Random Hit roll counter




Dont know if anyone noticed or not, but the random hit roll counter is at least 10% standard calculations. My blaster has a 95% chance of hitting a possessed scientist minion of same rank. I battled this person twenty times and took the hit/miss calculations directly from the hit roll tab and dumped them into an Excel spreadsheet. The 95% actually turned into 82%!

What's worse is the defense. I've soft-capped the defense for the exact same minion and ran the numbers again. According to the hit roll tab, the scientist had a 6.51% chance of hitting me. After one hundred attempts, the enemy struck me twelve times--far more than a 6.51% chance!

Now I know what you are thinking... different attacks have different accuracy bonuses (a Warhulk's flamethrower has a smaller percentage to hit than it's chain-gun). In my calculations, I filtered out the other attacks and only used the possessed scientist's base attack (Gale in this case).

The "random" hit rolls are not generating numbers at random--this can easily be proven by looking at the tab when using hibernate. The "random" numbers are all programmed to miss when using that power. Unless the NPC's have streakbreaker, there's no way the numbers could be accurate.

Check for yourselves.



Originally Posted by Warrior7 View Post
Dont know if anyone noticed or not, but the random hit roll counter is at least 10% standard calculations. My blaster has a 95% chance of hitting a possessed scientist minion of same rank. I battled this person twenty times and took the hit/miss calculations directly from the hit roll tab and dumped them into an Excel spreadsheet. The 95% actually turned into 82%!

What's worse is the defense. I've soft-capped the defense for the exact same minion and ran the numbers again. According to the hit roll tab, the scientist had a 6.51% chance of hitting me. After one hundred attempts, the enemy struck me twelve times--far more than a 6.51% chance!

Now I know what you are thinking... different attacks have different accuracy bonuses (a Warhulk's flamethrower has a smaller percentage to hit than it's chain-gun). In my calculations, I filtered out the other attacks and only used the possessed scientist's base attack (Gale in this case).

The "random" hit rolls are not generating numbers at random--this can easily be proven by looking at the tab when using hibernate. The "random" numbers are all programmed to miss when using that power. Unless the NPC's have streakbreaker, there's no way the numbers could be accurate.

Check for yourselves.
I've checked the random number generator four times in the last six years. The most recent test for randomness was a test I completed the first phase of a few weeks ago after accumulating about 5 million random rolls (I'm eventually going to do a 100 million random roll analysis, once I have enough random rolls).

So far, I have discovered no evidence of non-random behavior. If you are logging chat and have all of the tohit rolls logged, and are willing to submit your findings to independent analysis, PM me and I will arrange to have your logs' random rolls analyzed.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I have no hard data to support it, but something seems off to me as well. When playing my new KM scrapper, I feel like I'm missing more than I should. Checking the to hit numbers in the combat tab I see my to-hit values are generally in the mid 80s. I don't seem to be hitting that often, and that number seems pretty high since I'm only level 10 and don't have any enhancements slotted. Again, I have no data to back this up with, only my perception.



Perception is the worst indicator to go by. People tend to focus on the bad things that happen like missing 7 out of 12 times and not focus on the good things that happen like hitting 30 times in a row. Over time the RNG is random. Although it may seem tilted one way or another even over a period of hundreds of rolls, when you get into hundreds of thousands and millions of rolls, it evens out.

Do the research Arcanaville has done and if you still show that the RNG is skewed, then there may be an issue. Just need a few more million to hit rolls to keep track of and you are there.



Originally Posted by Warrior7 View Post
According to the hit roll tab, the scientist had a 6.51% chance of hitting me. After one hundred attempts, the enemy struck me twelve times--far more than a 6.51% chance!

Now I know what you are thinking...
No, what I'm thinking is that 100 rolls is a ridiculously small sample. You absolutely can not draw statistical conclusions from a sample size of 100.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
No, what I'm thinking is that 100 rolls is a ridiculously small sample. You absolutely can not draw statistical conclusions from a sample size of 100.
Actually, what I'm thinking now is that it occurs to me Gale has 0.9 accuracy, even for critters. So I'm trying to figure out how a soft-capped player could end up with 6.51% tohit vs Gale. If you're genuinely defense soft-capped, 6.51% net tohit implies 1.3 accuracy from the attacker. That's what you'd get if an even level Boss was attacking you with standard attacks. I'm trying to think of a situation where you'd see 6.51% net tohit from gale being used by an minion or LT, and coming up empty.

Just to be certain, I tried this myself just now:

You activated the Elude power.
HIT Violet Rumble! Your Elude power is autohit.
Violet Rumble HITS you! Elude power was autohit.
You are now extremely Elusive, and almost impossible to hit.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Gale power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 92.87.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Charged Brawl power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 54.12.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Lightning Bolt power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 57.67.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Gale power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 15.74.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Charged Brawl power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 54.38.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Lightning Bolt power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 70.32.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Gale power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 72.13.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Charged Brawl power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 89.74.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Lightning Bolt power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 42.60.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Gale power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 46.52.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Charged Brawl power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 11.38.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Lightning Bolt power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 76.66.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Gale power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 70.19.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Charged Brawl power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 38.67.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Lightning Bolt power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 25.96.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Gale power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 7.89.
Possessed Scientist MISSES! Charged Brawl power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 15.78.
If you are really at the floor, Gale should only have a 5% chance to hit you, because its accuracy actually puts it in the hole: its actually lower than 5%, and forced to the 5% minimum floor.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Higher level mobs perhaps? Not sure on the numbers on that. Or maybe rounding up to soft cap and was actually at 43.49%?



