the guy that theorized that some creatures you cant see is causing illness. They threw him into the looney bin then killed him asa heritic. Years down the road, someone discovered actual basteria and he was thrown into the looney bin. Now it's common knowledge that illness can eb caused by bacteria. But hit rolls as odd as I view it, it gets the job done over all I guess. sure there is some science behind it all. This is will be my last MMORPG. Besides this game, not much out there that is as fun or entertaining.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Yeah, these rolls seems odd and I'm running out of paper since I havent figured how to record the hit roll screen. And it's lots of data, I've lost count. Few weeks dont sound like much, but when I'm playing to catch data, sometimes it takes hours of play and a few red bulls. In the end, it's like the guy that theorized that some creatures you cant see is causing illness. They threw him into the looney bin then killed him asa heritic. Years down the road, someone discovered actual basteria and he was thrown into the looney bin. Now it's common knowledge that illness can eb caused by bacteria. But hit rolls as odd as I view it, it gets the job done over all I guess. sure there is some science behind it all. This is will be my last MMORPG. Besides this game, not much out there that is as fun or entertaining.
In the Options menu, there is an option to log chat. Turn that on. Make sure you are displaying tohit rolls in a chat tab, and the tohit rolls should show up in the chat logs which will show up in \Program Files\City of Heroes\logs\game.

You should be able to see something like this in those chat logs:

08-14-2010 00:00:00 QuickEB pierces Violet Rumble for 267.71 points of lethal damage!
08-14-2010 00:00:00 QuickEB MISSES! Aimed Shot power had a 50.49% chance to hit, but rolled a 54.82.
08-14-2010 00:00:00 QuickEB MISSES! Fistful of Arrows power had a 50.49% chance to hit, but rolled a 76.10.
08-14-2010 00:00:00 QuickEB HITS you! Aimed Shot power had a 50.49% chance to hit and rolled a 10.47.
08-14-2010 00:00:00 QuickEB MISSES! Snap Shot power had a 50.49% chance to hit, but rolled a 80.60.
08-14-2010 00:00:00 QuickEB MISSES! Aimed Shot power had a 50.49% chance to hit, but rolled a 57.90.
08-14-2010 00:00:00 QuickEB MISSES! Fistful of Arrows power had a 50.49% chance to hit, but rolled a 55.72.
08-14-2010 00:00:00 QuickEB MISSES! Snap Shot power had a 50.49% chance to hit, but rolled a 74.83.
08-14-2010 00:00:00 QuickEB blasts your with their Fistful of Arrows for 243.62 points of lethal damage!
08-14-2010 00:00:00 QuickEB pierces Violet Rumble for 267.71 points of lethal damage!
08-14-2010 00:00:00 QuickEB hits you with their Grenade for 80.31 points of smashing damage!
08-14-2010 00:00:00 QuickEB hits you with their Grenade for 160.62 points of lethal damage!
08-14-2010 00:00:00 QuickEB knocks you from your feet with their Explosive Arrow attack!
As to whether the problem is that people aren't being believed, trust me when I say if I there really is a problem, I'll find it. But to be candid, the odds are not in your favor. Its almost always something else weird, or observer errors. But when a real problem existed, I've always been able to confirm it eventually. Its just that I can count all of them in and out of the tohit system on one hand.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
This sometimes confuses people who don't know how the streakbreaker works. They fire a really high accuracy attack, and then a veteran attack with no accuracy, and miss both. Then they start swinging with nothing but high accuracy attacks and while they eventually hit they wonder how they could miss three or four times in a row when the streakbreaker is supposed to make it impossible to miss twice in a row with high accuracy attacks. And the answer is, the SB doesn't take about the two misses in a row with the high accuracy attacks. It cares about the four misses in a row with the one crappy accuracy attack, which allows for longer miss streaks.
The streak breaker is a piece of crap then. This is not spelled out in plain obvious English in an easy to find source in game, and the accuracy of the attack shouldn't matter.
It should be simple enough to just count the number of misses, since its purpose was to prevent missing an inordinate amount of times.

