Great Duo team for just starting out




Wife and I just bought this game and are loving it! We are both playing dual pistol/radiation corruptors. While its fun, we are only at level 17 and feel that we could be a better combo together! Like the title says, what Archtypes would you all reccomend us playing together as?

I appreciate any ideas, we are loving the Going Rogue expansion! Thanks in advance!!

PS: We are very new to the game but have alot of MMO exp.... Thanks again all!



Long run I say 2 empathy/sonic defendeers will be the best bet. They are on par with other players up to about 12, and at that point, they pick up a bit with the power fortitude. At 18, they pick up the pace again with Recovery Aura. Using it as a cycle between you two will be better than stacking them both at once. At 32 is when the combo really shines, because you can both get Adrenaline Boost, which will increase your recharge rate, regeneration, and recovery substantially. If you both get the leadership pool powers, and get Weave from the fighting pool, you will be able to cap your defenses as well.

IMO, the best way to make that particular combo work is to grab the Fighting, Leadership, Speed, and Leaping pools. Hasten and Adrenaline Boost will make each other perma, while Combat Jumping, Weave, and Maneuvers will cap your defenses and Assault and Tactics increase your damage and accuracy.

If you haven't already, I would download Mid's Hero Designer, as it will let you plan out what powers you get and when, as well as what enhancements you can use.



Dual Pistol/rad corrs, as a pair, will actually be hideously powerful. The thing to realize is that debuffs and buffs in this game are TREMENDOUSLY powerful compared to most games.

Enervating Field, for instance, adds 22.5% [a little less for higher-con enemies] to the TOTAL damage EVERYONE does to the badguys in a reasonable radius around the enemy. Your buddy's Enervating Field will add another 22.5%.

Radiation Infection, if properly slotted once you get to level 22 or so, knocks their chance to hit down to about 1/5 what it was. Two radiation infections will knock the enemies down to the legal minimum against nearly anything you will fight in the game.

(There's a lot of complexity in the to-hit equation. As my high school physics teacher used to say, "I've only lied a little bit here." )

So while two emp/sonics are ridiculously good and you can do what Pyro Master mentioned [it's called a "Green Machine" build and it doesn't work in any other context than multiple empaths], the characters you have should be able to rip up damn near anything the game throws at you .

Go forth and shoot people.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



We were toying with the idea of going maybe two masterminds also? We have been playing the dual pistols/ rad alot and feel incredibly squishy.. but thats cause we didnt take that area affect -hit debuff. The dual pistols are flashy and cool but, seems kinda to be a let down lol (maybe we should have went fire) Doh! Again, we are open to any and all recomendations. Thanks so far for your help guys



I figured out why everyone goes with emp....its a drooling mans Powerset....even complete morons can figure out that low powered set......



I suggest you push your characters up to 20 to unlock the Soldier of Arachnos villain epic archetypes, they're always fantastic to team with their Tactical Training abilities, they'd go great with each other, or with MMs, who would take particular advantage of it on their pets.

Edit: Although, now that I think about it, up until Lv 24 SoAs are fairly difficult to play...



Not sure what the rules are. If you want matching toons I would say:

Fire/Dark Corrupters
Rad/Dark Corrupters
Fire/Rad Controllers
2 Crabs (Villain epic archtype)

Dark Miasma is a nice set, you only have one anchor to contend with as opposed to 2 with rad (3 if you're using lingering rad on a regular basis). Those anchors can seem to take forever to set up while you could be killing. Tar Pit & Rain of Fire is a nasty combo from just one corrupter, from 2... silliness. Personally, I think that scourge (corrupter passive ability) gives them an edge over defenders in a small team/duo setting.

Fire/Rad controllers are a stand by for regular teaming. Accelerate metabolism is available early for +Recov and choking cloud gets better and better the more you pile on.

For contrast sets, I would say:

Anything/Anything Brute & Anything/Kin corrupter

A brute is still the only AT that can eat a saturated fulcrum shift and ask for seconds, even with the adjustment to their damage cap.

The toons you are playing now though (DP/Rad) are a solid option. The only problem I have with DP as a set is the redraw. I always feel stuck in modes while playing sets with redraw. I try and do all my supporting, and then all my attacking, as opposed to playing to the situation at hand. Sticking with those 2 is a good option as long as you enjoy the animations.

I would also second the mids hero designer advice, it's priceless.

