Power "suppression" *CUE NERDRAGE!*




I will admit, my server is Triumph. The busiest the markets gets is three people in the market at a time MAYBE four if it during a up time.

Please realize this as well. It might just be that if you choose Freedumb or Virtue for the crowds, realize that crowds bring other things to the table besides teammates. I for one choose NOT to have crowds, because large crowds of people make me want to kill people. Also, the more people you get into one space, the higher the chances of having inconsiderate people.

Any one here that is complaining about crowds and people's effects causing lag are from my prospective, in one of the two aforementioned servers. I would also like to argue that there are many other people who are not effected in the least by other people's powers.

I can tell you that the entire reason I sell stuff at the markets is because I am sure some one else could use it. Again, I list the stuff at one inf, I'm not interested in making profits on most of the crap I get. However, if it becomes a hassle for me to run in and drop off my crap, I will simply vendor it. Then NO ONE benefits from my crap. (crap = salvage and most recipes).

Perhaps this analogy will help in this "Is the solution here really to just run away to some less frequented market location? Do videogame players really lack any kind of common courtesy that they all insist that everyone else suffer them while they refuse to budge for those very same people? That's a really weird way of thinking. Also very self centered." quandry.

Let us view two seperate cities, New York, and TinyVillage (can't think off the top of my head some small city/town). If you walk down the streets of New York would you be surprised that people don't walk up to you and say 'good day' to you? I know I would, and I would prolly think that person is trying to mug me. But when you go visit TinyVillage, every body in the town comes out to greet you. The same can be seen with crowds of people in CoH. Some people (for whatever reason) enjoy seeing large crowds of people. They enjoy being able to immediately get on a team when broadcasting lft. They like the random bantering in Atlas on the broadcast channel. But with all those cool features, you have to sacrifice some of the personal touch, the humanity of players. You WILL have lag, you WILL have queues at busy times, you WILL have to deal with idiots more frequently than on a smaller server/town.

For a small town/server, sure you don't have a Starbucks on every street corner. Sure, you might have to build your own teams. But you don't have large quantities of retards yelling about each other's mothers over Atlas' broadcast channel. You don't have large crowds looking cool in the Auction House, making YOU lag. You don't have to worry about a queue after an issue has been released.

So just realize, the choices you make about where to live can effect you in more than just your location. Sometimes, if you want peace and quiet, you shouldn't yell and shout at others to shut up. You should find your quiet and peaceful place quietly, and tell no one else where it is.

I would say, find a less populated server if you hate crowds of people 'showing off' with their cool powers, pets and toggles. Or go to a less used Auction House. Port Oaks, Kings Row.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



I think one issue with suppressing powers in the auction house that is being overlooked is the loss of the portable crafting table that I spent many months, and much of my hard earned INF getting. The only place I ever pull that out is in the WW, and many times have I been thanked (and thanked others who did the same) for making it available.



after reading this thread, the main suggestion i'd give to the devs is that if they want to do something about the lag problem at auction houses:

grey out all powers but leave travel powers and the crafting table from being suppressed


turn off all power visual effects while in the auction houses (again leaving the crafting table alone... i need to see it to click on it)

maybe they can't do the second option so they are testing the first to see player feedback. i also use the crafting table all of the time in WW as i craft and dump multiple enhancements into the auction house so i don't just delete salvage or sell it back to the game. doing otherwise would be a pain as my enh tray usually is over half full all of the time with saved enh.

50: Ill/Kin(A+,R,J)-1047 badges RE/Dark(A) Fire/Elec Warshade BS/Regen Necro/Poison Ice/Fiery(A+) Son/Son Bane(A) FM/DA(A) DM/Nin Grav/Icy
lvling: Inv/EM DM/Sheild Arch/MM Bane NW Elec/Earth Grav/Elec Elec/FA Rad/Ice
Paragon Elite/Rogue Elite Joined Oct 2004



Originally Posted by Cainus View Post
I think one issue with suppressing powers in the auction house that is being overlooked is the loss of the portable crafting table that I spent many months, and much of my hard earned INF getting. The only place I ever pull that out is in the WW, and many times have I been thanked (and thanked others who did the same) for making it available.
Wow, I hadn't even thought of that

All that time and inf to get this accolade and then have it's use crippled so that I can't use it in the market?