I never knew how it really worked. I assumed, from what I heard about it maybe 2 years ago, that it was supposed to guarantee a hit after 3 misses at most.
That seemed simple enough and pretty good so I never data-mined the true behavior of it.
It's simple enough to code for that.

We can't even enhance veteran attacks for accuracy, and why have them if we're not going to use them because they screw us over?

This is one stupid mechanic that was supposed to help us but got so messed up it's useless.

Also, I keep reading all over the forums that npc enemies have a streak breaker effect too.

I really really hope they don't because that make defense sets utterly useless in my opinion. If they don't work as they are intended and as you expect because the npcs get a guaranteed hit then why bother with the misleading crap?

Why can't games be "simple to learn and hard to master" and simpler while being more fun?
I would love to have the UI simplicity of Halo or the ones I saw for DCUO in this game.
It would be great to be able to use a controller for all my powers instead of needing 3 or 4 bars of 10.

I read farther into this thread.
That sucks that npcs get streak breaker. It should only affect player attacks so we have fun and don't feel so helpless in some situations. It's just frustratign when the npcs seem to get everything and us players get nerfed or screwed over because we used a veteran attack we can't slot.

Anyway, I hate missing or hitting randomly. It would be awesome if more games could go with actual aiming like fps games.
I guess we'll have to wait for that to become more common though.

Edit 2:
Sadly logging chat seems to cause a huge amount of unnecessary lag. I had it on for a while, but turned it off because of that.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Offhand, if you're noting these results manually, you don't have enough data to justify investigation. You need to have automated capture of the data. You need many THOUSANDS of data points to even think about proving anything. Arcanaville said she routinely analyzes MILLIONS of results.
While I agree with you, IronBlade, I know that there is a difference between running simulations and actually playing the game. That's what I'm talking about here--actual game play. Simulations can only take you so far... it's the players that do "random things" that the computer has never even contemplated that changes the game. Look at how many bugs and/or cheats were discovered by players... not the computer... by people playing the game on a daily basis. Perfect examples: switching costumes while KO'd sometimes brings you back to life with full health, typing /stuck near a mob can sometimes "teleport" you away from them or through objects, and laying down an Oro portal used to generate NPC aggro... it's things like that DAILY players find--not computer simulations. Unless there's an alarm on the RNG that signals the devs when it's not functioning correctly, it will be the players who notice it first because we play the game. In order to obtain millions of results, you are definitely not using gameplay numbers--you are running computer simulations. They arent the same.

And I have to agree with Immortalus, if streakbreaker is using the attack with the lowest accuracy in a chain of attack, the veteran powers are actually a detriment because they can't be slotted or enhanced. This is really bad news for an AT with relatively no attacks (like Masterminds and bubble defenders who only have three basic attacks and scrappers/tanks that rely upon Nemesis Staff/Blackwand to provide them with at least one ranged attack).

Lastly, I do have one issue about aiming and tohit rolls--large, static objects. I'm sorry, but if I'm in a jail cell less than two feet from the door, my power shouldn't miss. The same is true for dumpsters, trucks...etc. It's frustrating when you receive three misses in a row when you are trying to hit something that in real life is IMPOSSIBLE to miss. Inanimate objects should be given a "point blank" feature that guarantees a 100% hit ratio within melee range.



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
The streak breaker is a piece of crap then. This is not spelled out in plain obvious English in an easy to find source in game, and the accuracy of the attack shouldn't matter.
Is the mere EXISTENCE of the streakbreaker mentioned anywhere in game? I don't recall ever seeing it. If the system is never even mentioned, why would you expect it to be "spelled out in plain English"?

