I18: Fiery Aura and your interest in the set.




Laughable. Please don't ever say that Super Reflexes suffers in the high end game compared to Fiery Aura. The only thing that set suffers from is being overshadowed by Shield Defense.

By the way, Practiced Brawler is the only Scrapper Secondary mez protection that gives nothing other than mez protection and and mez resistance. Dark Armor's mez protection is a Psionic Resist. Electric Armor's mez protection is also a Psionic Resist. Willpower's mez protection is also a Psionic Resist. Invulnerability's mez protection is a Resist to All (excpet for Psi). Regeneration's mez protection is both an enhanceable and unenhanceable Regeneration. Shield Defense's mez protection gives Defense Debuff Resistance that can be stacked to give an SD character the DDR cap. Fiery Aura is the only one that has a mez protection that doesn't house all of the mez protections under it. Of the three protections FA gets in toggle form, one is shifted to Fire Shield. Immobilization protection is on a click power and depending on the build you're going for, could be a wasted power pick and slot(s). Though I doubt that, considering how awesome the power is now.

So that leaves us with Super Reflex's mez protection, which gives nothing other than it's mez protection. You can try to single out FA, but SR is the one that has been singled out here.

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Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



It's not laughable. Sneering at my point doesn't make it go away, it just makes you look rude. EVERY SINGLE POWER in SR (with the exception of Quickness) is defensive, so marvelling that it is better defensively than Fiery Aura is "laughable". Fiery Aura is an OFFENSIVE defensive set; it puts out INFINITELY more damage than sets like SR, or Invuln, or Regen, or Willpower. Which all put out precisely 0 damage.

And FYI, shields' Mez prot also does nothing but anti-mez (except for a small amount of -def debuff prot). So that's not just SR. And Electric's anti-mez is split among different powers, AND it's anti-KB doesn't work in the air.

FA is going to make a scrapper or Brute or Tank more of an offensive character (higher damage numbers) than a defensive one, and if you're judging it by standards like "can I farm +4's with it" then sure, it's not the set for you. There are plenty of characters, including whole archetypes, that can't do that. That doesn't make them "bad" archetypes, and it doesn't mean EVERYBODY should roll scrappers. There's plenty of ways to enjoy playing the game. A FA scrapper on a large team, for example is going to DWARF the damage output of a SR scrapper.

You seem very fixated on your particular style of play; the fact that a set doesn't meet your needs doesn't mean it's bad, and doesn't mean that people who like it are bad.



Apologies. I did not actually laugh when I typed that. Similar to when I type Lol and sometimes do not actually laugh.

Stop using Bad and Fiery Aura in the same sentence. Unless you mean Badass. Of course Fiery Aura is an offensively geared set. That is why my Fire/Fire is my favorite Scrapper. Don't tell me Shield Defense can be built into an offensive monster and still get the best mez protection (Disorient, Hold, Immobilize, Sleep, Fear, Confuse, Repel, Knockback) while Fiery Aura, Dark Armor, and Ninjitsu have to keep their lack of knockback protection.

I haven't been very vocal about SR but.. surprise! I think more can be tweaked or changed with that set. When SD's mez protection can be stacked to give the character capped DDR, what the hell does SR have left? Denying (other than Base Defense) Defense reduction is no longer SR's shtick. Yes, I'm still talking about the high end builds. SD will need to spend Inf to obtain this feat. It is just SR. The mez protection it has gives no special perk. I hate the binary nature of SR. The scaling resist isn't even much, except for a tease. At least with Shield Defense I also have the added value of murdering things fast and having significantly higher HP.

I am fixated on my style of play, which is BREAKING ENEMIES IN HALF.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by sprintstnyc View Post
Again, every set has to do this. If you don't want to spend the post-level ten game constantly mezzed, you HAVE to get the anti-mez power. Practiced Brawler and Active Defense HAVE to have extra slots assigned to them if you want them to be perma, AND you can't put any useful IO Sets in them. That's a power pick and a slot gone right there; FA's status protect is baked into its regular defensive shields.

Again, I think you're bellyaching out of proportion to the "injury" you're suffering. You have to blow a TON more power picks and slots on Super Reflexes, for example, to get it to the most complete protection. If anything Fiery Aura gives you MORE room to do what you want with it, because it has so many powers which are skippable.

