Power "suppression" *CUE NERDRAGE!*




Originally Posted by macskull View Post

EDIT: Seems as though most of the "offenders" people are pointing out are other players who purposely activate lots of graphics-intensive powers inside the auction house (i.e. Storm, MM, whatever) or drive-by buff (Therm, Sonic, Cold, FF, whatever). I'm not sure how having all the Dark Armor toggles running causes much graphics lag even on higher settings, because it's so localized, and running one power like Steamy Mist is hardly an issue. Let's not get carried away here, your issue is with people who are intentionally being stupid rather than being able to use powers in the market area. Petition these people and be done with it, seriously.
While yes, I used someone intentionally causing grief as my primary example, remember it didn't START that way. He simply came in and happened to be in a spot that caused me lag because he was running two toggles (Hurricane and Steamy Mists). This, combined with everyone else and their toggles (Sonic, FF, etc, etc) can cause issues. It's not a matter of "oh, this one guy once used his powers in a negative way", or even "oh, ONE person is using Steamy Mists, shut down Madagascar!", so much as "these ten people using their powers add up to be a headache of lag" when without those it's smooth as every other moment in the game (not counting other high traffic areas such as Raids, etc).

I may not sympathize with your view point very much (I'm willing to make the sacrifice, have tried work-arounds, etc, etc), but at least I understand both sides of the topic enough to know that a compromise is the most reasonable choice. There are very good reasons for keeping Power Suppression out of the WW and BM, and while I feel it's worth the loss, I can understand not everyone feels that way. A "Studio B" for the Markets would do wonders, in my opinion.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Okay, is there some way to implement power suppression so that it's actually JUST suppressing powers NOT SWITCHING THEM OFF?

Sorry! I'm getting mightily annoyed at hitting the trading house (or another suppression site) then coming out and having to waste time turning all my toggles back on again.
Cry moar.
I'd like to see that happen in the D, so powers griefing is halted. As well as at the BM and WW.
Also, left clicking on another person's pet enables a menu. One option is "dismiss". I'd SO love to be able to dismiss a MM's pets MYSELF.

EDIT: After reading the whole thread, I -do- agree with the idea of having the option to go to a -totally- non-powered room at the markets. But I remain resolute about having the same suppression in Pocket D.
Makes no sense -to me-, to allow buffing/de-buffing powers operate when there's -no need- for them.
No actual combat can take place there, so why does one -need- to be able to "rock the aura" or run shadowfall, or a ton of other things. MM pets are the most frequently abused of them all, so I have no tolerance for them, even on Virtue, where some people RP with their pets. The greater majority of inconsiderate griefers has ruined it for the people that don't abuse it. Sadly, that's also the case for the Trading House and market/ww.



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
Also, left clicking on another person's pet enables a menu. One option is "dismiss". I'd SO love to be able to dismiss a MM's pets MYSELF.
You know, when MMs first came out, I tried to figure out why the Devs would give me the option to dismiss someone else's pets. I teetered back and forth with the moral dilemma of acting on this offensive impulse. Would the game let me? Would it tell them who did it? Should I wait until combat to test it? If it actually works, would I abuse it? Would I tell anyone, and risk others abusing it on me? Would I bug it, or play with it for a bit first?

When I finally decided to try it, and nothing happened, I was both saddened and relieved.



Originally Posted by Mr_Right View Post
While yes, I used someone intentionally causing grief as my primary example, remember it didn't START that way. He simply came in and happened to be in a spot that caused me lag because he was running two toggles (Hurricane and Steamy Mists). This, combined with everyone else and their toggles (Sonic, FF, etc, etc) can cause issues. It's not a matter of "oh, this one guy once used his powers in a negative way", or even "oh, ONE person is using Steamy Mists, shut down Madagascar!", so much as "these ten people using their powers add up to be a headache of lag" when without those it's smooth as every other moment in the game (not counting other high traffic areas such as Raids, etc).
Question: do you actively avoid raids and other "high-traffic" things like zone events? Not wanting to be confrontational, just curious. There are "high-traffic" areas in almost every MMO, and CoH is not the only one where lots of people in one area can cause a decrease in performance, especially if those characters have lots of graphical effects. I take a performance hit when I use the market, just like most other players, but I deal with it because I know I'm only going to be there long enough to buy/sell and then I'll be on my way. If power suppression was enabled I'd end up having to retoggle every time I went by the market, even if I only stopped to check if my bid had filled on the way to my mission. Remembering to turn toggles back on isn't exactly a minor annoyance, and forgetting your toggles are off will get your character killed, while a lower framerate in a non-combat area will not.

