What About Crey's Folly?




Let me say first - *Content for Dark Astoria first, please!*

That said, there's another zone that could use a revamp. And content. And updating. And reason for existing. Namely, Crey's Folly.

Crey's Folly is, if you haven't been there in a while, an industrial wasteland. Literally. Industrial waste. The waters are brown, the buildings are rusted. There are villain groups there (Freakshow, Crey, Nemesis, DE and Rikti) and, of course, (edit: gah) Jurassik and his Buick of Doom.

Crey's Folly still sees some traffic. If you're doing the hero aura mission, it's one of the best places for one-stop shopping for all the groups. Freakshow? They're there. Smack down a pile of Rikti monkeys to finish that portion quickly, then go after the DE swarms - viola, you have an aura. (Yeah. Doesn't make sense to me either.) Still, outside of that (and some hunt missions - I go there for the level 40 costume, as well)

Crey's Folly, however, has also lost one of its reasons for people to go through it. It used to be the connecting point for the Rikti Crash Site - go aaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllll the way back in the corner, past the Freakshow town (betcha didn't know there was one there, if you joined, oh, since 2006 or so) and hop through the security gate. (Wouldn't you hate to have THAT guard's commute.) Yeah, the RCS was a PITA to get to, and there wasn't much to do when you got there. Now there is - and that entrance is closed off.

Readers digest version? Let's update Crey's Folly. There are a few things that can be done.

1. Reposition spawns. The Rikti, in general, are spread throughout the zone. Move most of them (not the monkeys - I don't want to discourage aura missions) farther toward the back. The RWZ is an active war zone, they should be concentrating there (while trying to work on footholds in the city... just not spread throughout the zone.) Nemesis gets reduced and moved towards the back again. Crey, of course, takes prominence along with the Freakshow, who - while they still own their "castle," have moved closer to the front.

2. Add spawns. I don't want a *lot* of new spawns a la the Hollows, but with Rikti come vanguard. In fact, this might be a good place to spread out the Rikti civil war, with friendly and enemy Rikti fighting (both of which, of course, would fight Nemesis gladly.) Longbow, while overused IMHO, we know keep an eye on Vanguard, so they make a (small) appearance near the back.

3. New zone event. No, we're not getting rid of Jurassik, though having him wander a bit more wouldn't hurt. No, no - we're getting something that could cross two zones. An impromptu Zig breakout!

Yes, I know, the Zig is in Brickstown - all of one zone away. And we've got the RWZ, with Vanguard... some of whom are villains. Not to mention Arachnos. While they won't use an official passage and draw attention, occasionally a random group - either of Arachnos, or a named villain and crew, sometimes of Freakshow - will head across the zone. If they make it near the gate, they break in to Brickstown and head for the zig. If nobody stops them - trigger a "riot" to take care of, and have them head back. Random riots could spawn on the way (I'm thinking of the Ghost Ship/passenger dropoff style) as members break off to cause havoc.

4. "Does that still qualify as water?"

Face it, that water doesn't look healthy at all. So let's make it unhealthy. Similar to the lava in the last Hero's Hero mission (freeing statesman,) make the water a corrosive chemical mixture. Not horrifically bad, but standing in it, you *will* lose health (2-3 points a second, resistable, for instance.)

5. Reopen a (fortified!) path to the RWZ.

It's already there. Have Vanguard fortify it and reopen it. Yeah, it means heroes have another entrance. It's also a hell of a haul to get to. Again.

6. There is no point 6.

7. Missions!

Yeah, this isn't all just fiddling with the outside of the zone. Give the zone some story arcs. I don't see adding a task force (it's already going to have a GM and zone event, after all,) There should be a few themes here -

- Crey, of course. Just because it's a dump doesn't mean they want to lose their investment. And because it IS a dump, who knows what they've left behind - or are still working on.

- Crey, part 2. There's one specific arc I'd like to see where you end up helping crey. Yes, I know at the same time you're hunting down the countess, but "greater threats" and all that. Namely, I would like to see an arc where you have to rein in some rogue Protectors. Some that seem to have developed a sort of "group think." (This is specifically to tie into Unai Keenan's mission later where you explore a certain dimension.... )

- Mane Corp. Yeah, we see something about them villainside. So let's tie it in here - namely, help Leonard (your contact) find out what Thomas Mane is doing. Have him recover what he can, but in the end, he has to run to the Isles. Not really a "win" for the heroes, but it gives a heroside tie to the villainside Protean story.

Would it take a bit of work? Yes.
Would it be worthwhile? Bringing some life to a very underused zone (and more content - admittedly we're not bad on 30-40 content, but it's more stuff to do, and conceivably could incorporate some 50 content as well - see also Incarnates, "wonder what these chemicals will do to me" and the like.) I think it would be.



I like it. This seems like a worthy endeavor.



NO. You heroes have gotten more content than villains two issues in a row now.



I like.
And Storm, I feel for you villains. I happen to dabble in the villainous affairs quite frequently. We need more stuff to do.



I like it, Bill, I like this alot. I'm always all for zone revamping, hero or villainside. The only problem I can see is...

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
- Mane Corp. Yeah, we see something about them villainside. So let's tie it in here - namely, help Leonard (your contact) find out what Thomas Mane is doing. Have him recover what he can, but in the end, he has to run to the Isles. Not really a "win" for the heroes, but it gives a heroside tie to the villainside Protean story.
The villainside arc for this caps at level 29, I myself am not exactly big on the "level = timeline" since that's gotten screwy for awhile now, even if ouroboros technically enforces this concept, I still kind of view a sense of consistency should be kept.

So in the end, my only problem with this is purely me being anal retentive.