Sorry. I am absolutely unconvinced.
Wait, are you comparing Practiced Brawler or Active Defense to the KB hole in Fiery Aura or Dark Armor? Really? Drop one slot extra slot in either and you're good to go. I do think click mezzes are not useful in today's game, but... I'm not going to say they're as annoying as a KB hole for a melee set.

I suppose one slot for -kb might cut it for a Scrapper, but for a Brute or Tank with one of these sets, you end up sacrificing 4 slots to avoid most KB in the game... and then there are a few mobs that can STILL get you when you're tanking for your team. This, when every other melee set can just ignore it entirely and slot for whatever.

And those 4 slots do make a difference. I end up cutting slots from powers that I would like to slot more heavily to get that -kb protection. There's no logical game reason to have this difference, either. Why two don't have it when all the others do is rather odd to me.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
but for a Brute or Tank with one of these sets, you end up sacrificing 4 slots to avoid most KB in the game... and then there are a few mobs that can STILL get you when you're tanking for your team. This, when every other melee set can just ignore it entirely and slot for whatever.
It is patently absurd to use more than 1 slot for KB protection outside of PvP on any character. If you are doing a ship raid, a base empowerment buff + the KB IO will be fine, although you can keep the aggro of a pylon even while getting sent flying, so I would not bother to get the empowerment buff unless you get bored while waiting for the raid to start.

Is the base empowerment buff enough to stop the Yellow Mito KB?

Anywhere else it matters, you can use terrain to cover the KB hole nicely.

My original Fire tanker build had 4 KB IOs, but after putting the first one in and playing for awhile, I realized that there was no need for anymore than that. On more normal difficulty settings and small teams, you really don't even need KB protection, but it can get out of hand when the enemy count gets high unless you also have high defense (so if you regularly team with FF or cold, you might be able to do without).

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
It is patently absurd to use more than 1 slot for KB protection outside of PvP on any character. If you are doing a ship raid, a base empowerment buff + the KB IO will be fine, although you can keep the aggro of a pylon even while getting sent flying, so I would not bother to get the empowerment buff unless you get bored while waiting for the raid to start.

Is the base empowerment buff enough to stop the Yellow Mito KB?

Anywhere else it matters, you can use terrain to cover the KB hole nicely.

My original Fire tanker build had 4 KB IOs, but after putting the first one in and playing for awhile, I realized that there was no need for anymore than that. On more normal difficulty settings and small teams, you really don't even need KB protection, but it can get out of hand when the enemy count gets high unless you also have high defense (so if you regularly team with FF or cold, you might be able to do without).
what a lame arguement. One doesn't even need to slot for any -KB if you just enter costume contests in AP.

The point is there are plenty of places you need it. I usually run around with just 2 -KB IOs and I have to still pick myself off the floor from time to time.

Actually I would rather have -Immob. removed from burn and put into a toggle over the KB hole. Screw CJ, I hate talking that power. Or at least add immob protection to other powers like Manuevers or Weave (not resistance) or something.

Then again all melee ATs should get KB protection, after all even Doms get it in Domination.



BTW I am now even more interested in FA because of the changes, I rolled a new KM/FA this week and am a happy camper.



Originally Posted by Golden_Pie View Post
BTW I am now even more interested in FA because of the changes, I rolled a new KM/FA this week and am a happy camper.
Hell yeah! My next Kinetic Melee Scrapper will either be paired up with Fiery Aura or Shield Defense.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Golden_Pie View Post
what a lame arguement. One doesn't even need to slot for any -KB if you just enter costume contests in AP.

The point is there are plenty of places you need it. I usually run around with just 2 -KB IOs and I have to still pick myself off the floor from time to time.
What are you going on about? I agreed 1 KB protection IO was very useful. I am simply stating that there is currently almost no reason for more and even in the two places where it may be a problem to only have 1, there is a simple solution that does not impact your build.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Spinning it the other way around, I don't see any reason to waste time gathering specific salvage and going to base when I can just devote 2 additional slots to KB protection.

Besides, are we on the scrapper forum or the RP forum ? Last I've checked we do things like taking on x8 spawns of carnies, nemesis, and soloing AVs. Against that kind of stuff, falling flat on your back can simply kill you ; and even if it doesn't, you're doing 0 DPS while you're helplessly thrown around.