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Is the solution here really to just run away to some less frequented market location? Do videogame players really lack any kind of common courtesy that they all insist that everyone else suffer them while they refuse to budge for those very same people? That's a really weird way of thinking. Also very self centered.
Answer: There's jerks and inconsiderate people in the world who are unable to consider how their actions impact those around them. Those people also play video games.



I want a similar feature in Paragon/Rogue Isles. Suppressed if possible, but I'd settle for completely turned off.



Bleah. I often run through the markets for a quick drop off of things between missions. I'm usually there for no more than 30 seconds. Please don't turn off my stuff just for that...my toggled presence won't kill your computer in that time. (Most of my characters don't have too many, and only run their survival/travel toggles.)

To those with compy performance issues: I do run a reasonably recent machine, though not cranked to the hilt. Does one guy flying in/out or running several armors really ruin your game?



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
To those with compy performance issues: I do run a reasonably recent machine, though not cranked to the hilt. Does one guy flying in/out or running several armors really ruin your game?
I'm running on a lower end machine (although not LOW end, it's 3+ years old at this point with a ATI X1600 graphics card). It's not all toggle powers, but certain ones with heavy graphical effects can make things very difficult to use the market effectively. It slows down the UI enough (already slowed down by the gigantic memory hog that is the market window) to make typing slow and laggy and mouse clicks can also get delayed signifiganty.

So the answer is...yes. It does. It makes using the market for any length of time very difficult.

The worst is the people who have AoE heal type powers on auto for some unknown reason. Although I haven't seen one of those in a while.

EDIT: It's not really flight or travel powers that are an issue. It's things like the armors, the PBAoE toggles like Shadow's Fall, Arctic Air, the force field and sonic defense bubbles, player based AoE damage power toggles. Especially with multiple people using them.

Please, please, PLEASE think of the other people. 15 seconds to re-toggle your powers isn't REALLY that long of a time.



Hm. I do get that AoE, especially AoE abilities that mess with other players, can be a pain. I do try turning things off there that I won't need. I try my best not to infringe on other people's experiences...but there is a certain line.

I guess the 'line' comes to this: how much will one player demand of another in a multiplayer environment? If my robotics/forcefield mastermind has 2 bug bubbles+3 leadership toggles+5 bots, no she won't hang at the market with all running-just the pets. Player 2 with a low-end machine, however, may desire the pets be killed...yet the robots AND toggles are a part of the game, a piece that their computer is expected to be able to handle.

Yes, I know this goes into the 'manners' area. I can get invited to a team, enter a mission, ask for the star and then kick the mission-holder and team from the group. The Game mechanics allow it. But it's still not cool. The game mechanics lets power spamming, toggles, and all sorts of craziness at almost all times. For people to be happy in this case, there has to be compromise derived from some thoughtfulness for others. Hence why I turn off the helpful toggles, but still keep the bots. My mastermind doesn't 'need' the toggles, but she survives on her bots. (Which take time to recharge/resummon)

I guess it's the lack of compromise in the whole "turn off people's powers/pets in Went's/the BM" comments that bothers me when this subject comes up. I get it...people rocking the aura are being thoughtless jerks. But seems equally self-centric to wish other people lose necessary powers for your sake, just because they wish to use the same environment as you. (Even for just a quick stop-off)



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
But seems equally self-centric to wish other people lose necessary powers for your sake, just because they wish to use the same environment as you. (Even for just a quick stop-off)
Necessary when in combat. Not standing at a place with an automatic kill field around it. (I view mastermind pets as ok if you're just passing through but if you're going to be there a while kill 'em). My rule is, if it takes less than 15-30 seconds to set back up again, then suck it up and turn them off.

I'm not militant anti-toggle. I'm militant anti-heavy power effects toggles. Even if it's a quick stop off, you're still killing performance.

I don't think that's something people with higher end machines really get...exactly how much low framerates affect the market screen usability.

(Apologies for all the editing...wasn't terribly clear my first attempt)



Originally Posted by Frost View Post
Necessary when in combat. Not standing at a place with an automatic kill field around it.