We can't even enhance veteran attacks for accuracy,
While this is technically true, you *CAN* improve the odds of hitting with a veteran attack. You do it by changing YOUR overall odds to hit. This can be accomplished with set bonuses, which provide global accuracy (i.e. affecting all of your powers) or by powers like Tactics, Focused Accuracy, Targeting Drone, etc. Indirectly, you can also accomplish the same end result by REDUCING the defense of the enemy by debuffing them.

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Originally Posted by Warrior7 View Post
While I agree with you, IronBlade, I know that there is a difference between running simulations and actually playing the game. That's what I'm talking about here--actual game play. Simulations can only take you so far... it's the players that do "random things" that the computer has never even contemplated that changes the game. Look at how many bugs and/or cheats were discovered by players... not the computer... by people playing the game on a daily basis.

In order to obtain millions of results, you are definitely not using gameplay numbers--you are running computer simulations.
Wrong. You are correct when you say simulations are not the same. I think they would be pretty useless. The easiest way to obtain millions of REAL results is to log combat chat while playing normally.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Wrong. You are correct when you say simulations are not the same. I think they would be pretty useless. The easiest way to obtain millions of REAL results is to log combat chat while playing normally.
If that is true then either one of two things are happening: combat logs are being obtained without our knowledge (exceptionally doubtful) or people are submitting their combat logs to devs--which Arcanaville already said doesn't happen. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get millions of combat logs in a relatively (under a year) short amount of time.

World of Warcraft has the largest amount of subscribers for any MMORPG out there--in 2010 they were estimated at had 11.9 million according to PC Magazine. As of September 2008, City of Heroes had around 124,939 subscribers in the US & Europe, according to financial reports released by NCsoft in November 2008. Let's say that CoH quandrupled than number in two years and rounded it out to 500,000 subscribers. Let's guess that out of that number 50,000 accounts have dead players--subscription holds but the toons havent been played in months. Do you know how many combat logs would have to be retrieved in order to get MILLIONS of combat rolls? With a subscriber rate of half a million, just receiving three million combat rolls would be challenging.

It's simulations... unless Arcanaville says otherwise. It would be too much work to pull all of that info.



While this is technically true, you *CAN* improve the odds of hitting with a veteran attack. You do it by changing YOUR overall odds to hit. This can be accomplished with set bonuses, which provide global accuracy (i.e. affecting all of your powers) or by powers like Tactics, Focused Accuracy, Targeting Drone, etc. Indirectly, you can also accomplish the same end result by REDUCING the defense of the enemy by debuffing them.[/QUOTE]

That is true excuse.

Your statement is true, but an excuse at the same time. Sure, anyone in the game can get Tactics... a defender/controller/corruptor/mastermind cannot get focused accuracy, targeting drone, or any other power (other than Aim) to improve accuracy). Likewise, the only powers available to them that (primarily) reduce defense is Assault Rifle, storm, and radiation. Your statement is true but it's entirely depended on the AT being used. Khelds cant even use tactics in a transformed state... but then again, they can't use the vet powers either.

A VETERAN player wouldn't purchase complete IO sets for his character until that toon has ascended into at the 40 plus levels--buying them below that would just be stupid. Futhermore, those sets cost a ton of influence, which most toons dont acquire until lvl 50.

Again, you are entirely correct, but sheesh!



Originally Posted by Warrior7 View Post
While this is technically true, you *CAN* improve the odds of hitting with a veteran attack. You do it by changing YOUR overall odds to hit. This can be accomplished with set bonuses, which provide global accuracy (i.e. affecting all of your powers) or by powers like Tactics, Focused Accuracy, Targeting Drone, etc. Indirectly, you can also accomplish the same end result by REDUCING the defense of the enemy by debuffing them.

That is true excuse.

Your statement is true, but an excuse at the same time. Sure, anyone in the game can get Tactics... a defender/controller/corruptor/mastermind cannot get focused accuracy, targeting drone, or any other power (other than Aim) to improve accuracy). Likewise, the only powers available to them that (primarily) reduce defense is Assault Rifle, storm, and radiation. Your statement is true but it's entirely depended on the AT being used. Khelds cant even use tactics in a transformed state... but then again, they can't use the vet powers either.