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Higher level mobs perhaps? Not sure on the numbers on that. Or maybe rounding up to soft cap and was actually at 43.49%?
It would have to be all the way up to 42.77%, because as I mentioned Gale has 0.9 accuracy. Gale's intrinsic accuracy pulls you down closer to the 5% floor as a result: you would have to have 7.23% tohit after defense for Gale's 0.9 accuracy to pull you down to 6.51%

Or I suppose it could have been a +1 minion, and you'd then need 43.42% defense (net accuracy from a +1 minion with gale would be 0.9 * 1.1 = 0.99 accuracy).

Also, just for giggles, this is the probability of getting hit N number of times out of 100 swings if your random chance to be hit is 6.51%:

hits	chance
0	0.12%
1	0.83%
2	2.86%
3	6.51%
4	11.00%
5	14.70%
6	16.21%
7	15.15%
8	12.27%
9	8.73%
10	5.53%
11	3.15%
12	1.63%
13	0.77%
14	0.33%
15	0.13%
16	0.05%
17	0.02%
18	0.01%
There's a 1.63% chance of seeing twelve hits out of one hundred when the chance to hit per swing is 6.51%. In other words, if a thousand people conducted this experiment, sixteen of them would probably see twelve hits. Its better than even money that at least one person would see sixteen or more hits.

A test for randomness would look more like this:

If the random rolls are interpreted to be 20-sided die, number of occurances of each face:

[198539, 198910, 198751, 197766, 199010, 197988, 199547, 198867, 199220, 199015, 198970, 198529, 199134, 198124, 197778, 198720, 198576, 199444, 198715, 198950, 250]
(the 250 is due to the rare occurances of the random roll 100.00)

20-bin partition, 2-tuple correlation analysis (number of times each number follows each number in two consecutive random rolls):

[9933, 9843, 9793, 9961, 10115, 9901, 10028, 9997, 9891, 9847, 9792, 9989, 10017, 9977, 9728, 9918, 10010, 9887, 9928, 9976, 9]
[9924, 10065, 9923, 9835, 10105, 9678, 10104, 10079, 10017, 10132, 9867, 9978, 9809, 9779, 9818, 9938, 9996, 10171, 9928, 9754, 10]
[9937, 9882, 9973, 9908, 9862, 9762, 10047, 9961, 9825, 9858, 9934, 9760, 10115, 9977, 9788, 9998, 9915, 10048, 10157, 10033, 11]
[10099, 9904, 9704, 9824, 9622, 9905, 9897, 9952, 10057, 9870, 10025, 9935, 9659, 10067, 9846, 9934, 9735, 9964, 9853, 9900, 14]
[10188, 9975, 9893, 9811, 10131, 9807, 9946, 9999, 10047, 9947, 10063, 9966, 9865, 9782, 9798, 9997, 10048, 9863, 9931, 9937, 16]
[9762, 9840, 9973, 9905, 9911, 9878, 9959, 9846, 9969, 9938, 9957, 9860, 9906, 9950, 9908, 9944, 9846, 9862, 9929, 9824, 21]
[9851, 9922, 9957, 10046, 10071, 10019, 10079, 9975, 9942, 9936, 10041, 9998, 9961, 9886, 10052, 9776, 9827, 10128, 9951, 10117, 12]
[10057, 9837, 10065, 9906, 9849, 9872, 10029, 10013, 9760, 9832, 9933, 10011, 9928, 9864, 10059, 9929, 9923, 9989, 9982, 10019, 10]
[9830, 9940, 10078, 9874, 10046, 9877, 9988, 9928, 10134, 9960, 9988, 9811, 10127, 9910, 9885, 9892, 10058, 9894, 9909, 10080, 11]
[9721, 9881, 9912, 9910, 9890, 9878, 10153, 9910, 9875, 10080, 10053, 9870, 10054, 10020, 9979, 9992, 9957, 10044, 9811, 10014, 11]
[9986, 9914, 10004, 9943, 10102, 9875, 9863, 10072, 9951, 9995, 9856, 9932, 9936, 9832, 10050, 10095, 9949, 9994, 9820, 9788, 12]
[9996, 9843, 10007, 9946, 9933, 10003, 9946, 9920, 10019, 10026, 9958, 9801, 9741, 9909, 9830, 9916, 9844, 10043, 9949, 9887, 12]
[9966, 10032, 10077, 9831, 10032, 9990, 9938, 10000, 9947, 9972, 9922, 9851, 10029, 9945, 9793, 9834, 9915, 10030, 10045, 9974, 11]
[9825, 10016, 9895, 9881, 9785, 9849, 9987, 9642, 10063, 10020, 10014, 9867, 9751, 9790, 9868, 9959, 9968, 10048, 9896, 9991, 9]
[9847, 10014, 9908, 9627, 9819, 9828, 9886, 9923, 9856, 9925, 9672, 10045, 10088, 9859, 9960, 9865, 9919, 9904, 9976, 9847, 10]
[9814, 10061, 9939, 10013, 9858, 10027, 9890, 9821, 10091, 10028, 9795, 10089, 9961, 9736, 9972, 9916, 9862, 9884, 9973, 9978, 12]
[9924, 9954, 10007, 9913, 10027, 9968, 9934, 9846, 9880, 9856, 10053, 9923, 9991, 9909, 9912, 9793, 9855, 9977, 9749, 10092, 13]
[9921, 9994, 9826, 9880, 9912, 9937, 10073, 9916, 9985, 10046, 10095, 9960, 10154, 10055, 9798, 10021, 10083, 9910, 10041, 9824, 13]
[10090, 9981, 9933, 9767, 10014, 9855, 9877, 9916, 9904, 9983, 9845, 9898, 9984, 9923, 9880, 9999, 9950, 9874, 9972, 10054, 16]
[9862, 10003, 9871, 9971, 9916, 10062, 9910, 10134, 9986, 9753, 10093, 9976, 10044, 9950, 9841, 9994, 9900, 9917, 9903, 9847, 17]
Number of times every single roll shows up from 0.00 to 100.00:

236 380 555 346 376 483 362 373 349 500 376 363 368 451 376 352 461 394 357 353 516 371 363 492 375 367 353 474 356 365 370 468 350 392 502 380 331 321 513 361 392 339 499 351 358 482 351 372 343 476 359 377 468 345 351 371 488 376 367 386 454 364 341 467 376 379 355 487 365 423 478 372 361 349 514 377 351 366 479 386 384 498 383 361 378 472 358 379 429 498 352 346 464 349 386 395 478 370 364 475 
340 391 348 501 386 387 368 476 345 399 479 337 380 369 458 364 349 494 346 334 384 479 363 346 360 473 343 388 481 379 370 392 486 369 354 346 462 324 379 467 367 363 344 479 373 334 443 390 410 366 481 348 395 370 475 362 392 463 401 390 347 455 342 335 495 327 390 376 504 383 389 360 510 353 391 488 379 351 355 465 346 379 354 508 347 349 482 379 362 377 513 378 385 457 376 392 367 467 367 363 
357 434 375 366 514 368 352 339 472 390 359 511 399 357 366 460 366 358 355 528 364 361 485 348 372 377 504 393 358 471 356 389 353 469 360 410 382 462 353 350 491 373 367 386 502 356 384 347 470 366 404 472 373 373 360 465 395 385 512 395 368 367 499 376 366 372 462 376 334 474 382 345 351 497 353 355 444 365 382 366 494 339 376 375 452 346 376 492 371 361 385 433 385 368 368 493 370 352 509 343 
361 384 469 346 368 530 343 367 339 467 359 361 347 447 351 352 468 383 358 361 479 382 325 535 383 382 376 486 373 341 357 468 361 341 452 380 346 347 525 375 394 367 460 370 379 506 359 354 356 547 353 346 503 369 362 359 454 366 331 402 498 359 372 466 383 413 349 486 366 345 473 349 395 318 509 335 346 362 481 332 393 458 351 347 348 494 335 359 349 467 386 392 450 363 369 363 497 385 356 507 
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490 354 348 357 498 348 361 504 362 357 390 502 354 359 354 505 332 343 474 365 340 377 492 353 352 483 349 383 378 468 353 348 383 477 369 388 510 341 376 386 505 354 390 382 498 391 390 461 366 356 363 486 386 391 498 373 322 392 456 368 344 357 499 361 360 468 391 351 401 462 349 371 487 360 356 372 494 386 354 371 476 389 373 507 370 364 393 492 379 395 387 514 360 381 464 357 345 386 523 376 
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391 372 385 477 366 348 503 321 379 385 503 379 354 487 323 386 376 508 370 358 391 481 386 360 473 354 361 356 500 382 417 477 345 345 346 472 390 355 353 508 346 375 486 364 344 370 496 380 384 347 488 355 351 468 372 362 338 494 359 358 520 367 365 389 519 379 373 367 454 371 348 455 419 355 325 466 330 391 446 348 386 366 511 371 386 379 449 388 373 449 357 345 369 494 382 348 403 455 336 385 
460 378 374 379 484 343 374 471 367 366 353 473 337 364 401 467 345 349 485 390 399 358 478 372 391 487 360 371 350 504 322 381 370 501 371 310 495 345 346 322 506 364 347 398 467 373 339 531 351 362 331 479 345 362 476 377 380 397 482 367 352 363 483 366 361 472 384 381 325 495 363 356 417 347 359 343 458 360 361 355 497 361 365 470 340 382 379 511 354 348 477 343 366 384 518 375 354 349 498 368 
368 522 396 348 371 474 363 380 344 497 350 373 491 364 342 340 474 332 348 478 379 358 355 477 391 389 350 503 364 350 485 358 398 381 462 378 366 504 395 363 372 490 358 375 366 480 356 361 459 379 358 358 525 360 342 355 507 343 336 472 361 364 370 503 368 357 438 380 334 372 430 335 352 347 456 405 338 484 344 344 388 465 363 358 491 357 364 350 485 380 354 380 494 376 391 479 364 375 366 453 
386 376 347 508 351 354 486 360 359 359 460 387 363 453 425 353 339 467 330 388 376 502 364 368 483 360 357 344 472 378 333 503 379 344 377 479 389 362 346 495 374 391 490 329 412 359 450 381 334 365 496 331 360 502 376 367 356 488 349 384 491 364 393 341 469 374 370 320 504 340 375 488 372 379 362 530 349 412 484 359 387 353 481 370 366 347 478 338 390 514 365 323 377 498 366 383 482 362 400 341 
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360 363 447 392 414 354 478 357 350 508 355 345 367 480 368 332 465 386 404 382 434 344 362 361 518 397 397 495 378 353 369 469 343 341 369 508 395 381 475 358 384 370 490 378 374 504 379 367 374 481 342 345 362 512 358 404 481 393 360 340 488 362 351 519 363 379 387 456 353 371 361 451 346 355 502 356 353 374 460 368 364 442 354 372 358 506 370 349 327 496 369 365 529 358 342 349 470 336 366 374 
503 375 375 540 345 350 352 477 364 342 485 352 351 399 488 364 378 369 499 363 332 517 356 359 350 475 379 361 536 338 392 340 464 371 336 352 481 355 371 501 364 365 361 506 376 347 364 479 362 344 515 377 400 348 492 388 347 489 376 356 389 509 367 388 390 460 349 392 438 384 343 331 448 358 358 521 400 373 370 532 338 378 348 503 369 382 478 359 356 353 489 345 320 364 463 337 316 490 353 374 
366 505 395 349 526 350 364 372 480 373 359 349 517 343 375 507 353 402 359 492 358 340 498 354 365 359 486 342 357 343 497 351 375 477 329 394 344 506 369 347 366 505 397 383 500 372 375 388 501 382 371 478 365 386 375 495 344 344 365 503 412 350 464 352 375 384 476 369 361 470 375 340 379 477 356 354 383 497 333 370 500 362 348 351 490 377 387 352 491 341 345 483 403 342 385 511 369 353 485 352 