I'm not militant anti-toggle. I'm militant anti-heavy power effects toggles. Even if it's a quick stop off, you're still killing performance.

I don't think that's something people with higher end machines really get...exactly how much low framerates affect the market screen usability.
I understand the annoyance of an aura rocker; and I can see the issue with Shadow Fall, Steamy Mist or similar powers. However if an area of the game forces EVERYTHING off, INCLUDING my travel/sprint powers then I have a problem with THAT.

I found loosing Sprint/Ninja Run to be quite annoying when I went into the Praetorian auction house. I went in at around level 8 to dispose of the junk I'd acquired. Well, I haven't been in there since, I just vendored everything rather than deal with the annoyance, and that was a character with NO toggles beyond Sprint/NR. I'd really be... displeased... with this on, say my BS/Shield scrapper with 7 toggles.

If this kind of detoggling goes in effect in WW then I'll only go there if I HAVE to and vendor most of my drops. I'd expect to see considerably fewer players using WW and supplies would be lower.

I agree with the suggestion up thread to add a "studio b" so those who want to shut everything off around them can have a place to do so without inconveniencing everyone else. Alternately give us a SG base interface with the auction house, that would make everyone happy.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



I'm not militant anti-toggle. I'm militant anti-heavy power effects toggles. Even if it's a quick stop off, you're still killing performance.

I don't think that's something people with higher end machines really get...exactly how much low framerates affect the market screen usability.
I can get that. My reply is more to the 'they should have a power-kill field over the red blue market!' Comments. The thing is, that wouldn't be able to take into account time. If my brute jumps through, drops of some salvage filling his pockets, and leaves for his mission there's no way for the game to say 'oh, he's been there longer than 30 seconds! time to toggle down!' It will simply kill all powers. Even if I just run past a market.

I get the "drop the powers if you're staying" comments. I very much disagree with the idea of having anti-power areas on markets. (Especially outdoor ones like the black market.) These requests seem to be asking to inconvenience for others in exchange for greater convenience for themselves.



For anecdotal evidence, I'd like to point out that a Storm Controller swooshed into the WW, with Hurricane and Steamy Mists running. He stopped right in front of my character and conducted his business. No biggy, I sent him a tell asking him to turn them off. His response was to activate every single power at his disposal on me, including buffs and location based powers.

If you're a person who swooshes in for 30 seconds with your travel power and minimal FX powers running, that's fine. No one in this thread cares about what your FX are doing to the game. You're effectively just like those who turn off everything.

But there are people who don't care, and will actively go out of their way to make life difficult for others. Those are the people you should blame for the Suppression Field in Preatoria, because those are the people who make it necessary to even have them.

If the Devs can pick and choose which powers to suppress, then by all means I (and everyone else here, mind you) feel they should. But the long and short of it is that there are people having issues (and have been for a while), and many of those with issues are quite happy that something is being done about it, even if it's not done perfectly. I personally and glad for the Suppression Field in Preatoria, and would not mind one bit if they added it to all of the Wentworth's and Black Markets. My characters who have many toggles would of course feel the same pain as any other player's character with many toggles, but I'm willing to accept that as a necessary evil for those kinds of high traffic areas. Having to walk a little farther to use Field Crafter, or spend a few extra seconds (while traveling) turning on toggles, will not bother me as much as it seems to bother others.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post

It's my party.

And you'll cry if you want to but only if you toggle it on first!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
And you'll cry if you want to but only if you toggle it on first!
NOW yer gettin' the picture!

Was waiting for someone to pick up the reference.

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Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
If this kind of detoggling goes in effect in WW then...
Then they just need to put a market interface terminal item on the list for items you can build into your base and be done with it.

I agree with the suggestion up thread to add a "studio b" so those who want to shut everything off around them can have a place to do so without inconveniencing everyone else.