Downtime of any kind isn't my idea of fun.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Spinning it the other way around, I don't see any reason to waste time gathering specific salvage and going to base when I can just devote 2 additional slots to KB protection.

Besides, are we on the scrapper forum or the RP forum ? Last I've checked we do things like taking on x8 spawns of carnies, nemesis, and soloing AVs. Against that kind of stuff, falling flat on your back can simply kill you ; and even if it doesn't, you're doing 0 DPS while you're helplessly thrown around.

Downtime of any kind isn't my idea of fun.
I am glad there are multiple ways to build and play. If you like that 12 protection, good on you. If you frequently engage in playing the game where even a brief respite can kill you, you may want to have that 12 at all times.

x8 spawns of carnies solo. FA's KB hole is the least of its concerns. Soloing AVs, the KB hole is the least of its concerns.

This being the scrapper forums does not mean we only discuss soloing AVs and fighting x8 spawns solo. If that is what you want to do, then you can build for it, of course. But that is so far out of the norm, that I still say its patently ridiculous to slot more than 1 KB protection IO in any character, especially when taking into context that I was responding to a post that was implying that tankers and brutes needed to slot 4 of the things in order to team tank successfully.

One KB protection IO is plenty to team tank any content in the game without KB being a big issue except for Hami and to a much lesser extent the Rikti pylons and even in those cases I would recommend not slotting 4 of the things and instead using another technique to aid yourself (unless Hami tanking is the only thing you pull out your FA toon to do). Not being an issue does not mean it never happens. It means you are KBd rarely enough for it to not be an issue.

The lack of KB protection is a weakness. It is a dilemma to solve. It will cause problems. If it was not a drawback, no one would complain about it. I am not denying that getting KBd is usually undesirable. If it never caused a problem, it would not be a weakness. As far as I can see there really is not a balance reason to lack KB protection, so it is a flavor decision. You either like the flavor or you don't. I like it and find its very easy to deal with the weakness. For a long time FA had a lot more weaknesses. Some of those have been improved upon. There are still things I would like to see improved, but the KB hole is the least of concerns.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Maybe this is my time as an /FA brute talking, but I always found the Psi hole more annoying than the KB problem. Red side there's a ton of psi damage in the 30-50 content. Hit like a ton of bricks.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
It is patently absurd to use more than 1 slot for KB protection outside of PvP on any character. If you are doing a ship raid, a base empowerment buff + the KB IO will be fine, although you can keep the aggro of a pylon even while getting sent flying, so I would not bother to get the empowerment buff unless you get bored while waiting for the raid to start.
No, it's not. If you ever do a story arc with Nemesis in it, every Fake will knock you back. If you ever do a story arc with carnies in it, Master Illusionists' Phantasms will knock you back with their Energy Torrent (it has much higher KB mag than the player version). If you ever go on STF or RSFs, the AVs will kick you around. If you ever do a Hamidon raid, you will be useless against yellow Mitos.

How do I know these things for sure? Because I use 1 KB IO on my flying Defenders, Corruptors and Controllers, and all those things kick them around. But since they usually hover in combat, and since they don't usually stand in the middle of a pile of foes, they can usually tolerate that to a greater extent than my melee characters who have significant survival tied up in click powers.

I think it's patently absurd to suggest that every hour that I am faced with Nemesis or Carnies on settings high enough to have bosses every spawn that I run to the market and my base. And I can forgive lack of awareness or lack of caring that your base buff will probably expire early if you try to use it at a Hamidon raid, and that leaving to refresh it probably means you lose your spot at the raid.

So, yes, for some characters I think one KB protection IO is adequate. For my melee characters I do not.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



If you're fighting lots of nemesis or carnies you got stuff to worry about no matter what. Zillions of stacking vengeance buffs, psionic damage, Mask of Vitiation, etc etc etc. KB doesn't help, but if you're able to stand up to that other stuff you've probably made investments in your character that dwarf the outlay of the -KB IO's.



