What would you do if you had $100.00??

Bullet Barrage



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Some new boots for fall, probably
I was going to say "buy new shoes", but I've been beaten to it.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
well, there is one of those adjsutable 40lb exercise vests at a local sports store, that would be good for endurance training. i could train like goku .
Like Goku you say?
*Runs off to the Sports store*

- Im Not Talking Fast, You're Just Listening Slow.
- To Each His Own



Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post
Booze and girls.
Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Oh, and with $100, I'd probably put it towards my utility bill.
Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post
or this
Ideally, you could buy enough booze for a girl and she'd pay your utility bill FOR you.

Though it would depend on the girl. And the booze.



Originally Posted by Heartbreaker View Post
While Mio is faptastic, I never understood how people could spend so much on figures. Or daikimakura. Or other otaku goods.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Oh, and with $100, I'd probably put it towards my utility bill.
Totally read that as "Utility belt". I have nothing else to add.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
While Mio is faptastic, I never understood how people could spend so much on figures. Or daikimakura. Or other otaku goods.
... or any other hobby?

How can people spend $10,000 on a gaming PC for 1-2 extra FPS?
How can people spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on *a* comic book? (Or a Magic card, for instance?)
Or shoes?

If that's the price they're at, and they enjoy it - *shrug*



I'd put it toward the new furnace we need.



If I had $100 right now, it would be added to my computer fund that I've been saving up since 2008. I was so close to having enough to replace my "2004/slightly upgraded here and there" rig and then unexpected bills crashed the gates.

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If I had $100 that was totally free-and-clear of responsibility I would put it towards a 6 month membership to an on-line Karaoke site.

Not that I am really all that into Karaoke or a great singer... but I have been wanting to make an "album" of City of Heroes Parody songs now to post in the forums for about 3 months. Unfortunately, the web site requires membership for all the really good songs and unlimited storage while offering such "great" music as "Happy Birthday" for the cheap-a-holics among us.

$100 would get me a six month membership to record my madness and leave me with funds enough for several trips to Amato's (the greatest Sandwich shop... like.... EVAH!)

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



I'd give it to my wife and apologize for it only being $100.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
... or any other hobby?

How can people spend $10,000 on a gaming PC for 1-2 extra FPS?
How can people spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on *a* comic book? (Or a Magic card, for instance?)
Or shoes?

If that's the price they're at, and they enjoy it - *shrug*
I'm not sure if you're tuned into otaku culture, but here's why it doesn't make sense to me...

These figures run in the general range of $80-$200 dollars. And a lot of the series are just a flash in the pan, to be replaced by next season's cuter, fresher model. So there's near constant consumption...

Then you've got people buying goods in bulk. As Konata from Lucky Star put it: you buy one to read/watch, one to lend, one to save, and a back up. Then when you find out maybe your favorite character isn't a virgin you destroy all the things you've sunk your money into.

I'm not saying Heart's that brand of crazy, but it's definitely out there amongst otaku. Once I've been bled for the prices of DVD's that's generally it for me.



I'd put it in the cookie jar towards a new video card so I could finally enjoy the awesomeness that is Ultra Mode.



Terminal Velocity should think yellow with lots of compartments:

Totally read that as "Utility belt". I have nothing else to add.
If it's any consolation, I'd much rather have a utility belt than a utility bill.

Dec out.



If I suddenly and unexpectedly got an extra $100, I'd put it in the bank with the rest of my money. I've no real reason to spend money RIGHT NOW, and it pays to have a bit of backup for those odd days when I feel like I want to buy something expensive and useless, like a large Lego set. I already sunk about $100 into the Galactic Enforcer set a few months ago, and if I know I can afford it, I'll do it again when the mood strikes and I find another decent set.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.