I may not sympathize with your view point very much (I'm willing to make the sacrifice, have tried work-arounds, etc, etc), but at least I understand both sides of the topic enough to know that a compromise is the most reasonable choice. There are very good reasons for keeping Power Suppression out of the WW and BM, and while I feel it's worth the loss, I can understand not everyone feels that way. A "Studio B" for the Markets would do wonders, in my opinion.
I understand both points of view quite well - I, too, believe that a compromise is the only reasonable choice aside from leaving things how they are now. Maybe I'm more tolerant to minor annoyances than some people, but I don't feel having a higher framerate in a high-traffic area is worth the annoyance of moving at the speed of molasses in January (if I wanted to move at a snail's pace I'd fight Vahzilok or Knives of Artemis) or having to retoggle every time I visit the market.

Right now, there are some people that get annoyed by the status quo, basically. That's understandable, and I can sympathize with them. The question is whether more people would be annoyed with slow movement speeds and having to retoggle than people are currently annoyed by a certain few powers running. My gut tells me no, and I've seen very few people even in-game in favor of power suppression, even those who routinely detoggle before they go into a market. The simple solution here is the "Studio B" solution, because it results in a grand total of no one getting screwed, but I have this feeling that the devs would probably just slap up a suppression field around the whole market instead, which would result in someone getting screwed. Obviously, no one getting screwed is preferable to someone getting screwed.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Way to miss the point. *Golf Clap*
What point is there to miss? All I've heard are complaints about how it takes too long to retoggle and a bunch of whining about how it takes 15 second to turn everything back on just because you decided to drop one item off at the market. Seriously, patience is a virtue. Not hard at all to turn some stuff back on, especially if it means people with low end machines are saved from the massive graphic attacks of some people that find it necessary to be a level 50 and still have every toggle on because, as I said earlier, Hami is right around that corner to surprise attack you, I guess.

Edit: And the point about having to run at base speed being such a pain. Seriously? Seriously? Are we that spoiled on superspeed, ninja run, sprint, etc., that running at base speed about 15 feet is such a huge chore that it might as well be miles?



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Edit: And the point about having to run at base speed being such a pain. Seriously? Seriously? Are we that spoiled on superspeed, ninja run, sprint, etc., that running at base speed about 15 feet is such a huge chore that it might as well be miles?
Yes. I would quit the game in a second if I moved at that speed constantly. It's not about being spoiled, it's about this being a leisure activity presumably done for fun. I went in the trading house once and I will never go back on any character ever. I normally park my characters in WW/BM as the market teleport is the only patrol power I find useful, but I stood outside on the street in Praetoria when I logged.



I don't think the current power disabling code is too flexible when it comes to the area of effect - that is to say, I'm not sure that the devs have the capability to disable powers inside Wentworth's without making Wentworth's its own map, unless they run the risk of disabling powers for anyone who jumps/flies/etc. OVER Wentworth's without going inside, which would be really flapping stupid.

As well, the problems with doing it at the Black Market are well documented (such as the lack of an actual building, and spawn points being close enough to aggro on shoppers).

I agree with macskull, leave the existing markets alone, add a new market building for the people whose computers can't handle playing the game.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
What point is there to miss? All I've heard are complaints about how it takes too long to retoggle and a bunch of whining about how it takes 15 second to turn everything back on just because you decided to drop one item off at the market. Seriously, patience is a virtue. Not hard at all to turn some stuff back on, especially if it means people with low end machines are saved from the massive graphic attacks of some people that find it necessary to be a level 50 and still have every toggle on because, as I said earlier, Hami is right around that corner to surprise attack you, I guess.

Edit: And the point about having to run at base speed being such a pain. Seriously? Seriously? Are we that spoiled on superspeed, ninja run, sprint, etc., that running at base speed about 15 feet is such a huge chore that it might as well be miles?
Please re-read the thread then. Actually read it this time. Note the plethora of issues besides just "I don't want to re-toggle" and "I don't want to move that slow."

When you're actually read to take on this dialog, come on back.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
I agree with macskull, leave the existing markets alone, add a new market building for the people whose computers can't handle playing the game.



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Question: do you actively avoid raids and other "high-traffic" things like zone events? Not wanting to be confrontational, just curious.
Actually, yes. I've avoided Hami Raids and most zone event raids, partially for that reason. Moving at a "snails pace" is the least of my worries when serious lag is an issue.

