I Hate "Information"




Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post

Also, NuclearToast, it's not that money doesn't "exist". It does, but referencing something tangible steps on character concepts as well as various aspects of immersions.

- "Le sigh. I am the angsty outcast villain that lives on the street, eats garbage and psychotically kills everyone that looks at me. I'm also level 50 and have 12 billion Rogue Isle Moniez."

- "Behold! I am a wealthy playboy genius who buys all of his technology and arrests foes of King's Row. I keep them in jail by buying the legal system. I'm also level 1 and have six Schrute Bucks."

- "Great job, boys! That Mayhem Mission allowed us to rob that bank clean! And for that, we get just as much money as when we kidnapped Amanda Vines just to scare her."

... if they call it something that can be defined, it's the first step in hindering character concepts.
I agree, I like Information.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I did, but she toppled over. I blame high-heel shoes.

Didn't War Witch say they'll be unifying all currencies into a singular INF currency?
They already did, but it's still called Influence in Paragon, Infamy in the Rogue Isles and Information in Praetoria.



Originally Posted by Scooby_Dont View Post
I know this is about information and all that, but I have a complaint and I'd rather not start a new thread for it.

People using Ninja Run. You look foolish. Please stop.

But my character is a ninja-witch.



Originally Posted by Scooby_Dont View Post
I know this is about information and all that, but I have a complaint and I'd rather not start a new thread for it.

People using Ninja Run. You look foolish. Please stop.

Ever see a little kid pretending to be an airplane?

Whenever I see someone at a trainer, hunched over with thier arms sticking out, I imagine them making "whirrrrrrrrr" noises. It's funnier that way. "Yay! I'm an airplane! *starts running and jumping* WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!"



Influence represents your character's pull in negotiating for equipment.
I.E.: "Serge, remember when I saved your store? And your other store? And your third store? ...Look, don't bring up the fact I auto completed those missions. I saved your store. Mind fixing my costume?"

Infamy represents your character's ability to intimidate someone into giving you what you want. I.E.: "If I don't fix this guy's costume, he'll rip my shop out of the ground and toss it into a war wall..."

Information represents valuable pieces of knowledge your character can use to force negotiation in their favor. I.E.: "Serge, I happen to know where Crey's new shipment of unstable molecules is being kept. If you fix up this old costume, I can tell you where they are so one of your guys can "liberate" them for you."

Of the three, Information is the one it makes the most sense to trade. Influence you can trade by vouching for someone else, but running out of influence means you've either asked for too much stuff recently, or vouched for too many people.

Infamy you can trade by... um...

...I'll get back to that.

But information is something that could actually function as a psuedo currency, in theory.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
"Hey look, Francis, they have the latest issue of 'I Hate Everything'!"
I hate latest issues.



Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post
Influence represents your character's pull in negotiating for equipment.
I.E.: "Serge, remember when I saved your store? And your other store? And your third store? ...Look, don't bring up the fact I auto completed those missions. I saved your store. Mind fixing my costume?"

Infamy represents your character's ability to intimidate someone into giving you what you want. I.E.: "If I don't fix this guy's costume, he'll rip my shop out of the ground and toss it into a war wall..."

Information represents valuable pieces of knowledge your character can use to force negotiation in their favor. I.E.: "Serge, I happen to know where Crey's new shipment of unstable molecules is being kept. If you fix up this old costume, I can tell you where they are so one of your guys can "liberate" them for you."

Of the three, Information is the one it makes the most sense to trade. Influence you can trade by vouching for someone else, but running out of influence means you've either asked for too much stuff recently, or vouched for too many people.

Infamy you can trade by... um...

...I'll get back to that.

But information is something that could actually function as a psuedo currency, in theory.
Trading Infamy?

Powerful Villain makes the statement "Anyone who messes with Two-Bit Goon#322 answers to ME!"
People are a little more hesitant to start trouble with the two-bit goon for now, since he apparently has powerful friends. But if Powerful Villain does this too often, people will think he's gone soft. P.V. is hanging out in the minor leagues just a little too much nowadays. Maybe he's losing his edge?



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Trading Infamy?

Powerful Villain makes the statement "Anyone who messes with Two-Bit Goon#322 answers to ME!"
People are a little more hesitant to start trouble with the two-bit goon for now, since he apparently has powerful friends. But if Powerful Villain does this too often, people will think he's gone soft. P.V. is hanging out in the minor leagues just a little too much nowadays. Maybe he's losing his edge?
Ah. That makes sense.



Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post
Of the three, Information is the one it makes the most sense to trade. Influence you can trade by vouching for someone else, but running out of influence means you've either asked for too much stuff recently, or vouched for too many people.
Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post
But information is something that could actually function as a psuedo currency, in theory.
The problem with trading information is that you can't "give" information, you can only copy it. If you tell Serge where the Crey's molecule shipment is, you still have that information. You could in theory trade it to someone else again before Serge has a chance to act on it.