366 401 529 376 355 369 465 386 361 472 351 341 353 489 371 321 456 355 371 340 458 366 346 372 470 350 354 495 388 364 354 498 376 363 492 364 372 338 510 371 392 328 485 358 342 499 393 354 369 521 356 388 385 460 335 368 496 372 378 334 470 360 389 503 372 321 374 467 366 397 351 489 354 377 457 359 407 366 503 384 375 497 350 372 342 470 351 350 365 513 375 362 483 343 353 346 520 367 403 368 
449 346 361 506 372 356 382 493 382 360 487 397 375 367 492 366 345 374 511 366 375 459 405 389 357 445 387 331 511 362 358 389 517 333 387 367 477 365 382 524 388 377 401 466 362 380 353 460 366 352 524 379 328 383 488 373 356 504 374 361 372 500 346 353 335 478 392 385 475 378 377 362 503 395 356 456 347 380 355 492 343 389 349 519 378 389 472 356 368 395 485 382 346 519 363 348 350 456 385 383 
355 495 371 366 462 354 351 372 490 420 372 357 495 373 379 476 373 359 377 481 348 367 491 385 337 353 440 370 358 392 482 364 358 475 359 331 357 493 334 370 516 342 386 393 472 369 325 377 435 380 371 490 344 392 363 482 373 339 359 466 364 387 506 354 374 384 479 334 361 512 351 345 356 442 382 368 395 462 366 370 528 381 364 414 478 324 364 498 344 378 400 501 341 375 369 465 378 372 465 376 
372 333 542 355 355 381 453 363 355 489 354 379 359 473 378 368 504 382 386 352 450 361 352 375 478 388 343 517 342 369 379 481 334 395 457 364 370 375 525 365 380 367 484 367 378 474 368 347 382 495 380 369 402 494 399 359 495 351 360 339 470 348 373 462 373 329 375 477 360 325 361 448 329 363 447 341 355 367 529 406 374 485 387 372 350 468 388 387 386 461 401 355 449 360 367 343 450 362 340 516 
355 349 397 509 375 387 343 498 379 392 461 359 353 375 528 340 385 369 466 379 350 495 364 378 346 460 342 339 505 384 354 368 520 401 382 365 468 350 355 528 365 345 388 455 373 381 520 334 350 350 483 349 386 373 472 351 356 511 384 372 364 489 348 371 344 464 330 354 468 346 340 378 437 354 329 466 324 356 333 484 361 366 362 474 376 378 471 334 365 349 508 363 349 495 345 363 380 484 362 352 
365 452 375 367 454 333 383 329 500 389 339 372 473 358 331 480 344 344 387 492 359 373 531 361 377 357 463 346 325 371 494 375 372 504 376 339 382 515 373 396 513 365 365 382 472 372 369 358 466 389 355 466 351 365 356 463 359 352 361 464 343 394 484 373 353 365 495 361 356 526 403 363 345 470 348 359 368 463 368 358 484 365 354 358 462 369 372 494 413 366 350 507 386 379 355 458 371 360 475 388 
357 385 522 377 349 375 468 357 382 480 371 346 361 487 360 352 468 342 374 377 452 365 359 336 473 330 348 479 377 325 385 487 353 401 507 378 384 351 479 351 391 363 478 342 361 490 385 398 395 487 370 321 488 351 349 387 435 356 352 359 517 385 351 497 380 365 355 458 314 370 381 506 341 371 521 370 393 338 498 364 364 483 376 339 363 490 378 371 338 502 395 382 510 365 367 388 472 373 393 491 
348 374 374 506 321 398 363 463 404 336 471 348 327 392 474 357 361 379 489 352 358 502 359 371 395 541 345 367 531 359 340 368 480 368 350 363 473 378 364 479 376 358 368 522 365 373 487 376 362 307 475 361 383 410 457 361 396 445 354 351 381 450 376 376 381 477 377 341 474 340 366 374 527 366 362 517 350 319 378 501 347 354 376 507 352 368 500 368 382 390 498 345 366 482 364 374 372 486 379 373 
357 463 385 347 519 367 371 363 497 367 365 472 363 395 371 443 383 331 377 456 384 371 450 366 362 378 489 338 396 348 465 390 374 462 349 335 345 493 340 366 463 366 370 361 477 394 370 347 529 390 380 502 387 354 346 480 336 399 474 369 346 339 462 348 376 363 472 379 367 493 387 340 352 489 382 369 344 492 366 372 496 337 374 369 474 377 355 450 345 388 384 475 353 348 381 478 373 367 430 360 
358 382 507 367 392 532 384 346 351 441 373 354 362 455 341 341 510 329 360 346 479 357 330 380 504 362 389 484 369 358 366 515 334 342 486 352 365 350 509 361 383 357 479 333 380 478 320 382 363 487 382 363 477 358 334 361 500 354 392 365 483 343 380 490 408 351 376 487 360 367 397 477 390 359 493 362 358 378 489 342 363 515 393 369 333 533 329 385 356 488 388 371 435 337 378 371 511 345 380 488 
390 334 365 469 368 370 315 479 366 353 478 388 337 366 489 401 359 457 330 354 337 460 361 351 340 443 371 367 482 346 393 370 500 352 351 383 507 324 382 487 329 368 363 497 378 381 482 371 351 373 488 370 331 384 518 371 364 531 366 364 388 492 343 367 505 377 358 387 489 375 390 374 517 400 374 476 384 380 346 473 368 346 357 454 350 383 490 327 337 395 483 382 349 500 329 383 405 494 363 350 
356 489 369 362 495 350 407 380 479 365 347 487 372 359 405 474 347 376 383 467 362 350 493 389 377 373 501 367 358 363 487 386 349 501 354 362 344 485 369 384 496 364 375 356 486 384 387 373 452 378 386 448 340 356 336 444 332 351 482 380 365 345 498 354 371 339 471 342 368 482 367 367 369 482 369 396 409 513 361 361 483 355 371 382 508 339 351 521 350 363 376 470 384 371 380 464 390 362 504 374 250
Sample size: 3,974,803 to hit rolls.