This being the scrapper forums does not mean we only discuss soloing AVs and fighting x8 spawns solo. If that is what you want to do, then you can build for it, of course. But that is so far out of the norm, that I still say its patently ridiculous to slot more than 1 KB protection IO in any character, especially when taking into context that I was responding to a post that was implying that tankers and brutes needed to slot 4 of the things in order to team tank successfully.
It's not like building to solo AVs or x8 spawns will make you build in a way that is suboptimal in the rest of the game - and indeed that is why I never actually said I was strictly talking about that.

On the other hand, you're going to have a hard time to convince me there's not two slots in your build that would have a better impact covering the KB hole against high KB enemies than doing whatever it is they do.

You can spin it how you want and hide behind relative terms, but at the end of the day 3 KB IOs make a significant difference compared to 1-2 in terms of how many mobs KB you. Unless you constantly got buffers and/or tankers to babysit you, you are going to get KBed. While you'll waste time positioning yourself so you don't get KBed too far (what kind of tactic is that anyway, heh), I'll have killed the spawn and moved on to the next one ; or maybe the difference won't be dramatic, but I'll have saved 3 seconds in a 15 second fight, which will eventually add up to me doing (i.e.) 20% more damage than you.

To advocate suboptimal building for the sake of looking cool with so-called thinking outside the box is one thing, and if you stopped at that I'd chuckle but say nothing and move on ; however, once you start insinuating people who do it right do it wrong, I'm sorry but that is just ludicrous ; although I'll admit I might give you too much credit as you seem to defeat your own argument rather well yourself, as the amount of effort you suggest should be spent just to save two slots and still conclude with "it is an issue sometimes" says it all.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
What are you going on about? I agreed 1 KB protection IO was very useful. I am simply stating that there is currently almost no reason for more and even in the two places where it may be a problem to only have 1, there is a simple solution that does not impact your build.
Pylons and that Praetorian AV wench that spams a KB attack. Watched her KB a freaking tank with every hit and the tank had acrobatics. I had three KB IOs on my em/fa brute before I deleted him and the pylon still tossed him around with ease. Fark a buncha FA and DA. As long as the KB hole exists I will not waste my time with them.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Pylons and that Praetorian AV wench that spams a KB attack. Watched her KB a freaking tank with every hit and the tank had acrobatics.
Well, the real thing that protects non-FA/DA chars from KB isn't the actual KB prot: it's the KB resist. The 10000% KB/KU resist would allow you to get away without any KB prot except in the most extreme cases (and, even then, you'd be able to get away with just .1 mag).

Weighing in on the topic myself, I think the prevalence of KB/KU in the game makes the lack of protection in DA and FA rather substantial and it's not like either powerset really gets something to make up for it. If a set like SD is allowed to get away with permanent KB prot while getting everything else at its disposal, I would expect that there is decent grounds for FA and DA to get some KB prot and resist somewhere (probably add it straight to Obsidian Shield and either Plasma Shield or Burn).



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
No, it's not. If you ever do a story arc with Nemesis in it, every Fake will knock you back. If you ever do a story arc with carnies in it, Master Illusionists' Phantasms will knock you back with their Energy Torrent (it has much higher KB mag than the player version). If you ever go on STF or RSFs, the AVs will kick you around. If you ever do a Hamidon raid, you will be useless against yellow Mitos.
The Energy Torrent thing is very strange. Sometimes it knocks me back and sometimes it doesn't. How do I know? Because my FA tanker and FA scrapper each have 4 pts of KB protection.

The STF AVs are cake to deal with only having 4 pts of KB protection on my tanker. It is more difficult on my scrapper, although its only a big impact vs. Recluse and once the blue tower is down, its not as much of an issue because he doesn't spam the PBAoE with KB and when he does use it, it often misses. How do I know this? Because my FA tanker and scrapper each have 4 pts of KB protection and are constantly in melee throughout a STF.

Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I think it's patently absurd to suggest that every hour that I am faced with Nemesis or Carnies on settings high enough to have bosses every spawn that I run to the market and my base. And I can forgive lack of awareness or lack of caring that your base buff will probably expire early if you try to use it at a Hamidon raid, and that leaving to refresh it probably means you lose your spot at the raid.
I run Carnie and Nemesis and Council and DE missions all the time. 4 pts of KB protection is plenty to make KB an insignificant issue. I was under the impression that most Hami raids took 40ish minutes, although I have to concede that even if that is true, you may have to be in the Hive for awhile before the raid in order to preserve your spot.

Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
So, yes, for some characters I think one KB protection IO is adequate. For my melee characters I do not.
I guess I was wrong and its not patently absurd. My apologies to those who feel they need more than 4. I disagree with you, but calling it absurd was not correct.

Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
On the other hand, you're going to have a hard time to convince me there's not two slots in your build that would have a better impact covering the KB hole against high KB enemies than doing whatever it is they do.
I cannot convince you. You would have to run a lot of missions with just 4 and decide for yourself. I believe that with just 4 pts, KB becomes a non-issue. Yes, you will occasionally get KBd, but its impact on your survivability and kill speed will be negligible.

Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
To advocate suboptimal building for the sake of looking cool with so-called thinking outside the box is one thing, and if you stopped at that I'd chuckle but say nothing and move on ; however, once you start insinuating people who do it right do it wrong, I'm sorry but that is just ludicrous ; although I'll admit I might give you too much credit as you seem to defeat your own argument rather well yourself, as the amount of effort you suggest should be spent just to save two slots and still conclude with "it is an issue sometimes" says it all.
I am not advocating it for the sake of looking cool. I believe it is good advice to recommend against "wasting" slots beyond 1 KB IO. To be clear, in my last paragraph when I said KB was a dilemma, I feel that 1 slot will solve the dilemma, but using that one slot is still something you need to do if you plan on facing a fair number of enemies often.

You have all convinced me I was wrong to call it absurd. I still disagree and will encourage people not to bother with more than one.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
Well, the real thing that protects non-FA/DA chars from KB isn't the actual KB prot: it's the KB resist. The 10000% KB/KU resist would allow you to get away without any KB prot except in the most extreme cases (and, even then, you'd be able to get away with just .1 mag).

Weighing in on the topic myself, I think the prevalence of KB/KU in the game makes the lack of protection in DA and FA rather substantial and it's not like either powerset really gets something to make up for it. If a set like SD is allowed to get away with permanent KB prot while getting everything else at its disposal, I would expect that there is decent grounds for FA and DA to get some KB prot and resist somewhere (probably add it straight to Obsidian Shield and either Plasma Shield or Burn).
Pretty much my sentiments exactly. There isn't a good design reason for them not to have the protection (I heard a few "power logic" statements trying to argue for them not having it, but I can come up with ones that show they should have it), and it puts them at a disadvantage to other sets not to have the protection. Fiery Aura already gives up some defense for offense, so the KB stuff is over the top.

And Strato... I tried playing with 1 KB protection enhancers (and I do in my more offensive build for my tank), but I was dissatisfied with how much he still got knocked back. I can handle that on my non-Tank characters, but I want my Tanks to be on their feet at all times.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by sprintstnyc View Post
Maybe this is my time as an /FA brute talking, but I always found the Psi hole more annoying than the KB problem. Red side there's a ton of psi damage in the 30-50 content. Hit like a ton of bricks.
That's part of why I don't want to worry about a KB hole. There are enough other things worth going for without having to be distracted by KB protection. And most other sets can go for those without being distracted by a lack of kb protection.

Though I did manage to get my psionic defenses to about 23% and 14% resists, so I don't mind psi that much. Though Tanker HP and a fast recharging Healing Flames do help.

Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
I can respect that as a want.
When tanking for a team, I see it as more than a want. But even if we call it a want, you do have to admit this whole debate is not needed for almost all of the defense sets. Nothing about FA or DA warrants this shortcoming, either. Which is my entire point.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
When tanking for a team, I see it as more than a want. But even if we call it a want, you do have to admit this whole debate is not needed for almost all of the defense sets. Nothing about FA or DA warrants this shortcoming, either. Which is my entire point.
I certainly don't think of this as a balance issue, as I agree none of the current armor sets need a lack of KB protect because they are so great in other ways (although you might be able to make a case with DA). I also do not believe the KB hole prevents you from tanking for a team, although you will certainly have to be aware of it if you leave yourself totally open to it.