Anyway though, /sign

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
The villainside arc for this caps at level 29, I myself am not exactly big on the "level = timeline" since that's gotten screwy for awhile now, even if ouroboros technically enforces this concept, I still kind of view a sense of consistency should be kept.

So in the end, my only problem with this is purely me being anal retentive.
Yeah, I know, between the two - but there's not a lot that really ties the heroside and villainside story/level timelines together. I mean, both sides end up fighting Protean. (I keep wanting to type Protein when it comes to him.)

I think it's enough to get away with it. (OK, admittedly with GR's side switching coming up, that could be a bit jarring to some. There can always be minions. They're replaceable.)



Wait a minute, Adamastor? The Banished Pantheon Adamastor? Maybe you are referring to the Devouring Earth Adamastor, also known as Jurassik.

But in any case, a great post.



Tiny tiny teensy tiny nitpick:

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Crey's Folly is, if you haven't been there in a while, an industrial wasteland. Literally. Industrial waste. The waters are brown, the buildings are rusted. There are villain groups there (Freakshow, Crey, Nemesis, DE and Rikti) and, of course, Adamastor.
Jurassik. Not that you can be blamed for confusing him with another GM, how often do people actually fight Mr. J?

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Tiny tiny teensy tiny nitpick:

Jurassik. Not that you can be blamed for confusing him with another GM, how often do people actually fight Mr. J?
Gah. And I got him right later in the post (hey, I fought him maybe two weeks ago.) I blame mentioning DA in the first line.



Also keep in mind that adding a small DoT effect to being in the "water" will make fighting Jurassik a bit harder. I really don't recall how hard he is at present, but this might actually serve to make fighting him even LESS popular... not sure, just a thought.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Also keep in mind that adding a small DoT effect to being in the "water" will make fighting Jurassik a bit harder. I really don't recall how hard he is at present, but this might actually serve to make fighting him even LESS popular... not sure, just a thought.

What I'm looking for, really, is "flavor damage." Not enough to really be noticable at the levels appropriate to the zone, but enough to go "Hey... what is this?"

... if I wanted to be a smartalec (which... yeah ) I'd throw in an accolade - take enough damage from the water, you get the accolade which disables damage from the water (Not some ridiculous amount, we're not talking a million points of water damage, but something realistically achievable even going quickly halfway through the arcs.)



I really like that accolade idea, actually. And I guess I kinda assumed you meant token damage... but let's face it that a lot of people will come up with all kinds of false presumptions. How many "facts" in this game aren't at all yet still prevent people from playing a certain way?



I like this idea a lot. I'm all for it. But much like you said in your first sentence, I want to see Dark Astoria done first.



If you're going to be moving spawns around, I wouldn't mind a few spawn points removed. Namely, that pair of Purple-con Freak Tanks that guarded my mission door a few months ago. Maybe they were camping a Hero spawn point for thier Hero Slayer badges.

Or, just any spawn point that's right ON TOP OF a mission door. *Angry face*



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
If you're going to be moving spawns around, I wouldn't mind a few spawn points removed. Namely, that pair of Purple-con Freak Tanks that guarded my mission door a few months ago. Maybe they were camping a Hero spawn point for thier Hero Slayer badges.

Or, just any spawn point that's right ON TOP OF a mission door. *Angry face*
I know War Witch was supposed to be looking at stuff like that for a while - of course, now that she is l'Cheese Grande, well... time to designate someone else to look at things like that.



And yet I can't complain too hard about it, since I was too lazy/short-sighted to write down the /loc of that particular spot.
Next time, I'll try to remember.

Also: Tox Damage DoT from the "water"? Not the most commonly resisted damage type, but in low doses, it could be manageable. Regarding the Accolade: last I heard, those with +HP accolades (and/or set bonuses) had a little difficulty getting Damage Recieved badges, as it only started counting progress after the total HP dipped below the base HP. Might be annoying when trying to earn this accolade, depending on how the numbers run.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
NO. You whiny heroes have gotten more content than villains two issues in a row now.
Quoth the whiner.

I agree that Dark Astoria needs to be a priority, but really, so many of the zones in Paragon need to be overhauled or removed. Boomtown might as well not exist. Paragon needs to have a lot of its fat trimmed and get an extreme makeover. Faultline is beautiful now and has a lot of flavor and character to it, and I'd love to see the other hazard zones like Crey's Folly, get a similar treatment. The changes to the Hollows were nice, but I still think it needs a more serious makeover.



I agree, CF could use some love. I do still go there however with my melee toons to fight the level 38 freaks in the back. It's a nice change of pace from the instanced mission tradition.

Also a story arc idea involving Crey could be, "The Legacy of Count Crey." Maybe Countess gets off for murdering (or did she freeze him?)her husband, and you go there to dig up evidence. Along the way, you run into the Count's "legacy" and have to destroy it. Not sure what his Legacy could be, but it'd be a very interesting plot twist.

- Im Not Talking Fast, You're Just Listening Slow.
- To Each His Own



Crey’s could use a re-vamp with added contacts & missions (Crey, Vanguard, etc…) & additional Zone events.

If Vanguard is going to extend their presence (and possibly give out missions/story arcs) from the RWZ into Crey’s Folly to fight the Rikti; then perhaps Villains can be given access to the zone, & they can enter thru the reopened RWZ/Crey’s gate.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Namely, I would like to see an arc where you have to rein in some rogue Protectors. Some that seem to have developed a sort of "group think." (This is specifically to tie into Unai Keenan's mission later where you explore a certain dimension.... )
Just for reference, the term you're looking for is 'hive mind', I think. Aside from that, sounds like a good idea to me. But yeah, like you said DA first please. And some content for villains either before or in between the two revamps.

E: Or some content for villains IN the revamps! Always thought that Arachnos base in faultline was a missed opportunity, personally.

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