A VETERAN player wouldn't purchase complete IO sets for his character until that toon has ascended into at the 40 plus levels--buying them below that would just be stupid. Futhermore, those sets cost a ton of influence, which most toons dont acquire until lvl 50.

Again, you are entirely correct, but sheesh!
Low level players, who need streak breaker more than anyone, also have almost no option to deal with it.

You know what?

Accuracy is finite in a power. The only difference is the value attached tot he enhancements available to you and the amount of powers you can choose.

Why do accuracy enhancements start out so worthless like every other enhancement?

When you need accuracy so badly at the lower levels you can't even enhance for it, so they had to add an overall buff to everybody that decreases with level until accuracy enhancers level up to where they should be.

Why don't they just make accuracy enhancements apply a higher value early in the game?

Players wouldn't just be automatically given an accuracy buff. They would still be encouraged to learn about slotting and do so to improve their accuracy.

Maybe accuracy enhancers could start at 20% buff instead of 8% on a TO.

8% is pitiful and practically useless.You need to use 3 of them to get anywhere, but then you have the problem of no endurance reduction which you need just as much and is just as pitiful at early levels.

No wonder everyone wants Stamina earlier.

Accuracy and endurance are major issues early on because they're absolutely essential yet the enhancements are almost worthless.

Why don't they increase the values all of those give early on without increasing the values they give at 50?

That would keep the maximum balanced, especially with ED still here, while improving the minimum to useful levels.

Can anybody tell me why that would be a bad idea?



Originally Posted by Warrior7 View Post
If that is true then either one of two things are happening: combat logs are being obtained without our knowledge (exceptionally doubtful) or people are submitting their combat logs to devs--which Arcanaville already said doesn't happen. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get millions of combat logs in a relatively (under a year) short amount of time.
I wasn't saying combat LOGS, I was saying combat ROLLS.

Do you know how many combat logs would have to be retrieved in order to get MILLIONS of combat rolls? With a subscriber rate of half a million, just receiving three million combat rolls would be challenging.
Wait, what? Do you mean LOGS or ROLLS. If you mean 'combat logs', I agree. If you mean 'combat rolls', your math fails.

It's simulations... unless Arcanaville says otherwise. It would be too much work to pull all of that info.
It's not simulations. We had a thread in the market section that was analyzing THOUSANDS of MERIT REWARD ROLLS. Each of those cost someone 20 reward merits. If we can get thousands of merit rolls, getting millions of combat rolls is a walk in the park.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I wasn't saying combat LOGS, I was saying combat ROLLS.

It's not simulations. We had a thread in the market section that was analyzing THOUSANDS of MERIT REWARD ROLLS. Each of those cost someone 20 reward merits. If we can get thousands of merit rolls, getting millions of combat rolls is a walk in the park.
Sorry for the misunderstanding... your original post said, "Log combat chat" which would seem to imply combat logs. You said nothing about combat rolls.

Again, when I hear Arcanaville say that it's not simulations, I'll believe... unless of course, you are a dev.

PS: what was the length of time for receiving the thousands of merit rolls? There's a huge difference between thousands and millions.



Originally Posted by Warrior7 View Post
Again, when I hear Arcanaville say that it's not simulations, I'll believe... unless of course, you are a dev.
Wow, get over it! Can you explain how you would even do 'simulated' rolls that actually test the game random number generator? Only the devs could do simulations of this. The only way a player can check it is by ACTUAL PLAY.

Of course, you can believe whatever you want. I understand that some people still believe the Earth is flat.

Sorry for the misunderstanding... your original post said, "Log combat chat" which would seem to imply combat logs. You said nothing about combat rolls.
The THREAD TITLE is "Random Hit roll counter". The entire thread is about hit rolls.

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This thread delivers. I love the math talk around here.