If you look at the numbers above, you can start to see the "beat" pattern I mentioned in my last post regarding the "randomness" of the rand(). I believe that is an artifact of the round-off formula and the binary conversion to decimal, and not a defect of the rand itself. It only affects the least significant digit of the random roll, and in a pattern not decimally aligned (meaning: as I said originally, no one could possibly notice without doing what I just did above). The distribution is otherwise apparently random, and certainly random enough for tohit rolls.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I can't argue with cold hard facts but I certainly seem to be missing more. Several times I have whiffed 5 times in a row, which I thought wasn't supposed to happen.



Originally Posted by Hy-Beams View Post
I can't argue with cold hard facts but I certainly seem to be missing more. Several times I have whiffed 5 times in a row, which I thought wasn't supposed to happen.
The Streak Breaker should prevent that unless your net tohit drops below 40%.

Important to realize that the streakbreaker honors the *lowest* tohit within your current miss streak. An example illustrates the point. Suppose you attack something with an attack that has a 95% chance to hit, and you get unlucky and miss. Many people assume the streakbreaker now *guarantees* the next attack will hit, but that's not exactly true. It will *if* the next swing *also* has a 90% or better net chance tohit. If so, then the SB will guarantee that swing hits, because the SB prevents miss streaks longer than one miss from attacks with higher than 90% net chance to hit the target.

But suppose you swing with a lower accuracy attack, one with a net overall chance to hit the target of only 85%? Well, you have one miss in a row, and your current attack only has 85% chance, and the SB will tolerate as many as two misses for such attacks, so you're still allowed to miss. And what if you then swing with an even worse attack, and it has only 75% chance to hit the target? That's right, you could miss again.