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Originally Posted by Mr_Right View Post
For anecdotal evidence, I'd like to point out that a Storm Controller swooshed into the WW, with Hurricane and Steamy Mists running. He stopped right in front of my character and conducted his business. No biggy, I sent him a tell asking him to turn them off. His response was to activate every single power at his disposal on me, including buffs and location based powers.
Then your problem was only PERIPHERALLY the "flashy powers are annoying" thing. Your REAL problem was that the other player WAS A DICK.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Then your problem was only PERIPHERALLY the "flashy powers are annoying" thing. Your REAL problem was that the other player WAS A DICK.
No, my real problem was a dick was actually lagging my computer by using a large number of high impact powers in an already crowded area. He simply accentuated the problem in that power use can cause problems. Just because it was a person being a jerk today doesn't mean people wont be unintentional jerks too. The way to solve the problem realistically is to remove the tools. If that means full power suppression in Wentworth's, I'm fine with that.

I'd prefer a secondary room where I can trade in peace, because that's obviously better for everyone.



Adding a detoggle field to the black market would allow ranged enemies that are aggroed nearby en route to potentially kill shoppers from range. I've already been shot at and indeed hit while at the black markets in Cap, St. Martial, Mercy, and Sharkhead. This is usually from an AoE attack from Council or Demolitionist or something, but occasionally a ranged attack. I've also seen a few enemies survive the kill field long enough during zone invasions (Rikti or Zombie) to actually get an attack off before they despawn. So if you're at the low end of the level range for a zone (Cap would be a good example), this could be a very bad thing. You could look away from the screen a minute (especially if playing without sound) to check anything you might have written down for a "shopping list" and look back to be at half-health or worse.

Until the Black Markets are moved to an indoor location, no, detoggling is not a welcome option there. Wentworths would be an annoyance for those of us with lots of toggles. The Black Market is just inviting griefers at that point.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



I would hate losing dom when dropping into a markert, and hate losing the ability to use my base TPer, and drop back right in front of the market where I left, and the already mentioned crafting table.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



I've always felt something like they have in AE would be the best option. That way people can use it if they want, but if they don't care then its business as usual.



Sooo basically, the issue here is people are impatient and can't be bothered to press a few buttons after they get done with business. Awesome.

Seriously, why have all of those toggles on at a market? Is there any reason you've gotta have jacked up defense while shopping? I can understand keeping travel powers on, but all of those dark armor or storm or whatever powers are entirely unnecessary. Hamidon isn't gonna sneak up on your while you're bidding on that one regenerating flesh.



Meh, I'd PM the powers-that-be and tell them that if they are considering adding suppression fields to the markets, to at least consider all viewpoints and add them in a separate location, or only make certain market areas suppression-enabled. Fact is, not having power suppression at the markets only affects some people, while having it enabled affects everyone who uses the markets. If it's added, it is affecting everyone for the "enjoyment" of the few. Having the option to use a power-suppressed market area is honestly the only win-win situation here.

Praetorian markets are probably an experiment, though it's not all that great of one because the characters using those markets have at most 20 levels' worth of powers (plus vet/temp/whatever). They likely won't have Field Crafter, so it doesn't affect them, but honestly, the amount of sound arguments for adding suppression are far fewer than keeping it away.

EDIT: Seems as though most of the "offenders" people are pointing out are other players who purposely activate lots of graphics-intensive powers inside the auction house (i.e. Storm, MM, whatever) or drive-by buff (Therm, Sonic, Cold, FF, whatever). I'm not sure how having all the Dark Armor toggles running causes much graphics lag even on higher settings, because it's so localized, and running one power like Steamy Mist is hardly an issue. Let's not get carried away here, your issue is with people who are intentionally being stupid rather than being able to use powers in the market area. Petition these people and be done with it, seriously.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Sooo basically, the issue here is people are impatient and can't be bothered to press a few buttons after they get done with business. Awesome.

Seriously, why have all of those toggles on at a market? Is there any reason you've gotta have jacked up defense while shopping? I can understand keeping travel powers on, but all of those dark armor or storm or whatever powers are entirely unnecessary. Hamidon isn't gonna sneak up on your while you're bidding on that one regenerating flesh.
So basically you are unable to read any of the posts above with thier reasons, and want people to repeat themselves for you to ignore again?

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Sooo basically, the issue here is people are impatient and can't be bothered to press a few buttons after they get done with business. Awesome.
Way to miss the point. *Golf Clap*

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