Originally Posted by macskull View Post
If power suppression was enabled I'd end up having to retoggle every time I went by the market, even if I only stopped to check if my bid had filled on the way to my mission. Remembering to turn toggles back on isn't exactly a minor annoyance, and forgetting your toggles are off will get your character killed, while a lower framerate in a non-combat area will not.
I disagree, kinda. I mean, if it's so painfully obvious that your toggles are off (you move at a snails pace) then I can't really see walking out of the market and straight into a fight and dying. I'm not saying that people can't rush out of the market and fight, but how often does that actually happen?

Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Maybe I'm more tolerant to minor annoyances than some people, but I don't feel having a higher framerate in a high-traffic area is worth the annoyance of moving at the speed of molasses in January (if I wanted to move at a snail's pace I'd fight Vahzilok or Knives of Artemis) or having to retoggle every time I visit the market.
I find the first sentence funny, because I find the base movement speed more of a minor annoyance then having a floored frame rate.

Originally Posted by macskull View Post
The simple solution here is the "Studio B" solution, because it results in a grand total of no one getting screwed, but I have this feeling that the devs would probably just slap up a suppression field around the whole market instead, which would result in someone getting screwed. Obviously, no one getting screwed is preferable to someone getting screwed.
I dunno... every time we see a new Suppression Field come up, has it ever been in the open world? The absolute worst case scenario I could see is them dropping the markets into a building you have to click to enter. I don't really see that happening though. That just doesn't seem like it would mesh well with either WW's or BM's system.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Please re-read the thread then. Actually read it this time. Note the plethora of issues besides just "I don't want to re-toggle" and "I don't want to move that slow."

When you're actually read to take on this dialog, come on back.
What I found mentioned in the thread (because I was curious):

Travel Speed
Base Teleporter
Crafting Table



To be fair, at least some of the toggle hate is a legacy of the previous market interface.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



If they're going to suppress powers like this, at least allow me to continue use of my travel powers and the portable crafting table, as mentioned. This extends to Pocket D, I think.

Also, it's been mentioned that the kill field does not always work, especially with places like the black market. I can see there being troubles with this if we had no powers and were busy shopping.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Edit: And the point about having to run at base speed being such a pain. Seriously? Seriously? Are we that spoiled on superspeed, ninja run, sprint, etc., that running at base speed about 15 feet is such a huge chore that it might as well be miles?

Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
To be fair, at least some of the toggle hate is a legacy of the previous market interface.
If you use partial search strings (i.e. "al sk" to search for "Chronal Skip") you have to turn off the autocomplete feature in the market UI, which means you're back to square one in terms of terrible performance. Many people do not use partial search strings, so the new market UI is loads faster, but I'd rather have a slower UI than be inconvenienced trying to click through a bunch of stuff to find the item I need.

Oh, I PM'd Castle regarding my suggestion, and he said it was forwarded to the zone development team, so we can presume it will at least be taken into consideration if the hero/villain markets ever get suppression fields added.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



*waves tiny banner reading 'Market Interface For Bases, Please!'*

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



Originally Posted by Mr_Right View Post
What I found mentioned in the thread (because I was curious):

Travel Speed
Base Teleporter
Crafting Table
Also (and not all these are equal in annoyance levels)

- Losing/needing to rebuild permadom
- RPers who never land on ground (prob other RP issues too)
- Hasten to recharge base TPers/long recharge items
- Using any of the TPers mission teleporter right from WW/BM or hopping zones from one WW/BM to another, pocket D, etc

There's also that costumes, capes, costume changes and auras probably induce more lag than most toggles.
There's also that the same people who intentionally grief with power spamming will be able to train mobs (espically redside) into the market zones.

I disagree the answer is 'buy a decent computer'. To me, the best and most workable solution would be a door/click to get into a studio B type market.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Remidi View Post
*waves tiny banner reading 'Market Interface For Bases, Please!'*
*Holds a gigantic magnification array (omnizillionth power) in front of the banner*

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



In the end, I feel power suppression simply irritates legitimate players whilst the actual jerks and griefers will simply find a new way to cause problems - i.e. it won't solve anything.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Originally Posted by Remidi View Post
*waves tiny banner reading 'Market Interface For Bases, Please!'*
*Holds a gigantic magnification array (omnizillionth power) in front of the banner*
*waves away both of them, pointing to a new billboard campaign in every zone extolling the virtues of an in-base market interface*

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))