Feel free to look me up in game if you like. I generally run on freedom, would be glad to answer any questions you might have. Forgot to add my global it @Krukut



Originally Posted by Wootafoo View Post
We were toying with the idea of going maybe two masterminds also? We have been playing the dual pistols/ rad alot and feel incredibly squishy.. but thats cause we didnt take that area affect -hit debuff. The dual pistols are flashy and cool but, seems kinda to be a let down lol (maybe we should have went fire) Doh! Again, we are open to any and all recomendations. Thanks so far for your help guys
If you want to try something completely different:

I'd say try a fire/kin controller and a spines/invuln scrapper. There is much to love there.



Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
I figured out why everyone goes with emp....its a drooling mans Powerset....even complete morons can figure out that low powered set......
Emp on it's own ain't great. But multiple ones buffing each other are about as far from "low powered" as you can get in this game...



Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
I figured out why everyone goes with emp....its a drooling mans Powerset....even complete morons can figure out that low powered set......
Ah, you hear but you don't listen. Try getting a pal to duo them with you. Mine took one required heal at lvl 1 and no other click heal power. Never took the rez either. They beauty of the combo comes when you realize the potential of perma AB and hasten, along with double stacked leadership aiding fortitude's +tohit and +defense. You can reliably hit +4s with only one acc slot per power, and they can't even dream of hitting you. And with a +80% damage boost on you at all times (this was before adding soul drain to the mix, which is 3 seconds from perma with just SOs due to hasten/ab) that -resistance from sonic is adding quite a large amount of damage per attack.

If you want to be one of those players who thinks empathy is "weak" because some noobs like to run around with healing aura on auto and never grab any secondary powers, so be it, but you are limitting yourself by doing so.



I would Highly recommend:

A Rad/Dark Corr and a Spines/Dark Scrapper.

With lowered defense from the Radiation, lowered resistance from the dark and adding to that the ungodly aoe spray from the scrapper its a pair made in heaven.



Originally Posted by Wootafoo View Post
We were toying with the idea of going maybe two masterminds also? We have been playing the dual pistols/ rad alot and feel incredibly squishy.. but thats cause we didnt take that area affect -hit debuff. The dual pistols are flashy and cool but, seems kinda to be a let down lol (maybe we should have went fire) Doh! Again, we are open to any and all recomendations. Thanks so far for your help guys
Hey there, I usually duo with my partner so in a similar situation. Generally I find it best to pair up 2 different AT's that will support each other well. As you considering a Mastermind (MM) let me give you some thoughts in that direction:

We are currently running a Controller/Mastermind duo. Controllers (and to a lesser extent Dominators) are very good at 'proactive defence' with their holds, immobilizes and stuns. They also bring a good deal of buffing and debuffing to a team so when paired with a MM can both control the enemies as well as make those henchmen even more powerful, especially when combined with a similar controller set.

Masterminds although squishy, have their army of pets at their disposal which can effectively tank for the team. With the Controllers controls minimizing incoming damage you can really soak up a huge onslaught of enemies. We have survived lots of multiple ambushes with this. Masterminds also come with a buffing and debuffing set of their own, so this just multiplies the duos effectiveness even more.

Another reason I like this combo is both Controllers and Masterminds are late bloomers. As you level up, you are constantly gaining more and more power, much more then the standard AT. They peak very late. The Mastermind's small pack of grunts because an army to be reckoned with, the Controllers adequate control powers eventually allow them to completely lockdown a whole spawn. Their buff/debuff secondary also mature later on. So if you like to have something to strive for, these AT's are great for that.

So yeah, I fully reccomend a Controller+Mastermind duet. The sets are so good that I think any combo would work well, but let me give you a few pointers of advice just to make sure you pick a set you would enjoy:

1) Sonic Resonance, Thermal Radiation, Cold Domination and Force Fields - The shielding powers of these sets can be a "lot of hard work" when playing as or duoing with a Mastermind. You feel it necessary to keep everything shielded to perform at optimum, and this can cause a lot of downtime and buffing time. It isn't too bad to begin with, but when the MM has 4+ pets it will start to drag. I personally would avoid them for this reason, but if one of you loves buffing, they can increase the survivability of your pets by a nice amount, especially Cold and Force Fields. It just isn't the most efficient way. Force Fields is also a very passive set and while it is one of my favourites, I would definitly not reccomend it for a MM. Its effective, but very boring for that AT.

