How could Tankers be buffed in a meaningful way?




Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
My other suggestion for a tanker buff was to make Tanker primary powers not suppress when mezzed. Maybe tough and weave would suppress, but not my primary toggles.
Tankers getting mezzed is somewhat of a rarity though, isn't it? I'd have thought something that adds to your survivability in a more widely applicable way would be more desireable.

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Tankers getting mezzed is somewhat of a rarity though, isn't it? I'd have thought something that adds to your survivability in a more widely applicable way would be more desireable.
Well, I don't think tankers need any more survivability in the 90% of the game where tankers don't get mezzed. I think tanks should be able to stand out in survivability though, and being able to maintain their survivability through mez would be one thing that makes them stand out.

The cases where tankers get mezzed: Ghost Widow, Reichsman, PvP.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
My other suggestion for a tanker buff was to make Tanker primary powers not suppress when mezzed. Maybe tough and weave would suppress, but not my primary toggles.
But you never really get mezzed as a tank, so I'm not sure that's worth it.

I'm a little surprised no one responded to any of my ideas though. No one thinks adding some kind of debuff to gauntlet is a good idea? Or worth talking about?

Might as well chime in on the aggro thing.

I don't think an increased aggro cap would really help all that much for normal gameplay; maybe that'll change in the future if the engine tech changes, but I don't think they'll concentrate development time on that.

As for future content, once you get past a certain number of enemies the game just stops displaying them. You get server lag, too. I think that means the devs are more likely to trend toward tougher enemies rather than increasing the numbers of weaker enemies.

The devs did that in the Cimerora task forces; the enemies are huge so it seems like you're fighting tons at once, but really at most you fight around two spawns.

Active (Freedom): Setna (Ice/Psi Dom), Arram (WP/KM Tank), Tesmiel (Elec/SS Tank), Astredax (Robot/Dark Mastermind), Operative Vidali (melee fortunata)

Retired (Virtue): Gaav (Inv/EM Tank), Baqra (Fire/SS Tank)



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Well, I don't think tankers need any more survivability in the 90% of the game where tankers don't get mezzed. I think tanks should be able to stand out in survivability though, and being able to maintain their survivability through mez would be one thing that makes them stand out.

The cases where tankers get mezzed: Ghost Widow, Reichsman, PvP.
Fair enough.

Honestly, I think the best thing to add for Tankers would be some way in which their Inherent rewards them for holding aggro. IMO all the good Inherents both help the AT do their 'job' and reward them for doing so.

Controllers get critical Overpower to help them mez and Containment crits on mezzed stuff.

Blasters get a damage buff for blasting so they can do even more damage and the ability to attack while mezzed so they can still do damage even then.

Corruptors get extra damage to help kill stuff (indirect support) and the nature of Scourge encourages them to blast more.

And so on.

I'm not sure what kind of buff would be meaningful to give Tankers for holding aggro but I do think it would certainly go some way to helping the AT. Gauntlet does a great job of helping them get aggro, now reward them for doing so.

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
I'm not sure what kind of buff would be meaningful to give Tankers for holding aggro but I do think it would certainly go some way to helping the AT. Gauntlet does a great job of helping them get aggro, now reward them for doing so.
The best I've heard as a suggestion along these lines, and I cannot remember who posted it, was a "Battle Cry" power.

It would be like a fury bar that only filled as you were attacked. Once full, the power could be activated like domination. The "Battle Cry" would grant the team +recharge, +regeneration, +recovery, or some other buff or some combination of buffs.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
The best I've heard as a suggestion along these lines, and I cannot remember who posted it, was a "Battle Cry" power.

It would be like a fury bar that only filled as you were attacked. Once full, the power could be activated like domination. The "Battle Cry" would grant the team +recharge, +regeneration, +recovery, or some other buff or some combination of buffs.
I do believe that was mine. :-)

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



A slight raise of a tanker's aggro cap would be nice - say 24 or 25 ( a full size spawn is roughly 17, so a full spawn and a half about). This way a tank could get any overflow aggro in densely populated spots. This allows a tank to out 'control' a controller by means of aggro generation, but the extra dps of 7-8 foes might be a bit above a typical tank's survival line. This is a good thing because that makes it risky for the non IO based tanks.

IO based tanks will simply out survive almost any threat in the game that isn't tailored to 'cheat'.