It's actually driving me to go back to school so I can meaningfully contribute, and I wish I wasn't kidding.

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



Anybody have an opinion about them raising the benefit accruacy and endurance reduction enhancers provide early on?

It would do away with the need for a degrading accuracy buff as you level and ease the problem of not having stamina while encouraging new players to learn more about enhancements and use them.
It would also encourage players to diversify their slotting early on and use those damage or other enhancers they normally don't instead of just loading up on as much accuracy and endurance reduction as possible.



Originally Posted by Warrior7 View Post
Sorry for the misunderstanding... your original post said, "Log combat chat" which would seem to imply combat logs. You said nothing about combat rolls.

Again, when I hear Arcanaville say that it's not simulations, I'll believe... unless of course, you are a dev.

PS: what was the length of time for receiving the thousands of merit rolls? There's a huge difference between thousands and millions.
Its combat logs, not simulations. If it were a simulation that I wrote, it couldn't possibly be worth anything in terms of checking the actual game server's random number generators.

During I18 beta I constructed an AE mission designed to test the limits of Fury generation. It occured to me that I could use this same mission to generate millions of tohit rolls, because I was generating several attacks per second in the combat logs; over half a million tohit rolls in a twenty four hour period.

To supplement that, I also analyzed all of my chat logs going back a couple years which are all from normal play. The normal play logs give me hundreds of thousands of tohit rolls which allow me to do some basic statistical analysis, and the AE mass combat rolls allow me to do much higher resolution analysis of the random generator itself over a short period of time.

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Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
The streak breaker is a piece of crap then. This is not spelled out in plain obvious English in an easy to find source in game, and the accuracy of the attack shouldn't matter.
As far as I can see, most of the nitty-gritty of combat mechanics seems to be not well documented in actual in-game documentation or printed manuals for most MMOs, and in particular mechanics that are added to the game after launch tend to be discussed but not always well documented officially.

And the accuracy of the attacks matter to prevent overskewing of the results. You want miss streaks to be broken quickly when the chance tohit is high because the expectation is for shorter miss streaks when net tohit is high. But you can't break similarly short miss streaks when net tohit is low because that would then increase the number of hits to unacceptably high levels for those cases.

Long ago there were a couple of independent calculations done on the streakbreaker to determine its overall impact on average tohit for NPCs. These calculations were more or less in agreement: they differed in certain assumptions about how long the average continuous attack streak was likely to be, which affects the streakbreaker's ability to see and thus truncate miss streaks. I believe the worst case scenario was somewhere around 30% net tohit which could, in some cases, experience something like 25% more hits in very long duration circumstances. As a practical matter, though, because few things actually live long enough to generate such long miss streaks, the actual increase in incoming hits was much lower than that. An AV could live long enough to trigger the streakbreaker often enough to approach the worst case scenario, but then again I don't think many players attempt to tank AVs with only 30% defense and no other meaningful protection.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Wow, get over it! Can you explain how you would even do 'simulated' rolls that actually test the game random number generator? Only the devs could do simulations of this. The only way a player can check it is by ACTUAL PLAY.

Of course, you can believe whatever you want. I understand that some people still believe the Earth is flat.


The THREAD TITLE is "Random Hit roll counter". The entire thread is about hit rolls.
First off, I know what the thread title is because I made the thread. Secondly, you'll have to forgive me if I dont trust YOUR opinion... especially considering that you are not a dev. I am open-minded enough to entertain all possibilities and that's why I said that I'll believe it when Arcanaville says it. NOT YOU.

Secondly, YOU'RE the one that messed up and said "log combat chat" instead of combat rolls. Point the finger at yourself.

Lastly, you're not a dev--I have no reason to believe anything you say. I created this thread to get the devs opinions, not yours.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Its combat logs, not simulations. If it were a simulation that I wrote, it couldn't possibly be worth anything in terms of checking the actual game server's random number generators.