What's more, the SB factors in the *worst* attack in the chain, not the best and not the most recent. So suppose you swing with brawl, and brawl has nothing slotted into it at all and somehow Brawl only has a 15% chance to hit the target. According to the streakbreaker, you can now be allowed to miss up to one hundred times in a row before it is willing to step in and force a guaranteed hit. So even if the next 99 swings are with ultrahigh accuracy and you have a 95% chance to hit the target, if you really are that unlucky that you keep rolling snake eyes, you'll keep missing. Of course, to miss 99 times in a row with an attack that has a 95% chance to hit the target would make you the unluckiest person on the planet, but the streakbreaker will not bail you out. Not on that particular miss streak, because it has been "poisoned" by that very low accuracy attack.

This sometimes confuses people who don't know how the streakbreaker works. They fire a really high accuracy attack, and then a veteran attack with no accuracy, and miss both. Then they start swinging with nothing but high accuracy attacks and while they eventually hit they wonder how they could miss three or four times in a row when the streakbreaker is supposed to make it impossible to miss twice in a row with high accuracy attacks. And the answer is, the SB doesn't take about the two misses in a row with the high accuracy attacks. It cares about the four misses in a row with the one crappy accuracy attack, which allows for longer miss streaks.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I've checked the random number generator four times in the last six years. The most recent test for randomness was a test I completed the first phase of a few weeks ago after accumulating about 5 million random rolls (I'm eventually going to do a 100 million random roll analysis, once I have enough random rolls).

So far, I have discovered no evidence of non-random behavior. If you are logging chat and have all of the tohit rolls logged, and are willing to submit your findings to independent analysis, PM me and I will arrange to have your logs' random rolls analyzed.
I will definitely PM you for that analysis.

Part of the problem that I am seeing (and I've petitioned this several times and didnt get an answer) is that I'm receiving a "double" roll for a single hit. The controller power, Deceive, shows this the best--but I've seen it scattered across a few other powersets as well. If you try to deceive a target, you get this on the hit roll screen:

MISSED Possessed Scientist!! Your Deceive power had a 20.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 87.69.
HIT Possessed Scientist! Your Deceive power had a 95.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 65.89.

That result comes from ONE use of the power on one target. So which one is the correct one? This is another reason why I believe the counter is skewed... if both are being registered--or even one counting while the other is "dismissed"--you can't tell me that it won't affect the results.



Originally Posted by Warrior7 View Post
I will definitely PM you for that analysis.

Part of the problem that I am seeing (and I've petitioned this several times) is that I'm receiving a "double" roll for a single hit. The controller power, Deceive, shows this the best--but I've seen it scattered across a few other powersets as well. If you try to deceive a target, you get this on the hit roll screen:

MISSED Possessed Scientist!! Your Deceive power had a 20.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 87.69.
HIT Possessed Scientist! Your Deceive power had a 95.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 65.89.

That result comes from ONE use of the power on one target. So which one is the correct one? This is another reason why I believe the counter is skewed... if both are being registered--or even one counting while the other is "dismissed"--you can't tell me that it won't affect the results.
I bet you have Coersive or Malaise proc in deceive. So one hit roll for power itself, another (20%) is for proc.



Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
I bet you have Coersive or Malaise proc in deceive. So one hit roll for power itself, another (20%) is for proc.
You would be incorrect on that... here's what I have:

Coercive Persuasion: Confuse (Superior) ,
Coercive Persuasion: Confuse/Recharge (Superior) ,
Coercive Persuasion: Confuse/Recharge/Accuracy (Superior) ,
Coercive Persuasion: Recharge/Accuracy (Superior) ,
Coercive Persuasion: Confuse/Endurance (Superior)

I DO NOT have the contagious confusion proc. I only have these enhancements. Therefore, there shouldn't be an additional power being counted.



Originally Posted by Warrior7 View Post
You would be incorrect on that... here's what I have:

Coercive Persuasion: Confuse (Superior) ,
Coercive Persuasion: Confuse/Recharge (Superior) ,
Coercive Persuasion: Confuse/Recharge/Accuracy (Superior) ,
Coercive Persuasion: Recharge/Accuracy (Superior) ,
Coercive Persuasion: Confuse/Endurance (Superior)

I DO NOT have the contagious confusion proc. I only have these enhancements. Therefore, there shouldn't be an additional power being counted.
Controller's chance for "overpowered" then?



It's due to controller's 'overpower'

Every controller control has a chance to deal an extra mag 1 mez on top of the base hit.

Decieve has a 20% chance for it.

(Generally it's 20%, though for some, like AoE immobilize, it's 50%)

You will also see this occurance in anything that has an extra chance to do something.

IE: energy melee bone smasher, 60% chance for stun, would have an extra 60% to-hit roll to check the stun



Originally Posted by Tylerst View Post
It's due to controller's 'overpower'

Every controller control has a chance to deal an extra mag 1 mez on top of the base hit.

Decieve has a 20% chance for it.

(Generally it's 20%, though for some, like AoE immobilize, it's 50%)

You will also see this occurance in anything that has an extra chance to do something.

IE: energy melee bone smasher, 60% chance for stun, would have an extra 60% to-hit roll to check the stun
Very nice, I never knew that.

So I'm guessing this has it's own separate hitroll and is not affected by streakbreaker or the ilk. I'm also assuming (yeah, I know... never assume) that the number isn't affected by tohit buffs or powers like Tactics. Is that correct?

One more thing, according to paragonwiki, NPC's also have streakbreaker. How is this factored into hit rolls?