I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
I do believe that was mine. :-)
I had thought so, but didn't want to make any claims as I wasn't sure.

Originally Posted by Lohenien View Post
IO based tanks will simply out survive almost any threat in the game that isn't tailored to 'cheat'.
Which is exactly why I want my dark armor tank to maintain his resistance values when GW gets that lucky hold off.

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Ahhh... the pre-aggro cap days. I remember being in Perez Park as a lowbie with a team, clicking along sweeping the streets. Then some level 50 flies in and (with no aggro cap), proceeds to go to each group and punch one person so that they aggro every group on the perimeter streets of Perez Park. Next step, fly up above them, and train them onto the low level team below.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
I'm not sure what kind of buff would be meaningful to give Tankers for holding aggro but I do think it would certainly go some way to helping the AT. Gauntlet does a great job of helping them get aggro, now reward them for doing so.
Having some sort of reactive armour could be helpful, when attacked the Tanker does an effect regarding the attacker, possibly in the form of damage, a debuff, a team buff or a previously mentioned bar to fill up.



Originally Posted by Valkyrie_EU View Post
As we all know Tankers get some improvements in form of "Bruising" and higher HP caps.

While I wont deny those are nice things to have, they dont solve any of the main problems tied to the Tanker AT. Tankers give up offense and get enormous survivability in return... The problem however is this survivability goes pretty much to waste except on very few occasions.
Yes, very good. I agree.

I myself am convinced the Tankers greatest enemy is the aggro cap
...and I've stopped reading.

The only reason to raise aggro caps is to improve farming.
No and goodbye.




I love discussions like this; I sometimes think a good 50% of my enjoyment of MMOG's comes from out-of-game discussion, and I like the conceptual talk the best.

What if the aggro cap for everyone else was lowered (fill in your number here)? Would that make a good distinction between tanks and everyone else? Or would that make everyone else naturally safer?

What if the taunt effectiveness of all the other AT's was adjusted to be less? Would that help?

Stacking is tricky. I sometimes think that stacking might be more situational than anything. If missions were more active, if foes were attacking rather than waiting to be attacked, then tanks would stack better. If you could make a mission where you HAVE to split the party, where you have to defend BOTH ends of a bridge, etc. you'd have reasons to stack tanks.

It's always seemed to me that Defenders and Tankers are similar in a lot of ways, perhaps we could look at why Defenders stack so well and get some ideas to help Tankers do so?

Just thinking out loud...



One of the main problems with the aggro cap is once you reach it taunt, a power specifically designed to pull enemies off teammates, becomes worthless.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
I do not often see the team break into two sections just because there are two Tankers on the team. As such, this may not be such a fallacy.
It happens wherever and whenever feasible. Fight durations are potentially longer than they would be if the team stayed together but the map travel time is less overall because people only travel say their half of the map.

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Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
Ahhh... the pre-aggro cap days. I remember being in Perez Park as a lowbie with a team, clicking along sweeping the streets. Then some level 50 flies in and (with no aggro cap), proceeds to go to each group and punch one person so that they aggro every group on the perimeter streets of Perez Park. Next step, fly up above them, and train them onto the low level team below.
I don't think I was 50, long before then I think, I herded out Grendels Gulch (not literally but there was stupid amounts) and brought them to somewhere near the gates and had some people in the zone have a field day.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Valkyrie_EU View Post
There are a few specific situations like the Nictus ambush in the ITF where the survivability of a Tanker realy shines. While my Fire Scrapper will faceplant almost instantly if all those dwarfs and novas just look at my way, a good Tanker will survive and live to tell glorious storys about how he defeated all those enemies by himself while everybody else was dead.
No, good tankers would be annoyed that somehow the team failed as a whole.