During I18 beta I constructed an AE mission designed to test the limits of Fury generation. It occured to me that I could use this same mission to generate millions of tohit rolls, because I was generating several attacks per second in the combat logs; over half a million tohit rolls in a twenty four hour period.

To supplement that, I also analyzed all of my chat logs going back a couple years which are all from normal play. The normal play logs give me hundreds of thousands of tohit rolls which allow me to do some basic statistical analysis, and the AE mass combat rolls allow me to do much higher resolution analysis of the random generator itself over a short period of time.
Very nice. I can see how AE would be a greater benefit in this situation because of the ability to create larger than normal mobs to give you faster results than normal play.

Thanks again, Arcanaville, you've answered all of my questions. I'm officially done with my part of this thread.



Originally Posted by Warrior7 View Post
First off, I know what the thread title is because I made the thread. Secondly, you'll have to forgive me if I dont trust YOUR opinion... especially considering that you are not a dev. I am open-minded enough to entertain all possibilities and that's why I said that I'll believe it when Arcanaville says it. NOT YOU.
Well, yay. Now she has posted and it seems my observations were accurate.

Secondly, YOU'RE the one that messed up and said "log combat chat" instead of combat rolls. Point the finger at yourself.
No mess-up there at all. "Combat chat" is the correct phrasing.

Lastly, you're not a dev--I have no reason to believe anything you say. I created this thread to get the devs opinions, not yours.
I guess that explains your PM telling me to "SHUT THE **** UP!" When logic fails, resort to shouting.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
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Originally Posted by Warrior7 View Post
First off, I know what the thread title is because I made the thread. Secondly, you'll have to forgive me if I dont trust YOUR opinion... especially considering that you are not a dev. I am open-minded enough to entertain all possibilities and that's why I said that I'll believe it when Arcanaville says it. NOT YOU.

Secondly, YOU'RE the one that messed up and said "log combat chat" instead of combat rolls. Point the finger at yourself.

Lastly, you're not a dev--I have no reason to believe anything you say. I created this thread to get the devs opinions, not yours.
Just keep in mind, I'm not an employee of Paragon Studios. I'm just the most comprehensive tester of tohit willing to answer questions. The devs don't like touching this subject with a ten foot pole because it tends to draw them into other discussions about the whys of game implementation which they often cannot answer. I'm slightly less restricted and much more credibly deniable than, say, Television or pohsyb, and unlike them I can't be drawn into a debate about source code (because I have no direct access to source code).

But just to put my usual disclaimer, its against the rules to impersonate a dev, and also against the rules for devs to post anonymously. Not a dev.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Important to realize that the streakbreaker honors the *lowest* tohit within your current miss streak.
I do not understand the purpose for this. Why in all hells would the Streakbreaker care what the lowest tohit within the miss steak is. It seems to me that it just makes the Streakbreaker more complicated, thus more unreliable. It also removes the Streakbreaker as a tool for the player.

Example: Normal running at 95%, get debuffed down to 55% by those pain in the butt mid-teen+ CoT, and miss. Even if you were to eat a couple of yellows, or have powers that run at 75% after the debuff, you would now be locked into the 50 - 59.99 Streakbreaker until you finally hit.

Also once you realize how this system works it makes the lower Acc powers more questionable to use.

I see no benefit to a player at all with this, in fact this seems to me to be a pure lets **** the player, mechanic.



Because the Steakbreaker isn't suppose to alter the distribution of consecutive misses by a lot. In the case of 75%, it eliminates the 4 out of 4 misses which has only 0.39% of occurring.

Lets take your example. First miss is 55%, the rest at 75%.

55% puts the SB at 4 misses, 75% puts it at 3. Doesn't sound like you lost anything by missing with the 55% attack since even if your next 10 attacks are at 75%, you are still guarantee to hit with the 4th 75% attack.