Sure, the more people who have the information, the less valuable it is, but the value diminishes for everyone, not just you. If you go broadcast the location of the shipment, then Serge's information that you gave him is suddenly worthless.



Originally Posted by MTS View Post
Replicators and nearly limitless energy sources by harnessing antimatter.

If a replicator were invented tomorrow, we would still very much be using money, or something similar. Only instead of rare earth elements, the resource we'd all be clamoring for control of would be energy, given the immense power demands of such a device. We're already well on our way to such an economy (energy being the only truly limited resource).
I'd say that would be a relatively short lived scarcity, seeing as the planet we're on is orbiting around a rather vast energy resource. If replicator technology was invented tomorrow, then solar energy technology would start to be improved the next day!

Well, yeah, the UFP also makes use of matter/anti-matter, and fusion reactors.

EDIT: By the way, I'm starting to hear this thread's title in the voice of Grouchy Smurf. And now, so are you.



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
I know my old neighbor lady doesn't have anyone to talk to. So I went over and asked her how her day was.

The sandwich was great, thanks for asking.
Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
I learned that my neighbor had robbed a bank, and traded that information in for a reward. The cheese sandwich I bought afterwords was delicious.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
You don't want to call it strictly "money" because that would break some role playing concepts which depend upon their character being rich enough to afford whatever technologies they are utilizing.
Except all those technologies are represented by enhancements and you pay for them with inf. You may say, "Hey, but where did I get the laser beam eyes in the first place?" Well obviously at Walmart or a flea market somewhere as they are so faulty and feeble that it takes multiple shots to take down the weakest of common street thugs, and half those shots fly off at weird angles in random directions. It's the enhancements you buy with inf that makes your powers usable. If you had money why wouldn't you just use it to buy the best enhancements instead of slowly earning inf? You can try to RP around that, but you could just as easily RP that your character spent all their money buying their powers and that's why they start off broke.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Maybe you have a lot of influence because you have a lot of money.
This too. If you had money you'd start with a lot of inf. Rich people are rarely unknown nobodies.

Also, you wouldn't need to hop around between crappy day jobs.



Originally Posted by Zaion View Post
This too. If you had money you'd start with a lot of inf. Rich people are rarely unknown nobodies.

Also, you wouldn't need to hop around between crappy day jobs.
Yes, but Bruce Wayne can't just walk into the local autobody shop and ask them to bang out the dents in the Batmobile without SOMEONE getting suspicious. In fact, using Batman Begins as an example, DESPITE being rich out his [censored], theres still a period where he's having to develop his gadgets, work out his costume, figure out how he's going to procure stuff, ect. This would represent low Influence in the beginning, because he hasn't learned who he can trust, where he securely buy stuff without it being traced back to him, ect.



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Yes, but Bruce Wayne can't just walk into the local autobody shop and ask them to bang out the dents in the Batmobile without SOMEONE getting suspicious. In fact, using Batman Begins as an example, DESPITE being rich out his [censored], theres still a period where he's having to develop his gadgets, work out his costume, figure out how he's going to procure stuff, ect. This would represent low Influence in the beginning, because he hasn't learned who he can trust, where he securely buy stuff without it being traced back to him, ect.
That's just another work around. Try and make it work with a character that's rich and has no secret identity. Somebody who doesn't care if everyone knows he's using is fortune to become an unstoppable crime fighter. Or somebody like Tony Stark, openly creating technology for his suit while claiming somebody else is inside it.



I know my old neighbor lady doesn't have anyone to talk to. So I went over and asked her how her day was.

The sandwich was great, thanks for asking.
Charity. No information involved.

I learned that my neighbor had robbed a bank, and traded that information in for a reward. The cheese sandwich I bought afterwords was delicious.
The reward was money. Which you used to buy the sandwich, right?

Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
No. But thanks for trying.



Ok, for some reason my puny mind was overwhelmed by all the stuff in the patch notes, and I was under the assumption that "Information" was now the new catch-all term. Once I finally made it to Paragon City, I noticed my "Information" had suddenly converted to "Influence". Huh.

Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Obviously they needed to brainstorm more words starting with 'inf'.

Originally Posted by Lyrik View Post
See, I could agree with you if you weren't okay with infamy and influence. If you agree that influence and infamy is a currency I can't see why you can't agree that information is currency.

I would argue that information is even more like currency than influence and infamy.
Honestly, I'm not ok with any of 'em. But that's my personal bias.

Originally Posted by Scooby_Dont View Post
I know this is about information and all that, but I have a complaint and I'd rather not start a new thread for it.

People using Ninja Run. You look foolish. Please stop.

I would, but it's just so dang convenient and handy. I'll put up with lookin' silly to get where I'm going and not taking two travel pool selections to do it!

Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I propose renaming all 3 to cred (or street credibility for a longer term).
Me likey. /subscribenewsletter


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
What, don't you give your waitress a tip?
No I tell her the best way to maximize her chances to get a tip

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Scooby_Dont View Post

The reward was money. Which you used to buy the sandwich, right?
Ah, but the information had Value: That of the reward.