Originally Posted by Warrior7 View Post
Very nice, I never knew that.
A lot of people forget, actually.

So I'm guessing this has it's own separate hitroll and is not affected by streakbreaker or the ilk. I'm also assuming (yeah, I know... never assume) that the number isn't affected by tohit buffs or powers like Tactics. Is that correct?
Yes, and yes. And just to be clear, as mentioned above whenever the combat engine makes a tohit roll on your behalf, even if it isn't strictly speaking to see if an attack actually hits, you'll see those messages in your combat chat. So overpower, scrapper crits, percentage chance stuns, any effect that has a less than 100% chance to hit will likely show a roll in the combat chat which states whether that specific effect actually occurs or not. It does not affect random rolls that are unrelated to a power hitting a target.

One more thing, according to paragonwiki, NPC's also have streakbreaker. How is this factored into hit rolls?
The streakbreaker is built into the combat engine. Anything that attacks anything is affected by it.

The streakbreaker doesn't affect tohit rolls. If the streakbreaker decides your next attack will be a forced hit, the game engine doesn't bother making a roll at all. The SB doesn't "modify" the tohit roll to force the hit: that attack essentially becomes an autohitting attack.

The streakbreaker affects attacks not players or critters, and affects all attacks that must make a tohit roll to hit the target (i.e. attacks that are not autohit). The streakbreaker only affects miss-streaks: it will break a streak of misses and inject a hit if the miss streak exceeds its parameters (which vary based on your worst tohit requirement of the miss streak as described above) and does not affect hits: it will never convert a hit into a miss.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The streakbreaker doesn't affect tohit rolls. If the streakbreaker decides your next attack will be a forced hit, the game engine doesn't bother making a roll at all. The SB doesn't "modify" the tohit roll to force the hit: that attack essentially becomes an autohitting attack.
That's interesting. If the game actually doesn't roll for forced hits... then we should be able to recognize streakbreaker-enforced hits in the combat log!

I can't remember ever seeing something like that, but of course it's quite possible that I missed the occurrences the streakbreaker actually had to do something for me. (I don't watch the combat log all the time...)

Does anybody have a record of such an event (a power being declared autohit even though it usually isn't)?




Originally Posted by Ten__ View Post
[color=lightblue]That's interesting. If the game actually doesn't roll for forced hits... then we should be able to recognize streakbreaker-enforced hits in the combat log!
Absolutely. It's phrased something like: "Hit! Your Hack attack was forced to hit by the streakbreaker."

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ten__ View Post
That's interesting. If the game actually doesn't roll for forced hits... then we should be able to recognize streakbreaker-enforced hits in the combat log!

I can't remember ever seeing something like that, but of course it's quite possible that I missed the occurrences the streakbreaker actually had to do something for me. (I don't watch the combat log all the time...)

Does anybody have a record of such an event (a power being declared autohit even though it usually isn't)?

09-01-2010 23:45:27 Decoy: HIT Sister Psyche! Your Hurl power was forced to hit by streakbreaker.
09-02-2010 00:00:29 Decoy: HIT Back Alley Brawler! Your Hurl power was forced to hit by streakbreaker.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Absolutely. It's phrased something like: "Hit! Your Hack attack was forced to hit by the streakbreaker."
Yes, but the opposite isn't true... if you are protected from hits (or if the NPC is protected from the power) the combat log doesn't say, "Protected" or "Cannot be used" instead it generates a number that cannot fall into the "hitting" range.

I've noticed with with Hibernate specifically--it's a power I use a lot. I haven't been hit once while in the middle of it (though I've been killed many times while activating it but that's a subject for another forum). Instead of it generating a message saying "you are protected from hits," the hitroll counter never allows the NPC to land a successful hit... which is part of my confusion with the hit roll generator.

Case in point... A lvl 50 blaster in hibernate against a group of lvl 54 bosses:

Gunslinger MISSES! Incendiary Round power had a 29.78% chance to hit, but rolled a 56.20.
Gunslinger MISSES! Explosive Tip power had a 29.78% chance to hit, but rolled a 42.22.
Tactical Operative MISSES! Brawl power had a 70.13% chance to hit, but rolled a 92.22.
Operation Officer MISSES! Brawl power had a 80.69% chance to hit, but rolled a 81.37.
actical Operative MISSES! Adv Assault Rifle power had a 15.53% chance to hit, but rolled a 30.12.
Tactical Operative MISSES! Brawl power had a 70.13% chance to hit, but rolled a 72.12.
Tactical Operative MISSES! Taser power had a 22.98% chance to hit, but rolled a 30.58.
Operation Officer MISSES! Taser power had a 26.44% chance to hit, but rolled a 31.81.
Tactical Operative MISSES! Brawl power had a 65.50% chance to hit, but rolled a 82.70.
Gunslinger MISSES! Explosive Tip power had a 20.91% chance to hit, but rolled a 66.04.
Tactical Operative MISSES! Taser power had a 22.98% chance to hit, but rolled a 69.55.
Operation Officer MISSES! Brawl power had a 75.37% chance to hit, but rolled a 85.59.