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Originally Posted by Jeuraud View Post
I do not understand the purpose for this. Why in all hells would the Streakbreaker care what the lowest tohit within the miss steak is. It seems to me that it just makes the Streakbreaker more complicated, thus more unreliable. It also removes the Streakbreaker as a tool for the player.

Example: Normal running at 95%, get debuffed down to 55% by those pain in the butt mid-teen+ CoT, and miss. Even if you were to eat a couple of yellows, or have powers that run at 75% after the debuff, you would now be locked into the 50 - 59.99 Streakbreaker until you finally hit.

Also once you realize how this system works it makes the lower Acc powers more questionable to use.

I see no benefit to a player at all with this, in fact this seems to me to be a pure lets **** the player, mechanic.
Just to give my take on this, first of all the fact that the streakbreaker follows lowest tohit chance in the miss streak *doesn't* benefit the player. Its not supposed to. The streakbreaker *itself* benefits the player, at least when on offense (it hurts a bit when on defense). The streakbreaker adds hits when the random number generator otherwise says you miss. It always helps the attacker. The fact that it doesn't help as much as you want it to is a separate issue.

And why it doesn't help you as much as you seem to want to is that its only intended to "nudge" the chance tohit without skewing it all over the place. To amplify what Father Xmas posted, I dug up some quickie calculations I did on the streakbreaker from way back when it was first discussed:

SB1    SB2    M    MS1    MS2    H1    H2    HS1    HS2    SP1    SP2
0.9    1    1    0.0100    0.0000    9000    10000    50.00    0.00    0.9050    1.0000
0.8    0.9    2    0.0080    0.0010    8000    9000    26.67    3.33    0.8027    0.9003
0.6    0.8    3    0.0256    0.0016    6000    8000    64.00    4.00    0.6064    0.8004
0.4    0.6    4    0.0778    0.0102    4000    6000    155.52    20.48    0.4156    0.6020
0.3    0.4    6    0.0824    0.0280    3000    4000    117.65    39.99    0.3118    0.4040
0.2    0.3    8    0.1342    0.0404    2000    3000    149.13    44.84    0.2149    0.3045
0    0.2    100    1.0000    0.0000    0    2000    99.01    0.00    0.0099    0.2000
Sorry, Firefox is currently converting TABs to spaces and messing with the formatting. This is basically an estimate of the streakbreaker performance. SB1 and SB2 are the streakbreaker break points. M is the miss streak tolerated (the Streakbreaker will break streaks *higher* than that number). MS1 and MS2 are the probability of exceeding the streakbreaker threshold for the top and bottom of each chance band. H1 and H2 are the number of hits random chance would produce per 10,000 rolls. HS1 and HS2 are the estimated number of hits injected into the streak of swings due to the streakbreaker, which is the MS1 or MS2 probability divided by the streak length requirement (M + 1). SP1 and SP2 are the resultant actual chance to hit averaged over long runs of swings. In all cases, the SB doesn't shift the chance to hit by an overly strong amount, usually only a percentage point or so, while its breaking miss streaks. Which is its intent: to break the worst streaks of misses, without radically altering the actual number of hits and misses to the point of breaking the whole idea of chance to hit altogether.

These are just estimates. The "productivity" depends on how many actual swings you generate and the changing circumstances of those swings, and there is an independence error implicit in these calculations which I think changes things a little bit. But they are useful rules of thumb. The actual calculations for determining precisely what the streakbreaker does is slightly more complex. So much so, you're probably better off monte carlo-ing the whole thing.

As to the issue of complaining its too complicated, to be honest I find that to be a bit of a quixotic complaint. The *simple* thing to do is to not have a streakbreaker at all and let the dice fall where they may. But once players start claiming that "random" is "unfairly streaky" they are really asking for a complicated thing, whether they know it or not, whether they admit it or not, whether they understand it or not. The devs tried to put in a system where your overall chance to hit was still very close to the calculated values, but where long streaks of misses magically vanished. Satisfying both requirements simultaneously cannot be done with a simple system.

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