Originally Posted by Valkyrie_EU View Post
But why was everybody dead if the Tanker was alive and well? Did he fail in his job to protect his team? The answer is no, there was just nothing he could do to save them. His defense was powerful enough to tank all those bosses but yet it was worth nothing because anything over his aggro cap simply ignored him and pummeled his team-mates into bloody pulps. Some people may argue the team failed as a whole, but I dont think so... not every AT is designed to take such levels of punishment, even if this can be bypassed with IO’s.
Team failed as a whole.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I'll go back to what was mentioned several times in the Bruising threads: I think adding bruising to the Tier 2 power, and allowing a minor stack from other tanks would go a long way towards making 2+ tanks on a team more viable, especially against harder targets.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
I'll go back to what was mentioned several times in the Bruising threads: I think adding bruising to the Tier 2 power, and allowing a minor stack from other tanks would go a long way towards making 2+ tanks on a team more viable, especially against harder targets.
I think it's more likely that we could convince the devs of something that let tankers fulfill their namesake, i.e. tanking. Like I said before, I think debuffs are the way to go, but I'm not sure -resists will make it in since we're supposed to be defensive characters.

I think the rationale for bruising on the tier 1 power was that everyone has to take it, so adding something to that power means every tanker gets it regardless of build. I'd imagine any further solution would involve some kind of buff that will work regardless of the build. Maybe they can add the minor stacking to the tier 1 power, or even put that stacking effect on every attack power

Active (Freedom): Setna (Ice/Psi Dom), Arram (WP/KM Tank), Tesmiel (Elec/SS Tank), Astredax (Robot/Dark Mastermind), Operative Vidali (melee fortunata)

Retired (Virtue): Gaav (Inv/EM Tank), Baqra (Fire/SS Tank)



Originally Posted by Tsuji View Post
I think it's more likely that we could convince the devs of something that let tankers fulfill their namesake
I'm all for that.

The devastating and irresistibly powerful punch of a tank is something I wish Tankers had.




I think the main problem highlighted was correct.

Tankers, as they stand now, are basically overkill. A proper scranker or (soon to be seen blueside) brute can do their job in 95% of game content at any level.

Hell, the moment i saw an 8 troller team pull off a MoSTF i knew tankers were completely unneeded in any well built team.

so we have a basic problem to address... a well built tanker is basically overkill for pretty much all of the content in the game... even a squishy tanker with an emp can tank pretty much anything in the game. The AT really isn't needed, except on poor teams.

So how do we keep this AT relevant after GR sees a horde of Brutes turn blue side and pretty much take away the point of a tanker?

-I don't have an answer for that; other then nerfing the survivability of scrappers/brutes/trollers/whatever just a little bit... to make the difference between the ATs a little more pronounced; as adding to the survivability of a tanker wouldn't solve the problem at all... while lowering the survivability of those ATs might make them relevant.

I don't think this is a good idea... it's my only idea on the topic. but i think this is a conversation we should have.



Frankly I wouldn't touch the AT any further until we see if all this doom crying over brutes stealing tanker's thunder actually pans out.
All the time we have had coop teaming in RWZ and Cim and there has still been plenty of demand for tanks.
Personally I think the biggest threat to a tanker's job security is a controller and we have been sharing teams with them since day one.

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Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I'm all for that.

The devastating and irresistibly powerful punch of a tank is something I wish Tankers had.

Some Tankers already punch like a tank. KO Blow, Energy Transfer and Total Focus all hit really hard, but take a long time to reload, to complete the analogy.
I've always found my Tankers to have good burst damage but poor DPS, which seems like a pretty good compromise for a low damage AT.



Originally Posted by Sprite Fire View Post
Hell, the moment i saw an 8 troller team pull off a MoSTF i knew tankers were completely unneeded in any well built team.
That's nothing. I know an all blaster team has completed an MoSTF.

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The tank forum really needs to stop crying over the aggro cap. You don't go to the Blaster forum and see them crying that they can't do their job by not hitting over 16 targets with an AOE or the controller forum saying they can't do their job if they can't control over 16 targets. It's only the tanker forum.

And that's a shame.

The aggro cap did nothing to diminish the role of tanks, it simply scaled down things in the same way target caps did for other ATs. It's a matter of scale, nothing more. There should be a danger in this game if you have too many opponents, and the aggro cap helps ensure that.

replaces a good tank. No AT requires more skill to play than a tank. Tanks aren't about hitting buttons and letting the game mechanics magically take place, they are about positioning and situational awareness. Those are the real skills in this game. A monkey can hit a button and make an attack go takes actual skill and thought to be a good tank. Certainly no AT has more of my admiration than a good tanker.

Nothing can replace them, but they're also not needed. Neither are Blasters. Or Defenders. Or Controllers. Or Scrappers. It doesn't make any AT less meaningful that things can be done without them. It simply makes a good game better.