2) Avoid Empathy on the Controller. It is a good set, I have 2 Empaths myself, but in this duo you will want to keep everything healed and with no UI to manage the MM's pets it will be difficult and require a keen eye. More difficult then its worth, in my opinion. Pain Domination on the MM is a better alternative if you want one of the duo to be a super healer, as the MM has an interface that shows the pet's health, plus the MM should generally be more focused on their pets anyway.

3) Radiation, Kinetics, Storm and Trick Arrow are all good sets for the controller. Rad and Kin have area effect buffs like Accelerate Metabolim or Siphon Power which will keep buffing simple and easy, plus they have AoE heals. Rad as you know has one centered on the user, Kin has it centered on an enemy so a bit tricker to work with. However the Kin heal does heal for more and if the MM has melee pets, might actually work better. Kinetics infamous buff "Speed Boost", which increases the recharge of powers and improves endurance recovery, wont do much for the henchmen because they cannot have their powers buffed to recharge faster. This means buffing isn't tedious - although if you team it could be.

Storm and Trick arrow both add extra control and a lot of debuffing. They are also available to the Mastermind so if you wanted to double up and make a duo who have similar powers, I could see a xxx/Storm Controller and xxx/Storm Mastermind team being quite fun. Any of these 4 would be ideal with a MM though, in my opinion.

4) Traps is a very powerful secondary for a MM, so that is also worth considering. Unfortunately not available to a Controller. It starts off a bit slow with web grenade, caltrops and triage beacon, but comes into its own after with the morter, force field generator (will keep all your pets bubbled and doesn't require management) and also poison trap.

5) With secondaries out the way, you'll be pleased to know that all the primiaries for both AT's are decent. There is some variation, but you can't really go wrong. Of the control sets, Mind, Gravity and Illusion offer the controller the most damage early on. The other sets however trade that damage for more control. Fire is an outlier and is great at AoE damage with its power called "Hot Feet", but be warned its a big endurance hog early on. All of the control sets would be a viable choice though.

6) In terms of MM primaries its whatever takes your fancy. Necromancy and Ninjas are more melee focused, the others being more ranged. (Not sure about Demons sorry). Necro Zombies & Ninja need extra protection because of how they like to get up close and personal, so that is something to consider. Robots are probably the most self sufficient, with their level 12 pet being a shielder and a healer. We've had good experiences with Bots.

Anyway hope that helps! Me and my partner have almost finished Praetoria content. We rolled a Gravity/Radiation Controller, and a Robot/Traps Mastermind. The sets have been great, but they also fit their concept, which is a married couple who are scientists. I love to mix performance, with theme. :-)



How about fire/dark and fire/kin corruptors.

The debuffs will be great and all the fire aoes will decimate groups.



The area -tohit debuff from rad would have made all the difference in the world.

But if you want to try masterminds, I'd recommend thugs. The tier 2 pet (enforcers) have a leadership buff that only affects nearby thug henchmen. Meaning, you'll both have two enforcers and all of your pets will have four leadership buffs without counting any you two decide to take for yourselves.



Wow! thank you all for your great ideas!! Its been awhile since we have been apart of a great community (WoWs is pretty brutal). We are currently level 21 with our Emp/Sonic defenders and are having soooo much fun! We just finished the praetorian quest area. We basicly played all day yesterday leveling them we couldnt stop lol. We are both looking forward to trying all those are combos out.

thanks again all, we both really appreciate it



/rad static teams are very popular and the two of you could do very well with /rad toons. I might suggest maybe doing a fire/rad and a dark/rad. Fire has insane power and crazy AoE, and dark blast has a nice cone immob to keep the baddies in the rain of fire. Not to mention the -tohit from dark would help survivability.

As someone else suggested, any kind of brute paired with a fire/kin, or any /kin for that matter would be awesome. Or maybe even a spines/fire scrapper with a kin corr. There are dozens of combos that can work well together if played right.



Originally Posted by Wootafoo View Post
Wow! thank you all for your great ideas!! Its been awhile since we have been apart of a great community (WoWs is pretty brutal). We are currently level 21 with our Emp/Sonic defenders and are having soooo much fun! We just finished the praetorian quest area. We basicly played all day yesterday leveling them we couldnt stop lol. We are both looking forward to trying all those are combos out.

thanks again all, we both really appreciate it
Glad you are having fun. It is great to be able to play with a loved one, allows some really exciting combinations. :-)