Since it exists just for thematic reasons, the question becomes, is the lack of KB protection so bad that its dragging the set down below acceptable levels? For some people it seems to be that way. For me, it is most certainly not that way. I like that FA is a very movement oriented set, including that I can get knocked around. You need to move in order to stay alive better. You need to move to get more folks into Burn patch. You want to move into a good spot to use RotP. When do you use the heal? I do not want it to become a well-rounded protection clone of my WP tanker. I can play my WP tanker when I want that playstyle.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



is the lack of KB protection so bad that its dragging the set down?
Does the KB hole provide mitigation for your foes in the same way that it provides mitigation for players that use it? Yes.

Does it do so by causing you to be unable to attack during the knock phase? Yes.

Does it prevent you from using the tools that you must use to provide yourself mitigation such as self heals? Yes.

The answer to your question is yes. The KB hole is detrimental to the set. This detriment lacks logical reasoning for its existence especially when comparing the overall benefits the set provides and the overall benefits that sets without the KB hole provide.

You find that FA is a movement orientated set. I agree. Too bad you can't move, heal, drop burn or do anything else while you're being tossed around the battlefield like a squishy.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
I certainly don't think of this as a balance issue, as I agree none of the current armor sets need a lack of KB protect because they are so great in other ways (although you might be able to make a case with DA). I also do not believe the KB hole prevents you from tanking for a team, although you will certainly have to be aware of it if you leave yourself totally open to it.
My point is merely that these sets don't have anything going for them that is so powerful that no KB Protection is warranted. No matter how you slice it, it IS a concern a user of those sets needs to be aware of and build around, unlike the majority of other sets.

Can you get around the problem? Yes. Is it a problem the two sets should have to get around? I contend no. Again, it would make sense if they were over the top in some other way, but they're not.

Since it exists just for thematic reasons, the question becomes, is the lack of KB protection so bad that its dragging the set down? For some people it seems to be that way. For me, it is most certainly not that way. I like that FA is a very movement oriented set, including that I can get knocked around. You need to move in order to stay alive better. You need to move to get more folks into Burn patch. You want to move into a good spot to use RotP. When do you use the heal? I do not want it to become a well-rounded protection clone of my WP tanker. I can play my WP tanker when I want that playstyle.
Granting KB protection to either set is not going to suddenly make them into WP or on par with it. Their resists and other powers make them entirely different beasts.

For the earlier part of the paragraph... are you really against the two getting KB protection? At best, it seems like you're saying "I know it's there, but I don't let it bug me." That doesn't really constitute an argument against the change. I make the best of it that I can and still love Fiery Aura (Grey Pilgrim is a Fire/Fire tank, my first character, and I still play him all the time), but that doesn't make me ignore that an imbalance exists... and one that is not warranted to boot.

Again, not really sure what we're arguing about, other than degrees to which this bothers us.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



tl;dr - After I typed the below out I realized, asking for 2 to 5 pts of KB protection baked into the set, I would not oppose. It is merely the total immunity that other sets have that I would not like.

Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Does it prevent you from using the tools that you must use to provide yourself mitigation such as self heals? Yes.
Only active mitigation is "turned off" by getting knocked. Mitigation from toggles, passives, buffs, and debuffs already applied are still working fine.

Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
You find that FA is a movement orientated set. I agree. Too bad you can't move, heal, drop burn or do anything else while you're being tossed around the battlefield like a squishy.
I know, it is awesome that I have to take it into consideration. At least I don't have to think any extra about non-positional Psi... because all the Psi hurts the same and a lot!

Pick your weaknesses. Lack of damage boost. Lack of damage aura. Lack of damage patch. Lack of aggro aura (although the scrapper version of FA does not taunt). Lack of a heal. Lack of self-rez. Lack of End recovery. I find sets that lack these things less fun to play. Yet I am fine with lack of KB protection, although I prefer to have a low amount.

Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
For the earlier part of the paragraph... are you really against the two getting KB protection? At best, it seems like you're saying "I know it's there, but I don't let it bug me."
I am against adding KB protection to FA, but not because I think FA is too strong and not because I think FA with KB protection would be too strong and not because I think FA gets enough other benefits.

I am against it because I enjoy the KB hole. I like it thematically. I like it when it happens to me. I love how it looks from time to time. The level of KB I suffer with 3 or 4 pts of KB protection is probably about as near to perfect for my enjoyment as you could get while still making me suffer a drawback. It is a weakness I enjoy and one I enjoy working around. I know FA would not be like WP if just the KB hole is closed, but it would be a step closer and a step in a direction I would not like.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.