This goes on the entire time I'm in hibernate. Now if I go to Talos and rough up a group of lvl 21 Tsoo with a 5% chance of hitting me, I'll get hit at least one time in thirty seconds (depending on the size of the group). This confuses me. So I'm thinking that the hit roll counter "knows" when to hit and when not to hit. This is show in Arcanaville's posting where Elude is used and the NPC's miss every time.

The inverse of this is also true. I took on a lvl 52 Class Titan and my flame powers missed each time... in exactly the same manner as hibernate. So I took it one step farther... I went to Sirens Call with my Ill/Storm and tried to deceive a villain drone. After twelve attempts, I landed a successful hit but a message popped up saying that the drone could not be deceived or confused. If that's the case, why show the hit rolls?



how and where do we turn this data in. I've been watching my numbers closely past few weeks and writing down the numbers, calculating and such.
Findings in short-player rolls are over estimated and usually end up ten-12% under than what the number suggest. And NPC rolls, including pets, seems to be understated i nthe hit roll log. Many times, a npc have 5-7% to hit and it hits way more than that. while when the player side have 5-7% to hit, it might as well be nill. The NPC seems to roll low numbers quite more often than the player.

Just now, I had 90%-95% to hit, and four times within a very short time, had to have the power force hit. Had three force hits in a row then the fourth force hit cam three mobs later, with misses in between. Havent analyzed this current data but rough counting of the misses and hits over all powers, about 50%. far from 90-95% chance.

The first time I noticed, took it "oh just a bad streak. But after paying close attention, this is more than just bad streaks.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
how and where do we turn this data in. I've been watching my numbers closely past few weeks and writing down the numbers, calculating and such.
Offhand, if you're noting these results manually, you don't have enough data to justify investigation. You need to have automated capture of the data. You need many THOUSANDS of data points to even think about proving anything. Arcanaville said she routinely analyzes MILLIONS of results.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Warrior7 View Post
Yes, but the opposite isn't true... if you are protected from hits (or if the NPC is protected from the power) the combat log doesn't say, "Protected" or "Cannot be used" instead it generates a number that cannot fall into the "hitting" range.

I've noticed with with Hibernate specifically--it's a power I use a lot. I haven't been hit once while in the middle of it (though I've been killed many times while activating it but that's a subject for another forum). Instead of it generating a message saying "you are protected from hits," the hitroll counter never allows the NPC to land a successful hit... which is part of my confusion with the hit roll generator.
No, that's not what's happening. Look closer. If an attack actually lands on you while Hibernate is up, the combat chat doesn't print anything at all. I think that is a bug, in other cases where the target is unaffected by the attack something prints (at least as of the last time I recall) but I confirmed the behavior of Hibernate just now. If the attacker misses you'll get a combat spam message with the miss message. But if it hits you there's no message at all. So you'll only see the tohit rolls that happen to miss, not the ones that happen to hit.

As far as I know, nothing "modifies" the tohit roll. its the chance to hit that is modified. There's only one exception to that rule, and its not an exception that you'll likely see direct evidence of, and won't show itself in the combat spam as a modified tohit roll (that exception is tohit rolls used in special formulas within Requires or Magnitude clauses: people familiar with the mechanics I'm talking about will know what I'm referring to).

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Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
how and where do we turn this data in. I've been watching my numbers closely past few weeks and writing down the numbers, calculating and such.
Findings in short-player rolls are over estimated and usually end up ten-12% under than what the number suggest. And NPC rolls, including pets, seems to be understated i nthe hit roll log. Many times, a npc have 5-7% to hit and it hits way more than that. while when the player side have 5-7% to hit, it might as well be nill. The NPC seems to roll low numbers quite more often than the player.

Just now, I had 90%-95% to hit, and four times within a very short time, had to have the power force hit. Had three force hits in a row then the fourth force hit cam three mobs later, with misses in between. Havent analyzed this current data but rough counting of the misses and hits over all powers, about 50%. far from 90-95% chance.

The first time I noticed, took it "oh just a bad streak. But after paying close attention, this is more than just bad streaks.
Really, there's nowhere to turn such data in. After all these years of such observations never panning out**, I doubt anyone will take them seriously. Particularly without statistically air tight evidence. The only person that continues to take this remotely seriously is probably me, and even I will not conduct an investigation based solely on observational evidence unless the observer is known to me to be a trained observer of such things. I'll only investigate actual combat logs, and only if they are long enough to give me sufficient context to rule out all other possible sources of the problem.

As to your specific observations, most of my observations are NPC rolls, not player rolls, and in those cases the NPCs are rolling every range of numbers equally often. Furthermore, their last roll doesn't bias the next roll: the odds of rolling high or low are equal regardless of the previous roll. Its theoretically possible that player tohit rolling could be different than NPC player rolling, but I consider that highly unlikely due to the way the game actually performs tohit rolls, which is to say to the best of my knowledge the game engine doesn't know when its rolling who is doing the rolling.

** As far as I know, reports of accuracy or tohit "not working right" have only panned out twice in the history of the game: the first time long ago when the type-stacking bug was discovered, and the second time when I investigated the mechanics of luck inspirations. And in both cases, the random number generator itself was exonerated as being the source of the problem.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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